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15010394 No.15010394 [Reply] [Original]

foods that you want to try at least once in your life?

>> No.15010396


>> No.15010541

You've never tasted anything with truffle? Do you live in North Dakota or something?

>> No.15010547

You're mom's pussy.

>> No.15010728

this tbqh

>> No.15011123

I have always had dreams of eating a fresh durian in public as a westerner and making people lose it over the smell. The local korean places have frozen ones but I want maximum corpse funk.

>> No.15011136

Came for this, then came in ur mom's pussy

>> No.15011214

Honestly just order one. Now is the time, the best black truffles (perigord) are in season now. Don't bother with summer truffles, they're shit comparatively- way less flavor/aroma, dry texture. For one meal for a few people a small truffle will be plenty, plus you'll have little trim bits left you can infuse into things.

Black truffles aren't as crazy in price as people think- like some mushrooms, they're expensive per unit weight but they're light. Also you generally pay less per pound for smaller truffles too.

White truffles are the ones that are crazy. $3000 (or more) per pound is just too much for any ingredient imo. Sure they're amazing but I would honestly say they're not worth it at all.

>> No.15011220

Honestly I have none.

>> No.15011233

I want to eat a cempedak. Durian was great and now it's making me want to try other foul-smelling fruit to see what other delicious things I've missed out on because of their smells.

>> No.15011249

I would also say that for those interested, foie gras is also not nearly as expensive as people think. It's not cheap, for sure- say, between 2 and 3 times the price per weight of good ribeye- but it's so rich that it goes a really long way, and being mostly fat it also freezes REALLY well as long as it's wrapped really well and/or in cryovac to keep it from absorbing odors from the freezer.

>> No.15011341


no i am just poor


i want to bite into a whole truffle like an apple

>> No.15011342

sturgeon roe just to see how it compares to the cheap roe i usually eat.

>> No.15011379


>> No.15011401

youtube food channels come here to get inspiration for video ideas. Whether that be traveling to new places or looking for new, obscure recipes to share on their channel.

>> No.15012627

>sturgeon roe
this, capon
and whale again, just to make sure I'm not into it

>> No.15012636

white truffle is better

>> No.15012726
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truffle butter smells like a qt gf breathing on your neck :(

>> No.15012792


>> No.15014073
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 8045B95F-E1DA-4345-AC42-C9AAB8E7FFAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be really into trying exotic animal meats. Whale, ostrich, horse (not too exotic, but not common in the US), etc. I wouldn't mind eating an elephant steak at some point, but that will probably never happen.

I'm also super interested in trying some of the foods Alaskan natives have access to but others do not, like Muktuk.

>> No.15014704
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>> No.15014748
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Most people never tasted truffle. Even those thinking they did, actually only tasted fake truffle oil which doesn't aste anything like real truffles with chinese black truffles which are cheap trash sliced on top, which too, have no inert flavour.

A 15g portion of truffle cost 30-40€. So if your truffle dish didn't coast 50-60€ you haven't had real tuber melansporum.

>> No.15014826

no it doesnt

>> No.15014889
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>> No.15015163

I really want to try boffa, I'd order it as my last meal just to try it

>> No.15015326
File: 151 KB, 720x751, E5FA6280-45E4-4082-90E1-AC17F4F290BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a last meal?

>> No.15015615
File: 320 KB, 1180x787, 1603189762548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ligma balls

>> No.15015670

Rotten shark

>> No.15015860

better cheeses than I've tried, which is smoked gouda, feta, smoked cheddar
other animal hearts other than chicken

>> No.15015880

Beluga caviar is fuckin delicious. It's a shame it's so expensive now. You can get hybrids for significantly cheaper that are still quite good though. $80 for an ounce or two, or get some like minded friends to go in on the pure stuff. It would set you back $420 for 2oz. I mean I've spent more on weed, so you can find room in your budget if you really wanted to.

>> No.15015894

For cheese you should really check out camembert, a high quality pecorino, very aged cheddar(over 5 years they get these crystals that are fuckin awesome), high qual bleucheese/gorg is super dope, and rockfort.

Cheese is great because the best of the best will set you back like $50 tops. And there are tons of good artisan brands that are in the $10-$20 a pound range. There aren't many lists out there where the thing at the top of the chart costs <$1,000. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.15016069

The truffles i find myself aren't real? :(

>> No.15016087

>You've never tasted anything with truffle? Do you live in North Dakota or something?
I do, yes

>> No.15016978

>I mean I've spent more on weed
I don't smoke
>It would set you back $420 for 2oz.
One day I will, do you like it with champagne or is it best to try it neutral on a blini first

>> No.15017084

I’ve eaten a duck’s heart, it was not nice, I had the option to eat the brain but could not bring myself to do it.

>> No.15017093

Proper English Breakfast
Fried Ravioli
Garbage Plate

Mostly regional specialties hard to find elsewhere.

>> No.15017178

Beating cobra heart in Vietnam.

That part isn’t bad, it’s like a throbbing chewy condom and is easily swallowed, however...they make you and entire meal out of the cobra and it’s quite disgusting. It was a cool experience but I wouldn’t do it again. It’s merely something to do to have bragging rights back home and to make you feel like you’re Andrew Zimmern in front of your friends. The meal includes deep fried cobra bones that are crunchy like French fries a A shot of the cobra bile.

It sounds cool but it’s not what it’s cracked up to be.

>> No.15017492

So it's awesome with a bunch of things.

I would first try it completely plain.

After that you could have it on buttered crackers/bread, with chopped boiled eggs, pickles, it's good with various types of alcohol mainly champagne and vodka, it's good with charcuterie and cheese plates, etc.

I think my favorite combo with caviar is eggs for sure tho. Have a little rye toast, chopped boiled eggs or a super light egg salad topped with caviar and chives is fuckin amazing.

I wouldn't limit it there though. It only lasts a short while so I would have it all at once with your friends or at a big dinner party.

>> No.15017555

Dingus here didn't mention that the only acceptable manner for serving and eating caviar is with ivory cutlery. I can hook you up if you need bro. I got some tough niggas in the tundra.

>> No.15017594


>> No.15017671

Fuck can't believe I forgot the tusk. Nice digits puttin me in my place.

>> No.15017714

i did this once in HS
the kids around me thought there was a gas leak and the teacher ignored them

>> No.15017881

I've had bull's penis. Not worth it.

>> No.15018808


>> No.15018813


>> No.15018835

I got really lucky when i first started learning to mushroom hunt and managed to find a white truffle. It's ridiculously difficult to explain the taste to someone other than kind of like garlic and "earthy". Perhaps one of the most complex flavors i've ever experienced.

>> No.15018848
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I may just have to make an english breakfast myself some day. Can't believe you can't find a place that does it over here.

>> No.15018856

>Can't believe you can't find a place that does it over here
are you joshin'?
It seems pretty believable to me

>> No.15018863
File: 102 KB, 660x495, 1602904551879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would honestly like to try the fried ass of a child, Albert Fish style. I'd never kill someone or hurt someone, I'd like to purchase a few cuts of meat from the parents of a child hit by a car. It has to been healthy before death, good diet, and it must be a child. Preferably 5 to 10 years.

No seasonings. Just pan seared with some olive oil and perhaps some parsley garnish.

>> No.15019036

gator, snake, frog legs, shark..mostly the first 2 but this thread got me thinking

>> No.15019044

based and fishpilled

>> No.15019208

you're welcome. but you did convince me to go out tonight and buy some black lumpfish caviar, toasted crackers, pecorino romano cheese, chives, and some moet & chandon champagne. i've got everything but the boiled eggs but yeah, the duality of man.

>> No.15019794

Can't really recommend beef heart, just tastes like a chewy steak with a strange membrane on one side of the meat.

>> No.15019803

> 4chan, the post

>> No.15020185

Muktuk sent me to a nice rabbit hole

>> No.15020188


>> No.15020488

Ever since i learned of the existence of prions in like the 6th grade i have been very hesitant about eating brains even though i know it's pretty much fine to.

>> No.15020496

Technically any cutlery inert to human tastebuds would work. Certain types of glass, gold, and a few other materials. But yeah ivory is traditional.