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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14706026 No.14706026 [Reply] [Original]

I always burn my grilled cheese bread before the cheese even melts...how do I fix this?

>> No.14706041

lower the heat you fucking retard

>> No.14706045

lower heat. i actually like it when the cheese is warmed but not completely melted though, i think it has a better texture that way.

>> No.14706049

lower the heat you down syndrome fuck

>> No.14706059

Stop putting Halloumi in your grilled cheese gordon.

>> No.14706063

i always only heat it at the 4 setting on my stove, it just takes forever

>> No.14706067

Lower heat, and a lid.

>> No.14706074

You can try putting a lid on it to keep some of the heat in, but keep the lid off after flipping or else it'll make the toasted bread get soft from the steam.

>> No.14706079

Putting a lid over the pan is a good idea to melt the cheese, but you'll keep a lot of moisture in the pan and lead to some soggy bread.

>> No.14706084

Or grate it at least. At least it'll melt somewhat...

>> No.14706093

bread isn't too thick (~.5 inch)
cheese sliced thin, laid down with slight overlap
pan on medium, medium-low
butter in pan, not on bread
get both sides brown
flip every few seconds until cheese starts melting on edges
take off heat, let it sit in pan to get nice golden finish

>> No.14706098

It shouldn't make a difference when you're toasting the first side, but that's why I said to take it off after you flip the sandwich to toast the other side so it won't get soggy.

>> No.14706100


i always thought htese threads were yall just memeing but god DAMN.. lmao.

>warmed yet burnt bread with slices of cold cheese


>> No.14706120

hell is eternal anon, accept Christ before it’s too late

>> No.14706148
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between this and the "wholesome ck memories" thread where anon's guildmaster rented out a cabin for the entire WoW guild to stay at so anon could fuck his wife, i think it is time to take the christpill.

>> No.14706149

sounds delicious, do you have a recipe?

>> No.14706150

Low heat and let it melt, then up the heat + butter. Press on it to help finish, just don't let the cheese pour out.

>> No.14706166

what on earth are you talking about

>> No.14706175

oh, so all you guys think you know better than ramsay, huh

>> No.14706184

yes, he is just attention whoring rather than trying to make good food

>> No.14706186


i'm talking about the "wholesome ck memories" thread where anon's guildmaster rented out a cabin for the entire WoW guild to stay at so anon could fuck his wife. can you not read?

>> No.14706200
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>microwave sandwich until cheese slightly melted
>then butter the bread
>then sizzle the skillet until golden brown and cheese dripping

Come you can't be this simple.

>> No.14706202

either link it or you are just another schizo posting retard

>> No.14706203

>well, he's a Michelin starred chef. are you?

>> No.14706206

no but i can make a proper grilled cheese and he could too if he wasn't more focused on the attention rather than the food

>> No.14706230

Fair enough.

>> No.14706321
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here, let me just spoonfeed babby

>> No.14706457

jesus christ i cant believe i still share topics with faggots like you

>> No.14706470

I toss the bread in the oven until its lightly browned but heated up then I transfer it to the pan to finish cooking. Since its already hot it helps melt the cheese while I finish it up.

>> No.14706485


Ill get shit for spoonfeeding you but I already had the thread open, you fucking faggot.


>> No.14706823

Start on hob, finish in oven.

>> No.14706830

Med low heat cover with lid after flipping for two minutes

>> No.14706842
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lower the heat and use your 'ron

>> No.14706844

4 out of what? 4? use a medium-low heat

>> No.14706850

Lower the heat, butter well. A bit above medium heat works best on my gas stove.

>> No.14706856

Misplaced /pol/acks who think anybody cares.

>> No.14706952

Put the cheese in first

>> No.14706961

Can I fuck your wife faggot?

>> No.14707032

Bro u can't read

>> No.14707363

that's from a Gordon Ramsey video lol

>> No.14707371

Lower the heat and use more butter

>> No.14707381

God I need a gas stove. Shit cooks so unevenly with electric.

>> No.14707553

4 out of 10. If there are numbers, they almost always go to 10. If you're Nigel Tufnel, yours might go to 11, but most burners go to 10.

>> No.14707579

Shutup idiot, you honestly have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.14707632

Are you running some 6 notch, 2 burner propane stove that came with your room rental in the trap house? Pining for your mom's voice calling you to another dinner of packaged mac and boxed tendies? Feeling a little remorse for all the times you called her a bitch for trying to drop hints on to be a human being when you were engrossed in your vidya? You'll be ok, guy. It's just a rough patch.

>> No.14707659

low temp

>> No.14707661

I don’t eat tenders constantly, so fuck off with that bullshit...I’m only having to stay with my AUNT because covid put me out of my job from petco, are you usually a snide little asshole like this? Not everyone is rich

>> No.14707665

It's time to vote:


Vote or you are a faggot.

>> No.14707676

It's near impossible to cook frozen tendies on a coleman stove anyway. What are the knobs like on your aunt's range? White plastic with an industrial-looking grey fond around the rim? Medium at 5? Minimum at 1?... High at 10?

>> No.14707687

There aren’t any numbers, it’s just low-medium-high, it’s one of those old coil stove tops bc she’s like 80 years old

>> No.14707720

They still make tungsten coil ranges.

>> No.14707756

Did you know you don't have to turn the heat all the way to maximum?

>> No.14707767

*british accent*: focken delicious

>> No.14707774

Choose a cheese with a higher fat content.

>> No.14707779

Nobody tell these twats about Welsh Rabbit.

>> No.14707910

is a wife faggot like a wife (male)?