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14895289 No.14895289 [Reply] [Original]

how do i make fish taste good?

>> No.14895293

Am I too coombrained or does that look a lot like a pussy to anyone else?

>> No.14895301

Buy good fish. Ocean and not farmed.

>> No.14895388

Salt, pepper, lemon slices, bake. Wa la.

>> No.14895419

Tell your girlfriend to wash the yeast out of her snatch.

>> No.14895442

The trick is nothing. There is no way to make it better. Just eat nuggets.

>> No.14895451

black pepper

>> No.14895453

Bread and fry, serve with malt vinegar and lemon.

>> No.14895472

Buy good quality fish to start with. You're basically out of luck if you don't live near the ocean and you don't do your own fishing in freshwater.

>> No.14895477

Seriously though, fish goes bad very quickly and it's not going to do well if it has to be transported inland.

>> No.14895491

Also this >>14895453

>> No.14895522
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mackerel is always good

>> No.14895578

Fresh fish, from the sea, from a reputable source. Lemon and salt (maybe some herbs). Serve with potatoes/fries and some greens and if it's white fish, a parsley sauce.

>> No.14895600

Garlic (fresh)
Ginger (fresh)
Breading with panko (Japanese breadcrumbs) or tempura

>> No.14895708

Farmed fish can be superior to wild caught. It depends entirely on the fish.

Wild caught salmon, for example, is inferior unless it's line caught and processed the day of the catch.

>> No.14895727

I'm curious what makes you say so?

>> No.14895744

This. Fish is something you buy, bring home, and cook for dinner that night. For starters try salmon, it's pretty hard to fuck up. Lots of salt, sear in pan until the skin releases and looks good to you and transfer to 400 degree oven until it flakes easily, finish with a little lemon and you're good to go.

>> No.14895960

what fish do you buy? cant go wrong just frying in butter with salt and pepper

>> No.14895969

I wouldn't know. I've never seen a fish.

>> No.14895981


This is true.

Altho, the salmon I have caught is mostly out of SF. Very ocean yucky taste. Soaked it in milk for an hour helped get rid of the nastiest, but no joke, farn raised (in my opinion) has a superior taste.

>> No.14895986
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maggi sauce goes good with fish

>> No.14896024

Wild fish:
>catch fish on net (99.999%+ of the time)
>fish probably dies in net before even reeled in
>dump fish into hold of scuzzy water and other dead fish
>cruise around for a few more days
>finally get to port and deliver fish
>fish is cleaned 1-2 days afterward
>by the time you get your "fresh" fish it's a week or two old and loaded with histamine

Farmed (outside Asia):
>fish raised in pens in clean ocean zones or large rivers with plenty of fresh flowing water
>fish taken from pen, killed, kept ice cold with pumpable ice technology
>cleaned and shipped same day it's killed

That taste isn't the ocean, it's the taste of a dank hold filled with other dead fish.

>> No.14896062

Good fish swims thrice: in water, in butter, and in wine. In other words make sure it's properly greased (if it's a slimmer fish) and acidified (white wine is great for that but lemon juice does the trick too).

Go easy on seasoning amounts - underseasoned fish is still decent, but overseasoned fish is blergh. Specially garlic, if using.
Basil, red pepper, black pepper are better in this regard.

Baking is the easiest method to prepare it, but if you got something like catfish it's fun to cut it into small fingers, coat it with seasoned flour, and deep-fry it.

I usually prepare pira caldo or pirão with shark and the likes. I can share recipes if you want, but basically, keep in mind those are extremely slim so you want to go on the greasier side. Risotto is also a good idea.

>> No.14897322

How can you make it taste bad?

>> No.14897334
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>Fish is something you buy, bring home, and cook for dinner that night

>> No.14897348

Depends on the fish. Pan fish taste good with the right breading and is deep fried. Salmon is good with the right seasoning and preferrably baked or grilled with a good sauce or flavorful juicy side to mix with. Big game is good grilled, even better when smoked. Use a cookbook to figure out what seasonings go well with whatever fish you are making.

>> No.14897357

Brown sugar

>> No.14897361

Sous vide with a bit of lemon and herbs.

>> No.14897373

>Sous vide

how about just steam the fish you meme ledditnugget, instead of wrapping it in plastic

watch the video about toxic Norwegian fish before you think farmed fish outside of China is clean

>> No.14897384
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>> No.14897405

I use this recipe for talapia
>inb4 >talapia
Fuck you I like it.
>grated parmesan
>garlic powder
>lemon juice
>fish of your choice, whitefish works best
Mix together cheese, mayo, garlic, and parmesan. Play around with ratios until its ti your tastes and there's enough. Place fish on parchment lined baking sheet. Broil for 2 minutes, then flip and repeat. Now coat one side with wet mix, and broil for another 2 minutes. Wa la.

>> No.14897406
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A baking tray.

Cherry tomatoes

Slice them and place them with fish in baking tray with olive oil, herbs, salt and pepper.
When half cooked add canned tomato sauce and put back in the oven.

>> No.14897416

I meant to say lemon juice, not cheese, pardon the redundancy.

>> No.14897422

>the video
Nah I don’t do videos mostly. If you can’t explain yourself here and now, you’re full of shit. Here watch this video about how you’re gay.

>> No.14897519

buy ocean fish.
dont fuck with spices.
dont buy cod.
en papillote or grill.

>> No.14897625


>> No.14897630

What's wrong with cod? I'll fucking fight you

>> No.14897708
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Soy sauce, sugar, ginger and Japanese sake

>> No.14898058

>I would rather believe a random anon on a taiwanese cartoon imageboard than a documentary made by informed professionals.

>> No.14898078

If its fatty, smoke it! yummers

>> No.14898108

First, you must buy high quality fish. You can’t really go for cheaper alternatives. Then you can think about recipes, but quality goes first

>> No.14898114

My grandad used to boil haddock in milk. Is that actually a thing other people do or just something weird he does?

I've seen him microwave bacon before so I'm not sure

>> No.14898621

Cod is a watery,slimey,mushy disgusting fish.tastes like tap water.fuck cod

>> No.14898676

real butter for cooking, salt and pepper.

>> No.14898754

if youre so dumb that you cant explain your position then why would he waste his time watching something a stupid faggot would watch

>> No.14898784

Salmon with ginger and honey.
Good shit.

>> No.14898862

I'll agree that it can be bland, but the rest of your post is bullshit.
Cod has a lovely flaky texture, especially if you salt it before you cook it.
If you had slimy cod it wasn't fresh. You can't blame that on the fish.

>> No.14898896

>xhe only buys the absolute bottom of the barrel "cod" which comes in little frozen patty sized servings

>> No.14898908

>Good fish swims thrice: in water, in butter, and in wine.
Interesting little phrase invented before refrigeration or supply chain management.

Yes in the olden days, fish came on a cart and had to be boiled to get rid of the slime, buttered to replace the essence you just boiled away, and doused with wine to cover up the rotten stench. Are you a GPT-3 bot?

>> No.14898982

people use overly lean recipes for fish; they taste better with a lot of fat. look into butter, cream, or coconut milk-based sauces. Thai green or red curry is quite nice for example

>> No.14900585

skip the lemon slices, they do nothing. Just squirt the juice on it.

>> No.14900600

You’re an idiot and obviously have never worked in the fishing industry, please shut your stupid fucking mouth.

>> No.14900629
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Buy fresh fish or freeze it fresh and thaw it, other than that, lemon, garlic, butter all help.

I'm currently marinating salmon cuts in miso, sugar, sake, and mirin. It'll go under the broiler for 10 minutes to finish it off later tonight.

>> No.14900654

>wild fish
They flash freeze or can it on ship nowadays.

>> No.14900672

fucking disgusting codists. cod is only edible after being salted, poached in cream and mashed with potatoes. or you can take the anglo route and fry it in piss batter. i hate you all cod lover, i'd kill you all if i had my way

>> No.14900730

learn to cook

>> No.14900743

Cod is excellent, dipshit.

>> No.14900848

>bake on grill over open fire
>add salt and lime

>> No.14900907

Well fish is very if not even extremely sensitive to overcooking, cook or fry it just 30 secs to a minute to much and it it will be dry and awful.

>> No.14900954

skip the juice, it does nothing. Just zest the lemon on it.

>> No.14900960

>delicate white fish
>cooked on your vegetables making them fishy
>adding canned tomato sauce to it
Don't follow this anons advice ever.

>> No.14901214

For salmon I marinade it in fresh orange juice and mango juice that I squeeze from the fruit itself, chop garlic & basil and coat it on top with salt, pepper, and lemon juice then cook until just rare
Serve with mango salsa
Normally I just like to eat raw fish because I love the taste and am constantly craving raw meats

>> No.14901238

Yeah, I can tell from that recipe you really do love the taste of salmon.

>> No.14901279

Why would I want to cook with Pine needles

>> No.14901325

Old Bay seasoning

>> No.14901502

Yes to both questions.

>> No.14901522

Garlic parsley butter lemon olive oil pepper

>> No.14901665

parsley, butter, lemon, mentuccia, olive oil

>> No.14901710

Is that actually the meaning of the idiom? I imagine it means that you should cook the fish with butter and pair with wine.

>> No.14901716

It's an old injun trick.

>> No.14901741

it kinda looks like one
i dont

>> No.14901806
File: 38 KB, 600x337, mentuccia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKING THIS, why so little people know about this gem of a herb, it elevates white fish soo fucking much

>> No.14902281

that looks so fucking good

>> No.14902289

Throw it in the trash and cook a steak.

>> No.14902291

Fry it and serve with chips and mushy peas

>> No.14902348

If someone sliced open an onahole maybe

>> No.14902507

Yeah boi, poaching haddock in milk is so fucking good. Make sure you get the smoked stuff too.

>> No.14902518

That's not what that saying means you imbecile

>> No.14902557

This, although if you have lemon pepper it's a good swap for the black pepper. Also I would add a tiny bit of cayenne and use olive oil instead of butter.

>> No.14902568

Catfish definitely is much tastier farmed. Wild catfish eats mud, so it tastes like mud. Farm raised catfish are fed a diet of mixed grains and achieve that tender sweetness you want.

>> No.14902576

ffs. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/145853/unbelievable-fish-batter/

>> No.14902594

>he doesn't know how to properly prepare catfish and eats farm junk instead


>> No.14904288

try teriyaki >>14897708 has it right

>> No.14904355

fuck off and enjoy your shit textured fish.
that's why they primarily use cod for fishy fingers.
you cod lovers can suck on my limp turbot cock. i pity you.

>> No.14904379

Find one that tastes good to you. There's a lot of fucking fish and they mostly all taste different.

>> No.14904428

What if like the mud taste?
I used to go fishing with my dad on the Conowingo Dam every Summer when I was a kid and bring home a bucketful of catfish. I have never in my adult life tasted catfish that had that wonderful flavor.

>> No.14904434



>> No.14904527

Kinda, but admitting that means that you should probably watch less pornography.

>> No.14904549

Cod is great when you fry it.

>> No.14904607
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This is not teriyaki. It's Nitsuke (boiled).

>> No.14904624

>eats turbot over cod

>> No.14904660
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Try this.