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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14852833 No.14852833 [Reply] [Original]

>buy any type of fruit
>have to deal with fruit gnats for weeks

>> No.14852845
File: 349 KB, 860x436, Gnat ever gonna stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready or gnat here we come

>> No.14852851
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>baking soda + lemon juice down every drain
>boiling water down every drain
>apple cider traps
>bug spray the fuck out of every drain / trash can
>they're STILL HERE
I just wanted a FUCKING APPLE

>> No.14853228

My apple cider trap started killing them but man are they annoying af. House not even dirty.

>> No.14853280

store the fruit in a paper bag or a bowl with a towel over it

>> No.14853285

Store your fruit outside if you have that option.

>> No.14853289

Try not to think about how this means that fruit fly maggots are in the skin of everything you buy.

>> No.14853317


Fruit flies doesn't mean your home is dirty don't worry. Do you have many houseplants? They like to burrow into the soil to lay their larvae

>> No.14853329

>gnats don't come standard in her house

heh, rookie

>> No.14853347

you will never be a woman.

>> No.14853563

I just committed gnat genocide half a week ago this thread gives me the lolz.
fly ribbon and cider traps also fabreezed a ton of em too.

>> No.14853571

I live in the first world and do not know that feel.

>> No.14853588

Eat a fruit? Throw the waste in a fruit specific bag and keep in the fridge until ready to be thrown out.

No more gnats.

>> No.14853693

>start seeing a handful of gnats/fruit flies around my produce
>put out one of these traps
>suddenly there are hordes of these things flying around my kitchen and only a dozen or so bugs in the trap

>> No.14853737

lol even like beer cans.

>> No.14854718

I don't even have fruit in my room let alone plants or dirt.

>> No.14854960


>> No.14856400

literally will never be female. yolo

>> No.14856410

If only they invented fridges in which you could store said fruit and bugs would not invade into. If only that was ever a thing :(

>> No.14856416

>Buying fresh fruit and not frozen

fucking disgusting

>> No.14856425



>> No.14856443

>frozen fruit

What in the american fuck.

>> No.14857473

Why tf dont you put the fruit in the fridge then?

>> No.14858033


Because that ruins it. I bet you leave your tomatoes in there like an utter heathen

>> No.14858086

many fruits, especially tomato, will taste like nothing after a day in the refrigerator

>> No.14858098
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ok, now what?

>> No.14858186

but the bears will eat it, anon

>> No.14858270
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you should try getting mosquito coils

turns out
mosquito coils are also very harmful to other flying pets

>> No.14859217

Clean your kitchen.

>> No.14860762

How does frozen fruit compare to fresh fruit, in terms of nutritional content and gnat attractiveness?

>> No.14860846

disgusting bony hands

>> No.14860912

I had this problem but my laziness actually paid off for once.
>Bring in lots of fresh figs, tomatoes and vegetables from my garden
>While cooking see fruit flies show up again
>Notice spiderweb in the corner of my kitchen, too high to reach without a chair or step ladder so I leave it alone and go back to cooking
>Forget all about spider
>Next morning see the spider web again, now it's full little black specks
>No more fruit flies
>Thanks spiderbro