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File: 596 KB, 973x645, Screenshot 2020-09-15 030224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14741257 No.14741257 [Reply] [Original]

Someone uploaded a bunch of old Emeril Live episodes on YouTube. I've been watching a bunch of them and I can't believe I forgot how cool this guy is. Let's talk about how cool Emeril Lagasse is.

>> No.14741260

not a full episode, but this clip is a great microcosm of the show.


It makes me sad to see how happy everyone is in this video. No one is this happy anymore.

>> No.14741296

when I was 9 years old I was so excited my mom got us tickets to see the show
I got a seat right at the end where he walks out, and when he came out he said "how ya doing buddy" and gave me a pat on the head, and delivered the opening monologue right next to me

these shows were taped in advance so I had to wait a few weeks and then when I finally aired I was exited to see myself on TV
and they completely edited me out of the episode...
every time the camera would pan in my direction it would cut right before it got to me. There was one point where the outro to a commercial went right across the row to show a close up of people clapping and it stops at my mom

I was pretty crushed

>> No.14741303
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Emeril knows you dont relax around blacks

>> No.14741305

You must have been a pretty ugly kid

>> No.14741313

lmao that's rough. glad Emeril was nice to you though.

>> No.14741355

nah, pretty normal looking

>> No.14741390

Have you ever had the banana cream pie at one of his restaurants? I'd crawl across broken glass for it.

>> No.14741404

>he still doesn't realize it...
Anon, I...

>> No.14741609

Dude was one of my two biggest inspirations to learn to cook. Fucking master of the craft, IMO.
Sure, he might not have the sheer fame of some, nor does he run NOMA, or make the best tasting food. But he makes damn good food, and all of it has soul. It has personality. He has a wide variety of backgrounds and dishes, and does his own things to them, while also discussing dishes that might not be the most widely known.

Compare him to Gordon Ramsey (either cusses at people a ton or just says "lovely" a lot) or Bobby Flay ("making this santa fe style by cooking it in bacon fat and adding avocado! Santa fe!). Emeril comes on stage, a hearty, stout fellow, jovial and joking, always with a smile. He explains much of what he is doing in front of an audience, keeps a pace, and goddamn I'd be lying if I said I didn't say BAM! every now and then when I'm making a dish.

>> No.14741611


>> No.14741651

You've done a good job at summarizing Emeril's appeal. Watching Emeril Live gives you the impression that he's like an old friend who makes really good food and knows a lot about it, but conveys his knowledge in a way that's approachable for the layman. He lacks the pretension that a lot of more recent celeb chefs have. His shows have a very positive energy to them.

>> No.14741657

Based and kick up up a notch pilled

>> No.14741808

>mfw zoomers have no idea who Emeril is

>> No.14742644

Why the hell are they clapping and cheering everything? Fucking Americans, I swear, you lot are living memes.

>> No.14742681

Rent free faggot

>> No.14742823

Its called being happy. You wouldn't know that living in your soulless shithole country.

>> No.14742849

so normal the producers were worrying about losing viewers by keeping you, a child, in the footage? Bad luck tho anon. You got a pat on the head by Emeril, not many can say that.

>> No.14742866

calm down Nigel, it's the only exercise we get

>> No.14742875
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lost all respect for the dude when he started hawking shitty kitchen gadgets

>> No.14744026 [DELETED] 

>misses 15 parries
>can be punished with a backstab at the absolute maximum which requires a read on top of a read
>lands 1 parry
>oneshots you while only requiring a single read
Defend the Chaos Dagger.

>> No.14744162

This reminds me of Jr. High and discussing his show with my science teacher. Take me back...

>> No.14744165

Was meant for

>> No.14744290

It's alright bro. Your mom might have forgotten to fill out the waiver or didn't want them filming you.

>> No.14744623

i had to stop when they began cheering furiously for the act of assembling a lasagna.

>> No.14744659

He has a gift for being kind and respectful to his guests. The Julia Child episodes are especially reverential.

Really, his travel shows are the best.
Emeril's Florida was paid by tourism council of Florida, and they're great.
Eat the World, might be free on Amazon. He's classically funny eating soup dumplings drunk as a skunk in China with Mario Batali.

>> No.14745116

Been posting on the weekends here. Grabbing episodes as they air on Martha Stewarts Dabl network but I'm damn near out of range, so the quality is lacking. But no one else is doing it, so fuck it.


Everything that is done so far. Uploading as I go. Mega link will be ahead of anything else. If you're looking for a more traditional cooking show just stick to the Essence of Emeril episodes.

>> No.14745166

keep up the good work, friend.

>> No.14745198

This show format has not aged well

>> No.14745304
File: 39 KB, 169x133, Obsessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14745343

I think it does ok. If it was done today they'd have a never ending string of 'celebrity' guests they would pander to.

>> No.14745369

>It makes me sad to see how happy everyone is in this video. No one is this happy anymore.
90s were truly the pinnacle of civilization in the West. The future seemed infinite.

>> No.14745374

I like how men and women orgasm any time he throws in some extra garlic.

>> No.14745381

This shit is legitimately absurd. Probably a top 5 show ever on the food network.

>> No.14745394

You will never again watch Emeril over your grandmothers house where your parents left you while they go to work then fight with your older brother about whose turn it is to play Pokemon Red on the Gameboy before the batteries run out then go to school the next day and crumble your chips over your sandwich and say BAM and pretend you're a famous chef

>> No.14745401

I miss my brother

>> No.14745416

Did he died

>> No.14745543

Like all "reality" TV, it's scripted.
I expect they say "no talking during the show; we want to limit retakes. Just smile quietly when the applause light is off, whoop and clap when the light goes on."

We're americlaps for a reason.

>> No.14745569


>> No.14745676

My divorced mom 100% wanted to fuck Emril.

>> No.14746112
File: 8 KB, 399x403, 1599025786465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big nostalgia here. Would always watch this with my dad and he would always fall asleep partway through. I can almost hear him snoring now.

>> No.14746131

you should kill Emeril, it's the only way to restore balance.
the only way
the only way....way.... way..

>> No.14747597

How can one man be so based?

>> No.14748074

Having a good outlook on life helps, I guess. I don't know. Emeril just seems like a genuine soul. Probably why Food Network never even mentions him anymore. He put their network on the map, and they turned to shit after they got rid of him.

>> No.14748085

It's a "you had to be there" kind of thing. The guy's enthusiasm is infectious. Him adding extra ricotta is just one of many things that popped his crowd.

>> No.14748131


>> No.14748190
File: 234 KB, 768x433, emerildon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who put way too much garlic in the sauce, again? Was it you Emirildon?

>> No.14748217

What's wrong with it? It's designed as a space saver that does the job of 9 different appliances. It seems to be very well reviewed except for a few 1 stars left by literal retards who say dumb shit like "as an experienced cook I went to warm up frozen dollar store pizza..."

>> No.14748404

I really liked Emeril, he was entertaining as hell. Then he had the live show where he added shit to food for cheap pops from the audience. I still watched his shows but then they added another show and Emeril was everywhere. Kind of got sick of seeing him. Later he started doing a traveling cooking show without the theatrics which I really liked.

>> No.14748542

I went to his restaurant in Orlando as a kid was pretty good

>> No.14748707

>It makes me sad to see how happy everyone is in this video. No one is this happy anymore.

Fat American hogs clapping at every mention of meat or cheese is not happiness.

>> No.14748721


>> No.14749163

No worries, friend. You can always watch the infomercial and bask in its glory. It's available at the mega link just for you.