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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14982803 No.14982803 [Reply] [Original]

Why veggie burgers that don't want to imitate meat, just want to be a pattie to put between two buns too, taste good. But imitation meat/faux meat that swear to be 100% like real meat taste horrible?

I do get cravings for veggie burgers from time to time because they are tasty. But I never think "oh I would eat some imitation/fake meat burger right now", they taste weird and I dislike them.

Why this push for the meat imitation, instead of making more tasty veggie burgers that actually taste good and potentially could make me eat them instead of the normal meat ones, rather than this fake meat burgers with their bad flavour?

If it was for being healthy and eat less meat, veggie burgers actually taste good and makes me buy/make them from time to time.
If it is for vegans why would they want to eat a fake meat burger that taste bad when they have veggie burgers that taste good? Do they crave the taste of animal meat so much?

What does /ck/ think about it?

>> No.14982829

When I want a veggie burger I just make a big falafel patty.

>> No.14982872
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The general consensus on this board is that YOUR IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER BK, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK.
Now ask yourself this: are veggie patties better than the actual whopper?

>> No.14982884

>But imitation meat/faux meat that swear to be 100% like real meat taste horrible?
This is wrong, you are a fucking faggot, and you make shitty threads that have been made a million times. You fucktarded asshole

>> No.14983071


Fuck no. BK's MorningStar Patties are garbage.

>> No.14983307

ESL faggots should find forums in their own language.

>> No.14983326

imitation meat is for the people transitioning diets, to get the meat eaters to eat less meat, and for when some veg people get cravings that veggies alone can't quell

>> No.14983330

they give me rancid farts but I don't mind

>> No.14983367

All burgers are kind of shit. I don't want to eat a massive bun with my meat. I eat a hamburger (100% homemade) once a year, if that. Last time I even made them it was because I ended up with these shitty burger buns and I hate wasting food.
Ground beef is better for chili and meatballs.

>> No.14984099

Honestly beef burgers are just overhyped as fuck so anything that tries to imitate them will lose to the veggie burger as well

>> No.14984269
