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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 400x300, sexy-wine-fact-400x300_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14742502 No.14742502 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for specific wines that will get chick horny. For some scientific reasons I noticed woman get horny and sexually aroused when they drink a lot of wines or specific ones. So this led me to experiment to see what wines that will get them super aroused. So... what wines you have in mind that can get any chick wet and ready for some meat.

>> No.14742558 [DELETED] 

Oh I almost forgot I’m gay btw, don’t know if this matters

>> No.14742572

Anything more expensive than what she's used to. You also have to be richer than the people she's used to being around. For some reason, this always works.

>> No.14742573 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter at all fren. Being gay ain't gay at all. Buy white zinfandel.

>> No.14742578

There's no wine that'll overcome your repulsive personality.

>> No.14742588

Any wine with drugs added

>> No.14742601

Yeah.... I'm not trying to catch rape charges.

>> No.14742607

Will Sexual Chocolate Wine be good? I know a woman would start giggling like a young girl when she first heard the title of the wine.

>> No.14743202

Literally any red wine. Take them out, get them started with champagne (proseco, they aren't worth the good shit) then follow up with a 'paired wine' per the steward's offering, something that will go well with the spaghetti she'll inevitably order. Take her out for a nice stroll afterwards and then get a follow up drink at a local bar you like - then fuck her senseless in the airbnb

>> No.14743219

any wine with the neck big enough to fit your dick in, otherwise getting frisky might involve cutting your penor off

>> No.14743280

Red, full of alchool and sweet/fruity. Try some primitivo or a good portguese blend.

>> No.14743303 [DELETED] 

I'll give you real advice. Stick to below 7%. The idea of drinking wine will get them in the right mindset. You don't want her to get sloppy because you're probably real ugly if you have to get a chick drunk to smash. If she gets drunk she'll get in her feelings and say no to you.

>> No.14743395


>> No.14743396

Step 1: buy a really expensive bottle of wine
Step 2: buy a bunch of cheap ass boxed wine
Step 3: drink the amazing wine yourself, alone, and in the dark
Step 4: sloppa the shitty boxed wine into the expensive bottle and add a teaspoon of sugar
Step 5: trick women over and over

>> No.14743413


>> No.14743442

If I'm drunk too then she's actually raping me so the rapes cancel out.

>> No.14743458
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>giving a girl alcohol
>having sex with her
you guys trying to catch a rape charge?

>> No.14743486

7chan /v/inyard prolly has the info you're after

>> No.14743493

No one in this thread said they werent also actively drinking? Whats wrong with two drunk people fucking?

No chick is going to sit around and drink the wine youre plying her with if youre not drinking it as well cause that would be super fucking creepy.

>> No.14743498

best feeling! for a moment

>> No.14743519


men have much higher tolerances for alcohol than women, especially if you're a lot bigger than her. it's not an equal amount of drunk plus you initiated it with the intent of loosening her up for sex that's date rape

>> No.14743543

>not getting absolutely trashed on the first date

>> No.14743549

Chateau Libido, '69.

>> No.14743574

Genuine kek

>> No.14743575
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>not home brewing

>> No.14743582

Implying you're drinking the same amount/less, which again isn't mentioned anywhere. If youre on a date and drinking together you're probably hoping to get lucky.

If youre on a date and youre not drinking together, you're probably still hoping to fuck, even if you're not actively trying to fuck youre not turning it down if it happens.

Inb4 larping virgins with "i would never fuck on a first date cause it means shes a whore" or " i wouldnt cause im a gentleman"

>> No.14743631

I have turned down fucking before when we were publicly parked and when I wasn't sure how clean the girl was

>> No.14743638
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this is my fetish

>> No.14743659

the way people act when they are drunk is how they think they are supposed to act. some women just use the excuse of being drunk to give in to sex. alcohol is a sedative and the last thing you want is to take a sedative before sex. unless you are raping them, then...

>> No.14743744
File: 2.23 MB, 664x720, frab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer this verison

>> No.14743761
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one for you

>> No.14743790
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she's really cute

>> No.14743808

Champagne, hands down no question! I got an Asian girl absolutely wasted off some cheap champagne I don't know the bubbles help somehow! Plus the halo effect, these idiots think all champagne is expensive as Dom!

>> No.14743823

how have you managed to end every single one of your three sentences with an exclamation mark?

>> No.14743825 [DELETED] 

>using the biggest date rape drug of all time
>worried about rape charges

>> No.14743828
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tell em

>> No.14743831

I feel very passionate about this topic! Champagne is a winning strategy!

>> No.14743835
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>> No.14743897


>> No.14744020

roastie is toasty

>> No.14744786
File: 40 KB, 422x560, Jake-and-Josie-poster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14745077

If 2 drunk lesbians hook up, which one's the rapist?

>> No.14745824


Whichever one has more rainbow, BLM, and Bernie stickers on her Subaru Outback is the bigger dyke and thus the aggressor.

(Also, checked.)

>> No.14745853
File: 99 KB, 503x700, comic8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting drunk makes people horny
watch out everyone we got some kinda genius over here
You already sound like rapist

>> No.14745864

i would ask her out right then and there

>> No.14747123

Cringe @ larping incel

>> No.14747134


>> No.14747137

Ugh, wine makes me so tired. I need tequila

>> No.14747141

>scientific reasons

>> No.14747255

Secrets of a bachelor:
Give a bottle of wine on a second date as a gift.
If the second date goes well she might take you and the wine home.
Or she might invite you to her place for the third date (some women just think three dates is a thing).

Type of wine?
Cab sav, merlot, pino gris if you live in a dessert, moscato if you live in a trailer park.
Really doesn't matter, as long as it isn't too acidic