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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14665441 No.14665441 [Reply] [Original]

>crabsticks dont actually contain crab
what other food (((lies))) are there??

i only found out about this recently

>> No.14665450

>sandwiches don't contain sand

>> No.14665455

Imagine the coward who has to dogwhistle on an anonymous forum. I bet you wear thick glasses, can't grow a full beard, and have a glass jaw with no chin.

>> No.14665456

They're literally called "krab". Did that really not set off any red flags for you?

>> No.14665460

>Yoghurt isn't a painful experience.

>> No.14665463

i just thought it was a fancy name for marketing.


>> No.14665472

>only recently
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.14665479

Sweetbreads are not breads.

>> No.14665481

american """cheese"" isnt cheese.

>> No.14665491
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>what other food (((lies))) are there??
An egg cream is a cold beverage consisting of milk, carbonated water, and flavored syrup. Despite the name, the drink contains neither eggs nor cream.

>> No.14665501

>homemade food is better
biggest lie i've ever been told, by far

>> No.14665503

>what other food (((lies))) are there??
"Fat is bad"

>> No.14665505

but its better because you know exactly what goes into it.

>> No.14665510

So the word “imitation” on the package didn’t cue you in?

>> No.14665512

air fryers are still using this outdated meme
"cook your food with LESS FAT"
"HEALTHIER LOW FAT COOKING..buy your phillips air fryer today"
disregarding the fact that 99% of the food suitable for a air fryer is processed fryer food

>> No.14665515

why would i read the package? aint got time for that lmao

>> No.14665518

Shhhh. Nu-/ck/ hates the idea of this being true. This board has turned into an anti-industry, pro youtube e-celeb haven. Anon gets very upset if you suggest that they can't make better food following a Ragusa video than someone who cooks more food on a Friday night than most home cooks make in a year.

>> No.14665521

>there is no dog

>there is no ham

>> No.14665522

I sure hope you will get raped in your asshole by a bunch of dogs.

>> No.14665523

it's not like the avg. /ck/ poster goes to eat @ Massimo Bottura

they compare homemade with In-n-out or microwaved Applebee's

>> No.14665529
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>what other food (((lies))) are there??
One in three fish sold at restaurants and groceries are fraudulently mislabeled. The US imports 90% of it's seafood. Less than 2% of that is inspected for fraud. Your red snapper and tuna? isn't. 87 and 59 percent mislabeling rates.

This isn't counting the legally 'market labeled' fishes that are sold as things they aren't because of the legal vaugeries of marketing terms.

>> No.14665541

Well, good restaurant food is hard to compete against. There's a reason why these people are professionals, but the comparison is usually made with home-made against store-bought with maybe some fast food mixed in.

The good thing about homemade stuff is that you know exactly what goes into it and that you can make it exactly how you want it accoring to your taste, but then the limiting factor is the ability of the chef, basically saying that whoever makes your home dishes just sucks at cooking as opposed home cooking being garbage.

>> No.14665544

>non bread
>it's actually bread

>> No.14665553
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99% of the wasabi you get outside isnt actual wasabi, but just horseradish paste with food colouring added in.

>> No.14665568

>the comparison is usually made with home-made against store-bought with maybe some fast food mixed in
No, it's a hardcore bias against restaurants in general. I get that most people here are young and poor/students, but it's blown over into a full on hatred of the very idea of eating out. This ranges from everything to tipping, to line-cooks knowing nothing more than microwaving pre-made bags of food, to fancy restaurants being a complete scam, to everything being a meme and not "real", "traditional" food. Meanwhile you get people constantly posting their terrible "smashburgers" because they say their favorite e-celeb make one once in a clickbait video and take it as gospel. It's not even new; the e-celeb crap has just gotten out of hand recently.

>> No.14665576
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>> No.14665579

Canned pumpkin is just squash dyed orange.

>> No.14665583

but why?

>> No.14665588

He was trolling you absolute newfag redditors

>> No.14665589

Most people think tipping culture is stupid, but if you live somewhere where it's a thing, that's just a part of eating out. 99% of people here complain about it usually make up a green text story of going out to eat and having the server hint that they should tip 20% or whatever, and then they pretend they were so above all that and left them a dollar. It's literally kids who've never paid for a meal in their lives trying to act tough, as though shortchanging a waitress is somehow protesting the system.

>> No.14665594

>>Most people think tipping culture is stupid
it's stupid because paying waiters is the owner job, not the customer's.

You are supporting semi-slavery and making owners rich on the shoulders of paying customers.

In EU if you can't afford your staff, you go out of business.

>> No.14665597

Yes, most people think tipping culture is stupid. Congratulations on solid reading comprehension.

>> No.14665598

i mean this is obvious for non flyovers

>> No.14665602

I remember reading about this 5 or 6 years ago. It's astonishing how little tuna served is actually tuna.

>> No.14665604

>gets told how that's a deep seated opinion on /ck/
>haha, i was just trolling newfags!

>> No.14665605

>if you live somewhere where it's a thing, that's just a part of eating out.
so if niggers were being whipped to bring you food on all 4, you'd just accept it as part and parcel?

>> No.14665606

not him but i would actually pay to see that lmao

>> No.14665610

Tipping is a dumb system, but it's not exploiting or abusing anyone - at least anymore than anything else in 21st century capitalistic societies. If anything it's a minor convenience; you'd end up paying more off the menu if the servers' wage was included in the cost.

>> No.14665611


>> No.14665613

>you'd end up paying more off the menu if the servers' wage was included in the cost.
funny since compared to salaries, US restaurant prices are still higher than EU, after 15% tip

>> No.14665619

>The US imports 90% of it's seafood
why tho? You have 2 enormous coastal areas. I'm actually curious about this

>> No.14665622

>US restaurant prices are still higher than EU, after 15% tip
That's debatable, but I would say, anecdotally, simply not true.

>> No.14665625

probably trade deals

fun fact: 80% of Maine lobsters go to China

>> No.14665631

Well its abusing all the other restaurant workers like the people in the kitchen who work way harder than any server could ever dream of. I know they split it up a bit in some restaurants, but most servers I know don't share with their coworkers while pocketing hundreds of extra dollars a night for nothing.

>> No.14665649

I am "people in the kitchen", and yes, it does piss me off when a server comes to the back and counts out her $400 in tips for a 4 hour shift while I've been there for 10 hours making $14/hr. It usually evens out since they have to work non-busy shifts too where they make minimum wage (and bitch non-stop about it). Yes, I think the kitchen does much more work and deserves to be paid better. You kind of just have to treat FoH like strippers; they barely do any work for how much they get paid, but they're necessary for the restaurant to function, and I sure as fuck aren't going to do their job. (I also get tipped out because I don't work for assholes.)

>> No.14665654

hot dogs don't contain dog

>> No.14665658

>but they're necessary for the restaurant to function
yeah how could I eat without being asked if everything was good every 2 minutes

not to say I should -oh, the orror! - walk to the counter to get my order

>> No.14665662

>inb4 waiters get the orders and send it to kitchen
>what's an ipad on the table, like china restaurants do

>> No.14665663

>the counter
Once again proving my point that most people here have never even set foot in a real restaurant.

>> No.14665676
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>Once again proving my point that most people here have never even set foot in a real restaurant.
This is a 2 michelin star restaurant in my town.
The waiter gets the orders/plates from that "window" in the wall and bring it to table.

call it counter, window, I don't care, it's not a McDonald's

>> No.14665679

yea they have those ipad things here too (singapoor)
i like the ipads as you can always order more dishes easily but it depends on the menu UI they have on it. Some are annoying filled with tons of submenus and have lag.

>> No.14665690

People should cook at home, anon. I get you want to rant but it saves money and develops a useful skill. Most things can be made better at home than in a restaurant with time and practice, the question becomes whether or not it's worth it to make it at home as opposed to eating out. Some things are overly difficult or cumbersome owing to technique, equipment, or ingredients, but I'd say most things you can do better at home if you put your mind to it. That feeling of outdoing your favorite restaurant is reason enough to stay home over eating out most of the time.

>> No.14665703

>We source only the finest krabs from krab valley to make our krab sticks

>> No.14665723

>MSG isn't bad for you

>> No.14665731

My dad played a major role delivering the heat exchangers for the first industrial scale production of surimi

>> No.14665735

it isnt.

>> No.14665750

That's 99% of all crab products because crab is actually fucking expensive.

>> No.14665753

Not him but you are incredibly naive.
You'd still need people standing there to make sure freeloaders don't take your sides or idiots grab your shit by mistake. You might prefer to get up and walk over to grab your food so you can take it back to your seat, but clearly most people don't or it would be more popular.
It would be a mess anyway. You're retarded if you expect people to be able to carry full course meals back to their table in a timely manner without dropping shit or doing it slowly enough to hold up the line. You're welcone to jyst respond by greentexting abiut how only mouthbreathing idiots could mess this shit up, but I have news for you anon: that's a large portion of the people who will be eating at the restaurant. If your system relies on an efficient, honest and at least minimally competent customer base, I'm sorry for your failed business.

>> No.14665763
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>>You'd still need people standing there to make sure freeloaders don't take your sides or idiots grab your shit by mistake

>> No.14665790

That doesn't address the point you quoted, anon. If Opie saunters up to the line and in his stupidity grabs your mashed potatoes by mistake and takes them back to his table then they have no choice but to make you a new one because it's been touched by another customer. This is the standard as far down the chain as fast food. Now you need to wait for a whole new side to be made because some dumbass thought that people would police themselves at the "grab yours or someone else's food" station and didn't hire someone to stand there and make sure people took what they needed to.
And if you need to pay someone hourly to stand there and make sure anyway, why wouldn't you have them just bring it over so that food gets moved faster and with less chance of dropping hot slippery liquids and glass on the floor? Are you beginning to see how retarded you sound? Imagine the restaurant had to serve 7-10 groups of people as dumb as you, and maybe you'll realize that it's a good idea to have your workflow depend as little as possible on the cognitive abilities of the people eating there.

>> No.14665795

>And if you need to pay someone hourly to stand there and make sure anyway, why wouldn't you have them just bring it over so that food gets moved faster and with less chance of dropping hot slippery liquids and glass on the floor?
you only need a "guard" there, not 10 waiters

also assuming your place is frequented by niggers and imbeciles who mistake plates.

>> No.14665807

>people should cook at home
Nobody said they shouldn't.
>most things can be made better at home than in a restaurant with time and practice
And 99.9999% of the time that's not the case.

>> No.14665812

Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.14665831

Oh I get it, so your singular staff makes sure that:
>every dish that goes out goes to the right customer
>nobody steals anything from the line
>deals with every customer who needs a substitution or has a dispute about their food
>cleans up the messes from people dropping their shit on the ground
>puts in the replacements or substitutions for stuff that the kitchen fucks up or the customer drops
All at once. Boy anon, hard to believe that nobody's thought of this before!
>w-well you cam just have other people do it
Then why the fuck aren't they just serving the food so that none of this becomes an issue in the first place, you moron?

>are we assuming your place will be frequented by low-class individuals?
Yes, because people who pay good money don't go to a restaurant to do work. They go there to be served.

>> No.14665840

I've been to steakhouses with tables for 300 people and no mess happened ever with pagers.

Maybe in Europe we're just less clumsy, who knows

>>nobody steals anything from the line
again, no niggers

>> No.14665869
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>Imagine the coward who has to dogwhistle on an anonymous forum

>> No.14665870

Did 300 people all get up in line to pick up similar cuts of meat(often only distinguishable by varying doneness that is impossible to visualize without cutting) from a single area staffed by a single person? Did they all cone up with any complaints about doneness or issues with the meal to a single dude who is also supposed to watch over the outgoing foid for 300 people? Or are you retarded who doesn't realize how that has no bearing on the mindbogglingly dumb idea floated earlier?

>> No.14665877

>restaurants cook all 300 plates at once

>> No.14665880

You're just looking for reasons to get upset, nobody even cares. Go take a poop, you seem constipated

>> No.14665885

Did I say at once, retard?

>> No.14665889

>>Did 300 people all get up in line
>Did I say at once,

>> No.14665909

Yeah, I didn't. Stop deflecting from all of the issues I brought up with your dumb fucking system.

>> No.14665912

I think we're not speaking the same language

explain how this
>300 people all get up in line
does not mean 300 people get up at once

>> No.14665919

Egg creams are the fucking shit

>> No.14665929

tomato is a fruit but legally a vegetable

>> No.14665935

that's not a lie

nowhere is written a fruit can't be classified as vegetable.

>> No.14665938

If I meant
>300 people all get up in line at once
I'd have typed that. Your dumb shit sounds ridiculous if you just think about a dozen or so orders coming out at any one time in a constant stream during lunch rush, but please keep splitting hairs and deflecting from the myriad of ways in which your proposed idea makes you sound like you have downs.
I'll make it easy for you. Your system isn't popular because it doesn't change the menu price of anything to any appreciable degree, while asking for more out of your customer. Customers will see a burger for X dollars and then they will decide after that if they should tip the waiter and feel good about having the choice in doing so, even if they will do it anyway 90% of the time because of social pressure. In your system, costs are nearly the same(because the restaurant is paying sub minimum wage most of the time) and customers get a more pleasant experience where they don't need to get up and pick up a full course meal, walk it back to their table, and not have someone wait on them to address their needs during the meal. Period full stop.

>> No.14665956

>your proposed idea
I literally ate there, friend

>> No.14665958

>Maple syrup that doesn't contain the word "maple" in its name is not maple syrup.
It's corn syrup with artificial flavor and dye. Aunt Jemeya, Log Cabin Original Flavor, Mrs. Buttersworth... not maple syrup.
>Processed cheese is not real cheese.
American Craft Singles, in particular.
>Cellulose is saw dust.
It's used to replace flour. Most burritos you eat have a tortilla made of saw dust and water, because it's cheaper that way.
>Chicken nuggets are pink slime.
>the McRib is just a hamburger with extra liquid smoke
>Margarine is literally plastic and not even cockroaches will eat it
>California rolls contain fake crab
>Fishsticks contain fake fish
>Baked Alaska is just cake and ice cream and it isn't baked, it's seared with a blow torch
>Virgin cocktails contain no alcohol
>Fortune cookies, orange chicken, and beef broccoli aren't Chinese food
>Ravioli has no oli or ravi in it
>Soul food is actually just over spiced garbage cooked in lard
>MSG isn't synthetic, it's a natural spice, and it isn't that bad for you, it's just used by lazy chefs

>> No.14665964

>customers don't get a more pleasant experience*

>> No.14665970


>> No.14665973

>I ate at a steakhouse kind of like my idea
At the restaurant where there was one person who was supposed to handle everything I described here >>14665831 for an entire restaurant with a capacity of 300? Because you didn't seem to deny any of what I was saying earlier.

>> No.14665977

yes and it was lunchtime, plenty of office guys having lunch, packed

>> No.14665978
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>i liek babish and ragusa because they've never cooked in a professional kitchen

>> No.14665985

I don't watch jewtubers either

>> No.14665994

lamb is actually just pork. The unique shape of lamb chops is entirely artificial and comes from using twine to remove meat from the bone.

Sheep have been extinct for over 100 years now. This ridiculous idea that New Zealand has a monopoly on an entire species of farm animal is like saying Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. They're banking on you never going there and finding out that there is no Santa.

>> No.14665998

I'm sure, anon. I bet he also bussed the tables like servers do, right? Sounds like a pretty cool guy, being able to do all of these things efficiently at once.

>> No.14666006

funny, if only sheeps were a rare sight

>> No.14666010


>> No.14666011

oh wait, maybe the average american never saw a sheep

>> No.14666032

You don't need to suck off adam arugula to value home cooking over dining out.

>> No.14666062

>a blend of cheddars and other cheeses isn't cheese

>> No.14666072
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palm oil is good for you and are consumed worldwide by many different countries, but since the westoid scum couldn't their hand on the profit, they decided to undermine palm oil with decades long propaganda.

>> No.14666079


They haven't been called crab sticks for 20 years.

>> No.14666206

Hot dogs don't have dogs in them? What is the meat part then?

>> No.14666220
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>McDonald's is not irish

>> No.14666630

does triple parentheses even count as dogwhistling anymore? i'm quite certain that it's common knowledge it's referring to jews.

>> No.14666645

Except for Libby's. They're the only company in the USA that uses real pumpkin.

>> No.14666666
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>what other food (((lies))) are there??
American "cuisine" is considered food.

>> No.14666670

satanic double trips of truth

>> No.14666671

Hail Sixtuple Satan.

>> No.14666693

can I have some extra cheese with this double Satan Beast burger?

>> No.14666696

...nor witches

>> No.14666697


>> No.14667064

Better ones contain "crab extract". Cheaper contain nothing or synthetic crab flavour (just mix amino-acids in the right ratio) just like the Thai have "vegetarian shrimp, duck or pork" flavour".

>> No.14667099
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When i was a kid i would always add them in the pizza hut salad bar thinking they were salamon.
really delicious though i love them

>> No.14667179
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>drink smoothie
>feels granular

>> No.14667244

>buy apple pie
>"better than what grandma makes!"
>grandma never made apple pies

>> No.14667336

Real pumpkin is too stringy for a lot of dishes that call for it

Trader Joe's as well

>> No.14667339

So are you just bad at cooking or terrible at it?

>> No.14667344

Fishing laws present in the states that some South Asians or Caribbeans couldn't care less about I assume.

>> No.14667418

>da joos
the packaging always says something like "imitation crab" "pollock" you autist

>> No.14667431

its exploiting dumb people that think you SHOULD tip because thats just what theyve been told to do

>> No.14667932

what in the fuck is your problem?

>> No.14667938

>Faggots aren't actually made from gay people.
>wtf fuck you British people.

>> No.14667949

I don't often go out to eat but outside of going to a Chinese buffet for getting a bunch of chicken in different sauces that I don't want to make at home I am generally unimpressed with restaurants.

>> No.14667986

pretty much this desu, it's pathetic

>> No.14668003

>"Fat is bad"
Don't get so defensive, fatty.

>> No.14668057

>but it's not exploiting or abusing anyone -
It's exploiting the customer to pay the staff tax free, so that the owner doesn't have to.

>> No.14668063

>red velvet cake
>doesn't contain velvet

>> No.14668149

>even satan is O B S E S S E D

>> No.14668242

That's because you're stupid and can't cook.

>> No.14668247

>99% of the food suitable for a air fryer is processed fryer food
Only the garbage you eat.

>> No.14668492


Its called the pass you ingrate piece of lowlife scum, kill yourself

>> No.14668542

I used to think it was but now I think it's based.
>wahhh you're supporting semi-slavery
firstly I don't give a shit. secondly you'll find that waiters are the last people wanting to get rid of tipping because they can make FAR more doing that especially if they're particularly charismatic or are female. What I like about tipping is that it gives the waiters more of an incentive to be nice and helpful, give you refills, etc. Yes, they should do it already but they don't, that's just how it works. Also in the UK as it stands we're getting the worst of both worlds as restaurants are increasingly adding a mandatory 'service charge' anyway. So we pay higher prices + a mandatory tip and get nothing for it.

>> No.14668569

surimi is delicious, great when deep fried

>> No.14668583

Most saffron isn't saffron.

>> No.14668651

what is it then?

>> No.14668685

Plum sauce contains a lot of pumpkin, very little actual plums.

>> No.14668721

>satanic sexts
I’m never denying American retardation again

>> No.14668781

Holy shit

>> No.14668840

The holocaust didn't happen lmao

>> No.14668846

>he fell for it

>> No.14668875
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>> No.14668926
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>> No.14668952

>walk to the counter to get my order
Some novelty family friendly establishments have a model train layout which brings plates to the table.

I think there's an opportunity to expand this into "fine" "dining", and to hell with the tipped waitstaff.

>> No.14669011

Yet you can still go into any restaurant or grocery store and they will sell fresh lobster. It’s not like because we export stuff that it’s rare to find seafood from our waters. The only places that don’t have fresh seafoods are ones that have 50 fucking items on the menu and in that case it’s all shit including the meat and poultry.

>> No.14669038


Train delivered food.

>> No.14669352

these still slap though I eat them just like that

>> No.14669355

Take two crab sticks at shove them up yo ass, all up in yo ass. I'm LAPD.

>> No.14669526

in English they are called beefburgers

>> No.14669586


>> No.14669593

>imitation crab stick doesn't contain crab.

>> No.14669601

Sweetbreads aren't bread.
Dogtooth can be found on just about any animal.
Hamburger isn't made with ham.
Pickles are really just fancy cucumbers.

>> No.14669659

Shit's still good though. Hotdog of the sea if you ask me.

>> No.14669688

>Every dish can be fix by the addition of a Gallon can of Nacho Cheese

>> No.14670276
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Hello 76/sp/

>> No.14670427
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>> No.14670438


>> No.14670453

So it's better than nothing

>> No.14670498
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Me too

>> No.14670553
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Amazingly, people who freak out about fruit on pizza are terribly misinformed.
Fruits that are commonly found on pizza:
*Green peppers,(same family a tomatoes, FIGHT ME!)
*Banana peppers
and, yes, sometimes
A pizza w/ green peppers, onions, black olives and Banana peppers,(+meat, of course) has a whopping 4 different fruits on it.

>> No.14670557

if you hear a dogwhistle it's because you're a bitch

>> No.14670570
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I see what you did there...

>> No.14670676
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America BTFO

>> No.14670709

Does being double Satan mean you're double lying, or does it mean that you're telling the truth, like a double negative?

>> No.14670727

I'm fairly certain it's the latter for about 3/4nds of Americans these days.
t. burger who can't even believe what my countrymen consider food most of the time.

>> No.14670734

The only thing worse than /pol/ invasion is /leftypol/ invasion
Closest thing I can think of is that olive oil tends to be fake as fuck because the Mafia allegedly controls the supply.

>> No.14670747

Crabsticks taste weird, but i love it.

>> No.14671264


>> No.14671411


>> No.14672935
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Americans eternally BTFO

>> No.14673028

Maybe you should stop jewing people.

>> No.14673197

everybody's scheming and conniving against everyone, it's an inherent part of market dynamics. id bet my life that if jews disappeard overnight nothing would change in this regard, not even a little. pol fucked your head beyond saving pal. it's not the jews, it's everybody.

>> No.14673298
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I use {these} for plausible deniability but everyone still gets it.
For instance: The FED is owned by {private individuals} who utilize their monopoly on the very concept of money to oppress the people.

>> No.14673316
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 1597974862225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy, now earn your treat.

>> No.14673322

Dude in basically every pub in Australia you go get your own meal from the counter and take it back to your table.
You're making up problems where there really aren't any.
The system works fine and you don't get harassed by retarded staff

>> No.14673335

I fucking love these. I peel them like string cheese and eat them on crackers.

>> No.14673340
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Fuck you satan ima go eat a chillidog with pork rhines and wash it down with a bag of sugar.

>> No.14673411 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 574x545, 1588436366479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wern't so triggered all the time, you would have read 'jewing' as the verb it is.

Also, jews arent a race. Just a group of pedos using religion to gain more money and touch little kids.

Go look up a Matitzah. Then learn about the children who DIED from the infection, and the mother's will defend the procedure.

Either learn about your world, or expect disdain from those that do.

>> No.14673417


>> No.14674629

We thought about it but discarded the idea when we realised it would make people catch the gay

>> No.14674742

This. You aren't often going to source better ingredients, especially for the prices a restaurant gets in bulk. You could in theory reach the same level in quality, but you'd need:

>Similar equipment and tools
>Tons of ingredients, which they always have stocked/fresh ideally
>Tons of experience

Could Ramsey make you a better steak than most restaurants in his kitchen? Probably. Can any random Joe in his kitchen just because he thinks hes hot shit for owning his grandparent's cast iron? Definitely not.

>> No.14674746

Didn't some studies math out that doubling the wages of McDonalds workers would only increase item costs by a few pennies?

>> No.14674764
File: 49 KB, 350x350, hamburgermeat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamburgers despite it not containing any smoked horsemeat

>> No.14674795

>>Ravioli has no oli
What is oli?

>> No.14675344

you mentioned money, but most important of all imo is cost-to-taste ratio specifically. there are things that are easier to make better than restaurants, and things that are difficult to, but cost-to-taste ratio is an easy bar to surpass with home cooking

>> No.14675662

this has nothing to do with business practices, if it's even true at all.
your just convincing me further that your hatred for jews makes you claim shit about them (the business stuff) just because you don't like them. sort of like a bully making shit up on that kid he doesn't like.

>> No.14675668
File: 49 KB, 616x462, baby carrots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do they do with all the left over carrot shavings?

>> No.14675682 [DELETED] 

kike detected, go back to funding riots you dirty jew

>> No.14675687

carrot juice, duh.

>> No.14675692

put them into premade salad bags

>> No.14675693

I guarantee that your friends would hate your cooking. I've been a line cook for years and restaurants are consistently superior to even the best of home cooks. The only reason you think otherwise is because your mind tricks you into enjoying a meal you spent so much time into prepping.

>> No.14675700

home cooking is for fucking losers

>> No.14675706

I work in a restaurant and am quite literally better than every single shitty home cook who has ever browsed or posted on /ck/.

>> No.14676650

Danish butter cookies don't contain any butter, instead the contain trans fats.

>> No.14676686

I wonder if it's actually cheaper to buy meals as well

>> No.14676700

"Mongolian" BBQ is Taiwanese

>> No.14676723

>Takes several hours to even days in advance just to make a single meal
>People still insist that it's easier to cook your own food than it is to buy it somewhere

>> No.14676732

>crabsticks dont actually contain crab
If you're in a 3rd world country, maybe.

>> No.14676877

Flyover got sushi fucking 2 years ago lol

>> No.14676894

mozzarella not being proper mozzarella but being cow cheese in a lot of cases.
old amsterdam cheese is not aged but chemically induced to taste like aged cheese.
Soy sauce from China in many cases is made chemically induced and some brands have too much of these chemicals which causes cancer. Actual soy sauce takes a long time to make.
So yeh anything 'naturally aged' or oven baked potato chips that have a person's name on the package as if the actually did heavy laborwork to make it.

>> No.14676939

Yeah, obviously if you're a garbage cook you'll enjoy food by someone who actually knows what they're doing more

>> No.14676966

juice, compost, animal food

>> No.14677081

this, waiters are unnecessary and only drive up the price of the food
I have legs, I can bring the plate over myself and no, I don't need you to recommend me the most expensive wine, I can choose by myself
what a useless profession

>> No.14677313

>legal vaugeries of marketing terms
Same with happens with Kobe and Wagyu

>> No.14677371

>Krabs stick
>mr Krabs' stick

>> No.14677424

>kobe and wagyu
arent they the same thing?

>> No.14677862

>You're retarded if you expect people to be able to carry full course meals back to their table in a timely manner without dropping shit or doing it slowly enough to hold up the line.
That's standard practice in work/school cafeterias.

>> No.14677900

>You're retarded if you expect people to be able to carry full course meals back to their table in a timely manner without dropping shit or doing it slowly enough to hold up the line.
but that's literally what people do in fast food places and it works like a charm

>> No.14678120

You do realize that Yoghurt is pronounced yo-gurt, right?

>> No.14678148

They also do not contain any Danes.

>> No.14678163
File: 58 KB, 1024x683, Danish-Gay-Man-Sauna-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont contain the cream of danish bakers?

>> No.14678205

just add more salt and butter you donut

>> No.14678951

Trans fats do not, in fact, contain trans people