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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14835704 No.14835704 [Reply] [Original]

How do you coffee?

>> No.14835720

Go to the coffee guy next door for 2€ a cup. I am not drinking bad coffee ever. Come at me.

>> No.14835724

I had plain espresso at three different coffee shops in my city, and only one of them was good.

>> No.14835751

General threads are cancer and you should kill yourself.

>> No.14836086

nth for french piss is ass

>> No.14836100
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black as midnight on a moonless night

>> No.14836240

Previous thread >>14801653

>> No.14836320
File: 208 KB, 800x1193, dalgona-coffee-recipe-my-ginger-garlic-kitchen-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's some good instant coffee from europe to use for dalgona?

>> No.14836354

I don't; coffee is shit.

>> No.14836375
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>What ya drinking?
Brewing using my V60 and metal pour over filter
>Where's it from?
It's a Kenyan single origin roasted in Vancouver. Tastes like wine.
>Ya getting any more?
I'd love to, but canada post is fucking shit, takes 2 months to get to me

>> No.14836403

Got my wife a midrange espresso maker and she makes us great drinks with it. Usually just have an americano but sometimes a mocha. She knows her shit having worked in a local coffee joint (and still gets an employee discount so we cheap fresh roasted beans which is most of the battle) and its better than most coffee shops in town. Like you can get better shots in town but it's a crapshoot if the barista will actually know what she's doing.

>> No.14836618

>C40 finally arrived
>Same day as gooseneck kettle
>Try v60 at 24 clicks
>It's bitter

Well I fucked up the first cup, hopefully I get better from here

>> No.14836647
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Coffee in a cone?

Nice !

>> No.14836655
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Would love an espresso machine bu alas, no space in rental apartment.

>> No.14836732

For a cheap price, you can try out the nanopresso with the "barista kit" upgrade. Use the kit's 16g basket, and remove the pressure seal from the portafilter.
It doesn't make "good" espresso, but it's espresso. More so than moka pot or aeropress fake-espresso.
You just can't grind very fine for it, it chokes up pretty easy, so you can't get a good extraction.
Also, don't bother using it without the extra barista kit. It's crap with the included 8g basket.

Or, you could spend $200 on a Flair. Probably the better option.

>> No.14836745
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There's a cafe in Vienna that offers these

>> No.14836766

whos watching the hoffer live

>> No.14837480

double doubles, and that webm is pornographic. Blessed post, may the espresso come to you

>> No.14837552
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based coop poster

>> No.14837556

Hey lads, ever have the problem of your v60 stalling? It happened to me this morning and i have no clue why.
how do you address it?

>> No.14837600

I’m about to fucking kill myself because I can’t pull a good shot from my krups mini.
I’ve made like 20 shots and I just can’t get it right

>> No.14837601
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I’ve got 4 different kinds of instant coffee from different countries. Guatemala, Mexico, Italy, and Germany

I also like to make shitty decaf espresso with Portioli and a Nano Presso

>> No.14837612

I drink the cheapest instant coffee I can find, tablespoon of coffee powder in cup, boiling tap water, 2 sugar, whole milk.
Fight me.

>> No.14837624

If I wanted pumpkin spice in my coffee(not a latte, ew) would I add the spice to the cup or to the beans whilst I grind?

>> No.14837625

>krups mini

Theres your problem...

>> No.14837638

most days, it's espresso. Today was a cappuccino with some brown sugar, because last night was three pitchers of Smithwicks instead of dinner.

>> No.14837652

I'd pop it in the basket with the coffee if you're doing a drip or pourover.

>> No.14837766

always grind coarser

>> No.14837782

throw it in the trash and use an aeropress instead

>> No.14837876

i already have an aeropress

>> No.14837895

Does that suck?
My dad had it for as long as I can remember so I don’t know how bad it is

>> No.14837906
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Pic in case I’m using the wrong name

>> No.14837913

There's also a place in Florence that serves them too.

>> No.14837933
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/ck/'s advice on grinders? Not sure if Ode is a meme or not.

>> No.14837960

Are these designed to weed out tourists? I could see a lot of Americans getting injured.

>> No.14837973

I didn't say buy
too soon to tell. /ck/ hates cheap motorized grinders.
get a 1zpresso or timemore while saving up for a monolith flat MAXXX.

>> No.14838065

Its likely blowing out water at 15bars like the rest of their machines.

Snag a kinu next time they're in stock and flex on all the nerds here who can't get it.

>> No.14838104

Light roasts in my french press, mediums in my v60, pretty happy with my timemore slim. One day I'll get a kinu and a flair.

>> No.14838108

Is that not enough or too much?

>> No.14838137

this is the /ck/ coffee subreddit, you can leave if you want

>> No.14838176

way too much. don't feel too bad though, espresso is inherently wasteful like that even with good equipment, which is why you should just leave it to the cafes.
lmao, flexing with a $350 hand grinder. right.

>> No.14838192

Literally out of stock until 2021.

>> No.14838199

you can just buy a c40 instead

>> No.14838200

The size of the machine and the kind of carafe it uses looks like a cheap steam powered "espresso" machine.
If I'm correct, and that machine is only steam powered and has no pump, stop it. That's not espresso. You might as well just use a bialetti moka pot on the stove.

You can't use heat to generate enough pressure to make espresso without also heating the water well past 100C (too hot for making espresso), unless there is some method of cooling the pressurized water in the machine (like the 9Barista).

>> No.14838231

Why the fuck would you want a $250 stepped grinder?

>> No.14838236

How can I tell if a machine has a pump?
I’m suddenly realizing just how clueless I am regarding making espresso lol. I got a cuisinart burr grinder that is just awful too.
How do you mean by wasteful? Also I really just like making my own lattes :(

>> No.14838245

It's not wasteful. He's just being a pretentious faggot. Enjoy your lattes, anon.

>> No.14838277

unless you don't mind drinking completely fucked shots, you'll end up throwing away a lot of coffee dialing it in on a daily basis. this is fine at a cafe where the waste is small compared to the amount of shots pulled per day but at home it's just annoying.
are you retarded or something, he's clearly not making enjoyable coffee.

>> No.14838280

I sure would like to enjoy them but I’m guessing I’m gonna need to get a new machine(since the beans are from my all time favorite coffee place and I asked them to grind it to their espresso consistency, and I’m still putting out Garbo). But I don’t know if I’m willing to drop a fuckton of money on a new espresso machine, or even where to start looking at one

>> No.14838284

>pretentious faggot

For some reason those without the capability to make espresso at home resent those who do. Its the same people who will say

>I just made the MOST delicious aeropresso!

and you see a watery mug they've flooded with milk.

>> No.14838288

Can you hear a motor or any kind of loud noise that would be associated with mechanical movement?
I'm having trouble finding info on Krups Mini, because it seems OOP, but the more I look into what I can (looking at a manual right now) I think this is a steam-powered machine. It's probably not making 15-bars like the Krups pump-powered machine does.

>> No.14838292

Oh I see, I thought you meant after I have dialed it in, it’s still wasteful.
Honestly though, any learning experience is gonna involve waste while dialing it in.

>> No.14838308

No motor sound at all, it sounds no different than a water boiler(except for the coffee being spewed out)
I’ve actually used a different one in my old dorm and I remember being thrown off by the sound of the motor

>> No.14838313
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If you want to make good espresso at home, a nespresso is unironically the best choice for most people.

>> No.14838329

Slayer or GS3 preferably

>> No.14838334

espresso is never set and forget. you will constantly be dialing it in. personally I got sick of wasting my time and coffee. it's definitely a hobby of its own. sold my setup to some retired old dude.
however if you mostly drink lattes and don't switch beans all the time you might have less trouble than me.

>> No.14838357

Almost anywhere from here is up my friend.
I do agree that REAL espresso is wasteful and difficult. It's more like a hobby. You would need a very expensive machine, and that machine would still be worthless without a very expensive grinder too.

You can't have your shop grind it for you, the process is very sensitive to the grind size and quality, and what works for one roast or one machine won't work for another. This is the process of "dialing-in". Finding the right grind for the kind of coffee you've currently got.

You could still make latte and cappuccino without real espresso though. Your machine is fine for that.
Or you could try a moka pot. That's my preferred way of making easy "espresso" for milk drinks.

>> No.14838390

Maybe, I definitely would want to just keep using the beans I like from my fav place, and my variation would come from changing sweetener or milk type. So I don’t know how much I would lose the “true espresso experience” as I’m really illiterate when it comes to coffee.
I did see this recommended on a website, any specific brands I should look at? First guess would be breville, but if I could find one that accepts custom packets as well as the premade pods, that would be nice.
I don’t have the highest standard for espresso, but the shots I’m pulling are NASTY. Mostly burnt tasting, way too bitter or bland. So I doubt my 20 year old machine can keep up

>> No.14838416

Can't recommend anything specific, I just bought a used Pixie Clips nespresso machine on craigslist.
It uses the original pods, which I know you can get refillable ones for those.

The newer version, the vertuo pod ones, seem pretty good too, I think there are also refillable pods for those machines as well.

Tbh, I don't think it really matters what make/model/manufacturer you go for. The only technical differences I can find between machines is their looks.

>> No.14838429

Not espresso.

Drop ~$450 on a flair and a decent hand grinder. You won't look back.

I change my espresso grind once a day, based off the last shot I pulled. Not a big deal. Haven't ever poured one down the drain. Get a stepless grinder and nudge it based on your taste and your time.

>> No.14838431

>For some reason those without the capability to make espresso at home resent those who do
The projection is palpable

>> No.14838440

>I’m really illiterate when it comes to coffee.
if you don't want to be illiterate anymore you should figure out how to make good, black, brewed coffee first imo. your cuisinart grinder would probably be good enough for that. then think about graduating to espresso, imo.
otherwise yeah just get a nespresso machine I guess.

>> No.14838476

>Not espresso
Compared to your home options, it's about as good as you can do without spending thousands of dollars.
My work set up is a slayer 2 and a mahlkong ek43. Nespresso gets close enough to making espresso shots that almost reach the slayer level.
For the avg. person at home, making espresso drinks, nespresso is hard to beat for price and convenience.
If you enjoy the process of dialing in shots and playing around with your extraction, then go ahead and spend the money to buy a proper home set up.
Otherwise save the time and hassle and just buy a nespresso.

Flair is good but still requires a multi-hundred dollar grinder and you still have to dick around to pull decent shots consistently.

>> No.14838483

Any advice on how to improve my V60 coffee? I'm using the Hoffman method (grind on a Baratza Encore at 13 setting) and mostly drink medium to light roast. I tried a few different coffees but they all taste pretty watered down. I aim for a brew time of 3:30min. When I go any finer on the grind size I choke the V60 and the pour becomes extremely long (more than 4 minutes). Going coarser gets the drawdown to under 3 minutes which seems too fast. I use filtered water fresh off the boil.

It's definitely not the coffees because I like it when I brew the same beans with my aeropress (16g with 225 grams of water with 30 second bloom and 1 minute brew time, fine grind).

Should I maybe dose higher (35 instead of 30 grams for 500g of water)?

>> No.14838549
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15.9 in 31 out in 32 seconds. I can probably grind a TOUCH coarser, but for a 1st blind pull on this ethiopian I roasted on 9/28, its great. Rich, balanced, and a distinct fruity sweetness. Little peachy, little bit of toasted coconut. I'll post a pressure graph off the next pull tomorrow morning. Think I'll have a little breakfast cortado. Maybe a cigar too.

>> No.14838571

because grinds better than kinu accoring to jimmy hoffa

>> No.14838578

>(16g with 225 grams of water with 30 second bloom and 1 minute brew time, fine grind).
sounds pretty strong, I use a similar recipe with a coarse drip grind.
yeah try increasing the dose. don't worry about drawdown times if it tastes good.

>> No.14838613

>figure out how to make your own black coffee
I do have an aeropress that I could practice on, along with a bunch of pour over options. Aside from the aero which is in the dishwasher this is all the stuff I have. Which would you recommend practicing on?

>> No.14838616
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Forgot pic because I’m a dumbass

>> No.14838627

wtf is this nerd shit

T.millioniare coffee roaster

I bet your one of those "q" graders

>> No.14838634

nice bodum

>> No.14838650

Thanks! I’m interested in trying it out but it kinda intimidates me lol

>> No.14838668

+scale +thermometer + v60. Make sure you preheat. I think rao uploaded a new pourover video a few weeks ago. Try that. Then try the jap methods. Your grind is going to be key to getting consistent extraction times.

>> No.14838673

Oh yeah I forgot to include I have a scale and a “precision” water boiler.

>> No.14838680

just pick one and stick with it until you are making tasty coffee. the french press and aeropress will be a bit less dependent on technique and grind than a pourover.
I like paper filtered coffee so I'd go with the aeropress or v60.

>> No.14838778

ok cool

>> No.14838798

Cortados are based af. Sounds great, anon.

>> No.14838799

lmao I'm just imaging you in some dingy apartment in chicago with a dissembled synesso porto filter that you stole from work on your desk posting in this thread while reading print outs of Sprudge magazine and posting that gay fucking nerd shit. you then looked away from your computer to hold your agtron cards to a halogen bulb while you sip a Caribou blend of coffees and then you click back to this thread and see that post and then you post this then your boyfriend comes in and jazzes on your face lol

>> No.14838800
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Did I fuck up on my french press?
I used 8:96 ounces and the press can’t even touch the coffee so I doubt it “pressed” anything.
Did I just use entirely too little coffee?

>> No.14838801

you guys are faggots. you measure your coffee? are you the same faggots that buy EKJ grinders lol I'm laughing in italian omg i bet you fucking COUNT when you pull a shot lmaaaooooooo

>> No.14838817

how much did you pay for the Fag cup?

>> No.14838843

ok cool

>> No.14838846
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A manual espresso machine that I can put away after I'm done with it? I guess I can handle that. I will make it work!

And also with you. *bow*

I prefer eat-cups with flat bottoms

>> No.14838851

lmaoooooo seethe dilialate

>> No.14838858

>he doesnt own a Copper and Brass Europiccola 8 cup with the Eagle

>> No.14838865

I would buy some pre flavored pumpkin spice beans

>> No.14838896

Preordered em. Think they were like $30 for 2? Way less faggy than 2oz demitasse cups imo. I was using a plastic food service rocks glass for a long time.

Nah my scale counts for me since I'm not broke.

Comes with a case, bottomless portafilter, and a properly sized steel tamper. Ridic value. Get the pressure gauge.

>> No.14838923

nah as long as the coffee grounds didn't end up in the cup it's fine.
I would brew bigger batches in that french press though. you also get more thermal stability with more water. but just make sure to be consistent with the water and coffee weight and brew time and tweak one variable at a time until you get in the ballpark. you'll probably want to mess around with the grind. 1:16 ratio, 4 minute brew, off the boil water, and medium-coarse grind should be a decent starting point.

>> No.14838933


>> No.14838973
File: 702 KB, 1248x981, JKnowles_9BaristaGlass_Wood-cropped[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only produces one specific volume at one specific dose
>No control over temperature
>4-6 minutes per cycle.
>No steam for milk.
>$420US to order and ship to NY
>Order now and it might ship before January!

I still want it...

>> No.14839038

i made it again, kinda spilled a little so ratio might be a tad off, but 55:880 grams this time, did a quarter of the water for 30 seconds, sloshed, then poured the rest, plunged halfway then back up, waited four minutes then plunged and poured.
WAAAYYY too much for me so its kinda wasteful. but it smells nice, despite me not usually loving black coffee.

>> No.14839112

sounds good anon, I think I was at 700ml in a 1L french press. then I'd pour a cup of it into a mug and the rest into an insulated tumbler. you could probably go down to 500ml with no issues.
you might start to love it when you dial it in.
check out the coffee compass for that

>> No.14839142

it is pretty cool

>> No.14839152
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Get a better grinder so you can grind finer without the fines clogging up your filter. Also use less coffee, 15/250. I usually wouldn't worry about drawdown time as long as the taste is good buy my brews usually last 2m30 for 250g of water. Either pour faster or maybe you have slow unbleached/dutch filters.

>> No.14839209

This infographic is such a mess.
I don't see any of the words I would use to describe flavor on there, like "woody" or "rubbery", and so many of the words that ARE there make no fucking sense.

What does "BIG" taste like?

>> No.14839237

"drawdown time"

what is this gay shit

>> No.14839246

post link to this

>> No.14839259

And this is James Hoffman's review.

>> No.14839449

thanks :)

>> No.14840790

This made me lol
t. pauper coffee roaster

>> No.14840893

This shit meme needs to die

>> No.14840911

wouldn't be a fair fight you little pussy

>> No.14840922
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Just dropping ITT to say that I've finally tried using an aeropress and it's massively overrated.

>> No.14840958 [DELETED] 

Is sourness actually from under extracting, I thought it was from over

>> No.14840969

Been enjoying homemade Turkish coffee after my Bosnian coworkers introduced me to them, absolutely delicious.

>> No.14840970

maybe you just suck at making coffee

>> No.14841020

Yo Vancouver bro, what coffee are you talking about specifically?

>> No.14841036

Whoops, meant to reply to you

>> No.14841141

Nah its trash.

>> No.14841146

coffee gives me anxiety and causes bad moods, i dont drink it anymore.

>> No.14841153

actual newb here- I usually stop by my local coffee place before going to the hospital for my shift. I always order a white chocolate mocha with lavender. I know every person in there must think I’m some twat white girl. I don’t mind straight plain coffee, but I like something subtle that will take my
Mind off of wanting to cry when I go in for my shifts as a doctor. Anything I can order that doesn’t sound like a total white girl drink? Should I just get a plain vanilla lattee? Also.....what in the hell is a cortado? I saw that on their menu and have been hesitant to try it.

>> No.14841187

yeah just kill yourself

>> No.14841335

Honestly coffee is an inherently fussy drink, so just get what tastes good, who cares what you order! If you’re working a soul crushing job you deserve to drink what you enjoy.
Also a cortado is a shot of espresso with some milk foam on top. Judging by your usual order it might be too bitter but it can never hurt to try new things.

>> No.14841561

anyone else get vomit/bile flavors from some light roast coffees when you push the extraction? is it a sign of a fucked up roast?

>> No.14841577

str8 from the blackkendeker dripper amirite

>> No.14841627

cold brew

>> No.14841707

its just not good even if its fun to make and looks cool
sorry :(

>> No.14841729

Same, but it's my favorite hobby and I love the taste so I go on and off with it in 2-week intervals.
If I have it every day, I start feeling depressed by the end of the 2nd week. Then I decaff for a week or two and I start feeling like myself again.

>> No.14842239

Just get whatever you want, Elliot. I don't think anyone is judging you for ordering froufrou girl drinks. 50% of the people there are wearing yoga pants and Uggs and ordering pumpkin spice milkshakes.

>> No.14842398

People are definitely judging. No one buys white mocha, so enjoy your expired white chocolate sauce with flower-flavored sugar water.
Learn to like black coffee. Otherwise save yourself $5 a day and buy caffeine pills, unironically. 100mg tablet is about equal to a cup of coffee. Buying sugary warm milk for $5 is a complete waste of time and shouldn't be part of anyone's daily routine.
Or buy a nespresso and make your own drinks at home. You'll save money and time.

>> No.14842482
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I like it full. At least one in the morning, after breakfast, form 70 cents. Damn good as well.
In celebration times, like at this moment, I also clean the coffee cup with água-ardente (fire-water?) or ginja (licor).

>> No.14842487

Based, literally bought that machine today with the milk frother.

>> No.14842491


>> No.14842566

Buy better coffee tastelet.

>> No.14842612

Just want to say this. I'd been in Germany for half a year. Not a single day have I drank a decent cup of coffe (expresso). Not only that, it's expensive as balls. The only passable cup I've had was when I visited Stuttgart and it costed 2,50€! I felt like spitting it out, after I saw the bill.

>> No.14842618

I put instant coffee in a mug, then a dash of soy sauce, then a squirt of honey, then fill to the top with low fat milk, put in the microwave on high for a minute, take it out and stir, put it back in for a half minute more, then stir and drink.

>> No.14842633

Espresso is expensive. Especially if you go to a place that actually gives shit about keeping experienced barista's on hand who will adjust the grind to keep the espresso tasting good.

>> No.14842710

Depends, I'd say. I'd agree with you in the case of regions or entire countries that don't seem to consume expressos with much frequency, like in Northern Europe in general.

>> No.14842931

>coffee is weak
>grind finer
>coffee ends up like sludge

what am i doing wrong

v60 btw

>> No.14842999

Which country has the best main street coffee?

>> No.14843005


>> No.14843028

Not espresso.

>> No.14843052

Increase dose. Grind less fine.

>> No.14843064

Espressofags should just go to Australia. I got a better espresso from my local doghnut shop in West melbourne than what I got in the cafes of Berlin back when I was studying there for a semester. Too much espresso here though. I wouldnt mind some if some cafes here did pour overs instead of the same old espresso crap kinda like in Northern Europe.

>> No.14843074

Bean around the worlds Kenyan AA single origin.
I worked at Bean on 5th in North Van for a year, and had a good relationship with Barney and his son Max. The let me visit the roaster every 2/3 weeks so I could watch them roast coffee and ask the occasional question.

>> No.14843143


>> No.14843279

no duh. australia has much better espresso culture than germany

>> No.14843614
File: 346 KB, 2750x2750, ec3af095-c1a5-4e13-bf0c-9987e07fff82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on the fence about buying this, does anyone use this?

>> No.14843660

Australian coffee people are litteraly the worst. They dont have any history or culture attached to coffee they just CONSOOM and think coffee is good only because the esp machine costs more than their car.

>> No.14843667

It'sa peice of shit. Buy a La Pavoni

Get better coffee

>> No.14843684

Does this robut poop out coffee?
>beep boop beep *poop*
I would buy this thing.

>> No.14843746

Who cares lmao it's a drink you faggot
Are you italian or something

>> No.14843755

Explain why its shit.

>> No.14843780

Me too, seems better than the flair but don't like the coffee pooping action and penis portafilter. Maybe I'm too much of a prude.

>> No.14843865

It gets coffee everywhere. I take it you gave never used a lever action machine. If you slam the levers to fast of if ur grind is to fine it will spray everywhere. It is poorly designed. A la Pavoni will at least let u use a lever action while still being controlled and decent. Just my opinion

>> No.14843869

That's my point, Australians act like it's some esoteric nectar that only they understand.

>> No.14843880


>cafe bustelo every day of my life since the age of 15
>I'm 34 now
>don't ask questions, just consume yellow can with woman face, and get excited for next yellow can with woman face

been working alright for me. creature of habit

>> No.14843904

You're the first person I'm hearing this from, people seem to say its design is good. It comes with a spouted portafilter, so there should be no mess. You can make a squirter on any machine. It also has 2 levers which makes it easier to use probably.
The la pavonis boiler makes it less appealing to me as well. I would rather use a kettle.

>> No.14843923

Ok. I am litteraly a millionaire retailer machine repairer and roaster who has sold and repaired bialetti la cafeteria elektra la mazorcco bodum cuisinart zassenhaus bario Yama at the wholesale lever for over 25 years but ok yea trust Amazon reviews and youtubers

>> No.14843926

This moron can't tie his shoes.

Robot is fine. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I've got a flair and love it. I don't believe you can upgrade the robot to have a pressure gauge, so if you go that route make sure you buy the barista version or whatever they call it. I think the flair comes with a way better tamper +a nice case and its big enough to fit an acaia lunar underneath.

>> No.14843933

You are mentally retarded and obviously fetishize coffee and arent a power drinker.

>> No.14843941

T. Sprudge loser

>> No.14843945

>just trust me I'm a millionaire espresso shill
you must think I'm retarded or something. I will buy the robot just to spite you.

>> No.14843954

I dont think your retarded I just think you dont know anything about coffee.

>> No.14843962
File: 369 KB, 1200x1482, IMG_20201001_192423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mine. There's a learning curve to it but I once you get used to it it's pretty fun to use. The build quality is perfect and it looks beautiful. Keep in mind that you'll need a good grinder for it.

>> No.14843970

Nice grinder.

Who /technivorm/ here

>> No.14843976

>power drinker

>> No.14843979

Slayers are for fags

T. Was approached to sell them and declined

>> No.14843988

I litteraly mix coffee with tap water and chug it while u prissy faggots measure grinds

>> No.14844024

I just eat the beans straight out of the roaster and brew them with my spit. get on my level.

>> No.14844032

Hahaha I have done that that's hardcoor no lie love it. Just like snuffing Turkish ground stuff or vaping coffee

>> No.14844038

But do u let it de-gas

>> No.14844071

>Trust youtubers

You'd suck Hoffman's dick 6 times to be the exclusive VA importer.

>> No.14844119

What is the "va importer"
Sounds Gay. I've never heard of Hoffman and I have been a member of the scaa for longer than you have been alive.

>> No.14844131

Just looked him up he is from the UK. His opinion is worthless. Lmao ur such a faggot

>> No.14844143

>millionaire retailer machine repairer and roaster who has sold and repaired bialetti la cafeteria elektra la mazorcco bodum cuisinart zassenhaus bario Yama at the wholesale lever for over 25 years
>can't even write a single grammatically correct sentence
Nice LARP, faggot.

>> No.14844144

Honestly, as someone who had sat on more industry panels that I am proud of people like this Hoffman guy are litteral customers. Dont get me wrong it's greatly that xe gets people hype about coffee but he is litteraly a middle man. I doubt you'd see this faggot in Al Saana cupping coffee with tribesman.

>> No.14844150

Lol ok. I'm not even stressed. What does being

>> No.14844153

Grammatically correct have to do with coffee. You guys are fucking geeks.

>> No.14844168

>Nice LARP, faggot.
the coffee industry is full of low IQ high school dropouts though. makes it more believable if anything.

>> No.14844173

Lol I did graduate high school.

>> No.14844204

Why do you guys derail the thread feeding dumb "my dad works at nintendo" troll? So many fucking replies.

>> No.14844211

because it's more fun than debugging some dumb faggot's v60 brew for the 100th time

>> No.14844218

Maybe I could teach you fsggots about. Coffee and blending and roasting temps if u weren't such morons debating how to pour hot water on coffee in a v60 dripper as if Mellittas filters havent existed for 80 years. If little old ladies can make coffee without 500 euros of proprietary gear so can you

>> No.14844222 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14844225

U misspelled Chad.

>> No.14844250


>> No.14844254 [DELETED] 

Is that a new thing? A new sneed (chad + stud)?

>> No.14844285 [DELETED] 

Nah chud

>> No.14844298

T. Tattooed beanie wearing oat milk frothing barista

>> No.14844315 [DELETED] 

Sure thing chud

>> No.14844324

Nope some faggot who is spamming this in all threads maybe he is trying to get it stuck but damn is so faggy and forced that I already hate it hope he gets banned from spamming

>> No.14844331

I think it's the latest anti-semitic buzzword

>> No.14844333

Canabalistic humanoid underground dweller

>> No.14844334

I have a mid-range Breville nespresso machine. It's fantastic, pulls "good enough" shots with no fuss and you don't have to drop nearly $1k on a proper machine (with all of the cleaning inconvenience it brings).

>> No.14844341

nvm I thought it was some yiddish shit.
god damn this place has rotted my brain.

>> No.14844380

Brevilles are nice. They recently put out the Double boiler model that basicly ripped off the internals of a General Espresso Plus4you.

They are very good for home machines.

>> No.14844415
File: 164 KB, 1815x901, ethkoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethiopian koke honey. 125g in a fluid bed. Program a roast for me and I'll go run it right now.

>> No.14844441

why did you turn the heat off at 5:30?

>> No.14844446

What kind of machine do you use if your roasting 125 grammes.

Do you even listen to the cracks? Looks like some gay software.

Have it drop the coffee at 404*

>> No.14844452

Probably was comming up to fast>>14844415
And by "honey" are you referring to a wash with the mucila

>> No.14844460

Age or like they do in Zambia with the "aerobic" honey washes that they let it sit in the juice

>> No.14844467

Also I have never seen software like that is is proprietary to your roaster?
I have 2 4 bags and a 1 bag that use a software made by the manufacturer.

>> No.14844479
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Thats the max upper limit I set, and it triggering the heater off. I ran the bean temp up to 405, then let it develop a bit more since I'm pulling espresso mainly and wanted it a little easier to extract. I'm tuning the pid right now to minimize that delay before the heater kicks on/off to surf.

I stand with my face 6in from an open roasting bed. Its just a modded popper test roaster to burn out while I design something custom. Software just gives me digital control and logging instead of sitting there with a thermometer and knobs. Now program me a fucking roast.


>> No.14844502 [DELETED] 

get over it nazi chud incel

>> No.14844509
File: 683 KB, 3048x1816, Screen Shot 2020-10-04 at 1.44.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is artisan, open source software.
do you worry at all about the baked/stalled defect? I try to avoid the RoR crashes and flicks but I'm still working out how changing the fan speed affects the RoR. it is a lot of fucking around yet I'm not sure I can even taste any baked defects.

>> No.14844511

Very cool my.enginering friend.

Idk if you are familiar with the mailard reaction, but I would set it so it comes up slow to crack at around 930 minutes at between 377 and 380 fan. The longest part ofnthenroast should occur from 320 to 380 fan and finished fast at 404 at 11 minutes.

>> No.14844523

Protip: baking is slow roasting is hot and fast you will only bake coffee if you dont turn the sugars fast enough. A Big city should only be 20 or 30 seconds after an American. Also if your espressos and French's sweat in the cooling car it's to fast a cook.

>> No.14844540

Is this person retarded?

>> No.14844560

Your thinking to much. The coffee as long as it spins at an even rate will do the job for you. The fans and putting air and opening and closing vents won't make your coffee better. You need to work on consistancy. Also, if you really want to be a geek faggot, moisture content of your green and temperature of your stack will dramatically affect your roasts. Also stop saying defect you dont know what the word means. A defect is naturally occurring in the bean (like arabicas from Burundi tasting like french fries) not shitty roasting. It's like making pizza. Consistency.

>> No.14844576

Imagine if coffee has three stages

Dehydrating/carmelazation/pores opening

Dyhdrsting is long, carmazling is the main part of the roast, and the end after the 1st crack is to bring you into the shade of your choice. (Light roast faggots btfo)

The middle of your roast should be the longest time. The mailaird proccess occurs between 280 and 390 degrees after that its color.

>> No.14844580

Real talk I have just told u furry sonichu lovers more about coffee than I have told my own children and staff. Haters begone. I hope i helped you.

>> No.14844586

>opening and closing vents

Its just turning off a resisitve heating element moron. There's no vents opening and closing. The reason it looks inconsistent is that I'm pulling data every half second. If I change that the graph smooths out immensely.

>> No.14844599

I'd love one, but I'm a poorfag, so I'll stick to my french press for now - which I still enjoy.

Also that webm is hypnotic.

>> No.14844606
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Sorry I am used to commercial equipment not nig rigged things. Your pulling too much data if you ask me. Getting lost in the sauce desu. Here's a curve sorry for the scale

>> No.14844613

>whole milk
Well you're doing something right.

Anything but a good full fat milk has no place anywhere near coffee.

>> No.14844615

Two things that should never be together. How many cows are in north Africa

>> No.14844632

Australia has awesome coffee, you guys take it seriously over there. I miss my long macs from this coffee shop that was on my way to my work in Perth, their baristas were damn good.

>> No.14844652

>The fans and putting air and opening and closing vents won't make your coffee better.
I'm using an air roaster so I need to drop the fan to keep the coffee moving at a constant rate. if I don't, the temperature crashes and if I drop it too early, the coffee doesn't agitate well enough at the lower setting and it starts heating inconsistently.
I seem get more consistent roasts and longer maillard phase from ramping up the heat at the beginning instead of blasting it. just what I've noticed so far. still learning how it works.

>> No.14844655

I like black coffee, but I also like flat whites and macchiatos.

No reason you can't enjoy both occasionally. Who gives a shit how many cows are in north Africa.

>> No.14844661

Is it a Nesco?

>> No.14844665

You should not be adjusting the heat. Only lowering if it if the coffee is comming up and cracking to fast.

>> No.14844669

Are you a woman? Post tits

>> No.14844694

I'll post my dick up your ass you megafaggot.

>> No.14844702

Hey hey hey your the one who proudly admitted to drinking flat whites dont get mad at me for YOU being a faggot

>> No.14844707
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>> No.14844716

based medaglia doro poster

>> No.14844735

thx anon
i needed that
been getting bullied here too much lately

>> No.14844760

Anon, if anybody bullies you just know that I drink Gold Medal on my yacht.

I'm >>14844580

Dont ever let anybody bully you for coffee unless your a pretentious faggot like >>14838483

>> No.14844761
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L2pid please.

>> No.14844765

Lol i do more by sight and taste then you have done in your whole life

Pid is for faggots with 10 kilo shop roaster or worse...toll roasters

>> No.14844773

I have some Batavias I have been aging since 2017. Should I open the barrel? I fear that they will just be off the green and not "aged".

>> No.14844781
File: 33 KB, 450x320, friendly-male-barista-taking-money-from-female-customer-in-cafe-m24cpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is u

>> No.14845058

wait a sec...
are you bullying me rn by showing that youre richer than me?
if so...nice one mate

in all honesty, im being unironic when i say "how did we ever get to the point where being poor and ghetto, was more honorable than being rich and successful?

(maybe it was just my experience)

>> No.14845121
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Today I had my coffee with a bit of cream and some chocolate covered blue berry candies

>> No.14845143

I roasted by sight smell and taste for a loooooooong time before hooking into artisan.

Work is for the poor.

>> No.14845145 [DELETED] 

What a chud

>> No.14845187

Lmaooooooooo imagine thinking your doing anything with that software.

I'm tipping my borsalino fedora to you

>> No.14845227 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14845339

Lmaaaaoooooooooo dialate tranny hahahahahahaha lmaaooooooo

>> No.14845367

Either a double espresso or a picallo if I'm in a hurry, or a flat white if I'm going for a walk.

>> No.14845493

Milk? Disgusting!

>> No.14845582

That's not an espresso machine

>> No.14845839

Notice how the larping faggot has provided zero useful info?

>> No.14845858

useful like what fag what do you want to know? how to brew using a 5 gal toddy pot?
how much coffee to grind for a CF12 filter in a bun 52H brewer? what kind of shit? you want coffee recommendations? go drink a fuckin guatamalen coffee u want some real fancy shit? cop some geishas and pay 60 euros for a fucking half kilo

>> No.14845867

The dude has not stopped refreshing the thread every 5 minutes all day either.

>> No.14845870

whats useful? you want me to recommend you a fucking coffee machine?

bruh i just want to drink Catimors and Bourbons but no u faggots just want fancy grinders

>> No.14845875

fuck u fag i just discovered this website i bet you read spurge

>> No.14845914

why does dosing up and grinding coarser taste better than grinding finer

>> No.14846203
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>wanting to cry when I go in for my shifts as a doctor
No offense but you got bigger problems than coffee preference. Time to reconsider your life-choices.

>> No.14846212

Increasing the dose actually fixed the problem for me. Same grind and drawdown was pretty much the same. Coffee tasted much better.

>> No.14846269

>try straight espresso shot at Starbucks
>it's not at all awful or bad
>it has dark roast coffee taste
>but nothing else, no flavor note other than coffee
>not even chocolate, which is common with dark roast
>it feels kinda empty like there's something missing

>> No.14846304

I have found the same with starbucks or allegro espresso, they lack any complexity and depth or are just extremely sour

>> No.14847134

>lists a bunch of consumer brands and popular varietals

>useful like what

Roasted some brazilian semiwashed yellow bourbon to 405 in 11 minutes. Way too much development time. Again, nothing useful. Doesn't even know Hoffman has been a major part of victoria arduino's design team for years. Worse than aeropress larpers.

>> No.14847145

As a raging faggot, I’m a Frappuccino kind of lad, since I generally prefer ice cream to coffee. Cold brews are nice, too, but I’m more of a tea drinker.

>> No.14847181

love my cuppa
simple as

>> No.14847194
File: 925 KB, 1132x1184, Screen Shot 2020-09-10 at 3.20.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same way you like your men, OP

>> No.14847919

You extract more of the sweetness/acidity with dosing up and you dont extract as much bitterness because of the coarseness. Just another way to dial in, I still prefer going fine at 6g/100g ratio though, less wasteful. How fine you can go without having too many fines and keeping a uniform grind depends on the quality of your grinder, with shitty grinders it may be better to brew coarse.

>> No.14848416

So I just tried a natural processed coffee for the first time, I guess. It's a guatemala santa ana natural. Pour over. What the fuck is this? The smell. The taste. Is this "funk". It's not bad by any means, just not something I've ever associated with coffee. Reminds me slightly of a ripe puerh. Quite intense I would say, maybe even overpowering as I can't taste anything other than funk and coffee. I need to spend more time with this and try a few different grind settings.

Other than that, which ethiopian meme should I get next from here: https://www.baristasite.com/en/coffee/all-coffee/

>> No.14848491

I mix 50% decaff medium roast possibly flavored with 50% dark Italian roast and add a scoop of turmeric curcumin concentrate to a 32oz french press. Sometimes I'll throw in a couple cloves. Then I pour it over ice and drink it cold. If I have the foresight I cold brew it in the fridge but don't add the cloves because the flavor gets too strong when steeped for extended time.

>> No.14848497

Oh I have a cheap automatic ceramic burr grinder on course setting and I add in about 1 cup of each bean.

>> No.14848503

An aeropress is just a french press for pussies afraid of grounds.

>> No.14848763

they don't really have much information, but maybe one of the yirgacheffs because that's a pretty common Ethiopian variety. Too bad they don't even say its process unless I'm missing it on the page.

>> No.14848968
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 41mDpc7fEgL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate has this coffee machine, and its the biggest piece of shit I've ever used. coffee tastes fucking terrible from it, and it seems to dehydrate me more than the same coffee from one of my friend's coffee machines. so I'm looking to buy a better one, definitely under $100, but hopefully more in the $50 range. recs?

>> No.14848978


>> No.14849025

holy shit, I thought that was facing upward, like the effect you see on those busts in disneys haunted mansion that follow you. looked like espresso was melting the filter

>> No.14849034

Just get a french press.

>> No.14849133
File: 365 KB, 703x443, 20200921_151119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a worthwhile thing to learn to buy unroasted coffee beans and figure out how to roast them at home?

I recently found out about this and obviously need another hobby to try. So I am considering it.

>> No.14849180

for a french press do you want rolling boiling water, or just under boiling, or what?

>> No.14849197

Was there last month, my gf loved it.

>> No.14849216

depends on your taste, depends on the roast. Tbh I just use a generic electric kettle, let it boil up, then wait like half a minute before pouring.

Not the guy you're responding to, different guy. The whole DIY route is about finding what works for you.

>> No.14849219

Nth for 1:11 brew ratio

>> No.14849243

I recently developed deep repulsion to my to-go beans for some reason. What could be the cause? I literally can't drink it now, it happened so suddenly

>> No.14849249

It doesn't matter.

>> No.14849280

You got aids, covid and a botched roast and are also retarded

>> No.14849415

Dude ur a massive faggot if you think that Hoffman fellow is any sort of arbiter of coffee. People like you are the worst. I litteraly buy and sell containers of coffee all day while you faggots argue about roast times. Lol to get a job bro lol

>> No.14849448

The same thing happened to me with Lavazza pre-ground. I was buying it and loving it and suddenly one bag was tasting awful, and every bag after that too.

>> No.14849832



>> No.14849896

is it okay to use distilled water
I'm paranoid about fluoride

>> No.14849949

How much am I gimping my coffee experience using a blade grinder instead of a burr grinder?
Electric burr grinders are just so expensive.

>> No.14850156

Yeah. Read through this.


Alot. Get a decent ~$100+ hand grinder and call it a day.

>> No.14850281

or ask your specialty coffee shop to grind it for you

>> No.14850302

Used to work at Costa AMA

>> No.14850393

do you like costa's beans?

>> No.14850396 [DELETED] 

Nah chud

>> No.14850404

One is natural the other washed, nothing more than that. I think they may add actual information later on.

>> No.14850410

don't like their blend
it's not great, nor terrible
it's frustrating how "close, but no cigar it is" actually
well at least it's better than that trash they have at Starbucks
alkso don't drink their arabica; it's probably old because it's been sitting there for months (not alot of people ask for arabica from my experience)

>> No.14850416 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14850422
File: 1.12 MB, 480x270, upvoted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care bro

>> No.14850430 [DELETED] 

Sure thing chud

>> No.14850435

Literally who

>> No.14850441


>> No.14850442
File: 622 KB, 1439x2310, SmartSelect_20201005-164952_Amazon Shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this one. It works good for coarse grinding french press coffee but as reviews say it doesn't grind super fine.

>> No.14850445

It won't help you be less paranoid

>> No.14850447

Don't even bother with coffee until you can afford a big boy grinder like a Monolith Flat MAXXX or mahlkonig EK43 that was professionally aligned. Your coffee will taste nasty. Just stick to tea.

>> No.14850451

a simple hand grinder is more than enough
get quality coffee

>> No.14850642

Honestly if I see you at a trade show I'm going to sell you past crop coffees and make fun of your hair to other vendors.

>> No.14850804

How does /ck/ feel about robustas

>> No.14850853

fine in blends
i like them in moka pot coffee, but that might be because that was how i got into things

>> No.14850884

Who the fuck goes to trade shows during a pandemic?

>> No.14851024

T. Poor fag who didnt get invited to London for the November meeting

>> No.14851091

>thinks using comm drip machines makes him a genius
Welcome to starbucks, may I take your hat sir.

>I pretend I dropship chinese garbage like I'm a coffee wiz

>Doesn't say the name of the event because all are canceled, rescheduled, or virtual.
t. someone who isn't a larping fag.
/ck/ isn't for you. Try a different website to make pretend on.

>> No.14851191

Please stop replying to him. He had his mask off already when he tried to claim he was new to this site right after calling everyone "furry sonichu lovers"

>> No.14851377

>read about espresso
>it's supposed to taste sweet, not bitter and not sour
>try espresso in multiple places
>it's always very bitter and/or sour
I don't get it.

>> No.14851514


Lmao ok faggots
You dont know shit about shit and you are fucking customers

>> No.14851525

The ico and exchange events are not cancled btw.

But you wouldn't know that because your sniffing farts out of a shop roaster.

You think the exchanges close when there is a "pandemic"

Post Postions or gtfo

>> No.14851545

>millionaire retailer machine repairer and roaster who has sold and repaired bodum

kek. Only one custy here buddy.

>> No.14851547

It’s hard to find a place that can make an espresso like that, desu.
It takes time to dial in a shot and ensure you keep pulling good shots all day. Unless you’re at a place that really cares, they’re not going to routinely check their shots, measure out the coffee for each shot, ensure it pulls properly, etc etc.
The absolute best coffee I’ve had is the stuff I would make myself before shift when I could dick around and keep pulling shots until I got the best cup that I could. Syrupy, sweetish, right amount of acidity.
Just keep trying different places. If you find somewhere that highlights espresso on their menu, say they show off its origin, roast, etc, chances are it’ll be a good shot.
Sorry for meandering rambling.

>> No.14851608

>exchange markets
Sorry, I thought you meant important expos and trade shows.

>> No.14851681


>> No.14851704

sup fag I'm here from reddit btw thats where i learned about chris chandler but ur a faggot any what

do u even post on there? u fucking loser

>> No.14852119
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>> No.14852180
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, veg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably what you're looking for. Goes great with your huge vag

>> No.14852318

I went through those times. I have no colon now.

>> No.14852736

What's a good entry-level espresso machine I can get off Amazon? I'm not spending more than $150

>> No.14852790

Found a percolator in the attic and it made me make coffee again.
Would recommend.

>> No.14852807

stumptown ethiopean light roast, made with chemex, ground finely with a baratza encore using 205F water, a 16:1 ratio and 4 min brew time after a bloom if i pay attention. also to anyone who say this is fucking GAY i ran out of coffee filters and had to wait for like 2 weeks for more filters and drank dutch bros every day and that shit tastes like ass. there's no good cafes where i live

>> No.14853033
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>and only one of them was good.
many such cases.

>> No.14853084

One-cup French press arrived yesterday along with some Marley brand light roast. Lovely.
What's some good coffee I can get on Amazon/UK supermarkets? Usually all I see in Morrison's is Taylors, is that any good?

>> No.14853110

for anyone reading this the cheapest you can go to get an ok espresso is getting a Gaggia New Classic (Gaggia Classic Pro) and a Eureka Mignon Manuale

>> No.14853298

Manual espresso machine cost $200-$400 and make great espresso.

>> No.14853386


>> No.14853391

Are they really all that good? Those things are pricey for what they do.

>> No.14853403
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>> No.14853404

I buy the occasional bag from Pact
Little pricey but it's convenient and I like the selection.

>> No.14853410
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x3024, 87F236FB-241C-4BD6-8686-11C276704F9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-auto ;)

>> No.14853411

Not real espresso.
I mean, it's fast and convenient and not really that bad if you just want a quick caffeine dose but if your goal is to make real espresso, Nespresso isn't what you should get.

>> No.14853417

hario skerton pro worth a pick up for a cheapish hand-grinder ? Can't really see many on amazon in my price range that aren't just chinese bits / cheap electric

>> No.14853493

No, ceramic burrs are barely an upgrade over a blade grinder. Get a decent chink grinder (timemore/1zpresso/xeoleo) if you want a workable handgrinder under 100$.
t. bought a hario and regretted it

>> No.14853586
File: 2.24 MB, 3456x3355, IMG_20200922_162426~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flair Signature. Under $200 without the pressure kit, or around $250 with it. I would suggest getting it with the pressure gauge since it will be great help.


>> No.14853604

Nobody has recommended a quality grinder yet, which is just as important as what machine you get.
You pair a Gaggia Classic with a lousy grinder and you might as well be using a nespresso.

>> No.14853633

I was using the Lido E, until I got tired of manually grinding. My current grinder is twice as expensive as my flair.

>> No.14853672

They make espresso that's better than anything you can get in their price point. The machines are cheap because they're always going on sale, the pods are relatively cheap. You won't get better espresso at home without spending like 5x more than a nespresso.

Still not cheaper than espresso, especially considering you need to spend at least $250 more for a decent grinder.
Nespresso espresso shots are close enough to "real" espresso. This is coming from the same anon that uses a slayer 2 & ek43 at work. Espresso at home is sincerely not worth the investment.

>> No.14853800

Lido E is $195, Flair Signature is $159. Not cheaper, but it will make you real espresso. Also, someone can probably suggest a cheaper, and/or better grinder.

What about the cost of the capsules?

>> No.14853838

Depends on the country. Parts of Europe they can be like $0.30. In the states they can be like $0.60~$0.80.
If you buy non-nespresso brand pods they can be way cheaper in the states, euro-ish prices.

I've been wanting a flair, but that's because I love the entire process of making coffee. For normies and people who just want coffee, Nespresso is a much more realistic option.

>> No.14853889

what grind setting are you using?

>> No.14853934

For normies, I'd just tell them to go to a coffee shop for anything espresso related.

Manual espresso machines a really fun. A manual grinder not so much.

>> No.14854109

If you go to the shop for an espresso you're already spending way more than you would with a nespresso.

I'm ready to upgrade my manual grinder but my wallet isn't. >:(

>> No.14854351

Yeah, but unless you enjoy making espresso as a hobby it all going be shit normies won't keep up with. I've tried capsule "espresso" and it just doesn't compare, so I just don't have that normie perspective to even give nespresso the time of day.

>> No.14855001


Guy who works at my mechanic has 85k of snapon tools available to him. He's still a fucking dipshit.


> A manual grinder not so much

Hit the gym. Moving your arms for 40 seconds isn't supposed to be fun or taxing.

>> No.14855083

>Guy who works at my mechanic has 85k of snapon tools available to him. He's still a fucking dipshit.
Not really a comparison. Having a shit grinder won't give you better grind if you're experienced or smart. Same thing for a shitty espresso machine, it's not going to produce the right pressures, temperatures, etc.

Not >>14853934
But grinding a ton of coffee manually to dial in a shot would get old pretty quickly. Especially for the flair, where you have to disassemble the whole thing, clean it out, heat it up again.

>> No.14855515

What's the fuss over grinders? What is a $400 grinder going to do that a $50 one won't? Should it be ceramic or cast iron?

>> No.14855709

Grind quality and consistency. A shitty grinder will give you a wide range of grind size. This is mainly an issue with espresso when you're trying to dial in a shot