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14823381 No.14823381 [Reply] [Original]

Does coffee sober you up after pounding drinks?

>> No.14823392

No, its a stimulant and may help a bit woth focus, but your BAC will remain the same, so don’t think you can chug some coffee and drive. The best thing to do to help sober up is to drink a bunch of water before bed, and then Pedialyte or Gatorade when you wake up (just chug a bottle) to help rehydrate. But like we all learned in Health class, the only sure way to sober up is with time.

>> No.14823399

Not really. Just induce vomiting then have some food and water.

>> No.14823414

no its an old wives tale. Antihistamines and fluids help with hangovers though. Just make sure you take it the next day and not when you are drunk.

>> No.14823415

I became very drunk once at a friend's party. Came home feeling like absolute garbage, threw up and felt worse. Next morning it felt like there were millions of worms digging inside my head. From then on, I only drank a toast on Christmas.

>> No.14823420

Coffee first to get your mind out of the haze, then follow it with food and lots of water. That's the best hangover cure aside from chugging a tall glass of water before bed to avoid the hangover entirely.

>> No.14823441

No, but it makes you feel like you're more sober. People fuck up and drive drunk this way.

>> No.14823444

Your liver metabolizes your alcohol at a pretty known rate, just 1/drink per hour, and nothing makes it faster except being properly hydrated.

>> No.14823466
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my morning hangover routine:

>wake up pretty early despite feeling shitty
>chug energy drink or coffee in shower (preferably energy drink)
>jerk off in shower
>blast hektic tunes in shower
>get out and make bacon-filled brekky
>quick run/bike
>1 more water

Basically no longer hungover somehow

>> No.14823468

No, but cocaine sure does.

>> No.14823471

If you’re blasting music and running you’re not fucking hungover. You’ll understand when you’re 30.

>> No.14823558

>energy drink
Found the retard

>> No.14823632

it can be the difference between stumbling around and not making it home, and stumbling home without gashing yourself on the pavement, so to some degree yes, but coffee and some food will only counteract a couple of the beers you drank, the rest will still affect you entirely

>> No.14823651

no lol
caffeine doesn't wake me up in general, it just makes me feel tired faster

i'd say take some alka seltzer, but i assume you're an alcoholic if you're posting on /ck/ and you don't want the stomach bleeding and/or liver failure

>> No.14823875

My 30th birthday was the first time a hangover debilitated me. If I drink now I need 2 days after of nothing to do, so pretty much the start of a vacation or 3 day weekend is my only option.

>> No.14823939

just crap the booze out and have a breath mint if u need to sober up quick

>> No.14823970 [DELETED] 

What is your guys prefered way to get smashed fast. Im too much of a faggot to drink liquor neat so im trying to find some mixed drinks that actually taste good, and will get me to the memory loss stage quick.

>> No.14823975


>> No.14824009


>> No.14824036

diet mountain dew and vodka. add a splash of fruit punch if you got it. good luck your alcoholism.. its a hell of a ride

>> No.14824057

Whiskey with ice.

>> No.14824065

gin tonic

>> No.14824075 [DELETED] 

>making yourself I'll on purpose

>> No.14824081
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Food will help

>> No.14824088

>.t. underage or npc living on easy mode
either way i envy you

>> No.14824092

it's this or shots of cheap vodka with energy drink chaser, which is easily the fastest method to get fucked up

>> No.14824176

I cut vodka with water if I'm lazy. Rum and either ginger beer or water and lime juice are slightly more fun, or just do simply three ingredient flavored martinis. 2 parts vodka, 1 part triple sec, 2 parts any flavored liqueur like sour apple schnapps or limoncello.

>> No.14824946

>induce vomiting then have some food and water
While these are good things to do, they won't lower your BAC, just slow down/stop further increases of BAC

>> No.14824948

For me, it's pickle juice, the best hangover cure

>> No.14824978

no. and it won't help you beat a breathalyzer either.

>> No.14825027

My experience is that coffee gives you a short burst of "false sobriety" that quickly fades again.

>> No.14825042

Lol pretty much this. I used to say "hungover" but didn't understand the word until I was 31 and started out of control drinking

>> No.14825054


>> No.14825678
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>tfw eating caffeine powder after forgoing coffee to spend less
>tfw 7 years into addiction
>tfw living as if normally by doing 2g every day
>sleep schedule has been everywhere from 5 to 15 hours of of sleep per day starting and stopping at any and all times, mono and multiphasic
>waking up for a good sleep is the only happiness you experience in your shit life
>stopping caffeine for >=18h induces migraines that stop at nothing
I kinda wanna go back.

>> No.14825682
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>2000 mg / day

>> No.14825755
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>tfw I got spent my teens and 20s mostly sober and didn't take advantage of my ability to easily shrug off hangovers
>drink much more in my 30s and hangovers basically put me out of commission for a day

Why is life like this?

>> No.14825785

If you need booze to have fun in your 30's, reconsider your lifestyle

>> No.14825793

For me starting drinking later in life means my body is still able to shrug off a hangover in my early 40s.

>> No.14825898

I have a friend who worked in a hospital who would get trashed and then hook up an iv in the morning

>> No.14825993
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>31 years old
>alcohol doesn't give the rush anymore
The only time I drink is every 6-12 months or so when I get absolutely shitfaced in the hopes that I will feel something again. I always regret it later, because all I feel is lethargy and confusion. I wish I could capture that feeling of being drunk for the first time again.

>> No.14826178

i usually end up drinking a few litres of water and pissing a bunch towards the end of the night and the hangovers are okay but im still pretty young

>> No.14826184

My health teacher was a stupid dyke that said men couldn't have eating disorders.

>> No.14826188

No. Eat big but not too fat or sugary.
Drink a glass of apple cider vinegar water.
Sleep as much as you can and stay hydrated.

>> No.14826191

Yeah, the day after. Mixing booze and caffeine is for pussies. If that's what you're after, call up a coke dealer and do it right.

>> No.14826384

>Just banged too much heroin
>Better hit the crack pipe to sober up
>Have the energy to do more depressants

>> No.14826553
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the most hungover i've ever been was at my grandma's 70th birthday party. the day before me and my friends at college had a block party with a bunch of bands and comedians and stuff and i was helping everyone unload equipment so every performer that showed up gave me something to drink. probably drank like 20 different types of alcohol throughout the day and blacked out in a taxi to my mom's house. the next day i couldn't even stand up without wanting to vomit and i couldn't physically focus my eyes. my brother brought me some watermelon and prosciutto from the party which was a horrible idea to eat and i projectile vomited that and bile all over the bathroom and passed out under a towel for 14 hours. i have lots of other awful drunk stories but i've been sober now for months.

>> No.14826559

Guys when do the withdrawal symptoms stop? I don't want to dry heave and have mad anxiety anymore. I went 15 hours without drinking before caving. How long do I have to go?

>> No.14826570

yes. coffee and a cig is the chads preferred hangover cure

>> No.14826571

i weaned off by switching only to beer and then drinking like 2 or 3 beers a day down to 1 down to nothing. after 3 or 4 days you should be withdrawal free.

>> No.14827325

Actual hangover cure: 5-10mg diazepam, 60mg codeine. Shower, jack off, eat greasy breakfast with coffee. Feel pretty much cured aside from tiredness.

I only drink a few times a year so this method works fine. Obviously if you drink a lot, don't do this

>> No.14827332

No. If that were true, drinks with coffee in them would keep you sober too. They don't. Coffee drinks instead mean that you'll be horribly sick with no hope of passing out.

>> No.14827354

this. was hardcore alcky for 5 years. fucked up ,u life and body

>> No.14827404

I went to a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction. He got me on meds. I just made hundred days sober yesterday. Meds helped me stop cigarettes too.