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14882462 No.14882462 [Reply] [Original]

I was a big time coffee drinker, loved my pippin' hot, mornin' cuppa joe.
However, about two years ago I developed what was diagnosed as IBS. I guessed coffee might be one thing that was messing me up so I decided to stop drinking it. I went two years caffeine free.

The results? None. Stopping drinking coffee (hell, going caffeine free) does not do anything, you don't feel better, you don't have "more energy" as some people claim. I felt the same with coffee on my system than without it.

Recently I've started drinking coffee again, just because I missed it. I still love the taste and the morning ritual.
Quitting or not, my digestive issues haven't worsened or improved, It's just something I have to live with.

I've concluded that coffee drinking is a matter of enjoyment, not health.

Just posting this to share my story. It might help other Anons.

>> No.14882475
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maybe if coffee tasted good, I would actually drink it

>> No.14882486

>maybe if I had the palate of an adult, I would actually drink it

>> No.14882513

I thought excessive coffee gave me IBS years ago but it was definitely my shitty diet and binge eating habits at the time. Cleaned up and now I'm regular as ever while drinking 3-5 strong cups coffee a day.

>> No.14882520

Let me guess, you drink soda or energy drinks for caffeine?

>> No.14882611
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>he doesn't know

>> No.14882812

Imagine outing yourself this bad

>> No.14882820

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.14882835

My dark eye circles vanished after quitting coffee for 1 day.

>> No.14882873

It took me like six months for my digestive issues to go away after I quit coffee. And it only went away after I started eating dark chocolate for some reason. Now my poops are fast and clean again. It's okay if I only have a cup or two once in a while, but even just from that I can tell my poop isn't quite right though it goes away right after. I also noticed that coffee makes my skin red and itchy, and I end up with a stuffy nose for a couple days after having it too.

Don't really know why all this happens. I don't feel particularly sensitive to caffeine and I'm not drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee. Tried all different brands and preparation methods. Same thing happens with tea too. Doesn't seem like there's much of an issue with cocoa though, I guess because it has more theobromine instead of caffeine.

>> No.14883704

Thanks, good to know. I've been thinking about this lately. I used to love coffee, but then I thought it was causing digestion problems. Now I'm not convinced. Am gonna go back to drinking coffee again and see what happens.

>> No.14883711

Dark chocolate contains caffeine.

>> No.14883875

Yeah but it's in much smaller amounts and most of the effects come from the theobromine.

>> No.14883914

The true redpill on coffee: it's just a caffeine delivery system and snobby fucks bragging about their ultra-dark-roast-Paraguayan-monkey-shit-bean blend are retarded

>> No.14883984


>> No.14884072

Coffee does cause digestion issues for a lot of people but once you stop it won't clear up right away if you've been drinking large amounts for a long time.