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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 1200x675, bologna_bite.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15050881 No.15050881 [Reply] [Original]

If you grew up eating these, you are based.

>> No.15050899
File: 309 KB, 1600x1200, 100_3280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta fry that shit anon. Just like grandma use to make when you'd visit her in the summer.

>> No.15050904

I didn't get so many slices of bologna though
Who shot that pic, The National Baloney Association?

>> No.15050906

a hungry boy of course

>> No.15050971

Relentlessly based

>> No.15050973

do americans really

>> No.15050974

I grew up eating anchovy sandwiches and chopped olive sandwiches.

Based grandma.

>> No.15050982

Gimme that nice tomato with just mayonnaise and cucumber slices.

Also any tomato on a sandwich should always be seasoned.

>> No.15050987
File: 111 KB, 480x404, 1416608552960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15050881 Yeah wtf OP were you rich or something?

>> No.15051022

its from google

>> No.15051076
File: 35 KB, 600x400, 403da537561be7bd89f97cb18d615a3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Used to eat "cherrios" at birthday parties. Boiled mini sausages served with Tomato sauce.

>> No.15051081
File: 49 KB, 426x500, 51htCZMeB2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canned vienna sausages is true poorfag american food

>> No.15051089

Nah. OP? You were just poor trash. Nobody ate that shit unless they had to.


>> No.15051113
File: 172 KB, 666x444, IMG_6908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shit is tasty and if you don't care about misc meat and lots of sodium then all good.

Hell, look at the Germans and their enthusiasm for Leberkase. Basically the same stuff... isn't it?

>> No.15051192

What's the meat content?

>> No.15051262

It's about 40% fat.

>> No.15051455
File: 121 KB, 1023x631, panino-imbottito-e1557928095556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but in italy bologna/mortadella is actually nice and has a good reputation

>> No.15051477

Does salami on bakery bread count? Cuz I used to slather that shit in mustard while sitting in front of the tv to watch Arthur after school.

>> No.15051494
File: 109 KB, 1200x803, soppressa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think salami has already a too much strong and salty flavor to combine well with mustard, i don't know how much milder is abroad

>> No.15051497

Oh no it's cheap shitty cotto salami my dad bought at the grocery store. He loved the stuff fried hard with and egg, but I ate it cold on white bread with mustard.

>> No.15051514
File: 189 KB, 1060x1060, kit-panino-onto-salsiccia-schiacciatella_530x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, i feel the taste could be similar to salamella, a sort of not cured salami which is grilled and eaten with bread, often with mustard or whatever (grilled onions and peppers is the "standard")

>> No.15051520

I just ate the ham out of the fridge, rolled up with tomato sauce inside.

>> No.15051526

Cotto salami is very similar to american bologna, but with peppercorns and salami flavoring added.

Pairs splendidly with yellow mustard common here.
(I also fry it and add an egg; anon's dad seems like a pretty cool guy.)

>> No.15051541
File: 397 KB, 1024x683, Salamelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, salamella has nothing to do with it so
the fact you said you fried it deceived me

>> No.15051979

>Eating uncircumcised sausages
Whats it like being a raging gaytard

>> No.15052049

Based? No. Poor? Yes. That was my school lunch every day for years, now I avoid it when I can.

>> No.15052053

>Buterbrod with Doctor's sausage

>> No.15052471

I look at that picture and can feel the coating of cold congealed fat on the roof of my mouth.

>> No.15052487
File: 116 KB, 512x512, loaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fans of loaf over bologna or nah?

>> No.15052499
File: 282 KB, 382x448, loaf_7oz-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any loafers?

>> No.15052506
File: 288 KB, 394x448, oliveloaf_7oz-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like olive loaf

>> No.15052523

Buterbrod should be without top slice of bread. And better with butter between bread and sausage.

>> No.15052536

Yeah that's like an entire pack lol

>> No.15052724
File: 451 KB, 1600x1200, eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill for ya anon: Toast, aioli, sliced tomato with salt and pepper.

Pic related. Feel free to ignore the heavenly bacon, leeks and egg combos if you must.

>> No.15052732

damnit nana you know I don't like mayo and thats not enough bologna to feed an african

>> No.15054851

corn syrup infused hot dog mush with sliced cake makes you based?

>> No.15054890

it's the glycerides, nitrates, glutamates, and smoke flavor that makes us poor boys so based.
and yes, as close to cake as you can outside your birthday or friend's birthdays.

>> No.15054919

more like basehead

>> No.15055895

Here in Best Freedom Burger, people fry crappy lunchmeats (like bologna or cotto salami) and then turn them into sandwiches, sometimes with fried eggs.
Just take the slices and then fry them in a pan.

>> No.15055914

>wipipo struggle meals

>> No.15056061

What the fuck, are you rich? That's like 7 slices of newfoundland steak right there

>> No.15056078

Based on what?

>> No.15056092

Throw some nacho cheese Doritos on there, crunched up a little, but not too much, and you have a god tier sandwich.

>> No.15056097

>the entire fucking package of bologna on his one sandwich
do retarded poorfags rly do this shit?

>> No.15056126

it's the real meat in the Every Meat Burrito

>> No.15056149

okay fat

>> No.15056167

Speaking of wypipo struggle meals, anyone else smear cheap frosting inside hot dog buns and pretend they were twinkies?

>> No.15056183

that's not a "struggle meal" that's just fatassery

>> No.15056195

>100g cheap cold cut between cheap untoasted white bread
fucking disgusting
this looks okay

>> No.15056225

It is a struggle meal, because the combination is cheaper than a box of twinkies, and you get more out of it, and sometimes it was the only way to get any calories in my body that day. Weekends and breaks from school were hell.

>> No.15056251

Sombreros, egg, American cheese on white.

>> No.15057693

No, I would and still do just eat buttered bread though in depressive modes of "I just want my stomach to stop growling but don't want to eat", just shove that shit down in seconds, maybe deepthroat a banana, go back to whatever media I'm distracting myself with.

>> No.15057725

>It is a struggle meal, because the combination is cheaper than a box of twinkies, and you get more out of it, and sometimes it was the only way to get any calories in my body that day. Weekends and breaks from school were hell.
Aww. You poor kiddo.

I grew up having that 4 choice combo of Oscar Meyer half of the time when my Mom did not not do the shopping, because my dad loved cotto salami, and mom said the hard salami wasn't as healthy (LOL), but I don't recall having any issue with a bologna on white bread with mayo or mustard. I knew it was "cheap" meat, and we had better more often than that one, but for a long shelf life backup plan we had it. Thanks to Dad! Dad would buy Italian dry aged, that paper wrapped salami with a great garlic flavor, when mom wasn't looking. For some reason, we never ate cafeteria food at school. To this day, I still love an occasional cold PBJ and glass of milk.

>> No.15057731

I'll eat virtually everything under the sun despite being a very fussy kid growing up but I still find these lunch meat concoctions pretty gross.

>> No.15057733

I ate that but I didn't put entire damn pack of bologna in my sandwich