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File: 33 KB, 450x450, Chef-Boyardee-Lasagna-With-Chunky-Tomato-Meat-Sauce-15-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14789147 No.14789147 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14789151

Poor and fat people need to eat too.

>> No.14789154

It’s a holdover from when canning abd literally anything coming in a can was a novelty

>> No.14789160

It's for when you're drunk but you still need to cook dinner for the family as fast as possible so you can go pass out.

>> No.14789163

Had a coworker that would eat these raw. Said he preferred them cold. Weird fucking guy honestly.

>> No.14789168
File: 34 KB, 586x524, images_-_2020-09-22T195456.784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so restaurants can plate them and charge $40

also americans will eat canned lasagna in a restaurant and rate it 5/5 on yelp

>> No.14789171

It can't be cheaper than making a huge batch of it homemade that will give you many servings and taste better.

>> No.14789174

I mean, they're not better warm, so if you already hate yourself enough to eat these, why even bother. I'm with your coworker on this one

>> No.14789177

I've never had the lasagna one but the raviolis are good when you're feeling lazy.
Though I'd imagine they both taste the same.

>> No.14789178

It's canned... it's cooked you dunce.

>> No.14789180


Of course not, but people who are poor and fat are the way they are because they make impulse decisions to because of their need for instant gratification, like eating a 40 unit box of Bagel Bites in one sitting or taking out a line of credit at Best Buy because they NEED the new iPhone. They'd rather open a can and toss it down their top hatch than spend the half hour to bake a cheaper, tastier and healthier version.

>> No.14789203

I can think of far worse to eat on a hangover saturday or sunday morning, plus that has the easy open can so you don't have to find or fiddle with a can opener.

>> No.14789232


The raviolis taste better cold tbqh.

>> No.14789240
File: 374 KB, 852x480, bzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*beeep* *beeep* *beeep*


>> No.14789477

This is what poor people feed their children Into the paper bowl it goes, then lovingly into the microwave.

>> No.14789890

Because we can.

>> No.14789904
File: 234 KB, 1632x920, a3c068b68c94d5a9f0b22f3fd05818a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what universe is this lasagna?

>> No.14789963

I know you guys just started this thread to bitch around in circles about how people don't cook, but I'm going to throw one logical post in here anyway because fuck you and your circle jerks.

>Why put it in a can?

>Longer Shelf Life
>Keeps Moisture Out
>Easily Stored Long Term
>Convenience/Ease of Access
>Don't need a Kitchen, a stove, a heating element or even a can opener
>For the low, low price of Zero Work (It has a can-opening tab) and an amount of money that if you make Minimum Wage in the US you can make in like nine minutes

But yeah, you just want to bitch about how people are fat and don't make fresh pasta themselves at home, or something. You dense motherfuckers.

>> No.14789982

its the most efficient way to deliver the calories to your mouth hole without any additional work

bonus points if you eat it directly out of the can

>> No.14789989

they're better cold because when you warm it up the tomato sauce separates then you actually taste the tomato sauce by itself here and there. it's better when it all clumps together because that tomato sauce is trash

>> No.14789996

I always kept a couple of those microwave cups of ravioli in my locker when I was in high school in case I didn't have any lunch

>> No.14790018

Yeah, you don't have to even heat up those bitches.

>> No.14790030

Not just high school but work too in a desk with a bottle of bourbon in case its stormy out and going out for lunch is a hassle.

>> No.14790158

No, it's not about that, it's about the idea of canning pasta. It's absurd to me.

>> No.14790167

Those were pretty dank, actually. I remember getting the Chef Boyardee (Sp?) Beefaroni and Lasagna in the microwave cups all the way back in First Grade. One of those piping hot and half a sandwich is a meal fit for a king when you're a little kid.

There is something a bit nostalgic about the taste, too. I mean, I know its kinda trash sauce, but you get pasta (Which is work intensive to make fresh, but cheap) and beef (Which is easy to make, but expensive) already done and cooked, and you get it both cheap and convenient.

>> No.14790192

Pasta takes a lot of time to make. The fact that its cheap really doesn't matter - we can clearly see that in the economy of today, people are willing to liberally trade money for convenience. They want their time back - because you already have to sleep eight hours a day, and work a soulless job for another eight hours a day, and most of the last eight hours is going to be spent doing shit you don't want to do. I know its hard for people who are really invested in cooking to understand, but try to put yourself in the shoes of others. This is something you're going to have to allot time to every day if you commit to eating right regularly - previously not a problem when you had a spouse who did not work, and whose primary jobs were cleaning and cooking, but now a big problem when nobody even has a marriage, much less can live without working.

For most people, trading health or money for convenience is acceptable because time is the most important resource left. Money is just money, and your health will trickle away regardless of how you eat - there are chemical poisons in the water you drink and the air you breathe, so you're still going to lose your hair in your 40s and end up gaunt and emaciated in your 70s even if you do take the extra time to make fresh pasta.

TL;DR People can things you would not normally can, like bread, pasta and whole hams, because the number of people on the planet who would rather buy a meal in a can and go about their business than trade that time for cheaper and healthier food is actually a huge majority of people, and you can make a buttload of money that way.

>> No.14790207

Got a dozen of these, like tons of ramen, some gas burners, pots and pans in my basement.
Because on 4. november hell will break loose.

>> No.14790249

it's not really lasagna, it's meat+sauce+random lumps of pasta, just like all their other products
They're good when you just want to eat something hot at 3AM and are too tired/drunk for anything more complicated

>> No.14790541
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 0064144002160_A1L1_ItemMaster_default_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollar Tree has had the classic edition of Chef Boyardee's lasagna over the last year or so. Some of the best canned food you'll have.

>> No.14791119

True. My first job was working at an Italian restaurant in Colorado. The ravioli was one of the best sellers on the menu. What the customers didn't know was that the ravioli itself was Boyardee. It came in a 10 pound can packed in brine. The cooks drained the can and dumped the pasta into the steam table. The sauce was made on site, but that's about it. It took the waitress longer to take the order than it took the cook to put it together.

>> No.14791153

>1 can of beefaroni
>1 can of ravioli
I know it's probably worse for you than shooting heroin into your eyeball but it's a guilty pleasure like one a year, fite me

>> No.14791734

the meat in these feel and taste like not food

>> No.14791741

yeah once a year or so i get a craving for the ravioli but after a few bites im usually done

>> No.14791760

It's the same type of garbage sloppa as normal chef boyardee. It's always been garbage sloppa. Its existence owes itself to the fact that Hector was contracted to produce army food during WW2 and had tons of excess supply left over.

You are eating sloppa meant for people who didn't even like it on the front lines.

Learn to make normal fucking tomato and meat sauce.

>> No.14791841


mmmm sloppa

simple as

>> No.14791862

it's when it comes out the other end

>> No.14791947

I prefer to make my own

>> No.14792052

> heats up the sauce in a separate saucepan because reasons
>mixes everything in a casserole before putting everything in the baking trays
>puts cheese on top anyway
>will finish it in the oven anyway

There are more steps and more dirty dishes to his retarded sloppa recipe than if he had just assembled lasagnas straight in the baking trays like a human being. How does he do it? Truly a national treasure

>> No.14792062

Some folk that worked for Italian restaurants in NYC always told me to beware of the ravoili, it's just old leftover crap that's been repackaged and repriced to make some profits.

>> No.14792204


Really comes in handy during a power outage.

>> No.14792263
File: 54 KB, 670x440, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Warhol like?

>> No.14792420

>is not actually Lasagne
How is this legal?

>> No.14792442
File: 54 KB, 400x519, chefboyardeelas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just squiggly pasta and it doesn't even have cheese. Apparently in the past, it was made from egg noodles and did have cheese

>> No.14792443

but was it good leftovers?

>> No.14792726

Little boys, I had family that lived around him in manhattan and we'd always see him with little asian boys, that guy was a sick boring weirdo, I never understood the appeal of that sack of shit.

>> No.14793076
File: 110 KB, 1288x1288, 1600906172685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my college roommate only ate cold cans of chef boyardee and pecans and whacked off loud enough to be able to hear through 2 walls. at times i considered murdering him

>> No.14793490
File: 288 KB, 283x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14793500

Imagine calling yourself a chef and not even knowing what bechamel sauce or lasagne sheets are. Totally fucking ridiculous.

>> No.14793503

this image is perfect. exactly how a young male is like.

>> No.14793514

It's not lasagna it's mafalda

>> No.14793565

It's not even lasagne, just lasagne noodles submerged in their generic "meat sauce". This and their "spaghetti" are barely passable as food. When I was poor and had to eat this shit I stuck to the ravioli or the mini ravioli and meatballs, since they felt more substantial than just cans of mush.

>> No.14794305

I live in a sharehouse with roommates I want to have as little to do with as possible, which means I want to be in or around the kitchen the minimal amount of time I can (lol). I keep like six of these in my room on a shelf over the weekend and that means I only have to be out of my room for like 5 minutes tops. Also keep canned chicken breast in there and dump it in when the soup/pasta is still hot so it cooks a little. Plus a can is usually 400 calories or less so I'm not overeating. I can't cook in the first place, so I'm only really eating for purposes of staying alive, and I don't really feel like lugging bags of apples & carrots bananas home constantly, or having to deal with produce waste after. Heat up some soup, rinse out the can and toss it, eat, rinse out the bowl and finito with no further excursion or exertion necessary. Some people live sad pathetic lives, and shit like this really makes things easier for us.

>> No.14794320

yeah, go fuck yourself

>> No.14794349

I had a lasagne, a real one, in a tin that came in a French MRE. It was really good so the concept is possible.

>> No.14794391

It was edible but soggy, not good.

>> No.14794418

I remember being a kid and really wanting to eat the canned ravioli cause my parents refused to buy it since they knew it was shit. Tried it a few years ago and yep they were right, it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.14794430

my dad was a legit retard and all he knew how to make were hot dogs, spaghetti, and ham sandwiches. that was all I ate for like ten years.
be extremely grateful for your parents

>> No.14794715
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>> No.14794808

Uh you can't heat soup in the can, it will explode