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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14910345 No.14910345 [Reply] [Original]

does egg belong on pizza?

>> No.14910347

>invisible egg

>> No.14910353

Quiche with crust yes, pizza no.

>> No.14910357

No but Steven May

>> No.14910380

It tastes good, yes

>> No.14910381

One time when I was broke as fuck my mom bought me a stuffed crust pizza with bacon from Pizza Hut. My gf wanted egg on it, so I reheated it in the oven and topped it with an over easy egg.

I thought she was fucking retarded for suggesting this but it ended up tasting really great. It's really not different from a typical American breakfast, in the sense that you have bread and protein.

Well anyway she's a lifelong coalburner and just broke up with me so do with that information what you will.

>> No.14910385

mummy mummy my undie pooey come change me !!

>> No.14910495

It's weird but I'm sure it tastes fine as long as you get some yolk action.

>> No.14910506
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>she's a lifelong coalburner and just broke up with me

>> No.14910654

Shakshuka works so I'm sure this could be pretty good.

>> No.14910695

I ordered what i thought was a marg pizza while piss ass drunk in tokyo and it came with eggs on it. Ate every drop then threw up on some bicycles

>> No.14910723

would love to smash an egg and bacon pizza rn tbqh, looks good. not sure about this vague attempt to doxx someone going on.

>> No.14910802

He made it up to insult his ex girlfriend we all know

>> No.14910807

I used to get sausage and scrambled egg pizza at a place. They made it for me because I was friends with the owner.

>> No.14911043

Breakfast pizzas are good. Standard pizza with a yolk to dip would taste good.

>> No.14911055

he's a self hating black man

>> No.14911544


>> No.14911570

It's required if you're making a carbonara pizza

>> No.14911598

i make these at work. i think they're dog shit but people eat them.

>> No.14911622
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This. I love breakfast pizza. Re-toast the pizza so the crust is crispy again, fry an egg over easy and server it on top. Eat around the yolk and save it for the final bite. Add a cup of coffee and it's a damn good morning.

>> No.14911897

Fucking deliciously based

>> No.14912407

Yes, but only if it's hardboiled

>> No.14912444

>self hating
I dislike this term. I hate the white cucks that hate their own race, but I wouldn't call them or myself self hating. (Well, maybe the ones that degrade themselves by kissing non white feet etc to prove how much they hate white people are self hating. On the same note, all footfags are probably self hating, or at least they should be.)
Anon is probably just a black person with a >100 IQ that hates how some of his race and culture makes him look, similar to me.

>> No.14912451

>Eat around the yolk
Gay. Then it will be room temp glob. You pop that shit and enjoy it with every bite, warmed by said bite.

>> No.14912514

>footfags are probably self hating
That's exactly what Dian Hanson says in 'Crumb'.

>> No.14912557
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>> No.14912602

The only coalburner I ever stuck my dick in and lost my virginity to killed herself 1 year ago today :)

Toll paid in full

>> No.14912622

To each their own.

>> No.14912651

Egg doesn't belong in anything other than Chinese or Asian food. White people don't have any good ideas about it.

>> No.14912790


>> No.14912814

I have had breakfast pizza made with scrambled eggs country sausage gravy for sauce topped with cheddar cheese

is very good

>> No.14913076

Ruthless Teutonic efficiency

>> No.14913082

Ah yes eggs marinated in the finest virgin shota piss

>> No.14913223

I mean it’s already in the dough

>> No.14913264

I had not previously thought this but you're absolutely right

>> No.14913287
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for me, it's the 'turkish pizza'
I had some when I was on vacation. it was hella good if I'm being honest

>> No.14913326

Nick and Vitos makes a good one with egg.

>> No.14913973

You say this as an insult to her but you just admitted that you got cucked by a nigger.

>> No.14914065
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We call it Pizza Sophia Loren in Germany, it's fucking based and I've never gotten one served with the yolk being hard boiled, which is surprising since many pizza stores tend to fuck up from time to time.

>> No.14915185


>> No.14915194

baka gaijin...

>> No.14916125

make the crust thicker, make the shape oval,ditch other ingredient except cheese, drown in butter, change nomenclature pizza to khachapuri/pide and then you can crack an egg on your pizza

>> No.14916139
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>> No.14916148

I did it once with one of those shitty frozen pizzas, it was ok.

>> No.14916336

I've seen worse things on pizza. It's an extremely difficult to fuck up dish.

>> No.14916346

put some bacon + sausage on it, maybe some peppers/onions. Sounds like a killer pie.

>> No.14916383

armenian (or georgian?) pizza is similar and also godlike, but more difficult to find, hachapuri is what they call them if I remember correctly

>> No.14917149

There is armenian restouration near my place. I will ask about hachapuri.

>> No.14917159

I like to pop it on the bottom so it soaks in. Any runoff is picked up with the crust.

>> No.14917163

Sorry. It's high time for me to stop posting.

>> No.14917235

If you can put pineapple on pizza, literally anything goes.

>> No.14917266

Why shouldnt it

>> No.14917399
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>someone does thing with food
>seethe loudly online about its

do americans actually care that much about how other people eat food?

>> No.14918325

I prefer invisible egg

>> No.14918391

I guarantee you it's not americans seething. Look at the Italians on every thread bitching.

>> No.14918411

holy fucking based

>> No.14918495

i have never once thought about trying egg on pizza, i feel the same as when i figured out you could shred onion

>> No.14918602

whole egg no, scrambled egg maybe.

t. australian.

>> No.14918635

Yes egg is great on pizza
I love salami, mushroom, onion and egg for toppings

wrong way around my dude
cracking a whole egg on pizza is great but scrambled eggs not so much

>> No.14918646
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i'll cheers to that

>> No.14919667

yeah whole egg is great because you get five mouthfuls of egg white and nothing else


>> No.14919678

you may have just changed breakfast pizza for me anon. I used to eat it cold like a savage, but this has opened my eyes.

>> No.14919835

my girlfriend is Greek. I go and visit her family with her sometimes. She has a ton of aunts who all cook. I learned to always have food in my hands or on a plate in front of me, otherwise they're practically shoving more in my mouth. Greek pizza which looks similar to this is one such thing frequently created and thrust in my direction. I am not complaining.

>> No.14919842

You're the worst type of faggot