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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14945765 No.14945765 [Reply] [Original]

is there a reliable place online that sells sake and mirin?
the place i usually get it from has been out of the stuff i like

>> No.14945785

>food is bad for your stomach
Based retarded artist

>> No.14945799

what shit hole do you live in that doesn't sell mirin!?

>> No.14945816

Pickled and fermented food, common in Japan, is a cause of gastrointestinal distress. South Korea has the highest incidence of stomach cancers globally

>> No.14945846

you mirin' brah?

>> No.14945855

Living is bad for you too, so feel free to die anytime.

>> No.14945869

>pick ur poison bro
just don't engorge yourself on any particularly bad thing, you epic retard

>> No.14945872

a shitty one

>> No.14945873


>> No.14945874
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>> No.14945983

why are you sending me to a fake board

>> No.14946164

Don't you have a specialty section or an Asian Market, anon?

>> No.14946283

specialty section is out of what i usually buy
no azn market

>> No.14946297

Everything you do in life only brings you closer to dying. Tick tock.

>> No.14946311 [DELETED] 

>South Korea has the highest incidence of stomach cancers globally
That's because they were consuming a ridiculous amount of salt, up to 13g in some places. Also drinking hard alcohol and smoking. It's not the fermentation itself that's the issue.

>> No.14946313

i usually buy them at supermarkets
if you don't have them at your local supermarket, have you tried going to a larger one?

>> No.14946322

>South Korea has the highest incidence of stomach cancers globally
That's because they were consuming a ridiculous amount of salt, up to 13g per day in some places while the average is like 4g elsewhere. Also drinking hard alcohol and smoking. It's not the fermentation itself that's the issue.

>> No.14946331

I see mirin at Wal-mart.

>> No.14946339

Retards the artist is saying the BEER she is chugging is bad for her organs

>> No.14946351

there are three people

>> No.14946379

she's not though. she's just lifting the glass while chugging air.

>> No.14946487

Third person is perfectly healthy eating fruit. >>14946379
Beer girl is laughing and will slurp after she laughs

>> No.14946493

No you mongrel, look at food girl’s stomach

>> No.14946504

Beer - bad for liver
Smoking - bad for lungs
Meats - bad for the stomach

Not sure about the third one though. The food she's eating doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.14946511

Aw fuck yer right, that said it doesn't look too bad I'm sure she'll be fine. Moral is eat all ya want

>> No.14946950

You can get mirin and cooking sake in your local supermarket.
Shit's been common for over a decade now.
Failing that, go to your local Asian supermarket

>> No.14946959

Yeah but SK has the highest because their diet is literally all hot sauce, cabbage, bacon and cheese

>> No.14947118

its sold out and they haven't been getting any for 2 months
no azn market near me

>> No.14947172

Well not my problem that your shitty country has logistics problems due to a virus that we eradicated 6 months ago

>> No.14948305

wow rude

>> No.14948547

Why is the guy white , but the two women are Asian ?

>> No.14948570

My SK friend in HS got stomach ulcers and had to miss out on kimchi during the annual Korean camp stint that year. There might be something to this.

>> No.14948578

>Not sure about the third one though. The food she's eating doesn't seem so bad.
Yeah I'm confused about the third one, too.

>> No.14948580

you can't just ask people why they're white, anon

>> No.14948592

If that's the conclusion you came to from looking at this picture, you might be pretty based yourself.

>> No.14948638

He's there to smash some gook pussy

>> No.14948661

>You have to live +90 year's bro don't eat or drink nothing more than this strict diet is worthy dude, you can outlive everybody and be a old fart for longer

>> No.14948665

>Fake board
Look at this newfag

>> No.14948688

>Eating poorly fucks up your stomach.
I guess it can, but wouldn't it make more sense for her heart to be screwed up in that pic?

>> No.14948741

Geez just hang yourself already.

>> No.14948753
File: 105 KB, 400x600, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here a Gekkeikanchad?

>> No.14948754


>> No.14948776

sounds like grandma's belief. your stomach is more acid than any food you can throw at it.

>> No.14948788

it's okay. humor tends to fly over an autist's head.

>> No.14948877

sorry i dont want to die, I'm just not a faggot who fears it either

>> No.14948889

why is poop smelly mud and not acid?

>> No.14948906

bile from your liver/gallbladder neutralizes the stomach acid when food slurry enters your small intestine

>> No.14948931

I did not know that.
I thought bile was just some obsolete thing, like cars also have mystical stuff under the hood that is not used.

>> No.14948950

protip: if your poo is yellow or greenish (and you didn't have food with blue dye in it recently), your gallbladder and/or liver is producing too much bile
if it happens often, you should change your diet or go to the doctor since it could point to a serious issue with either organ

>> No.14949036

Ulcers are caused by an overproduction of acid, brainlet

>> No.14949195

imagine having the kind of no-holds-barred binge drinking culture that koreans do and trying to blame the cancer on cabbage

>> No.14949203

It's implying eating the wrong foods/eating too much is bad you fucking mouth breather

>> No.14949217

>beer bad
>people have been drinking beer for millennia
>alcohol is the biggest reason people were able to store calories from grain and build civilizations

fuck normies

>> No.14949235

Is everyone on this website retarded?
The point of the picture is that overindulgence is an issue, not that eating or drinking is bad.
Jesus fuck I don't know how you mongoloids function.

>> No.14949309

>Booooo big glass of beer scaryyy
Well the artist didn't made a good representation of what you are saying the message of that draw, is
>Food bad
>Drink bad
>Smoke bad (I'm okay with this one too smonke bad)

>> No.14949352

You pick that up by context.
Obviously you're too small brained to understand the image.

>> No.14949394

>it old so it good
Literal grug-tier logic. I suppose we should all be using opium recreationally by the same logic because the Scythians did.
>alcohol is the biggest reason people were able to store calories from grain
That'd be bread. Beer in ancient times didn't store. Even nowadays it doesn't store without refrigeration. The entire "people drank beer because water was no good" myth is one of the biggest pop-history memes out there. Beer was subject to contamination at every step of the brewing process. People didn't understand how to sterilize their fermentation vessel or boil the wort, so any number of wild yeasts (or molds), bacteria and pathogens could colonize the beer and lead to illness. As a result, it didn't store. Wine was far more capable of being shipped and stored, but even it was subject to the same spoilage issues as beer. Most wine and beer before modern times were produced and drunk within a few kilometers of the brewery/winery.

Ancient beer was probably more nutritious than today's beer, too. In general, lower ABV, and a lot more grain residue made it through to the final product. Medieval treatises talk about 'soupy' textured beers, which brings to mind more of a fermented grain porridge than our modern drink.

>> No.14949412

If you're just using the sake for cooking, Publix has generic sake and mirin.

>> No.14949420

>Even nowadays it doesn't store without refrigeration
Stopped reading there.
You have no idea what you are talking about. How the fuck do you think they brew beer in the first place?

>> No.14949429

I use it for cooking but never for drinking. What is actually good but common sake?

>> No.14949454
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>duhhhh brewing it the saem as storage
You're coping.

>> No.14949463

>that truck

>> No.14949471

I've likely brewed more beer than you retard. I homebrew 5 gallons every week so I know how beer works.

>> No.14949485

Oh, no, we've got a master brewer over here! Please tell me what relevance your homebrew has to what a farmer from Sumeria would do, and then I'll tell you why your flex is retarded and you have no arguments left. You fucking pseud.

>> No.14949632

are you a fucking child?

>> No.14949653

Fun fact: large grocery chains usually change up their offerings depending on the neighbourhood. If there's a part of your town with a decent number of asians their local wal marts ethnic section will have more things.

>> No.14949658

Lick my nuts shitlord

>> No.14949665

I accept your concession of defeat with grace.

>> No.14949778

look at spergy sperg sperg over here. why does homebrewing make you so angry?

>> No.14949864

I like Gekkeikan, but I think Sho Chiku Bai tastes better (both regular and nigori). I only use them for drinking.

I'm not sure how widely available the latter is, though, since I live near where they brew it in

If you're ever around Kyoto, visit the Gekkeikan brewery. They have a very cool and $2 self-guided tour with informative and historic pieces, and the ticket includes more than $2 worth of free tastings.

>> No.14949889

how many truckloads of beer do you have to drink daily to develop liver issues?

>> No.14949892

>cars have stuff under the hood not used
Who told you that?

>> No.14949937

my dad, he opend the car and I ask what it does.

>> No.14949970

I think he was being facetious.

>> No.14949997

what does that mean

>> No.14950001

You need to be 18 to post on this website

>> No.14950013


>> No.14950125

Essentially a joke.

>> No.14950656

i dont think anyone found your "joke" remotely funny. that was just a retarded post

>> No.14950664

Based yeah poster.

>> No.14950680

absolutely wrong.

>> No.14950784
File: 160 KB, 624x396, AC31A780-5DBA-42FF-8252-950C6B2B7868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peptic ulcers are often caused by an overproduction of gastric acid

>> No.14950903

based comment

>> No.14950970

I do all three, guess I'm doomed, check out Dovahatty on youtube for some great health science

>> No.14952135

at least you and my post have something in common :)

>> No.14952904
File: 293 KB, 512x559, chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you really got me there

>> No.14952943

>saving pictures of teenage boys to your personal device to pwn perceived soyboys
Oh my

>> No.14953002

It's not about outliving people, it's about being functional when you're old
Healthy people get to 80-90 in reasonable shape, then hit a wall and kick it after a couple years of decline with minimal serious suffering
Unhealthy people get to 55 then drag dying out to 75 with 20 years of constant medical issues and terrible quality of life

>> No.14953010

She appears to be eating an apple and what look like halved oranges with chopsticks.