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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14894027 No.14894027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bon Appetit Central AI Birth Machine just uploaded. Hold your children close...

>> No.14894130 [DELETED] 

His had gestures are a sign of the meat testicles he likes handling?
I never understood the meme level fascination with this show.

>> No.14894896 [DELETED] 
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they gonna be niggers about every fucking video BA puts out I just want my brad kino back

fuck sohla and fuck that other sandnigger

>> No.14894954

Can I get the quick rundown I haven't watched this channel in over half a year but suddenly my subscriptions were flooded with them, where did everyone go/why are they being replaced? Did BA get #metoo'd ?

>> No.14894960

they got metoo'd by sohla, she accused people of racism and burned the entire channel to the ground. at least brad is still going to be making videos, hopefully

>> No.14894967
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>> No.14894969

would cook a meal for her and ask her out politely

>> No.14894977

Actual rundown:
The editor in chief was a huge asshole, seriously watch literally any video with him in it, but he was also slightly racist
So when a picture of him and his wife dressed up as puerto ricans dropped, Sohla (who was one of the better/more skilled chefs) quit because not only that but she also wasn't getting paid like all her non-non-white costars were
A lot of other people followed suit and without the majority of the main cast, they shut down for a bit to lick their wounds and become "woke"

>> No.14894982

Brad and Claire are still around
on a lesser note, Delaney, Morocco, and Andy are still there

>> No.14894983

>at least brad is still going to be making videos
>still no Vinny
>Hunzi outed himself as a massive faggot
It won't be the same.

>> No.14894987


that's one black life that matters

>> No.14894989

she jeopardized a dozens people's jobs over a fucking picture from 20 years ago.
yeah he was an asshole, but she just ruined it for everyone

>> No.14894991

kek I just saw the puerto rican picture, I had no idea any of this was going on I thought they were just on hiatus because of COVID or something
I can't say I'll miss seeing that skeleton in a suit but fuck Sohla for that one, like >>14894989 said

>> No.14895006

>yeah he was an asshole, but she just ruined it for everyone
you willingly ignored the part about non-white chefs not getting paid their worth
If the editor in was a racist 15 years ago, and he's still an asshole to this day, why would anyone actually believe he's changed
Sure we don't intimately know the guy, but we do know that he couldn't tell the difference between sohla and priya

You're blaming Sohla because Conde Nast as a whole wouldn't listen to the demands of literally everyone who came out on camera regularly who willingly put their own jobs at risk because of this injustice

you're a child who wants to watch his special screen time without thinking about anything but yourself

As mad as you will pretend I am about this, I'm not the one whining about the state of a youtube channel on 4chan, you're the one who is upset with the way things turned out, not me

>> No.14895017

I missed chris. I feel bad for him and brad.

>> No.14895019

Ba had been going downhill for a while anyway, before Sohla fucked it all up
>tfw no more Brad and Vinny camping kino

>> No.14895026

>apply for a lower position
>complain about lower pay

Sohla is a piece of shit. She even failed at her restaurant and blamed white people. That's her MO.

>> No.14895027

brad is a balding soyboy and is not kino

>> No.14895043

Except appearing on video wasn't in anyone's job description, meaning that the pay wasn't linked to a specific position
Not only that, but a lot of the people who has similar positions got paid more for their work in videos

You've been given the facts that it wasn't a good workplace environment (backed up by the people who you claim were victims and had their jobs put at risk), but you refuse to believe that a billion dollar company would shortchange a few of it's workers

boo hoo, poor billionaires, they have it so hard

>> No.14895047

>Sohla was great and didn't get paid because she wasn't white

Go to BA's yt page, sort videos by popular. Now scroll down untill you find a Sohla video, oh whats that? You've scrolled past 200 videos and not seen Sohla yet, not suprising, that's cause she's a dull cunt. She got paid less because she was worth less views. Woke people fail to see this or just reject the idea of being payed what your worth and project 'thats racist' at everything.

>> No.14895049

>you willingly ignored the part about non-white chefs not getting paid their worth
more like all the most popular content had white people in it and since your pay is dictated by the value add you bring to the company their salaries were proportionately higher.

>> No.14895053

Brad is an alpha chad whose consumption of fermented foods gives him lustrous hair and a perfect immune system thanks to his bionic gut flora
every video he farts in is automatically kino, and he has his own series

>> No.14895054


>> No.14895068

>Sohla (who was one of the better/more skilled chefs)
lmao nice joke mate

>> No.14895069

hey bud, that's not how the quote feature works

I said Sohla was a better chef, not a better youtube personality
I wouldn't really expect /ck/ to care about the difference

But please, go on about how being popular on youtube makes you skilled
This guy must be a master chef

This guy must not be as good

>> No.14895070

balding? he seems to have a full head of hair.
at least everything she touches turns to shit.
i cant wait for her to take babish down with racism accusations next

>> No.14895072

You can clearly see which "chefs" were bringing in the views and which were not. People want someone fun & relatable, who makes complex food sound easy and approachable. They're not looking for some autistic sjw sperg who makes them feel bad about not liking her grandma's shitty lamb curry or whatever.

The editor was your typical boss, and so what if he mixed up the names between two brown people. I haven't met a single person who hasn't fucked up somebodies name with another person at some point. You're acting like a simple mistake is a huge racist smoking gun, when it's clearly not.

Shola is a giant cunt, and her chef skills are minimal at best. She even blamed her failed restaurant on white people, blamed her failures at serious eats on racism, and of course did the same at bon app. I bet she'll do it with Babish soon enough.

>> No.14895078
File: 43 KB, 450x562, ceo of bald cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lustrous hair
kek. there is a reason why he always wears a hat or that stupid beanie everywhere.

>> No.14895080

The people who brought in more views were paid more. No shit. She was paid a salary. The people who were paid more actually renegotiated their wage. Did Sohla even try before she decided to burn the whole thing down? This isn't the first time Sohla played the race card. At this point she did it three times already.

>> No.14895083

You're forgetting that bon appetit is first and foremost a magazine
literally all of them were hired to create recipes and write articles

The video stuff was tacked on, which is why some of the earliest videos are some of the worst

Besides, we see Sohla consistently teach Claire (who went to school for cooking) how to temper chocolate
She had 2 years to learn and she still needed help every time

>> No.14895084

I've had people in the comments lecture me that the revenue certain personalities generate doesn't matter, as if Conde Nast isn't concerned with making money

>> No.14895088

Every time a nonwhite doesn't get everything a white person does and then some they claim racism because in their minds white people are never inconvenienced or fucked over or even treated on the merit of their work.

>> No.14895091

Okay, well then let's compare a video of sohla creating food she actually likes cooking to a video of one of the more popular chefs


wow, I guess it must have been a continuous isolated incident at BA considering she wracked up 2M views in 2 weeks

>so what if your boss was an asshole, so what if he was a racist
>sohla was a racist who blamed all of her issues on white people how dare she
uh huh

>> No.14895093

it's just the eternal victim complex. you cant argue with unreasonable people, dont even bother

>> No.14895098

She's piggybacking on the fame of Babish. Tell her to start her own channel and see how many views she has.

>> No.14895100

the babish videos with sohla are all but unwatchable

>> No.14895104

Except the videos weren't a part of their regular salary, they were paid extra to appear in videos

Not "Host" videos, just to appear in videos
When Delaney moseyed up to claire or molly and brought them some booze, he was paid more than Sohla who single handedly saved Claire at least 3 times

You are trying so hard to not admit that Conde Nast was in the wrong for not trying to negotiate with Sohla and literally half the original cast (who are also gone because of all this shit Conde Nast put them through)

>> No.14895106

>you willingly ignored the part about non-white chefs not getting paid their worth
she bought in less views, thats why she was paid less, see>>14895047 Nothing to do with race, try to curb your racism obsession
>If the editor in was a racist 15 years ago, and he's still an asshole to this day, why would anyone actually believe he's changed
Dressing emulating a style =/= believing in racial superiority. Please consider you are obsessed with things being racist, perhaps limit social media and main stream media, read a book instead, I liked 'In the skin of a lion"

>> No.14895107

Tell that to the 2M+ people who watched those episodes
Weird how she's piggybacking off of Babish on his channel, but not piggybacking of Bon Appetit on their channel

man you guys are bad at this

>> No.14895109

he just grows it out long and wears hats all the time. on one of the videos where he takes off his hat you can clearly see that he is balding and is starting to bald and his hair is thinning

>> No.14895110

They don't have two kitchens. One for the people on videos and one for recipe testing for the magazine. There were many times where she just pops her head into a video when nobody even called her.

>> No.14895111

*starting to have bald spots

>> No.14895116

>salaried workers complained that they weren't paid on a per-video basis like the far more popular freelancers
>blames racism

>> No.14895118

Awwh, is someone mad that People of color no longer tolerate abuse and discrimination? Get used to it.

>> No.14895120

>she bought in less views
Which doesn't account for the fact that she's popular as hell on babish's channel

>Dressing emulating a style =/= believing in racial superiority
Except they weren't dressing in a style, they were dressed as members of a certain race/nationality--so yeah, it's racist

stay mad about bon appetit dude or...

Just accept that the bon appetit you loved was problematic and it's good that it's gone
stop whining about it and just watch, you lost and it's never coming back

>> No.14895122

none of that changes the fact she was paid less because she got less views. Cry of racism are incorrect.

>> No.14895124

>Okay, well then let's compare a video of sohla creating food she actually likes cooking to a video of one of the more popular chefs

That's a Babish video not Bon Appetite, you sneaky cunt. Just organize the BA videos by views and see where Shola places compared to literally everyone else.

Nobody gives a fuck about her food, when serious eats tried to make her a mega star and gave her complete creative control even then people didn't fucking care. She took the first job she could get at BA because they had the most viewed food content on youtube, and when they didn't give her star treatment she blew everything up.

>uh huh
Keeping making of fake bs and pushing fake racism, see where it gets society in the next 10 years. Most people, from every race, don't fucking want sjw guilt pushed on them when they want to enjoy simple good food. That's why Maangchi is extremely popular, because everyone can relate to her food because she's not a giant cunt with a guilt agenda. It really couldn't be easier.

>> No.14895129

Zohla was brought up on multiple videos to share her experties. Multiple white people also appeared as randomly as her on several videos, and were paid more just for being there doing less than nothing. This was the case with several other minority casts regardless of public draw, since minorities were consistenly not getting paid well even if they were fan favorites (like the crazy popular latino grandma, even though she wasnt a main star).

Why on earth are people here so hellbent on defending le rich white man. If a white dude complains about shitty pay and rich assholes, 4chan goes for "le based guy tells the truth and is /ourguy/", yet dial up the melanin color and suddenly its "sjw minority is a bitch who is never satified".

>> No.14895130

>create massive drama
>no videos released for like 4-5 months
>creator of drama stars in video after all those months
Gee I wonder why people are curious to the videos.

>> No.14895131

Each of his videos get millions of views. His garlic bread video sans Sohla already has 2 million views and it was posted a week ago.

>> No.14895133

None of the most popular videos were made by free lancers

All of the actual free lancers were paid like shit, maybe $400 a video

Being caught on camera isn't the same as being called to actively participate in a video, which Sohla did do
Sohla wasn't complaining about working in the background and being on camera, she was complaining about putting work into other people's videos and not getting paid fairly

Also, for the last time, the youtube hosts you see work for the magazine mainly
They weren't hired specifically to appear on video, they were already developing recipes and then the company realized there was money in youtube

>> No.14895146

>That's a Babish video not Bon Appetit
>Sohla does well on babish

>Sohla does poorly on BA
it's her own fault

uh huh

>> No.14895156

Sohla was obviously being groomed for being a new face. They even shot some pilots. All she had to do was not chimp out in the 8 months that shed been working there. Within a year she would've had her own (paid) show.

>> No.14895157

And here's a video of carla that had a 8 month head start on that video

have one of chris morroco

good argument I guess

Rapoport started the drama by being racist, Sohla was just a victim

>> No.14895158

Fuck Delaney
Fuck Amiel
Fuck Rick
Fuck Andy
Fuck Christine
Fuck Molly
Fuck Sohla
Fuck the new people
Fuck Bon Appetit

>> No.14895165
File: 619 KB, 600x900, chocolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sohla was just a victim

Maybe a victim of her own insecurity and alcoholism.

>> No.14895172

Her expertise is minimal at best, there's a billion more chefs with a billion times more experience but that will never make them profitable on youtube ever. Nobody is stopping her from making her own channel like Kenji and making millions from supposedly the massive amount of fans she supposedly has. Of course, we all know she's a giant cunt with zero personality and nobody wants to watch her in the first place, which is why she needs to virus herself on everyone else's content.

>Why on earth are people here so hellbent on defending le rich white man.

We're defending the people who actually were interesting and entertaining to watch, and who had the most views. We're defending their right to be paid more because they actually earned it instead of making others feel guilty to earn their money.

>> No.14895175

If they were actually investing time and resources into Sohla, they would have at the very least met her demands for pay

they weren't actually investing anything into her, not by underpaying her and the rest of the non-white staff

>> No.14895183

They offered her a total of $30k in extra pay. Guess that's not enough for you people.

>> No.14895184

are you stupid?

On BA she brought in less views than Brad, Clair etc. So BA paid her less than Brad Clair etc

This means its based on value, not race.

>Which doesn't account for the fact that she's popular as hell on babish's channel
so? Her popularity on a different channel is irrelevent. If I pick $300 worth of apples for an orchard A should they pay me for $600 because I picked more for orchard B?

BONUS: search babish videos by popularity, im 200 vids in and don't see 'popular as hell' Sohla anywhere...

>> No.14895189

Maybe a victim of a billion dollar company that is more focused on profits than respecting people

>Sohla wasn't that skilled
She was definitely more skilled than a lot of the chefs in that kitchen
Carla burnt nearly half of the dishes she made on camera
Claire, Brad, and Chris still needed her help with tempering chocolate or developing recipes
Delaney isn't even a hired as chef but he probably got paid more for cooking videos

>> No.14895191


Babish could literally put anyone on his show and it would make at least a million views just like Rogan. You've only proven one thing, Babish can take a giant cunt with zero personality and still get at least a million views. The dude fucking made garlic bread and it got 2 million views, it only speaks to his channel not to her at all.

It's funny how you can't understand such easy reasoning.

>> No.14895195

Skill doesn't mean jack shit. People watch BA for it's entertainment value. Like a kitchen soap opera.

>> No.14895196

Corporate boots taste the best

>> No.14895204

She's mostly doing well because of the drama that surrounded her departure from BA. If she just quietly left BA and started on Babish there'd be interest because it's something different but she'd fade to obscurity just as quick or maybe less since she's not competing with a million other personalities but still weak numbers in the end.

>> No.14895210

>So BA paid her less than Brad Clair etc
her sticky bun video is more popular than some of Carla's videos that are far older
and we know that she's far more popular on babish's channel, so obviously there are variables you're ignoring

>Her popularity on a different channel is irrelevent. If I pick $300 worth of apples for an orchard A should they pay me for $600 because I picked more for orchard B?
bro you gotta come up with analogies that make sense, like complain all you want this is still stupid beyond reason

Obviously they didn't meet the other demands when it came to equal pay
Besides, Sohla is worth more than $30k extra
We already know that Babish snagged Vinny (1 out of 2 reasons why It's alive was popular), Why else would he hire Sohla?

>> No.14895215

so she's better than everyone because she tempers chocolate? i can temper chocolate consistently, it's easy as shit, and i still cant stand that dora looking hag

>> No.14895218

Vinny had nothing to do with It's Alive popularity other than Brad joking with him off camera. All the editing work was Hunzi

>> No.14895224

Kind of funny how the only watchable characters were all white - brad, Claire, Chris, that milf

>> No.14895231

indeed, the indian chick has grown on me a tiny bit but i still cant stand her trying to involve her parents in every single video

>> No.14895241

So Babish is popular enough to where anyone on his channel makes bank, and you think this reflects poorly on Sohla and not Bon Appetit?
Curious how Babish hired 2 ex bon appetit employees and not the other way around

but hey, you're probably right, after all
this is one of his most popular videos, yeah?
everything he does is 1M+ right
>b-b-but that's not food it doesn't count
but I thought that babish could take anyone and still get a million views

So BA was ruined because Sohla who wasn't good at soap operas started drama that got her offers of $30k more and she turned it down?
this is a really hard argument to make, but good for you

>> No.14895246

>her sticky bun video is more popular than some of Carla's video
Sticky buns 1.4m views
Carla has 51 videos with over 3m views (I got bored of counting after that, she probably has more)
Carla gets more views
Why is this so hard for you to accept its not about racism? Maybe its time to get off social media, stop being brain washed. Take a while to regain your ability to think.

>> No.14895247

Well, there's a new Indian chick now (she's a cutie). Old Indian chick ragequit the video but not the magazine side of BA.

>> No.14895255

How did BA fuck up this badly?

They had a literal money printing machine with their channel. It was like hanging out in the cool workplace you wish you had. Now the illusion is broken, turns out everyone hated each other, the boss is a fucking prick, and all the employees are getting jewed, especially the blacks.

And their response now is to further tokenize people and hire some negro with a history of literal racial discrimination?

They should of just people properly. Regardless of whether you hate Dora bitch, it's fucked that she wasn't getting paid to appear in others videos, but the white people were getting paid to appear in hers.

I just wanted to watch brad ferment things sigh

>> No.14895260

Carla was given more opportunities to make money than Sohla and now she has more views, dumbass

Look at some of Bon appetit's earliest videos
Dull incredibly boring shit that nobody wants to watch
And yet, we see claire, we see carla, still around making videos

Making popular videos and getting paid per video are independent
some of Carla's "hits"

>> No.14895263

The employees didn't hate each other
If they did, the entire cast wouldn't have stood in solidarity with each other

>> No.14895265

>Sohla didn't have enough screen time
>Sohla had too much screen time

So, which is it?

>> No.14895270

If I was a black employee at BA I'd demand they let me make a video about fried chicken and watermelon. I'd tell them it's to "reclaim" it from its racist roots but really I just think it would be funny and reflect poorly on them lol

>> No.14895271

Brad worked his way up for literally years only to have someone one who was there for only months ruin his livelihood.

>> No.14895272

she was paid less because she got less views.

She gets more views on another channel? Irrelevant, to how she should be paid by the BA channel.

The idea that she's popular on babish so therefore BA were somehow secretly sabotaging her and thats why she didn't get views there is insane.

Stop searching for racism.

>> No.14895275

When did I argue that Sohla was given too much screen time

OH you're talking about the fact that she wasn't paid fairly for her appearances on other people's videos, right?

Tell me you're talking about something else, anything else, that makes more fucking sense than that anon


>> No.14895281

yeah, he seems real torn up about it

>> No.14895285

>but I thought that babish could take anyone and still get a million views
>trying this hard

It's hilarious, you must be a paid shill to keep this up or a complete retard. It's a fucking book tour video, of course it's not going to get the insane amount of views as food content.

But here's a twist for you, how the fuck did a 17 minute video about cancer get more views than Shola if she's such a huge star?

How dumb do you have to be to not get it. Shola doesn't bring views besides her shill fans like yourself or latching on to a more popular channel. Big fucking question, if she's so amazing why doesn't she make her own channel and get billions of views herself? We both know the answer but you'll never admit it instead you'll play low-iq games endlessly.

>> No.14895291

Don't you get it? It's not BA that was racist, it's all the viewers! Literally the whole world! People should be watching Sohla as much as they watch Claire and not being racist by watching the one that entertains them better.

>> No.14895292

Yeah, he talked about he was there for 9 years being a glorified dishwasher with probably low pay. That's some dedication. If only Sohla could've done that instead.

>> No.14895296

You keep conflating views to payment, when we know for a fact that some people were getting paid to appear in other people (like brad getting paid to help claire build a special tool) while she wasn't getting paid at all

The issue wasn't that she wasn't getting paid enough, the issue was that there was a stark difference in how she and others were treated
Like, listen to her testimony, listen to Brad/Claire/Chris who all back this stuff up

But no, you don't want to do the research

>> No.14895302

He also specifically said there was a systemic issue

>> No.14895304

Sohla got Views/vid than others
Sohla made less vid
Sohla got less total views

You somehow see this and still think its all because of racism. You've got a racism obsession.

>> No.14895305

He also said he wasn't there for her contract negotiation.

>> No.14895306

>He also specifically said there was a systemic issue
>will lose job if you don't agree with cancel culture
>agree with cancel culture
>omg look even the hard working white guy who spent 9 years even agrees wow!!!!

Fucking retard.

>> No.14895308

>of course it's not going to get the insane amount of views as food content.
uh huh

>> No.14895314

just let the seething roastie waste 'her' time, it's no point argueing with unreasonable retards

>> No.14895316

>will lose job if you don't agree with cancel culture
who said that brad was at risk of losing his job?
Are you seriously saying that the company that was being accused of being racist would fire this dude if he didn't also join in an call the company racist?
What is this imaginary world you live in?

>> No.14895322

He also said that he supported his colleagues and their cause

>> No.14895325

>What is boycotting?

>> No.14895332

whoever is pro sohla and arguing that racism even exists at all, get out of 4chan dude. Remember we are all /pol/ larpers, you forgot to larp
Its not racism thats the problem its reverse racism.

>> No.14895334

Sohla's vids made at least 1M each, which is more than say, Andy, can say

But Andy still got his own series, Andy was still in all of the making perfect seriese

Face it
popularity on youtube didn't correlate with how often someone appeared nor does it correlate with how much someone is paid

>> No.14895340

Yeah anon, what is boycotting
How do you think it will personally relate to Brad being fired for not speaking up?
or as you so eloquently put it "will lose job if you don't agree with cancel culture"

>> No.14895341

He also said they don't have contracts and pay rates taped to their chests.

>> No.14895345

andy just isnt diverse enough for you, face it, you evil bigot.

>> No.14895346

>uh huh
>keep trying

I'll wait for your answer on why she won't make her own channel. Youtube is racist? Computers are racist? Eyeballs are racist?
>What is this imaginary world you live in?

Are you a fucking retard who hasn't been alive for the last 10 years? If Brad wrote BA wasn't racist and treated Shola fairly, and the reason for her failures were completely on her, they would fire him and destroy his whole entire life. Stop playing dumb.

>> No.14895347

>Remember we are all /pol/ larpers
no, you're just a newfag who came to 4chan because you heard nobody will complain if you call someone a nigger

/pol/ isn't even that old of a board

>> No.14895348

Sohla was getting her own show soon. Remember she was there less than a year.

>> No.14895352

she runs everything into the ground, if she made a youtube channel it would die out within a year. She's uncharismatic and unlikeable, and cant seem to run any sort of business

>> No.14895356

just stop simping, unless you are getting paid, you're wasting your time

>> No.14895357

Sohla is deeply afraid of failure so she needs any excuse she could find. She even ran her own restaurant into the ground and blame white people.

>> No.14895364

>Sohla's vids made at least 1M each, which is more than say, Andy, can say

Stop lying. Andy had at least 3-4 1mil+ videos. Shola only had the sticky bun video.


Also, Andy was there way fucking longer and his series got how many episodes before nobody cared about it.

Keeping lying though, nobody sees through it.

>> No.14895366

Claire literally uploaded a statement saying she's running for the hills.

>> No.14895369

>He also said they don't have contracts and pay rates taped to their chests.
Yes, I've been saying this the entire time
Their salary isn't directly linked to the videos they produce
The money they get from videos is completely separate and paying people less because they aren't as popular isn't a practice that they had

>I'll wait for your answer on why she won't make her own channel.
When claire quit, she didn't get her own channel
She literally went to go work for buzzfeed

Why do you think it's important that she get her own channel?
Start with nothing when all of her BA colleagues don't have to do that shit

>and the reason for her failures were completely on her, they would fire him
The company?
The company that was being called racist?
The company that didn't immediately bend over backwards to support all of Sohla's demands and ended up letting her and a bunch of other people go because they didn't want to negotiate?

whatever you're smoking, I want some

>> No.14895370

Who's simping? I was just making a point that Sohla was getting a show soon to prove her mettle. She was there less than a year so I don't even know why she thinks she deserves the same pay as the seniors on the show. Now that she ruined a good thing, she doesn't even want to start her own Youtube channel. She always has to rely on the very white people she blames for all her failures.

>> No.14895377

I liked Sohla, I think she should've gotten payed according to her contribution to the channel. Which in the last weeks before the drama was rising more and more.

But I also think she could have approached this in a way that wouldn't have sparked all this drama where everyone who wasn't brown got called out. When people called Delaney a racist because he baked a stars and bars cake a million years ago, that wasn't okay. Everyone grandstanding wasn't okay.

This could have all been resolved internally, without ruining what BA provided for the fans of the channel.

>> No.14895379

sorry, i thought you were the simping retard

>> No.14895380

>You keep conflating views to payment
because as a youtube channel its revinue is from proportional to ads watched and views.
>she wasn't getting paid at all
no, she wasn't held and worked for no pay like a slave (although thats what you seem to believe). She was paid less. Why? Because she got less views and therefore brought in less money.

>The issue wasn't that she wasn't getting paid enough, the issue was that there was a stark difference in how she and others were treated
no, its about money. All the reports are about the money and the token pay raise. >>14895296
>listen to her testimony, listen to Brad/Claire/Chris
yeah they all are just trying to get out with a carrier before the woke autistic "thats racist" squad burns it to the ground. They all give vague "i'm dissapointed in the lack of diversity" statements. They sound really invested.

>But no, you don't want to do the research
I've read it, I can see what this is, it's not racist, it's a woke joke. Not real racism, just another witch hunt.

>> No.14895384

Here's a video from 6 months ago with sub million views
Most of Andy's videos didn't get as many views as Sohla's

No, it's because the amount of money given to you isn't based on popularity because that's not how the payment system worked

>> No.14895393

>because as a youtube channel its revinue is from proportional to ads watched and views.
Bon Appetit is a magazine

>All the reports are about the money and the token pay raise
Wrong again

>> No.14895395

>Start with nothing when all of her BA colleagues don't have to do that shit

Half the show is gone, and they'll all have to start over without diversity hiring helping them. Even Kenji who more or less left serious eats, made his own channel. Shola knows she isn't worth shit, every time she does her own stuff nobody fucking cares.

>> No.14895408

BA makes money from Youtube so the most popular people get paid more. I don't even know why you think this isn't a fact.

Popular = More views = More ad money

Sohla's low salary is because she applied for a low paid position. You think they didn't tell her her salary before signing the contract? I can guarantee she knew she was going to be on the video side of BA since she was already on the video side of SA. She chose a low paying position on BA because she wanted a foot in the door. There are plenty of kitchen positions for skill chefs without being in front of a camera. Even now after leaving BA, she wants to shove her face on Babbish's channel.

>> No.14895412

>No financial statements from any party, just non-specific claims.
Whoever you're supporting is just guesswork based on hearsay of said party to suit your own agenda of who you like best.

>> No.14895417

>Bon Appetit is a magazine
And their website still relies on ads. Physical publications are dying out, so I'm certain 90% of their revenue comes from YouTube and their website.

>> No.14895422

When claire started making videos, she didn't touch 750k views until the infamous soup dumplings video
And even then most of the videos after that really didn't pass 1M

So far I've heard
-Sohla didn't work hard enough
-Sohla wasn't popular enough
-Sohla is generally unlikeable

But all evidence points to the opposite

As Sohla made a few videos that were generally more popular than BA's most famous host's first videos, it would reason to say that they should pay Sohla fairly (even if they were being compensated based on how popular they are, it stands to say that Sohla will eventually become just as popular if not more so)

But that isn't the case, so that tells us that Conde Nast and all their worshippers ITT are wrong

>> No.14895425

>Most of Andy's videos didn't get as many views as Sohla's

You're lying. Andy has way more 1mil+ videos than Shola.


Shola was there for fucking 10 months and expected the world to be handed to her, instead of working hard she burned everything down.

>> No.14895426

>I think she should've gotten payed according to her contribution to the channel
Please don't be rational about this, no one wants to hear it. Either claim it was all evil racists or call somone a nigger. The idea that Pay is determined by worth simply does not fit in the current hyper polarised discussion.

>> No.14895427

The funniest part is that comments calling her out on Babish's channel are getting dog-piled. Can't wait until she finds a reason to #cancel him, too.

>> No.14895434

It is? I don't watch since seeing her face makes me ill.

>> No.14895435

>-Sohla is generally unlikeable
>But all evidence points to the opposite

Have you even seen a video with Sohla as the main? She's dry and awkward, can't stand her.

>> No.14895438

>BA makes money from Youtube so the most popular people get paid more
>Sohla's low salary is because she applied for a low paid position
We know that BA is a magazine, their popularity on youtube is recent, and that Sohla has a low paying job there

What makes you think that literally anyone who appears on camera (other than free lancers) were hired specifically to be on Camera?

Answer: you're an idiot
But more importantly, if your salary isn't linked to your appearances on youtube, then it makes more sense to say that you should be paid a certain amount per video and you should be paid a certain amount for appearing in other people's videos

Sohla and many other people were not being paid to appear in others videos

>> No.14895439

oh okay, I guess Sohla was a dumb lazy nigger who worked for a dumb racist shit company.

>> No.14895440

all you need to hear is
Sohla got less views/vid
Sohla therefore got less pay

All evidence is available, BA youtube channel sorted by popularity + Sohla saying "I got paid less"


>> No.14895444

>She's dry and awkward, can't stand her.
And yet, she's constantly invited onto other people's shows
She's dry and awkward, which is why people constantly ask her for help instead of someone more likeable and fun

sure anon

>> No.14895446

Now we're talking,

>> No.14895447

you finally got it, congrats

>> No.14895450

You don't "recently" get six million subscribers, mate. Just admit you're talking out of your ass. Nobody buys magazines anymore.

>> No.14895452

Thanks for not giving up on me guys.

>> No.14895454

When Sohla was hired, they were already popular YouTube channel.

>> No.14895455

>When claire started making videos, she didn't touch 750k views until the infamous soup dumplings video

None stop lying again, absolutely hilarious how many fake examples you'll make to prove your shilling.

Claire is the perfect example of someone who actually had to create unique content before she became BA's biggest star. The Gourmet Makes series completely proves, you don't need chefy experience to make popular videos because people want unique content not autistic sjw guilt trip curry.

>But all evidence points to the opposite
Nope, your lying points to the opposite. Shola was never popular, even when Serious Eats tried to make her a star and when she realized BA wasn't going to fastrack her then she burned it down.

>> No.14895456

Yeah, all the evidence is there, just look at

All backing up sohla, all of them saying that she has a good cause, and half of them leaving because they weren't getting treated fairly

but you wanna make this about Sohla because she's the one that "ruined" the channel

sure thing kid

>> No.14895457

>people constantly ask her for help
You mean "she forces people to let them come on their shows and threatens to cancel them if they don't"?

>> No.14895464

>All backing up sohla, all of them saying that she has a good cause
You mean "all of them trying to store up woke brownie points"?

>> No.14895468

To be fair, nowadays people fall in line as soon as the word racism is brought up. This isn't necessarily proof that anything actually was unfair. This is the line that BA has been towing ever since the drama. They renegotiated after the character attack on their staffers and management but always claimed that payment was fair.

>> No.14895469

>cancel culture
>if you don't agree you get cancelled
>must backup false racism accusations or your life will be destroyed
>not understanding this in the year of 2020

>> No.14895470

I had never heard of BIPOC before all this shit started. In five years there will be five more letters.

>> No.14895473


>> No.14895474

You are terminally dumb.
Sohla accused BA basically of racism, therefore there are two options for everyone in the company:
a) go against sohla. You are now racist forever, you will not work anywhere remotely important every again and even BA will eventually have to take you off air
b) go with sohla and get bonus points for "speaking against racism" and "supporting whatever bumfuck cause is the current year"
I wonder what's the better option here.

>> No.14895478

I don't care why they hired her. SHE A CUTE I REPEAT A CUTE.

>> No.14895480

You stretch toward illogical reasoning for this to be racism. Why is that? Why do you want so badly for this to be racist that you make up these delusions?

>> No.14895481

meh. i like her kitchen.

>> No.14895484

The best thing to do is not to play the game

>> No.14895485

It is best not to dive into that cesspit and just let them cook their alphabet soups. Look at what LGBT has morphed into as of late. The best thing you can do if you want to make fun of them is to unironically use their words. The best thing you can do to kill them is to let them keep using their words.

>> No.14895488

I basically have a fetish for black chicks and I think she's ugly. What's wrong with you guys?

>> No.14895494


>Eleven months: That’s how long Sohla and Ham El-Waylly’s Brooklyn restaurant, Hail Mary, lasted. The couple never expected to have to close the doors to their upscale-diner concept in less than a year, but the reality is that running a restaurant is hard, and running a restaurant as a chef of color is even harder.

>> No.14895496

Not an option. If you don't comment, you are seen as the bad guy by both sides. All because your nutjob country turns everything into a binary decision.

>> No.14895499
File: 618 KB, 600x900, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the food that she cooked.

>> No.14895504

>live in the most woke city on earth
>create an innovative restaurant
>do exactly the kind of shit that NYers eat up
>still fuck it up
>"must be those darn racists keeping that poor POC down!"

>> No.14895508

Indeed this would be the correct choice. However, if you are famous, even internet famous, even just youtube famous, the crazed hordes on online people with too much time and too little of anything else will demand an answer. Unfortunately, fame comes at that cost.

>> No.14895509

It seems anything nearing a year, she has to destroy. Maybe she has ADHD?

>> No.14895517



>The burrata's flown in once a week from Puglia (yes, in Italy) from a purveyor whose only creation is this cheese. "He doesn't know we fry it, [but I think] he'd be fine with it," El-Waylly laughs. "He's super proud of his burrata, so I didn't have the heart to tell him that we fry it."

Fly in handmade cheese from italy, deep-fry it, charge $30 dollars, then wonder why your restaurant fails.

>> No.14895524


>All backing up sohla, all of them saying that she has a good cause, and half of them leaving because they weren't getting treated fairly
they're leaving because the ship is sinking. They left because "they were unhappy with the lack of diversity" which sounds like they're appeasing the woke crowd. Not because of how they were personally treated.
>but you wanna make this about Sohla because she's the one that "ruined" the channel
No the channel was ruined by woke racist witch hunts.

Look at the pay rates. Look at the view counts. Doesn't seem like its based on race, looks like it based on views.

Somehow you still need to make it about race? Why are you so obsessed with wanting it to be racist? Doesn't it disturb you that you're so led, that you lack the ability to think freely?

>> No.14895528

>running a restaurant as a chef of color is even harder.
Is she in Best Korea?
Literally nobody cares about the chef. If the food is tasty and well priced that is all that matters. Nobody cares about the chef's color, personality, style, sex, gender, family situation, political beliefs or anything else. Unless you're failing hard to meet the simple demand of good food - well priced, and thus you put irrelevant facts about the chef upfront in an effort to divert blame or gain customers.

>> No.14895530

>Sohla (who was one of the better/more skilled chefs)

Shame the channel wasn't successful because it had a bunch of highly skilled chefs, but rather because it was a well made friend simulator. Nobody cared about the experience of the chefs at any point.

>> No.14895531

>they were dressed as members of a certain race/nationality
How is this racist? At the absolute worst its insensitive.

>> No.14895535

this is true for almost anywhere. you have to have your own head deep in your own ass to think so much about your own race in relation to a fucking restaurant.

>> No.14895539

I happen to know for a fact that Serious Eats when they started expanding beyond the studio was an amazing place to work at and have no reason to think its changed much. It was really what lot of chefs would consider a dream job.
The fact that Sohla couldn't fit in there, in one of the most welcoming and unthreatening environments, should speak volumes about her.

>> No.14895540 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 549x410, elma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHHH im trying to hunt witches, wacist witches.