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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14870551 No.14870551 [Reply] [Original]

Is there decarbonated coke?
I like the taste but the bubbles hurt my tongue

>> No.14870557

one time i was drinking a coke, and I swallowed some sort of bug...I haven't drank a soda since

>> No.14870565

Better question...
So if you guys could commit a crime and get away with it, what would it be?

>> No.14870570

Put it through a strainer into a mixing bowl to flatten it fast.
Don't let fear control you.

>> No.14870576

Speeding probably.

>> No.14870580

just fry it

>> No.14870590

you are a bitch

>> No.14870594

Just open it, pour it into a cup and leave it in the fridge overnight you fucking retard.

>> No.14870595

One time I was walking along the beach and a seagull shit literally into my mouth

>> No.14870600

Demolish every abortion clinic in the country. :)

>> No.14870601

i agree with you, OP is a fucking retard.

>> No.14870604

>Put it through a strainer into a mixing bowl to flatten it fast.
never heard of this but I assume it works.
stir the fuck out of it, increasing the surface area of the liquid exposed to the air.
or degass in the classical way: put it in a flask in a liquid nitrogen bath, freeze it, and attach the flask to the schlenk line and open it to the vacuum.

>> No.14870627

through market forces.
No abortions if no demand for abortions. Support Save the Storks and adoption agencies.

>> No.14870637

You can buy the syrup, then dilute it as much or little as you want.

>> No.14870675

What would you use to demolish them?

>> No.14870710

Can't happen in a democratic country. Abstinence is not an electable policy. Both sides are shit because all they can do is promote "do as thou wilt" in different ways.

>> No.14870756

This is the real truth. It's very easy to say "Don't have an abortion. You're a bad person if you do it." Most women know that, but they feel trapped and don't know there are alternatives. It's important to support them in their moment of crisis and show them the options. Show them that there are families that cannot have children, but would love to raise one of their own. Show them that there is free and quality healthcare services for them. Show them that it's not the end of their life, but just another part.

Preferably with social and market forces, but a bulldozer would work too.

No, one side is shit because it promotes death and dehumanizing the person.

>> No.14870758


>> No.14870763

Hey man, there's objective right and wrong in the world. There are certain actions that are wrong no matter what potential good can come from them.

>> No.14870785

>opposing child murder means he lets his wife cheat on him

>> No.14870814
File: 15 KB, 225x225, glownigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14870858

Leave the bottle open until it goes flat you retard

>> No.14870869

I said cuck, not cuckold.

>> No.14870871

What does your stupid insult even mean then?

>> No.14871366

I was at the oktoberfest in Munich once and somebody vomited on my head from a rollercoaster. One of the most disguusting things that has ever happened to me. It was such a massive glob and it hit me from so high up that it actually hurt.

>> No.14871396

Put a straw in your coke and blow bubbles in it, it will go flat really fast

>> No.14871501


>> No.14871516
File: 131 KB, 636x1000, grappler-baki-2409115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sayin'....

>> No.14871614

Not that guy, buckold is the term for the wife cheating fetish. Cuck is an insult to how weak someone is. Letting your neighbor blast music late at night instead of confronting them about it is an example.
There's also the chance I don't know what I'm on about, but it's what I've seen here.

>> No.14871622

The diagnosis is in: (you) are clinically retarded. 'Cuck' is an abbreviation of 'Cuckold', which is someone who's wife got fucked by another man.

>> No.14871628

I forgot to say cuck can also be short for cuckold
Can someone explain this to me? It doesn't make sense unless it's something about the gas becoming liquid or something.

>> No.14871638

I forgot to post that. But that means the insult doesn't make sense like the other one said

>> No.14871642

It's because the gas causes bloating, which isn't particularly great when running. Even more for a marathon.

>> No.14871644

pinecone in a sprite can

>> No.14871651

Or you can just leave it for a while with out the cap? So it lose the gas... Tf are you talking about with the gas becoming liquid and shit?

>> No.14871677

Get a bottle of it and shake it up and slowly open the cap so it hisses out

Keep on doing it until it doesn’t hiss anymore. The carbonation is just the pressurized carbon dioxide releasing, just keep on depressurizing it.

>> No.14871975

robbing all the gold and cash in fort knox

>> No.14871982
File: 142 KB, 1182x1200, 1557210481128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fuckin weirdo

>> No.14872280

Fetus catapults

>> No.14872417

You know you can just buy Coke syrup, right?

>> No.14872421

Just add a small amount of water to the Coke it kills the fizz also stirring it.

>> No.14872477

securities fraud

>> No.14872492

Overthrow the sovereign governments of foreign nations without Rothschild-owned banking systems, oh wait, that's what you guys do, glowfriendo

>> No.14872499


>> No.14872500

Why the fuck would anyone want to do that? Coca-cola tastes FUCKING HIDEOUS without the gas. Try leaving a bottle of coke in the fridge for a few days with the lid not screwed very tightly and see what happens. It tastes like some fucking rotten watered down coffee-like thing, it's disgusting.

>> No.14872738

A couple of days? Leave a can open for 30 minutes and it tastes like dogshit.

>> No.14872750

Hot and flat coke is delicious especially if you find it behind the backseat of your car.

>> No.14872800


>> No.14872827
File: 465 KB, 633x973, 1550118746806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill 99.98% of the earth's population.
then live my dream of a comfy abandoned earth.

>> No.14873464

There was this one time that I decided I wanted a candy bar, so I rode my bike to the circle K. I was so pissed because the snickers bar price went from 25 cents to 35 cents. that was all the money I had. I ate the candy bar on the way home.

>> No.14874857

spare me and my family ok??

>> No.14874884

maybe its just shit in general.

>> No.14874896

Add sugar, learned thats what eastern europeans do when the CO2 is too sharp for their children to handle

>> No.14875363
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There's less carbonated cokes at least. Afri-Cola is quite a bit milder for instance.

>> No.14875370


>> No.14875425

is overthrowing every government on Earth a crime?
if not, then mass genocide

>> No.14875429

that's too freakin bad, ya hear me?

>> No.14876089

Enjoying decarbonated coke

>> No.14876120

>decarbonated coke

I'd buy the fuck out that.

>> No.14876223

The only real answer

>> No.14876234

>Is there decarbonated coke?
>I like the taste but the bubbles hurt my tongue
There used to be....people liked the syrup as a nausea settling drink. Some pharmacies may still sell "cola syrup" in a 4oz bottle that l ooks like cough syrup.

>> No.14876250

Is that Super Mario?

>> No.14876332

Relevant, anybody know if someone brews flat beer? I like beer as a drink and a hangover cure, but I just cannot deal with the carbonation, it fucks up my throat something fierce. If I leave a can open on the counter overnight, the next morning tastes amazing.

>> No.14876431

This really isnt rocket science, just take a bar sized bottle or can of coke, pour it in a glass and let it sit for a few minutes, it'll decarbonate.

>> No.14876437

decarbonating coke

>> No.14876448

sounds pretty goofy that way but its pretty simple

>> No.14876465

Buy canned Guiness. It's revoltingly uncarbonated

>> No.14877550

me too pls, thanks.