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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 474x450, cream cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15023004 No.15023004 [Reply] [Original]

>opened up package of cream cheese
>expired in August
>looked fine
>smelled fine
>texture had slightly changed
>used it to make dinner
>tasted fine
I mean- I'll be fine, right?

>> No.15023043

nah you're dead

>> No.15023048

How long do I have, doc?

>> No.15023051

10 hours

>> No.15023070

Rip op

>> No.15023078

"fine" is a relative term in this case, since you're going to get sick and go into a coma, and wake up gay.

>> No.15023085

It's already over. You're posting from hell, anon.

>> No.15023149

kind of related.. I bought a huge container of philly cream cheese from costco 45 days ago and opened it that day. i had some on a bagel yesterday morning and have been shitting liquid all day

>> No.15023161

That would explain the shitstorm that's been playing on the news for the last few days.

>> No.15023173

no, you will not be fine. at best you'll wake up to bloody shits and die. enjoy your AIDS

>> No.15023254

wh-what happens in the worst-case scenario?

>> No.15023304

double AIDS

>> No.15023375

Don't fall for this SCAM by big cheese, I routinely eat cream cheese out of date and apart from it giving me horrible diarrhea for a week or so its never done me any harm.

>> No.15023561

Go to the hospital, pretend that you're suffering from serious food poisoning, keep faking it for a couple of days, sue your grocery store for keeping food that has been expired for months on their shelves, enjoy your thousands of dollars in reparation.

>> No.15023889

I bought it in August but forgot I had it.

>> No.15023897

Fucking Americans.

It's CHEESE bro.

It's been invented before refrigerators.

>> No.15023909

What did you expect?

>> No.15023928

It's a soft cheese, lacking a rind, reconstituted and whipped with more dairy product plus other additives. If you've lived your life on pasteurised dairy, you're probably not capable of handling spoiled cheese.

>> No.15024018

I was in the same position a little while ago. My cream cheese was expired by like 4 or 5 months. Opened it and it was fine. It was never opened prior to that though. If it smells, looks, and tastes fine then stop worrying.

>> No.15024469

aged cheese is just expired fresh cheese

>> No.15024651


>> No.15024655

I'm afraid it's far too late for that. I'm a doctor and I diagnosis OP to Gay based on the evidence of his first post. Case dismissed with prejudice.

>> No.15024739

You're good. Keep in mind that most cheeses and dairy products have an expiry
date because the texture develops over time. When looking at expired cream
cheese, a normie will say it has spoiled, while a cheese amateur will say that it
has developed a different texture. "Aged" cream cheese if you will.

Cream cheese has bacterial culture in it, but most commercial cream cheese has
really weak culture: the process kills most of it at some point, helping keep the
product "fresh" for longer. You must only make sure that a competing culture did
not develop. If the texture is way off or it smells like dirt mold, then you should
throw it out. Otherwise, if your guts aren't prepared you might not enjoy the

I found a brick that was at the back of my fridge for more than a year. I opened
it and it looked and smelled fine, so I used about half of it. Then fast forward a
week, the rest of the brick turned moldy, so I threw it out.

>> No.15025779

Well everyone, OP here. I shit my pants at work this morning.

>> No.15025808

nice copy pasta

>> No.15025928

dammit I'm a doctor not an .. oh

>> No.15027840

thank you for your expert opinion.

lol haha faggot

>> No.15027866


>> No.15027871

Youd know pretty quickly after eating if any sort of dairy product was bad. If it passes the look smell and taste test it's generally going to be fine.

>> No.15028250
File: 95 KB, 1211x860, presenting to the emergency room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon ate three month old cheese product, this is what happened to this organs.

>> No.15028804

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