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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14821853 No.14821853 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any notoriously bad cookbooks or recipes out there? Is there an equivalent to The Room but in cookbook form?

>> No.14821872

Someone's gonna post "Microwave Cooking for One", but if you actually look up her shit, none of it is the "throw shit together, nuke on high for 90 seconds" crap that you'd expect. She actually explains how to do shit you'd never think possible with a microwave like frying and browning meat

>> No.14821875
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>> No.14822554

does ja/ck/ have a cookbook? I think if he does, it might qualify

>> No.14822638

I was looking for Guy Fieri's name and found it

>> No.14822653
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>> No.14822680

What insane person eats a giant pile of lima beans as a side?

>> No.14822714


>> No.14822718

this is equivalent to pineapple on pizza for me

>> No.14822722

Sammy Hagar was actually involved in this collab, too. For whatever reason they didn't put his name on the cover.

>> No.14822732
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Not a cookbook but literally any Kay's Cooking video

>> No.14823476

>Is there an equivalent to The Room but in cookbook form?
ugh. I think I hate you.

>> No.14823491
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uh...yeah...haha...what sor of loser would do that..

>> No.14823506

Jesus christ

>> No.14823534

American food

>> No.14823557

Where's that cookbook made by the Chili Time guy?

>> No.14823937

Go to Goodwill and youll see dozens

>> No.14824220


really I just wanted to use an example for a cookbook that’s so bad it’s good, and this is the most normie movie for that genre. I don’t think many people know Neil Breen

>> No.14824239

Damn I recently did this. Happy birthday to me I guess.

>> No.14824519

gelatin cookbooks from the 50s

>> No.14824546
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This right here. This is the most bafflingly bad cookbook I've ever read. I have the PDF of this so I'll post some highlights

>> No.14824551

Most kooky aspic recipes were from magazines starved for visual content and ad space, though.

>> No.14824581
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Behold, the Matrix burger

>> No.14824590

>the breen
haha nice

>> No.14824591
File: 204 KB, 515x764, MB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes let me just go get some squid ink to make the buns on my salmon crudo burger

>> No.14824595
File: 788 KB, 704x805, M1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good! Some kind of dessert to wash down that burger I spent all day making. I wonder what's in it?

>> No.14824602
File: 227 KB, 575x676, M2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its avocado. That's whats in it. Its got to be green matrix so that's why I made sweetened avocado puree

>> No.14824622
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Imagine making this for your child because you're trying to get them to eat veggies and relate to them

>> No.14824624

Please post
Please post
Please post!

>> No.14824625

Imagine having fucking kids at all.

>> No.14824627

Here, knock yourself out.


>> No.14824636
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I'm not sure if this book is any better or worse than the Star Wars one.

>> No.14824689
File: 1.17 MB, 732x707, Screenshot 2020-10-01 002324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I got distracted. What's a good locker site these days? Also, check out this plating.
This is great, I love it.

>> No.14824710
File: 784 KB, 617x637, Screenshot 2020-10-01 002735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be wondering "what the fuck am I looking at". Well, this is the Harvey Dent. Do you ever want to cook two different kinds of rice because comic book reference? Can you spot where the cola was used in this dish? Why did they poach chicken?

>> No.14824721

I wanna know how the fuck she made a milkshake in a microwave

>> No.14824724

That's "Extra Creamy Mashed Potatoes".

>> No.14824729
File: 257 KB, 498x763, Screenshot 2020-10-01 003504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the black sauce that isn't anywhere near any of the food, that's where the cola is

>> No.14824730
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>It's not fried chicken on mashed potatoes, it's a "Fried Endorian Tip-Yip on mashed chokeroot!"
>It's not mayonnaise, it's "Emulsauce!"

Apparently I'm not the type of autist they're marketing towards, because I feel physical revulsion at the whole "pretending it's space food" thing.

>> No.14824764
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>> No.14824768
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>> No.14824773

the stick figure guy, you know the one with the chili. I think his name was tyler or something.

>> No.14824779

>nnnnnooooo!!! you can't heckin boil the child in the milk of the mother!!!! CRINGE! CRINGE!
Found the kike.

>> No.14824788
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Aunt Sandy has a few. Don't know if they're good or as bad as the show was though

>> No.14824790

Well those should keep them away then.

>> No.14824831

I uploaded the PDF for it and a cookbook on how to make Charlie Kelly's favorite food "energy balls" as well as a book on "geek sweets"

>> No.14824871
File: 1.28 MB, 3188x2092, winter's treat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one that was put together by a local church group like 50 years ago. it has lots of recipes which involve catsup and cans of cream of something. here's one recipe from it

>> No.14824873
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and here's the result

>> No.14824883

my mom would serve shit like this

>> No.14824892

And you didn't deserve any of it either

>> No.14824907

I learned my persian cat would eat lima beans

>> No.14824920

Your cat enjoyed them more than I ever have, undoubtedly.

>> No.14824938

me too. my mom did shit like throw freezer bags of vegetables in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes, cut them open, then dump them in a bowl

>> No.14824942

>3 Using a tablespoon, scoop the mixture and, with clean slightly
wet hands, shape the mixture into a ball between your palms. Set
the ball on a plate. Repeat with the remaining mixture until you
have x golf ball–size balls.
thanks for the goldmine anon

>> No.14824945

More glories from the past:


>> No.14824956
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Liver Sausage Pineapple

>> No.14824964
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who doesnt like a girl with a heavy hand?

>> No.14824997

some of these recipes are genuinely disgusting
Some remarks though, like the one for liver pate, is just uncalled for. This article reads very juvenile and try-hardy, probably written by a robot trying to imitate a faggot

>> No.14825715

The real answer is Quick And Easy Dump Dinners.

>> No.14825717

this nigga got aids, yo

>> No.14825742
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looks disgusting

>> No.14826887

Those descriptions are making me cringe

>> No.14827290

initially repulsed but upon consideration i'd be willing to try this. after all, you cook bolognese in milk too

>> No.14827320

spread it on a cracker with some cheese and a sprinkle of chopped parsley, bam

>> No.14827416
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x2448, 20201001_141019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got married and inherited an old family recipe box that was placed in a hope chest years ago. It blows my mind someone felt the need to save this little gem

>> No.14827638

Maybe we really do take access to information for granted? Maybe something as basic as the relative ratio of processed cheese and milk to noodles was worth saving at one point? Maybe this was just stuck to the back of something else that got put in the box?

>> No.14827660


Much of the criticism of Lee has coalesced around a recipe for "Kwanzaa Cake" . . . The recipe consisted of angel food cake topped with icing, cinnamon, apple pie filling, pumpkin seeds and corn nuts (which she referred to as acorns), all of which were store-bought, with seven Kwanzaa candles then inserted into the cake.

Cookbook author Denise Vivaldo, who claims to have ghostwritten recipes for many celebrity chefs, wrote a humorous post in The Huffington Post in December 2010 stating that she was responsible for the recipe (though she said that the candles were Lee's idea), and apologizing for it. She also wrote that Lee "has incredibly bad food taste".

>> No.14827676

hey that’s not nice

>> No.14827677

On one hand I do like mashed potatoes, but on the other I dont like that she a. put it into a glass cup and b. she baits people with jt

>> No.14827720

Oh jesus 2am chili the most Reddit shit I ever saw

>> No.14827724

...and you gave it to him after he fucked your queer butthole...

>> No.14827733
File: 1.34 MB, 952x4749, 1598910382859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this guy?

>> No.14827739

Shit like this just always makes me think of the Eltingville Comic Club

>> No.14827743

It's a bit cruncheh

>> No.14827788

How is this bad?

>> No.14827799

>throws away pre assembled seasoning because he thinks assembling it himself will make it taste better, even though it’s probably just the same old pre ground spices
>misses the point that spices are better when freshly ground
Why not just add anything else you want to the pre packed seasoning? This recipe is acting elitist without a good reasoning

>> No.14827841

peak dunning-kruger

>> No.14827843

>more sugar
>nonstick everything
>not actually browning the veggies
>not developing fond to deglaze for deeper flavor cos using nonstick everything
>coconut oil
>shitty crackers
>chili powder
>obnoxious presentation
Nice big sloppa oversweetened shit.

>> No.14827895

doesn't look so bad

>> No.14827899

minus the half cup of sugar, do americans really?

>> No.14827911

While that is where much of the criticism of Lee comes from, it is a perfect encapsulation of what her show is like, from ice cream shaped to look like a baked potato to a confusing cream cheese dip with chunks of cashews in it everything is just done without any thought or care. This all being said, I don't even completely dislike Lee, her content where she gets trashed while making shitty cocktails is fun.

>> No.14827977

some of those old cold war cooking recipes are fucking great though. this does not appear to be one of those.

>> No.14827980


oh jesus my sides

>> No.14828172

>Is there an equivalent to The Room but in cookbook form?
if there isn't, /ck/bros let's make it

>> No.14828228

when I was a kid that's what I would get served. Just a pile of boiled lima beans as a side. no salt, no butter, nothing. fucking gag inducing. Parents tried to force me to eat them and I threw up. never had to eat them again.

>> No.14828308

those weird ass jello and aspic recipes from the 50's.

>> No.14828417
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Does this count?

>> No.14828943

My mom used to have cookbooks back in the '80s that she got from the '60s & 70s from her mom and a lot of that shit was nasty. Like mayonnaise and oranges mixed in a jelllo mold.

>> No.14828964

Dude I just died laughing reading that. I saw that the other day on JewTube. That guy was making tacos or some shit and kept saying about how he was going to add the McCormick is seasoning. Cringe.

>> No.14831160

Redpilled and based to a moderate degree

>> No.14831165


>> No.14831578
File: 19 KB, 222x300, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's pretty bad. Full of shit like "microwave raw ground beef on high for 2 minutes to brown" or "microwave catfish steak for 20 minutes to seer"

>> No.14831589

Lower the power

>> No.14831676
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lol I have this

I have several books from this series. They were my dad's when I was a kid, but he gave them to me when I moved out. I've never used any of them, but I'm a hoarder.

>> No.14832022

just toss it on catbox.moe

I really wanna read it

>> No.14832031

ty based bookposter

>> No.14832076

I already uploaded it to mega on this post>>14824831

>> No.14832103

I'm lovin it

>> No.14832180
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>Maybe we really do take access to information for granted?

Of course we do. I look up temps, cook times, etc. all the time. We can scarcely envision not having access to this kind of information.


I was gifted this cookbook one Christmas. I don't think I've made anything out of it.

>> No.14833661

I would have thought the Ramen Joy Cookbook would have been an obligatory pick for this.
Is it too easy of a target? Non-spoken agreement not to mention it?

>> No.14833690
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>> No.14833870

Only someone who has actually made any of the recipes from it could say.

>> No.14834022

I hate her

>> No.14834216

You wouldn't happen to have that big megaupload of all those cookbooks would you? I lost it when my HDD died :(