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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14878768 No.14878768 [Reply] [Original]

>most recent video
>4 months ago
I thought they said they'd continue video!

>> No.14878780

Who is that? The only YT cooking channel I vaguely care about is CwJ, and I don't care about him at all.

>> No.14878789

Bro. Bro. Bro. It's time you checked into the babish culinary universe

>> No.14878797

lol no thanks faggot

>> No.14878800

Bon Appetit. They had a big upset a few months back and had to renegotiate stuff with the employees. They said that they got it all worked out and they'll go back to doing video, but still just nothing. At this point I'm not sure they'll ever actually come back.

>> No.14878816

>Claire has left
>That blonde bimbo has left
>The Mexican transvestite has left
>Gaby has left
>The Indian chick from India with Indian parents has left
>All other non-whites except for Andy have left

The ones who apparently remain are Chris, Brad, Amiel and Andy. Maybe Carla.

It's dead.

The poo in the loo has killed it.

>> No.14878824

Oh shit, I didn't know Claire left.

>> No.14878828

>1 employee's vague accusations can sink a entire company just on feelings and words alone
>this is 2020

where did society go so wrong and who are responsible for it?

>> No.14878844

rip in pieces, should have headed off the revolt and just paid them

>> No.14878846

What was the upset about? Don't be coy. I want it straight.

>> No.14878860

Racism. The most terrible crime a person can commit

>> No.14878862

It acts as a good reminder to not put too much stock in parasocial relationships

>> No.14878874
File: 330 KB, 1140x700, bon-appetit-adam-rapoport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14878878

outrage culture is like some form of widespread social mental illness. This is what happens to a feminized society.

>> No.14878884

They were pretending to be NY Puerto Ricans for Halloween... that and he asked his black assistant to clean his golf clubs once. So in short >>14878860 is right, this guy is literally Hitler and is worse than a baby rapist.

>> No.14878886

Wiggerism is a crime now? Mainstream corporate media promotes that filth to hell and back.

>> No.14878903

A 15 year old photo of the editor in chief dressed up as a cholo gangster for a halloween party leaked to the public. People started calling it "brownface" even though he wasn't wearing any makeup, and the Twitter grapevine quickly transformed it into "blackface."
Immediately following, one of the brown employees, Sohla, posted a big rant on her Instagram story about how the non-white employees weren't paid as well as the white employees and how they weren't compensated for appearances in their YouTube videos.
What it really came down to is that BA only gave special compensation to people who hosted their own shows and did NOT compensate people for appearing in "regular" videos like ones where all the employees give some random opinions on camera or whatever. Sohla was salty because she was "doing extra work" without being compensated extra even though she worked on salary and didn't do anything to renegotiate the terms of her contract.
So basically everyone at BA was forced to boycott making videos in solidarity with Sohla and the other minorities, which led to months-long contract renegotiations and ultimately we still have no new videos.
If you google for "Bon Appetit Sohla" you'll probably find articles with greater detail if you're interested.

>> No.14878904

Who wants to watch a bunch of racists though really? CHUDs.

>> No.14878920

this shit only happens in the entertainment industry, and good. society has forgotten that entertainers are the court jesters of the world.

>> No.14878968

I remember that debacle from a few months ago. As much as I hate to say it, as I'm more of an independent, it seems that giving "minorities" a voice, no matter what the issue is, they overcomplicate and ruin everything they touch every time. I hope all extremists, especially leftists, burn in hell. Forever.

>> No.14879014

>Chris, Brad, Amiel and Andy. Maybe Carla.
all of them are based though this sounds like a good thing

>> No.14879047
File: 619 KB, 600x900, chocolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate seeing Sohla on my recommended list. She made a shit load of people unemployed but then whored herself out to all the famous food channels (that's owned by the very white people she keeps complaining about).

>> No.14879146

claire is just holding out for a pay raise, AGAIN. she'll be back. she's hinting on instagram that she'll return after her dessert book release.

>> No.14879201


Yeah I have no desire to watch her shit on Babish. Fucking Andrew's channel is getting outside of his scope in my opnion.

>> No.14879247


>> No.14879314

Well, to be fair, the caption that she put on it used the word "papi" and neither of them are hispanic or latin.

>> No.14879316

>The Indian chick from India with Indian parents has left
nooooooo my milkies
Brad is played out.

>> No.14879373

Maybe you should take the time to listen to people affected by these things instead of getting angry about things you don't understand.

>> No.14879389

>Maybe you should take the time to listen to people affected by these things
Why? None of the outraged white people on Twitter did.

>> No.14879393

just posted on her instagram a few days ago saying she is done with BA and is implying she is doing her own thing

>> No.14879396

Performative and exploitative victimhood. Many such cases

>> No.14879428

This is what happens when you hire minorities.

>> No.14879480

I mean I hear you. The caption said "papi" and "boricua" and neither of them are latino. Taken the wrong way, it's mockery. It was in 2005 or whatever. I graduated highschool around then so I remember how it was different. At that time, it wasn't something you thought was bad. People were more relaxed about that shit, had thicker skin. That said, people were hurt and now everyone thinks longer and harder about how their actions might affect others in terms of race. I bet Rapoport would've been loathe to do anything near that in the past five years because the climate has changed and people are more sensitive/aware/"woke". This is where the crux comes in- should he be publicly ostracized for this bullshit? Were these women of color being oppressed by BA or was it just office politics that were conveniently exploited? Could things have been fixed peacefully and with directly talking to people about your honest opinions/feelings rather than causing a social media shitstorm and tearing apart a company/livelihoods of people?

>> No.14879497

The thing is, the Puerto Ricans weren't even all that mad. Some even said he looked fly. It was all non-PR people being offended.

>> No.14879522

Also Adam Rapoport is the Anna wintour of food magazines, doesn’t have any work in the culinary industry (which is fine), but he treats his employees who have more experience, so he deserved it.

>> No.14879813

come home to Cooking with Ja/ck/, Anon