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14839551 No.14839551 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being a dumbass "beer snob"

Thinking there is nuance and class in liquid bread is probably the most retarded thing an individual could say about themselves in a culinary context.

It is literally liquid bread, and is a step below water from soaked tobacco leaf.

>> No.14839566

yeah but there’s liquid wonder bread and then there’s liquid artisanal sourdough

>> No.14839586

This, not to mention the wide variety of beer types depending on the ingredients, stop being a tastelet OP.

>> No.14839593

all variations from standard lager are shit. liking them makes you soy

>> No.14839595

Well there is you retarded tastelet and reducionism making it sound silly doesn't get your nonexistent point through either

>> No.14839605

>liking things make you soy
insecure fag

>> No.14839607

Maybe american copylager but German lager is great as well as what I guess one could call variations even if it's false such as Kölsch

>> No.14839613

Oh what small balls of bait you dangle in the water for us OP. Your balls I imagine?

>> No.14839634

German beers and other actual beers obviously aren't soy

>> No.14839644

Imagine being a dumbass "coffee snob"

Thinking there is nuance and class in liquid fruit seed juice is probably the most retarded thing an individual could say about themselves in a culinary context.

It is literally fruit seed juice, and is a step below water from soaked tobacco leaf.

>> No.14839648

>liking something automatically makes you a "snob"

>> No.14839653

t. insecure fag about fucking beer

>> No.14839656

It isn't liquid bread. How dumb that you heard someone say that and thought it was clever. It's not, it completely misunderstands how beer is made.

>> No.14839657

Ok then why would you refer to American beer that wouldn't be able to pass the german Reinheitsgebot even if they wanted to as beer, it could confuse some anons

>> No.14839686

american beers was never referred to in my posts, only yours. are you... obsessed?

>> No.14839695

I buy fancy IPAs based on the label. My store has a huge variety of 16oz singles. I couldn't tell you the name of any or which was my favorite. I just know what I like when I taste it

>> No.14839715

no one fucking asked you for your opinion

>> No.14839743

Not in the slightest but I can't really think of any other beer that is watery or tasteless which is I guess what you are referring to when shittalking beer

>> No.14839748

my fully existent point has obviously bounced off your smooth brain hard enough to trigger your brain stem into signalling your fat stumpy little piggy fingers to type out this pathetic response

>> No.14839777

You had no point whatsoever from the start you mong only delusions

>> No.14839780

yawn you already established any American produced beers are garbage water swill. common knowledge. what's your point?

>> No.14839784

My "pils" is PBR and Narragansette

>> No.14839796

by your logic if I had no point then your angery posts attacking pointless shot are even more pointless than the pointless shit you're trying to discredit.

good job dumb dumb

>> No.14839798

OP here, I appreciate the replies

I’m not a taste let - I can taste how cheap flour or sugar is in food, which is why my diet is primarily ethnic food I grew up on, comfort staples, and select fast food.

I don’t drink, but as I’m getting older wine is def the drink of choice for me. It doesn’t make you burp, doesn’t get you fat or bloat, taste good

>> No.14839930

Not really there is still some merit of calling out a retard on his delusion lest ye start believing them for real if noone gives any opposition

>> No.14839932

Nothing you drink really makes you fat or bloat as long as you exercise anon

>> No.14840113

I hate beer snobs


>> No.14840133

>Implying people cannot taste the yeast from op's mom vagina infection in their beer
You are tasteleet anon, craft beer is about enjoying different hints of flavors on a base flavor everyone knows, beer. It's fun to notice the little nuances added to that base, fruits, nuts, different scents, seeds, etc.

>> No.14840667
File: 28 KB, 410x748, images (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I drink is this

>> No.14841681

Well then you're a fucken champion mate, keep up the good work

Also fuck craft beer

>> No.14841688

People bored enough will get autistic about anything.

>> No.14841734
File: 1.36 MB, 4539x3026, tjhrftoszhj11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holds conservative, outdated views on thing
>refuses to accept new developments in thing
>people who enjoy thing are wrong
But who was real snob?

>> No.14841782
File: 1.19 MB, 2200x1800, beer-brands-full-size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I paranoid to think that this anti small brewery sentiment is pushed by large multinational corporations?
>be company
>everyone drinks beer
>buy rights to sell beer
>make it as cheaply as possible to maximise profit
>people still buy it
>profits skyrocket
>people start to want nicer beer
>small companies start to make nice beer
>good they're buying our 'maxprofit lite' again
yeah i guess im just being paranoid, better get back on my meds

>> No.14841785

not liking beer isn't a conservative position in any way whatsoever you retarded hustle and bustle nigger

>> No.14841787
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Not a snob but if you don't know the difference between a good beer and a bad one you need to buy better beer

>> No.14841809

yeah you are
people like to buy what’s consistent and affordable
you always buy the same milk, big dairy didn’t do that you did...but occasionally you’ll grab the expensive yummy organic chocolate milk as a treat
same thing with beer, in the long run case of bud lights is cheaper and easier to drink than some OVER 9000 ibu IPA and everyone at the party won’t judge you for being an insufferable pretentious faggot if you’re just drinking a bud

>> No.14841837

so you're telling me to drink bud light otherwise people at parties wont like me? Thanks for the tip ABinBev

>> No.14841859

I just want you to buy what you’re happiest drinking and be happy about it
it’s fun to sample beers that are filthy with alcohol and have been aged in barrels or have so many hops they smell like pinesol
but there’s a lot of beers that are more drinkable than those

>> No.14841893

Lrn2read Trumptard

>> No.14841928

I read perfectly fine, you're conflating things that have nothing to do with each other

>> No.14842537

Even worse, the snobbiest ones only want to drink one that made from cat turd pebbles.

>> No.14842831

A former lecturer of mine told us that ale was a working class drink. Sure, he was right in the British setting, but on the continent, there are loads of beers that were originally brewed for monarchs and such.

>> No.14842846

>It is literally liquid bread
you say this as though bread itself doesn't have a wide world of options of widely varying quality

>> No.14842850

How fucking poor do you have to be to not primarily drink good beer after college?

>> No.14842881

The different between american and european lager isn't that huge

>> No.14842908

This is budweiser tier.

>> No.14842912

European macro beer is a bit better than US cheap beer, but top US beer is by far the best in the world, and absurdly common and easy to come by while also being relatively affordable compared to the high end of other alcoholic beverages

>> No.14842916

>but top US beer is by far the best in the world

>> No.14842920

Why the fuck do so many beers not taste like liquid bread.
This is heresy.

>> No.14842928

>It is literally liquid bread
There's no end to your retardation, is there?

>> No.14842929

What do you consider the 5 best beers you have ever had
Also what is the best American beer you have ever had if not one of those 5

Like its actually insane to not recognize that America makes by far the best beer in the world

>> No.14842933

Are you mentally retarded? Google the history of beer. Bakers made it as a secondary product much of the time using the same yeast as their breads.

>> No.14842941

beer probably predates bread. Its more fair to say bread is just dry, baked beer

>> No.14842952

1. Anyiger Urweisse
2. Sierra Nevada Hoppy Wheat
3. Lagunitas Brown Sugga Substitute
4. San Tan Mr. Pinapple wheat
5. 4 Peaks Kiltlifter

Barley Pops (beer water)
1. Junglings (YOUNG-LINGS)
2. Tecates (TEE-KATES)
3. High life
4. Coors banquet
5. Pbr

>> No.14842959

I'm a bit confused, most of the best beers you have had are America but you also take issue with the idea that America makes the best beer?

>> No.14842962

They likely came about together and so close to one another that it's immesurable historically.

>> No.14842979

Number 1 is German. The top 3 are weisens because I love a wheat beer. I would drink more German beer if I didn't have to go to the luxury grocer to buy it for 4 dollars a bottle. But to think that we would be better than the Bavarians who have been doing it for 600 years is crazy talk. Especially considering most of our local breweries start out on shitty ipas because their easy and couldn't brew a decent lager if they tried. They also just douse their wheats in orange zest and shit.

>> No.14842987

I think the most probable case is that humans specifically started agriculture to get enough grain for fermented beverages rather than food. Their previous hunter gatherer lifestyle actually provided them with better diets overall but made fermented beverages extremely hard to source. I am sure they started making bread not long afterwards once grain was available but I think its most probable that beer was the cause for them to start farming grain to begin with

Of course its impossible for us to know for sure though

>> No.14843000

Grain stores for winters and is easy to monocrop. They also used it to feed livestock. Mead was the first alcoholic beverage I believe. I haven't studied Sumer in too long to say though haha. They did have ale making ruins though.

>> No.14843008
File: 664 KB, 1190x810, Ancestry German.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But to think that we would be better than the Bavarians who have been doing it for 600 years is crazy talk
You realize that much of the midwest was settled by bavarians, right?

Its not like America just sprang up out of nothing the white people magically appearing one day with no previous knowledge of anything

Today Germany definitely makes some good beer, probably the best macro tier beer in the world, but its also not a great place for people who really like beer as most German venues have an extremely narrow selection of beer styles. The vast majority of germans only drink very basic lagers, most have literally never even tried a stout in their lives

>> No.14843016

>Mead was the first alcoholic beverage I believe
People probably discovered fermentation from picking up random ass fruit that naturally started fermenting and consuming those

>> No.14843035

>most of our local breweries start out on shitty ipas because their easy and couldn't brew a decent lager if they tried
nah, most craft brewers love brewing lagers if they have the equipment and are quite good at it, but most new ones have to focus on IPA because people really really like IPA right now

It is a bit more expensive to start up making lagers though so a lot of the smallest, most creative brewers can't do it, at least not right when starting out

>> No.14843042

Yes, but our quality has declined. I'm saying exactly what you are in the sausage thread right now. But other than junglings our major breweries don't make a good beer. I'm a western guy and our new breweries out there don't make a good lager because lager is much much harder to make than ale. Haven't been to the american middle east that is the cheese lakes as an adult outside of chicago so I honestly don't know what good stuff they have in the dying rust belt. I've heard Milwaukee has great stuff though. It's just not available widely. Blue moon and shock top taste really weirdly artificial but as I said above I unironically enjoy a coors or high life when doing yard work or a project in the garage.

I'm going to Bavaria for my honeymoon god willing with the china virus and am stoked to sauna in the alps and sweat out all the beer I'm going to drink.

I will say this communist hellhole that is the east coast has some good cidars though.

>> No.14843046
File: 187 KB, 1280x1198, germanics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that threads like these are started by actually underage Germanic posters with the palates of literal children due to their extremely low drinking age of 16. So obviously they would gravitate towards light beers like lagers as they have yet to acquire a taste for anything else.

>> No.14843082

Anon they have bocks, pilsner, weisse, marzen, and dunkel. Stouts are terrible except for cooking with in my opinion.

>> No.14843089 [DELETED] 

It's not 17 in Sweden

>> No.14843098

>But other than junglings our major breweries don't make a good beer.
Yuengling is trash. America makes the best beer in the world because it has thousands of excellent smaller and mid sized breweries. It doesn't matter how bad the bad beer is, almost all of the world's best beer is fro the US and it is extremely easy to come by, it would be one thing if I was talking about a beer at some monastery that makes 100 bottles a year, but no you can go to a random ass super market in America and have access to better beer than people anywhere else in the world do
> I'm a western guy and our new breweries out there don't make a good lager because lager is much much harder to make than ale
It costs more to get the equipment as it has to stay chilled through the process, but it doesn't require more skill
> Blue moon and shock top taste really weirdly artificial
dude, when people speak of America making good beer its not because of Coors and Bud brands

I have spent some time in Bavaria and Milwaukee, Milwaukee has better beer. I would take a macro Bavarian lager over a Miller any day, but that doesn't change the fact. Most places you see in Bavaria you will only get to choose between a lighter lager and a wheat beer for the women. If you are really lucky you might get a darker lager but I got the sense that it was mostly only tourists ordering that. There is definitely good beer to be had, it just takes a lot more effort to pick the right places that will have it, and even then the selection of interesting beer will be tiny compared to most US venues

>> No.14843106

You won't see those children post any of those in this thread. They will merely fall back on lagers and the like. Why? Because they are too young to post here and probably only enjoy the most banal of joys in life.

>> No.14843116

To add to this, I was genuinely surprised by how uncurious Bavarians were about trying good beers, I guess its a side effect of their macro beer being so much better than macro beer elsewhere that no one really gets pushed to try to do better things, people knew very little about different styles of beer and regularly consumed only a very tiny variety, mainly just different macro brands of the same style that are almost identical
I did find one solid beer bar in Munich luckily

>> No.14843117

You say that but I haven't seen anything worth talking to anybody about. Kilt Lifter is a local favorite back home but it's too sugary and syrupy for more than one glass. Junglings is a barley pop and an excellent one for it's class. Great for yard work and other such things because it's too light to get drunk on.

>> No.14843133

I can walk like two blocks and find excellent barrel aged stouts, NEIPAs, traditionally brewed lambics, various styles of lagers, overfruited kettle sours for women

I genuinely have more access to beer in short walking distance than the vast majority of Europeans contact in a lifetime, and I don't even have a particularly good liquor store for the area in walking distance

>> No.14843172

I'm not a fan of ipas and stouts. Too syrupy. But again I'm a desert rat. I prefer an unfiltered wheat with sediment or a lager that you can drink more than one glass of. In my state you need a stillsuit if you want to leave the house. You leave a burrito on the dash to heat it up when you're fucking around in the desert.

>> No.14843196

The only difference i do is when I'm drinking with something to eat, black beer goes godly good with pizza

>> No.14843206

You mean like Mickey's or Old English?

>> No.14843222

Noice m8 better than that faggot pisswater XXXX gold. Farkin middy poofta queenslanders can't hold their piss m8.

>> No.14843226

Sorry not my first language we call Stout and those type, "black" beer not that blacks drink it, just that it's dark beer

>> No.14843232

In Minnesota there's multiple traditional german breweries. Ive even seen Grodziskie brewed at a few different breweries. Bauhaus has a schwarzbier in their regular lineup. If you want more lagers visit the Midwest. Just go back when you're done

>> No.14843497

You send your old people to my land to die anon. I wouldn't want to live in the middle east states.

>> No.14843905

why would anyone live in a desert?

>> No.14843909
File: 127 KB, 1200x1600, Nw Glarus Dancing Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The upper midwest makes better wheat beers than anyone too

>> No.14843921


>being a snob about beer
>recognizing that some of it tastes better
not faggot

>> No.14843993

This looks like some abstract Simpsons rape drawing

>> No.14844000

I won't tell you our secrets. Too many people are moving here already.

>> No.14844003

That's their choice. They can't take the cold anymore

>> No.14844004
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>> No.14844020

I don't consider anything east of the mississippi to be midwest. They really need to rename the cheeselakes the american middle east. Panhandle to dakota is midwest.

>> No.14844450

>I don't consider anything east of the mississippi to be midwest
well thats very wrong then. The midwest is the states around the Great Lakes, plus Iowa, no other state has any claim at Midwest
The Upper Midwest is specifically Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago (but none of Illinois outside of the Chicago area), and the UP and kind of lower Michigan but many of the typical upper midwestern characteristics are more applicable west of the Great Lakes

>> No.14845483

I don't think you know what west means then. That's halfway east anon. The Mississippi is the dividing line unless your talking about when the Appalachian hills meaned anything.

>> No.14845769

This was a favorite back when I lived in MI.

>> No.14845793

They are correct though. When it started being called the midwest, the "west" wasn't much further than the Mississippi River. What you are referring to are considered the Plains Region.

>> No.14845808

Corpo-cuck. Cope, seethe, cringe, dilate, & have sex.