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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 640x642, 640px-Glass_of_Milk_(33657535532).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15012246 No.15012246 [Reply] [Original]

Drink mulk instead.

Skimmed milk is basically protein water, so much better for you and healthier.

Whole milk is great, too, but not a suitab substitution for water due to fat content, so drink it less.

>> No.15012254

i drink skimmed raw milk (i use a lot of butter)

>> No.15012269

this nigga drinkin cum

>> No.15012277
File: 18 KB, 434x366, 374AA99A-9DC7-4904-94AE-479CF82D87B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is sugar

>> No.15012281

>thinks sugar is unhealthy
nice digits though

>> No.15012298
File: 76 KB, 600x724, D-Dutchmen-Dairy-Fresh-Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Aryan superjuice

>> No.15012333

A few grams of lactose aren't going to make much difference.

>> No.15012594


>> No.15012651

If you're insulin resistant don't drink milk, too much lactose/sugar. Otherwise, if you don't eat sweets or sugar in your diet, yeah.

>> No.15012696

not drinking water and only drinking milk will give you kidney stones. water is liquid life

>> No.15012706

Lactose doesn't seem to affect your blood sugar as much but it's 12g per cup which is more than just a few. Skim milk just doesn't taste good to me though.

>> No.15012711

Milk is 99% water....???

>> No.15012779
File: 178 KB, 1080x478, 1604617021467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant just replace water with milk. thats retarded

>> No.15012790

Okay, so drink 1 liter milk and one water.

>> No.15012969

I like going to the hood cornerstore and buying a liter of milk and flexing on hoodlums

>> No.15013112

>insulin resistance
>so dont eat sugar

>> No.15013196

Milk is based
I only drink milk, water and liquor

>> No.15013635

Skim milk might as well be water. I don't mind the taste though.

>> No.15014158

>Whole milk is great, too, but not a suitab substitution for water due to fat content, so drink it less.
Awww, do milkfats hurt your tummy wummy??????

>> No.15014935

no tea or coffee?

>> No.15014939

>drinking dairy milk

Kill yourself. Imagine drinking another animals breast milk

>> No.15015354

I love milk but you still need water. I think you'll get bad kidney stones if you deprive yourself of water.

>> No.15015381

>Imagine drinking another animals breast milk
Please, stop, I can only get so erect!

>> No.15015442

No, retard. Too many calories and fat. I drink one glass of whole milk everyday and that's all, but I'm a manlet.

>> No.15015444
File: 19 KB, 279x288, 1445776392015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people in this thread who can't drink milk straight from cow tit thinking their opinions matter

>> No.15016208

The fats in milk are the ones that are good for you. They keep your hormones balanced

>> No.15016215

Heifers are injected with estrogen so they will get pregnant faster and produce more milk. The fats in milk literally raise your estrogen

>> No.15016223
File: 93 KB, 1200x630, milktruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15016228

>i-i-it has protein so its okay
So does semen. I bet you drink that too faggot.

>> No.15016232
File: 428 KB, 1080x1392, kurtssoyboycomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15016239
File: 43 KB, 525x400, mongols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongols ate literally nothing but meat, milk, and curds, and they looked like this. Mind explaining yourself?

>> No.15016260

Imagine drinking NUT MILK


>> No.15016526
File: 154 KB, 942x562, milkcup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys pour milk into a cup before you pour it into a bowl?

>> No.15016571

You a retard it's Cow titty milk

>> No.15016575

That doesn't look like a cup.

>> No.15016695

>drinking nut milk
Imagine drinking plant cum and using it as a replacement for animals breast milk.

>> No.15016713

Dude, that shit is amazing in oatmeal and some cereals.

Otherwise, yeah, it's a dumb substitute for milk, but it has it's uses.

>> No.15016717

All mammals like milk and will drink it if you give them: cats, dogs, mice, cows, horses (running horses are given milk after a victory, in fact.)

We're the only ones who routinely drink milk simply because we're smart enough to harvest it.

>> No.15016722
File: 124 KB, 500x500, girl vs woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A: Mongols were and still are fucking badass. Modern Mongolian music is the highest test Asian music out there.
B: Mongols would and still do milk horses. An undeniably high test animal. If you don't know what you are doing a mare will fucking jam it's hoof through your skull without hesitation. And Mongolian horses are some of the most wild domesticated animals out there. They are the wolfdogs of equines.

C: Mongolians are the most jacked motherfuckers in Asia. Southern Asians are toothpick no muscle mode where as Mongolians will come as jacked as your typical bodybuilder. People who talk shit about them are weebs and suicidal grain swilling losers from overpopulated and heavily oppressed dictatorships.

This is my explanation.

>> No.15016728

my ancestors only drank milk

>> No.15016741

So Mongols are the rednecks/farmers of Asian world and other Asians are city slickers? Interesting.

>> No.15016749

Yeah now they're dead, so let that be a lesson and drink water

>> No.15016771

So you're agreeing with me? I'm confused

>> No.15016906
File: 104 KB, 828x912, 4x1devtlxeb41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If redneck farmers are jacked nomadic badasses and city slickers are suicidal, effeminates slave cucks then, yes.

>> No.15017235

wasnt sure what i was looking at until i figured out the context. what a schizo

>> No.15017682

This guy is the Mongolian Julian from the trailer park boys
>come on Bayaabals and Rischingis, one more big steppe raid and we're retired

>> No.15017987
File: 26 KB, 722x665, gigachad pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his liquid intake isn't exclusively whole milk

>> No.15017996

>Mongols ate literally nothing but meat, milk, and curds