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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 1200x630, subway-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15031676 No.15031676 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into store
>wait 10 minutes while redneck argues with person behind the counter
>finally get to order
>indian immigrant worker yelling at me
>i cant understand him because of his accent
>sloppily throws my sandwich together, coughs while doing it
>wrapper is somehow soaking wet despite me not putting any condiments on my sub
what the fuck is wrong with subway

>> No.15031680

Subway is good but I preffee pubix

>> No.15031700

canuck here
i was in Chicago once and was craving Subway
indian dude didn't understand a single thing i said
"do you have the sub of the day promotion"
"...sub of the day?"
"...are you running any promotions right now?"
eventually i just turned around and left and got gyros instead

>> No.15031792

One time I went to Subway and the "sandwich artist" was an obese woman with a dirty ass hoodie on, and as she was reaching for ingredients while making my sandwich she dragged her fucking sweatshirt through the sandwich. This happened multiple times. I think I was too in shock at what I was seeing to realize I should have walked out then and there, so to really kick it on home she also dropped the whole sandwich on the floor as it was coming out of the oven. Needless to say I walked out without a sandwich.

>> No.15031835

Why are my fellow Americans fucking retarded? I can travel overseas and get my point across in a country where I don't even speak the language. I just got an Italian Beef and a pack of beer on Saturday from old Indians and Sri Lankans that I could barely fucking understand. It's not that hard.

>> No.15031846

>indian immigrant worker yelling at me
is this canada?

>> No.15031862

The only reason I would go to Subway was if there was nothing else available, and I was starving
A local deli is almost always better

>> No.15031869


>> No.15031879


>> No.15031887

should we start with the bread that isn't actually bread?

>> No.15031901

>indian dude didn't understand a single thing i said

Welcome to fucking America. We even outsourced the one job where it might be helpful to speak english: telephone tech support.

>> No.15031986

at least the gyros i got were really fucking good

>> No.15032013

Go in subway to get my sloppa. Indian ask me if I want extra cheese. Say no. He starts begging for me to put extra cheese that he needs to make more money (His literal words) He was also incredibly cheap witht the vedgies. Never went back. What is it with indians and owning subway in Canada?

>> No.15032024

Where did you go, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.15032037

>Italian herb and cheese or, if available, jalapeño cheddar bread
>foot long, of course,
>pepper jack cheese
>lettuce, tomato, onion, olives, banana peppers
>chipotle southwest
>bag of jalapeño kettle chips
I eat this at least once a week.

>> No.15032056
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, 4f0d589b47c0c6c38cd9bfc650cce98e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely feel bad for flyovers. Imagine not having a mom and pop deli with freshly sliced cold cuts and fresh-baked bread on virtually every street. What a miserable existence.

>> No.15032058

I’d rather live in a 99% white town in a red state than have access to decent deli food. But that’s just me.

>> No.15032061
File: 97 KB, 640x854, 1599978456251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subway tastes like fucking depression and poor life choices, I'll never eat there again.

>> No.15032081

Sandwiches are just sandwiches, anon.

>> No.15032082

Stop over feeding your cat you gay urbinite

>> No.15032083

Cope. My town is 93% white.

>> No.15032088

i don't remember, unfortunately, but it was a family-owned diner in elk grove

>> No.15032095

There's a world of difference between a good and shitty sandwich. If you've spent your life eating at subway, you wouldn't know

>> No.15032096

>going to subway
Haven't you anons taken the jersey mike's pill yet?

>> No.15032098
File: 670 KB, 676x526, youfuckingslut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my cat you silly little bitch

>> No.15032107

Typically only grab Subway if I'm in a rush, like in an airport and don't have time to stop in the FF Club, but they serve sandwiches all over the country.

>> No.15032387

i bet you think the election was fake lol

>> No.15032399

>not walking out

lmfao @ you

>> No.15032802

Their tuna sub is 9 dollars after tax, literally no reason to go anymore.

>> No.15032828

Except you are fat and lazy so you still go there

>> No.15032843

My local Subway is run by an Indian husband and wife. I don't think they have any employees at all. I assume they are too fucking cheap for it and do everything themselves, top to bottom. When you're in there they mainly argue with one another. They don't really speak English so it's more about grunting and gesturing at the ingredients you want.

>> No.15032847

The one and only time I got a salad from Subway, the _artist_ was so busy telling me about paintball that he accidentally cut his own finger and bled into my salad, which I still ate.

>> No.15032853

Is roast beef dropped from their menu permanently or what? Because I may never go to subway again.

>> No.15033015

I don't understand subway. If you want something shitty and cheap you go get a sandwich at the gas station. If you want something more expensive and actually good you go to a deli. Subway manages to be expensive while still being gas station tier.

>> No.15033059

Oh you just going to go to McDonald's more often

>> No.15033520

I don't like hamburgers

>> No.15033547

It's the exact same thing in canukistan. McDonalds is weirdly the only place you regularly see white people working at.

>> No.15033568

>that’ll be 13.99 plus tip :^)

>> No.15033601


>> No.15033611

Shut up Ireland

>> No.15033620

You say that like grocery stores there don't have a deli built in

>> No.15033674

around me there are subways tucked in the corner of gas stations so wa la

>> No.15033742

Don't forget getting your clothes stink-stained for the next 4 days

>> No.15033778

Shut your racist mouth, Hindi men like me are rated far higher than white helpdesk support engineer.

We replace you because we do a better job.

>> No.15033874

Free protein.

>> No.15033883

Prime example of a too-successful marketing campaign. Five dollar footlong is forever embedded in society's consciousness, so they just can't compete these days. 5 dollars is far, far too cheap for a quality sub, and millennials are far more quality than cost sensitive. They'll always seem overpriced since people are expecting five bucks for a footlong, and they'll always seem like garbage since there's no fucking way they can charge that little for actual food these days. They can't just completely rebrand since their brand is the only thing keeping them afloat. They're stuck in the deadly middle ground of being terrible for the cost, but too expensive to be the cheap option and too common to be niche.

>> No.15033931

I only ate once there because I was starving and was in the "good" upper class district of my third world city where luxurious food chains like Subway, lmao, are.
It was good but I attribute that to it being a basic meatball sandwich. Not even our monkey population could unwillingly fuck that up.

>> No.15033935

>We replace you because we do a better job.
lmao, it's because you get paid less. You can hire 3 Indians for the price of 1 American.

>> No.15033945

>We replace you because we do a better job.
Planet sized C O P E.

>> No.15033947

Hello, Mr. Franchise Owner. My local deli's foot long subs are 9.95 at most for actual food, and it's run by an actual Italian- American. Subway has failed to keep up with the times in pretty much every instance.

>> No.15033964

>and too common to be niche
This is actually a huge problem for Subway. Corporate has very few rules for franchising, they just wanted to expand to be as large as they could and maximize franchising fees. This has led to no restrictions on distance for storefronts, so there's quite a few Subway owners directly competing with one another for business, which is something McDonald's, Taco Bell and other's don't do. Generally there's a radius around existing storefronts that franchises aren't allowed to be built in, but Subway doesn't do that and it hurts the franchisee. Plus the whole $5 footlong thing.

I can't imagine that the average Subway owner makes much more than $40-$50k year, when all is said and done, if that.

>> No.15034066

Oh here comes /ck/'s resident butthurt poojeet with an eternal inferiority complex about white people

>> No.15034127

>go to murica
>the bread is even sweeter cause corn syrup
stop calling cake bread

>> No.15035328

don't you have some window to go shit out of?

>> No.15035350

>retard comes to America orders a Krispy creme
>immediately writes a reddddditpost about bread being too sweet

>> No.15035358

>Being poor
lmfao enjoy your HFCS

>> No.15035360

>walk into store
you deserve anything awful that happens to you from that point on

>> No.15035372

how about you try real bread and not some corn syrup laced white "bread" for once

>> No.15035379

Exactly, don't order a Krispy creme and cry that its not a pumpernickle

>> No.15035383

I’ve had all the nicer deli stuff and love it. But believe me sometimes you’ll just get the craving for subway. Love that chicken teriyaki. Same reason I’ll get a rare craving for Mcdonalds cheeseburgers even though I know I could get one at some fancier place or homemade, just can’t explain it.

>> No.15035395

There is a subway that is facing a Walmart that has a subway inside it near me. Always thought it was the funniest thing.

>> No.15035401

>Most fast food restaurants that started out before
Because you are fat and lazy. Learn to cook if you want good food

>> No.15035408

>living in, around or near stinky foreigners

>> No.15035409

Huh? I’m telling you, I love high quality foods and eat them more regularly. Typical fast food chains are like a guilty pleasure

>> No.15035414
File: 2.08 MB, 1158x1158, americanswhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr stop eating donuts
does this look like krispy creme to you retard?

>> No.15035429

Slippery slope, anon. 93 turns into 90, 90 into 80, 80 into 60, and before you know it you become a minority in a place you used to love while receiving none of the benefits of being actually black or something haha. I’ll leave you with this, don’t try and act better than others, it’s a Jewish trait (think divide and conquer) you are fighting your white brother when you needlessly argue. You should be thinking instead on how to get that percentage higher to 99 (imagine 100!).

>> No.15035430

>taking the expression literally
>calls others a retard
if the shoe fits my friend

>> No.15035432

Why did you buy a product that you hate so you could redddditpost about it and cry like a baby?

>> No.15035434

Like dude stop buying donuts if you don't like donuts gee how hard is that to understand

>> No.15035435

>implies i didn't actually eat bread
>hurr durr it's just a figure of speech

>> No.15035441

Because asking for Indian slopshit from a paki fuck is easier for them to understand than "whats on sale" dumbass

>> No.15035443

The fuck?

>> No.15035446
File: 35 KB, 350x263, 54f94d5cc12f1_-_twinkie-creme-filled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr durr I bought this bread in America, hurr why is it so sweet, durr why Americans eat this fake bread hurrdedurr dumb Americans sugarbread

>> No.15035450
File: 164 KB, 811x1049, C01CC69D-7FF8-4944-A7AD-E524754D0766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fuck?

>> No.15035454

>No green text
>No read

>> No.15035458


>> No.15035461

>oh no our corporate overlords would never lace our "bread" with corn syrup. not in our "first world" nation surely

>> No.15035466

I bet you have a panic attack every time you see a BLM flag

>> No.15035474
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 1595772658282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr me eat McDonald's me mad McDonald's taste like shit but me love shit taste McDonald's me eat McDonald's everyday fuck McDonald's fucking Americans make me eat McDonald's

>> No.15035487

Nah I never relax around them.

>> No.15035493

Oh no how will America ever recover if you stop buying Krispy creme and comp,aiming about baguettes

>> No.15035504

>we're literally destroying our own country but at least we still got "real" bread

>> No.15035517
File: 7 KB, 293x172, 1558787213650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garbage thread for persians

>> No.15035521

reddit-tier 2.7GPA argument person looks at that list and says "HFCS bad".

a person who understands that nutrition science is in its infancy and is incredibly complicated to do sees soybean oil and lifts an eyebrow.

And no it's not because "basebeans = bitchtits". There are plenty of evidence amounting against vegetable oils. HFCS is bad but it's so obviously bad that even normies can avoid it. Whereas vegetable oils are present in more things you eat, almost anything you eat, and in greater quantities than HFCS. At this point nobody should be cooking or consuming products with anything other than butter, animal fats, coconut oil, olive and maybe avocado oil. Or don't I don't give a shit, but don't wonder why you feel so self conscious taking your shirt off at the pool. Or hypercompensating by pretending you are confident in your skinnyfat body.

>> No.15035529

no u and my arguments were purely about taste

>> No.15035534

You got that level of service and dealt with it for a sandwich worse than what you could've bought and assembled from a grocery store in 10 minutes.
You are the problem, you allow this to happen.

>> No.15036132

Look at his fucking face oh my goodness

>> No.15037108

Subway actively makes life harder for their franchisers through predatory sourcing agreements and mandatory shipment sizes as well as over saturation. They are told they can only order ingredients directly from Subway's chosen distributor, even if they could get a much better price locally. As for the mandatory shipment sizes they will force stores to purchase in the same increments regardless of local sale volumes and local tastes. Only sell ten or so veggie patties a week? Too bad. Guess you gotta pay out of pocket for the spoilage.