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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 150 KB, 691x628, svs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14837958 No.14837958 [Reply] [Original]

Soul vs Soulless

>> No.14837970

This is entirely the fault of the millenials. They have fucked up every focus study group that's ever included them.

>> No.14837978

both are soulless

>> No.14837979

Just because it triggers your nostalgia, both buildings are 100% focus-grouped and corporate manufactured designs meant to appeal to the masses.

>> No.14837997
File: 38 KB, 736x350, max2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related the very definition of soul, anything else fast food just have less or no soul

>> No.14838089

It's jews and brutalism. Very simple. The deliberate destruction of beauty to create an architecturally homogeneous cubeworld where the only identifying features on anything are corporate logos and building numbers.

>> No.14838225
File: 137 KB, 900x700, culvers-outdoor-drive-thru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838254

so the soul is in the reddish paint?

>> No.14838259
File: 256 KB, 1465x1348, architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14838261

My cum is also 100% focus-grouped and corporate manufactured, doesnt mean I dont love to eat it.

>> No.14838271

>architecturally homogeneous cubeworld
I blame minecraft

>> No.14838275

Little Caesars always has soul.

>> No.14838384

My god that is a comfy image. Exactly how I imagined America as a kid from watching Toy Story. How's the food?

>> No.14838393

brutalist shell
based wisconsin

>> No.14838411

So this is the average 4channer that blames the Jews for everything that´s going on in the world...

>> No.14838422


>> No.14838915

try 99% of us, you shit-eating liberal

>> No.14838963

Back to plebbit you ignorant faggot.

>> No.14839141

That’s what average means you mongoloid

>> No.14839182

soulless vs soulless
they are both shitty fast food places

>> No.14839200

You can't be this retarded?

>> No.14839223


>> No.14839234

>Value Baskets.

And even the new immigrants can come here, share in our values. An entire baskets of values, almost for the taking.

>> No.14839252

>he says
>talking about a fucking McDonald's

>> No.14839272

their special burger is the "butterburger"

their frozen custard is pretty good too

>> No.14839286
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>> No.14839289

I think in this example, "soul" reflects uniqueness, rather than monotony.

>> No.14839300

>t. shekelberg

>> No.14839321

stop this bullshit
souls reflects love for life and focusing on the moment
soulless reflects trash and wishes of death and humiliation

>> No.14839323

>stop this bullshit
what, having an opinion?

>> No.14839394

>hateful bigot calling someone else ignorant
Sounds about right.

>> No.14839482

the logo is more prominent on the bottom one and that's probably the point.

and i'll usually admit that sometimes older things were better but this >>14837978 desu, you're probably pining more for when you were a kid and mcdonald's was a treat that made you happy rather than really being upset over a building for junk food changing.

>> No.14839508

I agree
Having to deal with millenials is the worst
And they also destroyed music, which is supposed to be played on instruments

>> No.14839520

It's called brutalism. Study architecture and how it's been fucked sideways over the past hundred years by post modernists.

>> No.14839527

take your meds grandpa

>> No.14839597

>saying bigot like it means anything
Not my fault you're retarded and refuse to adopt a realistic worldview.

>> No.14839682

>realistic worldview
>conspiracies about Jews
pick one.

>> No.14839697

>Being this mad at someone on the internet
Please get a life

>> No.14839706
File: 441 KB, 640x640, Screenshot_2020-10-03 yQAwkHn_d webp (WEBP Image, 640 × 640 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14839758

>believing its impossible for a group of people to collaborate for nefarious purposes when the same group of people has been thrown out of 109 countries throughout history for this exact reason
Lmao k

>> No.14839781
File: 16 KB, 304x308, 1389362552361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blame me for having read more than one book in my life.

>> No.14839842

Bottom: SOUL
Top: soulless

>> No.14840160

synthesizers are instruments

>> No.14840189

did the legend of Skateboard Tony Hawk design the bottom one?

>> No.14840202

based 'tle 'sars bro

>> No.14840206

Close, its because commercial real estate is built today with resale in mind. Now if that wendy's goes under, a mcdicks franchisee can buy the building and easily turn it into a mcdicks.

Remember the old pizza hut buildings? Only the most cooky businesses would ever buy those buildings, and its not like you can just turn it into a mcdonalds, they sold terribly. Its a money saving strategy.

>> No.14840207

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.14840208

>da jooz!!!!

>> No.14840212

All the old pizza huts near me got bought out by a payday loan business, and they've kept their wacky huts running for longer than pizza hut managed to.

>> No.14840229

>payday loan business

i fucking rest my case. If those are the only businesses willing to buy your building, that's pretty shit.

>> No.14840239
File: 125 KB, 914x483, BOX-OUT-1-Store-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds corporate put out a press release awhile back where they acknowledged that the cookie-cutter square stores were both a design challenge and inefficient, and will be dropped going forward. Yet you can be sure we're going to have this Reddit-tier thread reposted another 6 gorillion times.

>> No.14840296

Nah urban planners have found out that having your workplace have the same design language as your home fucks with your mental wellbeing and removes the sense of home from your dwelling.

>> No.14840354
File: 115 KB, 1024x852, deboonker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething retard

>> No.14840367

more importantly
>it lets you see all "public" areas so homeless niggers can't stink up your restaurant all goddamn day every day

>> No.14840485

Silence, brand.

>> No.14840554
File: 252 KB, 1280x857, 1280px-6265_Dessau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yes.


>> No.14840824

Somebody post the image about how all these fast food chains reduced their buildings down to a logo as to sterilize and depersonalize their new global image.

>> No.14840830

To be fair that looks fun as fuck to skateboard on.

>> No.14840837

Yo fuck Culver's. Totally overrated.

>> No.14840848
File: 124 KB, 768x576, 20201004_010952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soulful or just soulless: 90's edition?

>> No.14840887

gropius wasn't jewish and neither was mies van der rohe, this is cope.

>> No.14840904

holy fucking shit you have no fucking idea what youre talking about you fucking historically ignorant pleb go fucking kill yourself and maybe do it in a library so god will at least think you tried

>> No.14840909

i accept your concession of defeat

>> No.14840927

Flat colors were always soulless, but retarded 90s kids will jerk off over it.

>> No.14840954

Sounds interesting, you got some studies I can read about that?

>> No.14840994
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, telaviv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even before the Nazis came to power, political pressure on Bauhaus had increased. The Nazi movement, from nearly the start, denounced the Bauhaus for its "degenerate art", and the Nazi regime was determined to crack down on what it saw as the foreign, probably Jewish influences of "cosmopolitan modernism".

But more to the point when people say "soulless":

>Later evaluation of the Bauhaus design credo was critical of its flawed recognition of the human element, an acknowledgment of "the dated, unattractive aspects of the Bauhaus as a projection of utopia marked by mechanistic views of human nature…Home hygiene without home atmosphere."

Sounds about right, though I do notice real Bauhaus is a bit more art deco, if anything this critique applies even better to the "soulless" stuff than Bauhaus itself. It's like Bauhaus but downgraded to be cheaper to build, avoiding curvature and hard to clean art deco type windows. So if it makes you feel any better it is both Utopianism and Capitalism are at fault.

>> No.14841151

Seems that companies are beginning to roll this back. The other day I saw a Walmart being painted blue.
That is not brutalism.

>> No.14841164

Brutalism is born from sterile pragmatism and usually involves unpainted concrete. These bland brown buildings are just an attempt to make things look "mature and classy".

>> No.14841260
File: 53 KB, 638x634, bruneluniversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not brutalist, Pic related is a better example of brutalist

>> No.14841486

Only if you listen to popular music. Not my fault you're too dumb to look for good songs

>> No.14841503

>Businesses act retarded
>Oh no it's the focus groups

I was never asked about the design but they decided to do it anyways. They saw Chipotle got lots of business so McDonalds decided it was because of how the building looked instead of the food quality being better. Not my fault they are morons.

>> No.14841509

>probably Jewish
>had no Jews involved
Was it autism?

>> No.14841625

I try to kill mainstream music by not listening to it, buying it, or going to mainstream concerts. Music sales are going down thanks to people like me but these shitheads don't change the music

>> No.14841654
File: 277 KB, 1200x628, one million.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was peak mcdonalds, everything that came afterwards is SOULLESS

>> No.14841658

a mcdonalds near me still has that sign and design

>> No.14841675

The amount of people on 4chan to whom the most grandiose aspects of culture seem to be renting Terminator 2 with their dads in 1995 after eating at a "soulful" Taco Bell in the suburbs of Des Moines, Illinois never ceases to amaze me. Is that your peak experience? Something a 11 year old would consider a hella epic friday?

>> No.14841696

15c seems like a great deal now, but wasn't minimum wage in the 50s like a dollar an hour?

>> No.14841722

How stupid and inferior do you have to be to replace that with that?

>> No.14841735

Lol cutest moron ever thinks mcdonalds changed cause of brutalism.

>> No.14841739

Harry Potter 1 and 2? Fucking retard that isn't brutalism.

>> No.14841742

What exactly do you think you're looking at here?

>> No.14841746

80s/90s plastic core with fixed seating, huge windows so the sun could blind you no matter what time of day it was and no air conditioning was garbage and always made me uncomfortable. The modern design isn't great but it's better than what came before. Most of the people complaining probably weren't alive during those times and yearn for things they never got to experience.

>> No.14841750

Looks great and much better than the 90s shit that OP posted. I wish I could have experienced this.

>> No.14841753

Maintenance costs were at a point where it was either knock down and rebuild or close the area off to the public. The new design was much more affordable to build and maintain than a replica of the old design, and could also be completed in half the time. The artifacts were relocated to a museum.

>> No.14841761

It isn't grandiose, it's comfy stupid. Find another excuse to use your new word.

>> No.14841765

A bunch of retards.

>> No.14841791

Are you part of the polcel group that creams themselves over neo-classical monstruosities from Azerbaijan?

>> No.14841800


>> No.14841804

>the COOPer

>> No.14841806

>pollack doesn't know what brutalism is
>things fucking mcdonalds is brutalist
see any naked concrete there, buddy?

>> No.14841825

But muh joooooooooos i saw an infographic that says they're all jooooos

>> No.14841839
File: 25 KB, 369x277, 1601202963476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been over this, Bauhaus is jewish. Hell if the copers are right at absolute best it's left wing utopian emo skinny jeans german bullshit and is consequently still gay as fuck.

>> No.14841852


>> No.14841860

>plasticky, tacky artificial space in which everyone can consoom corporate-designed food that's made to be as cheap as possible while still not being completely disgusting

>> No.14841876

Not to mention the disgusting parts of the play places. You'd go into the play room and a couple times I found drugs there. The windows would sometimes be shattered. The ball pit was sticky and disgusting. You'd find band aides there and poop stains on some of the balls. The metal in the slides would shock you all the time. 90s McDonalds had very sticky seats that you would stick to before getting up and you had to peel yourself from them.

>> No.14841888

I do miss things like the Halloween parties and other events at McDonalds with musical chairs tho and stuff like the Big Mac Climber and old playground outdoors. The big Mac Climber I remember in the early 90s then it went away.

>> No.14841932


>> No.14841944

Projecting pretty hard there, bud.

>> No.14841952

you don't like the banana boat?

>> No.14841953

why is everyone's shadow a big circle?

>> No.14841956

Literally me, except the part about having lots of friends.

>> No.14841964

Corporation trying to appeal to the masses
Corporation trying to appeal to the masses

>> No.14842042

In your dreams maybe.

>> No.14842044

Saved by the Taco Bell was always a gay design

>> No.14842052

>I missed the 80s but it's not the 90s yet

>> No.14842060 [DELETED] 

Why are /pol/chuds are obsessed with the past and times where they weren't even born.

>> No.14842074

I was around when McDonalds looked like that and the new style is much better.
But there's lots of legitimately good things we have legitimately lost. Architecture, cool looking cars, food. Our culture is being dismantled wholesale.

>> No.14842075


>> No.14842079

Bauhaus is unironically based tho.

>> No.14842080


>> No.14842097

Nothing wrong with me

>> No.14842102

>we've been over this
>dah nazis say it wuz jew therefore jew
Was it autism?

>> No.14842105

It's classic Wisconsin style food. Fried cheese curds, frozen custard with various rotating mix ins, heavy focus on dairy, they slather butter as a condiment on the burgers, and root beer is the most popular beverage. Many foreigners don't know that each state has a unique cuisine, Wisconsin style is clearly recognizable. Culver's is definitely a cut above the rest of fast food, it's mid-grade like Chipotle or In & Out

>> No.14842115

they don't like the present, so they find solace in a utopian, idealized view of the past

>> No.14842255

Dont listen to vocaloid music, or you'll get a heart attack.
it goes a step further and even replaces the singing with machines

>> No.14842331

>he blames da jooz
>not the bookkeepers and investors who want to minimize costs to maximize profits
How convenient.

>> No.14842345

Whenever I go to Culver's I'm the only customer under 60. The place seems to be essential boomercore but it's weird because Culver's is actually good and not like Applebees or Golden Corral.

>> No.14842348

underrated post checked

>> No.14842349

All of the ones near me are in generic strip malls. Do they even have stand alone locations? I know they were inside kmarts in the past but that era is long gone.

>> No.14842357
File: 46 KB, 456x488, hikage9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling the order counter and drive thru windows "customer connection zones"
do Americans *really*...

>> No.14842358


>> No.14842370

>Our culture is being dismantled wholesale.
relax man, Amazon might replace the strip mall but in the end you'll get buttfucked by corporations in the exact same way

>> No.14842982

Y'all some dishonest motherfuckers. Either you're admitting to being a zoomer or in your 40s or above, discrediting any opinion you may have.

>> No.14844035

It gives more value to the structure, because once the McDonalds goes bankrupt they can just put up a Burger King logo instead of tearing it down to build a new BK.
And when the BK goes under they can put up a chipotle logo and so on.

>> No.14844041

>not jews

>> No.14844552

There are places other than fast food where the buildings look better. Why are Zoomers so worked up about shitty fast food?

>> No.14844598

Fun fact: There are buildings, monuments bridges, and tunnels like the style in the first image all over world. Research Tartarian Empire, mudfloods, and Flat Earth.

>> No.14845278
File: 85 KB, 1024x643, logo-san-serif-rebranding-1024x643-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everything so minimalist and watered down nowadays?

>> No.14845286 [DELETED] 

To appeal to chuds

>> No.14845290


>> No.14845315

Your sadboy strumming an acoustic guitar is just as bad as electronic music.

>> No.14845323 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14845342

The play places are still around in Australia, and they have none of those problems. Just a nice place to watch some cute kids having fun.

>> No.14845348

Go eat your fairy bread

>> No.14845364

Visual complexity is racist.

>> No.14845381

the main reason why this happens is because the property is much easier to rent to new tenants if x fast food place moves out.
also mcdonalds has not had soul since it was bought out by ray kroc. you're just letting nostalgia blind you. both designs are shit.

>> No.14845389

hey this guy seems pretty based!

>> No.14845439

That building genuinely looks really cool, like something out of cowboy bebop

>> No.14845442

Smart phones. That's it. It's easier to display a minimalist logo on a tiny screen. Same with sans serif typefaces. There's no conspiracy.

>> No.14845487

sculptures you're allowing to climb on are god tier no matter what they're compared to.

>> No.14845593

>you now realize it's all relative to the times and therefor it's all soulless and we're just inanimate bags of flesh going through the motions

>> No.14845918

What's wrong with the bottom one

>> No.14845972

The outside design looks worse for fast food but the inside design is a lot better. No more sticky seats, no more ball pits, fireplaces inside, comfy modern seats, furniture to longue on and hang around in all day, big TVs to watch. In the past the design of fast food was to send you out after you eat. In the new places you can hang around there for hours. It's colorful inside

>> No.14846044

It's different from the top one, and therefore bad and a sign of societal decline.

>> No.14846056

Don’t worry, granba, us zoomerchads’ll fix this.

>> No.14846129

Why do Zoomers think Millennials have control over what big corporations decide to do with the outside of the buildings?

>> No.14846294

Pick one

>> No.14846409

Mansard roofs are literally as soulless as it gets. Zoning boards and NIMBYs wanted buildings that wouldn't stand out and in the 70s-80s it started to be a fad to adopt Earth tones to everything to make the buildings feel more "natural" and "relaxing", hence all the dull mansard roofs on the fast food restaurants you grew up with in the 90s. The shit you're saying had soul was already soulless you just have nostalgia for it so you can't see it.

>> No.14846453

I know inflation and what not and the dollar was worth way more back then but still i cant conceptualize a full time worker getting a $40 paycheck

>> No.14846688
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>> No.14846692
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>> No.14846726

how dare you provide a measured and we'll reasoned response!! don't you know what site this is??!?

>> No.14846846

>coil stove top
>chef mike
>that wallpaper
this is soulless and trashy. looks like a shitty 90’s manufactured home.

>> No.14846851 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14846874
File: 271 KB, 1132x844, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this? this has SOUL
name the decade and the vibes of this

>> No.14846895

70’s lower middle class 1-story

>> No.14846908

>imagine spending that much on a kitchen and not having a gas range

>> No.14846932

this is how my family lived in the 90s

>> No.14846941

Brutalism.... blames the jews.... never heard of Le Corbusier or modernism in architecture apparently.

>> No.14846944

oh yeah forgot the part where poor people in the 90’s had to buy used appliances from the past decades because they couldn’t afford new ones.

>> No.14846955

What I was thinking, I have a degree in this shit

>> No.14846994

I also had furniture from the 60s, 70s and 80s in the 90s so that was true too.

>> No.14847161

that's the joke anon.

>> No.14847208

rent free

>> No.14847278

Burgers as a concept for food in general is soulless. Posting mcdonalds isn't even just kicking dust into the air, the truth is that dietary culture was dead from the start

>> No.14847418

Who is it you think you're fooling exactly, moshe? Don't you have a blacked thread you need to go post in /gif/?

>> No.14847448

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.14847451

No Anon, the problem isn't the Jews, it's the corporate elite. Real big difference. Christ everyone in this thread is an obtuse faggot.

>> No.14847452 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14847454

Oh no its retarded

>> No.14847482

There was a Taco Bell like this near me around 15 years ago but it never reopened after someone drove through it on a motorcycle at like 120mph. The pictures are posted here sometimes in gore threads.

>> No.14847569

the jews invented sans serif to turn kids into gay communists and muslims

>> No.14848134
File: 44 KB, 720x540, 1601859827782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fonts used for inscribing in stone have been sans-serif since antiquity. these jokes have come far afield from Bauhaus being sterile because it viewed the nationless world the leftists within it thought was to come as necessarily sterile and unprovocative because it couldn't reference any past styles. i was right days ago and i'm right now.

>> No.14848209

I'm a jew. How come I don't get infinite wealth and control of the world?

>> No.14848269

Because the Sun is directly overhead and shadows look bigger because the Sun is only 3000 miles away because the Earth is flat.

>> No.14848287

>all the cups and plates are in the open

>> No.14848297

Nice pasta

>> No.14848302
File: 441 KB, 1024x744, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, it looks better now than it did with their 2010 refresh.

>> No.14848322

No such thing. Pasta is lazy and usually used to cope when losing an argument.

>> No.14848337
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 1599740694030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So this is the average 4channer that blames the Jews for everything that´s going on in the world...

>> No.14848353

I truly don't understand the Culvers hype. People in West Michigan rave about it, but everything is mediocre and slightly overpriced. To their credit, you can pick anything on their menu and you'll never have a bad meal. I think that's why boomers like them. It's super safe. They always have a 30-minute drive-through line at lunch and dinner.

>> No.14848359

The second one looks like the Combine built it.

>> No.14848375

Found /gsg/, lol

>> No.14848377


>> No.14848433

Now this is Soul

>> No.14848444

I think its more "focus groups" and assholes that dont want to offend anyone and dont want their stupid little kids to cry or something.

>> No.14848450
File: 11 KB, 294x171, Fillet_of_Soul-Fuzzy_Dice-Cadillac-Bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside for the fillet of soul

>> No.14848461

watch the documentary ''Why Beauty Matters''
good watch on this stuff

>> No.14848467

Culvers is like Wendy's+. It's not expensive. It's still 10 bucks for a medium combo just like any other fast food not off the dollar menu.

>> No.14848471

I want ti find the guy who decided to ration ketchup packets out and break his fucking legs and cut off his nose.

>> No.14848479

>blows dust off plate
heres' your plate bro

>> No.14848493

I think it's a good thing.

>> No.14848548

Take a seat.

>> No.14848558

You must be a retard if you think strip malls are what I'm talking about by culture.
Jews have convinced you that culture is just a corporation, and since all corporations are the same you may as well abandon "culture" and go to their corporation instead.
You've fallen for it hook line and sinker like a fucking idiot. You genuinely believe that everything in our history is based on consumerism.

>> No.14848568

Why do people worship the old google logo? It's equally as shit as the new one jesus christ. You fuck heads have no taste.

>> No.14848574

Why do millenials think their Boomer dads had any control over anything?

>> No.14848575

It's not shit. They're billionaires, idiot they can afford any logo they want.

>> No.14848580

I love brick work but it really needs a roof to tie it together. A brick square just makes it look like an oversized public toilet.

>> No.14848583

>They're billionaires therefore they must have good taste
How did you even get a negative IQ?

>> No.14848599

Except it turns out that's not true. Modern architecture and design is often far more expensive to build than traditional ones and the maintainence costs are higher because the materials don't weather as well as traditional ones.

>> No.14848606

it looks nicer

>> No.14848612

weimar bauhaus was, not dessau

>> No.14848615

Ugly, meaningless, rootless, placeless. The first one is clearly a German monument to a military victory, built in the late 19th century and is instantly identifiable as such with all the cultural, historical and societal relevance. The second could be anywhere done by anyone and could mean anything. The first one is far more pleasing to look at and unique offering an interesting space which helps to shape and elevate the minds of those around it even unconciously even if they don't care about what it's about. The latter is just meaningless shapes, glanced over and ignored, placing people within an abstract space.

>> No.14848619

>he's right better call him stupid
lol every time you close your eyes today I hope you see my smug grin.

>> No.14848624

>Much more affordable


>Germany said on Wednesday it was abandoning plans for a monument to the country's 1990 reunification because of budget overruns caused partly by the discovery of a colony of bats at the Berlin memorial site.

>The announcement came after the budget committee of the Bundestag or lower house of parliament withdrew its support for the 10-million-euro monument to freedom and unity, pointing to cost overruns of 50 percent.

>> No.14848638

Cool, even more reason to hate smartphones.

>> No.14848639

In what way are you right? Billionaires have shit taste.

>> No.14848810

Um, they decide what good taste IS.

>> No.14848947


>> No.14849006

it kinda is

>> No.14849061

If you didn't know by now after all the threads on this that it's not Jews, or muh millennials. It's that if the franchise tanks they can sell the building for a better price as opposed to it looking like this, or an old Pizza Hut. Kill yourself dishonest fucker.

>> No.14849067

Don't tell people to kill themselves. You never know what someone is going through.

>> No.14849077

lol where tf are you from that there's Culver's hype?
Culver's is pretty good but I wouldn't go there often...

>> No.14849082

This was never good, although it is kind of cool now because it's something different than what's common now and also nostalgia.

>> No.14849090
File: 25 KB, 262x381, FromBauhausToOurHouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14849095

I think it has soul because there is at least some risk in this design and it is somewhat iconic, contrast to nu-mcdonalds which is safe and basically looking like brutalist trash

>> No.14849102


>> No.14849107


>> No.14849322
File: 491 KB, 1518x1631, 1591569937752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First McDonalds in Canada. At least they kept the arches outside.

>> No.14850560

god i fucking hate capitalism and urban environments

>> No.14851100

looks modern to me desu

>> No.14851129

Bottom doesn't look like a restaurant, it looks like an office building, how's that supposed to stir peoples' appetites?

>> No.14851152

that looks like poor's people getto slums.

>> No.14851158

It makes stormies seethe over the fact they wasted their lives studying military history (the most brainlet historical subdiscipline btw) and therefore it's based.

>> No.14851162

Pinterest is cancer, enjoy not getting high quality high res pictures from the web no more because of this cancerous website and having to register just to navigate it and not getting the real sources of them.

>> No.14851190

totally agree it's a fucking joke

>> No.14851232

Ok chud

>> No.14851253

I wish I could believe in this religion to simplify the big scary world around me to a good and evil dichotomy with a single monolithic enemy.

>> No.14851496

didn't the jews build the one on the top too?

>> No.14851504


>> No.14851530

My Culver's is so SOUL I'm tempted to go walk there and take a picture to share with everyone

>> No.14851909

unironic truth

>> No.14852040

the death of aesthetics cannot be understated
even if it's as dumb or simple as fast food

>> No.14852095
File: 66 KB, 500x667, 2b368869215f861387a8545a3dcf0343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's soul but it's peak vaporwave.

>> No.14852102

who cares. its just shitty fast food, fast food is by definition soulless.
get a fucking job you troglodyte. jesus. if you have enough time to sit outside in the mcdonalds parking lot and get mad about benign architectural differences, you need to fix your life.
you go INSIDE the restaurant to EAT, it isnt eye candy.

>> No.14852109

anything that emits noise is an instrument. goofass.

>> No.14852114

When I was living out of my car, because the library wasn't always open when I needed to check my emails, I would just go buy a coffee at McDonalds so that I could log onto their WiFi,
Or just access their WiFi from their parking lot.

>> No.14852125
File: 315 KB, 1401x1398, rs-182344-20150120[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your sadboy strumming an acoustic guitar is just as bad as electronic music.
Incoming cope or denial.

>> No.14852150

Not sure if I would call any mcdonalds beautiful

>> No.14852170

I’ll never understand why people would chose corporate fast food over a mom and pop local business. Yeah it’s cheaper but you’re putting money into the community

>> No.14852192

It’s called style and good design language, something this site doesn’t have. Not surprised though since you’re all getting ass blasted over McDonald’s changing their logo

>> No.14852202

Clean design is soulless and messiness is soul?

>> No.14852228

Outdated and disgusting. You people just look at this kitchen and think of your childhood, grow up.

>> No.14852430

That's not brutalism you stupid retard

>> No.14852444

100% the truth

>> No.14852447

yes it is

>> No.14852464

amerifats pls stop

>> No.14852781

White people have been expelled from over 100 countries. Conspiracy much? Yeah must be because they use black magic to control the world and not a complex net of events, geopolitics...etc

>> No.14852785


>> No.14852792

I wouldnt buy crystal meth on that basic bitch fucking patio

>> No.14852831
File: 77 KB, 980x653, 2020-volvo-s60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top one is garbage Fisher-Price, bottom one looks like the interior of a Volvo. Both suck balls.

>> No.14852836
File: 263 KB, 1920x1005, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is SOUL

>> No.14853527

it's a fast food place. They don't have 'soul', they make money.

>> No.14853543

go suck Le Corbusier's dry cock in hell.

>> No.14853555

FUCK the Bauhaus nigga.

>> No.14853561

I knew it ahah what a pleb

>> No.14853565

Fuck off with your fallacy.
Some things were indeed better in the past. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to bring back what was good and do away with the present bad.
The future does not always hold the solution.

>> No.14853572

go dance in a wheat field you mong

>> No.14853581

I look to the day where I'll chain your people to destroy every grey concrete cube off the face of Europa with only mauls.

>> No.14853627

begone jew

>> No.14853810

I seriously hate pinterest

>> No.14853825


>> No.14853851

Just suppose you're visiting a city you've never been to and you're walking around, what would be more memorable to see the first which shows history and which has a story or the second where the only thing remarkable about it would be its designer a name you're not going to remember cause nobody gives a shit.

>> No.14853872

These two posters are simply centrists or left-leaning.
These two posters are actual Jews.

No gentile will avoid saying the word 'Jew' when it is rhetorically necessary to do so. Only a Jew will do this.

>> No.14854023

you'll have to leave your basement first which is scifi at best

>> No.14854031


>> No.14854036

that actually looks epic

>> No.14854062

Art Deco was actually the peak of architecture, everything since then has just been trash.

>> No.14854076
File: 100 KB, 531x330, gaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14854136

I think it has to do with the fact that Art Deco streamlined traditional forms, producing a style that was both modern, but also not out of place in a landscape. With later architecture, those traditional forms have largely been abandoned in the increasing pursuit of "startling" and "unique" when it comes to building construction, and so the buildings end up looking out of place at best, and eyesores at worst, especially in contrast to the surroundings. The coup-de-grace is that once one building looks out of place, the proposed solution isn't to get rid of it and redesign it, but to get rid of all the older buildings instead and redesign them to fit the newer one which is still in the minority.

>> No.14854164


>> No.14854168

>but the sadboys strumming guitars in the 80s... yep *crack* *sip*

>> No.14854229

I have never set foot in Iowa and I know that Des Moines is in IA not IL. Fucking moron.
Shut up, its about character and not having every place look like a carbon copy of the place next door.

>> No.14854252

white people
black people

>> No.14854373

Lurk more newfag.

>> No.14854375

Zog has been in charge long before mcdonalds started trying to look modern and trendy you fucking sperg lol. Also brutalism is based.

>> No.14854392

>that delusion
stick to your containment board

>> No.14854500
File: 8 KB, 250x238, B9164205-1519-4CF5-8607-B8557B05DCE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14854507

Reminds me of steins gate 0

This is the sad timeline

>> No.14854511
File: 24 KB, 384x395, 1360792044929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14854515

Extremely reddit response, newfag.

>> No.14854527

>election tourists

>> No.14854532

why don't you? rejecting the power structure is scary, I know

>> No.14854599
File: 53 KB, 497x500, 1438644874494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14854605

Because I have the balls to see the scary shit for what it is and not make up monsters in the shadows.

>> No.14854771


southern louisiana?

>> No.14854814

I like some brutalist architecture and got nothing against bauhaus, there is something that draws your attention to those monstrosities, like you stare at them awfully amazed
It's ugly as hell but it adds to the landscape, one or two of those building is okay imo
But yeah the mcdonalds in OP pic is not brutalism is more an try to get a more mature public/look over a shit burger place, and that's a pity it was nicer when it's looks tried to approach kids so they would drag their parents there and make them buy more shit

>> No.14855025

Is it a starbucks now? Because that sounds a lot like a taco bell I know of. Or are taco bells just motorcycle magnets?