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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14913777 No.14913777 [Reply] [Original]

I'm hungover af, and skipped breakfast so I'm eating a glorious deathplate
>simple white bread burger with swiss, bacon, mayo
>franks n' fixins

What does /ck/ cure the hangover blues with?

>> No.14913840

>What does /ck/ cure the hangover blues with?
Depends on how serious the hangover is.
Not too serious: Tom Yum Soup or a cheesesteak.
Serious (after the vomiting stops): special K and milk b/c my stomach can't take anything else.

>> No.14913857

man I always keep instant Tom Yum on hand, i'll drop a spoonful of chili oil in there as well for extra omega-6 fatties

>Special K
fuck man I miss Special K. it doesn't exist in my current country of residence :[

>> No.14914335

>210C pre heated oven
>tray full of bacon
>15 mins
>dip in mixture of ketchup and mustard

>> No.14914420

that sounds kinda nasty but there's no apologizing for the hangovies

>> No.14914430

That's Pregnancy Fodder right there.

Are you sure you are OK OP?

>> No.14914432

whelp, if I'm pregnant it's gonna be black

>> No.14914708



Non-keto peasant.

Nice trips though.

>> No.14914775

a hell of a lot of water

>> No.14914782

water's a bit harsh on a hangover stomach anon. i need to soften it with some sugar or fruit jiuce or something. one of my favourite hangover morning drinks and an ice cold coca cola™

makes the DT go away and the sugar, caffeine, and hydration take the headache away

>> No.14915306

Water, motrin, coffee, and a B complex or B12 vitamin.

>> No.14915320
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Unfortunately the only real cure for a hangover is sleep. It is a good idea healt wise to hydrate yourself. What I try to do if a hangover is real bad is take a couple of benadryls (same ingredient as over-the-counter sleep aids) and sleep it off.

Here's two very relevant articles on the subject.



>> No.14916871

>what do I eat with a hangover

Honestly, I drink a boatload of water that morning since I can never stomach anything else. First thing I eat is usually just whatever is in the fridge, pan-fried with a couple of potatoes. Usually a bigass beer mug full of coffee too, black.

>> No.14916894

If you're on the west coast it's all about breakfast burritos with guac and fries, with a shit ton of water.

>> No.14916902

Wendy's chili

>> No.14916953

fried eggs. yolk fully cooked. some bread. actually did it this morning and it seemed to help.

>> No.14917057
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I drank some sambuca with my dad last, and I've felt still drunk all day until I drank a big pedialyte and took a nap just now

Dont fuck with sambuca, boys. Holy fucking shit.

My go to for hangovers is typically matzo ball soup, chimken soup, or raymond's nooder

>> No.14917112

scrambled eggs
plenty of salt pepper & butter

>> No.14917219

I learned if you drink more you stop being hung over, and I really had to work to stop because I spent a solid month drunk

Lockdown wasn't a good time

>> No.14917267

A morning beer and coffee.

>> No.14917293

This. I haven't been hungover in years. Now, sometimes I drink so goddamned much that it feels like someone kicked me in the head and I can't walk straight, but no nausea or anything in years.

Anyways, back when I was younger and I got them, I would go for a nice breakfast burrito.

>> No.14917303
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This was my last hangover breakfast. I've since vowed to save drinking only for special occasions

>> No.14917315

Yeah I always see people complaining about their hangovers and that they're such alcoholics but if I figured it out after like 3 days surely a supposed alcoholic would try it after at least a while.

But yeah If I'm getting drunk nowadays I save about 4 shots worth for the morning, that tends to do it

>> No.14917537

Some soft boiled eggs and buttered bread

>> No.14917583
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I was hung over this morning but I smoked like 3 cones, drank a bottle of cough syrup and did a bunch of nitrous oxide.

Now I'm wandering around the house making loud bird noises. Just offered to give my sister an erotic massage. Quack quack quack.

>> No.14917595

i've never been hungover no matter how much i drink

>> No.14917649

Were you cooking on an engine block? How do you manage to scorch the fuck out of the dawgz while also clearly leaving them undercooked?

>> No.14917677

The one and only thing that ever works for my hangovers is weed. If I smoke a tiny bit of weed it's like a literal miracle drug that INSTANTLY gets rid of the crippling nausea I'd otherwise be stuck with for hours. It's the one time I've ever bought the "medicinal" argument.

>> No.14917684

Everything tastes like shit and my mouth is dry when i havw hangover. I don’t get how anyone can have hangover cravings.

>> No.14917750
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I never have some hangover but I recommend: the Döner!

>> No.14917774

>drinking to drunkenness

>> No.14917900
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Chicken fillet roll sold in every local shop.
Here's one with
Taco sauce
Spicy chicken

>> No.14918003

What's the point otherwise?

>> No.14918092

>drinking for the taste
You disgust me

>> No.14918273
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So today

Okay sure pal

>> No.14918293

sleep tight snoozer

>> No.14918344

Lots of water
Anything with b12 usully redbull
Salad to get appetite started
Stop there if hangover is really bad most of the time its whatever after the salad

>> No.14918358

Sleep tight steeler

>> No.14918372

Pad kimao or Indian delivered.

>> No.14918381

>yolk fully cooked
thank god, seems like everyone around here eats that shit raw and it's pissing me off

Pickles are such a great hangover-b-gone. I drink the brine, it cures all

I was cooking them alongside the burger, which i enjoy sseared but cooked medium. so the dogs also were seared and cooked medium. I didn't die so's okay

>> No.14918390

what's a cone

>> No.14918402

Man I love a nice tangy vindaloo brought to the door on a hangover day

>> No.14918653


>> No.14918665

get yourself a clam chowder anon, it's better food and embraces your american roots

>> No.14918682

>on cooking board
>won't cook

>> No.14919643

Acetylcystein cough medicine.
Nice digits.
Some kinda weed dab or something

>> No.14919963
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>> No.14920011

the way they treat alcohol withdrawl is with benzos, which hits the same receptors in the body. Another way to detox from alcohol withdrawal is to use alcohol and slowly taper off. A hangover is acute mild alcohol withdrawal. The way I handle a hangover is a beer, coffee and Adderall. Then I go do something that requires concentration so I can stop thinking about pain.

>> No.14920066

because they are larping about their little headache

>> No.14920092

Full English and beer

>> No.14920100

I eat a few bananas and take a pill before I got to sleep while
Still drunk, granted if I’m really
Drunk it’s ain’t happening

>> No.14920108

>the way they treat alcohol withdrawl is with benzos
WRONG. They'd never give Benzos to an alcoholic. They'd put them on Gabapentin.

>> No.14920131

Sleeping is extremely important in curing hangovers, but anon, please don't take sleeping pills when you are at risk of having to puke. I don't want you to die of your own extremely acidic, half digested stomach contents.

>> No.14920133
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Serious: nothing for over a day

>water's a bit harsh on a hangover stomach anon
wtf? it's literally the only thing I can keep down at all, weird its opposite for you, are coke and fruit juice your regular drinks anyway? maybe thats the difference

>> No.14920135
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atta boy

>> No.14920137

no I just drink water, but hungover i need something sweet, caffeinated and bubbly is nice too

>> No.14920140
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>> No.14920173

oh ok, you're talkin like a small cup of something like that and otherwise water

then yeh 100% need that hitta
I prefer a few mouthfuls of ice cold milk

>> No.14920272


>> No.14920291
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>WRONG. They'd never give Benzos to an alcoholic. They'd put them on Gabapentin.
you realise this is an international forum right

>> No.14920407
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I often do chocolate milk if I have it. If I know I'll be hitting the sauce I'll have something in the fridge for the morning, coke, mountain dew, chocolate milk, v8

>> No.14921209

Cold water or yellow Gatorade is like the only thing i can deal with

>> No.14921216

biscuits and gravy from mcdonalds
a fuckload of water
crackers/salty snacks to encourage water drinking even though it probably offsets it a bit
a joint of some very dank weed

>> No.14921583

squawk squawk sisterfucker

>> No.14922165

So you're saying the best hangover cure is an Irish Coffee?

>> No.14922181

never had one. only thing i've ever felt after a night of drinking was a bit of dehydration. water usually helps that

>> No.14922437

i rather would have some of those bewbs

>> No.14923319

Wait until you get older.
Soup with a salty, savory broth and no overpowering flavors really seems to help. Cabbage, beef/turkey, and tomato soup is a standout cold weather hangover meal.

>> No.14923411

7-11 taquitos and pedialyte

>> No.14923429

that's what I prefer for hangover recovery

>> No.14923451

Pedialyte is a life saver
I normally just eat an English muffin with bacon and overeasy eggs

>> No.14924180

Post pics of sister, you liar

>> No.14924194

Have like a liter of water ready in your fridge and when you are about to go to sleep down it and you are good in the morning

>> No.14924202


jew detected

>> No.14924276

Yassss Queen!

>> No.14925377

I tried this but the special K fucked me up more then the beers did. Do not reccomend. Kholed hard.

>> No.14925389

lol just because your mom's boyfriend was given Gabapentin every time he's wound up in the ED with the DTs doesn't mean it's the only way to skin a cat. You'd never let an alcoholic have a benzo prescription maybe, but you certainly could treat their DTs with them in a controlled setting. And yes, if they began seizing gabapentin works just fine.

>> No.14925396

Yeah it's not a bad way to go. I usually just have whiskey in my coffee or a breakfast beer tho.

>> No.14925431

Low-mild hangover: espresso shot,15mg dexamphetamine,bruschetta on veggiemite toast, .5g cannabis tobacco cigarette, espresso shot. Start day.
Bad-severe: espresso shot ,water, 20mg dexamphetamine ,cook sausages and beans while oven heats.1g cannabis tobacco cigarette, 2.5g valium
back to bad 5mg dexamphetamine , espresso, water, Spanish ricotta roll into oven,bruschetta, Spanish roll,
1g tobacco cannabis cigarette,
5mg dexamphetamine sulphate.
Start day.

>> No.14925456

the hangover cheesesteak is the patrician choice

>> No.14925462

sounds like you have an addiction.

>> No.14925474

I dont get hungover, im either still drunk or wake up feeling like normal.

>> No.14925504

Underage b&

>> No.14925515

Uh.. lol. I've medically detoxed a handful of times. They usually give you librium or valium and a shorter acting benzo like ativan for immediate symptoms.

>> No.14925518

This. It’s the only hangover cure I’ve ever found myself other than sleep and water.

>> No.14925531

Fry chopped bacon in fuckload of butter
Add cooked pasta
Fry pasta for like 3 mins with salt and pepper

It's tasty as fuck, has a lot of calories and a lot of fat to soak up the alcohol. Plus it's easy and cheap to make

>> No.14925547

Lol based auscunt on a bender

>> No.14925563

A cone is a hit from a bong. You know because the weed goes in the cone piece and all

>> No.14925585

Do europeans really

>> No.14925586
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That first sip tastes so good when hungover

>> No.14925690

im addicted to life.

>> No.14925737

>adderall on a hangover

Jesus I can just imagine the shakes and anxiety now. Not for me

>> No.14925757

I'm Australian

>> No.14925781

Meh addies have never made me anxious, just help me focus. The shakes are pretty bad tho.

>> No.14926416

Oddly specific

>> No.14926418

fresh pressed apple juice
big bag of fries

>> No.14926635

What that is freedom units?

>> No.14926694

French bread stuffed with ketchup. It's so vile but I can't help myself.

>> No.14926732
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fucking hell you're better off just dying of a hangover anon

>> No.14926791

The hangovers get worse, not better with time. To an alcoholic, drinking after walking up is practically a necessity to keep going. The hangover is the least of their worries

>> No.14926800

>Eat spicy thai stirfry with heat of thousand suns
>Go sleep for a few hours
>Purge every inner demon in one volcanic shit
>Feel as fresh as the morning dew

>> No.14926832

A1L bottle of gatorade. If that doesn't fix it, redbull.

>> No.14926840

Fucking DXM. Started thinking I was a chipmunk during a rather itchy peak.

>> No.14926854

There's nothing like the afterglow you get from a really painful shit.

>> No.14926902

huge bowl of extra spicy pho

>> No.14926904

which rhymes with...

>> No.14928181

sweet dreams steeler

>> No.14929803

Yeah, coca cola. Sometimes I have a flat, warm, mcdonald's coke leftover in the morning.


On a rough day, I don't eat till the evening. On a better day, I eat chips or fries or something dry, salty and carby.

Always with coke.

>> No.14930146
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Runny egg, bacon, pickles, and some breaded shrimp all on a crusty baguette slathered in mayo. Some form of red juice on the side (fruit punch, red gatorade, raspberry gingerale, etc.) Works everytime.

>> No.14930310

>full english breakfast
>large bloody mary with lots of hot sauce and pickled stuff
>harira soup