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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14650947 No.14650947 [Reply] [Original]

If you eat a burger without beef in it, you've lost the right to complain about flavor

>> No.14650977

One of those Impossible Whoppers has more estrogen than a month's worth of HRT tranner pills.

>> No.14650990

dietary estrogen is different from body estrogen who spreads these myths?

>> No.14651042

It tastes better than regular meet tho, and I'm not even vegan.
If only, I wish I could grow HRT titties without having to see a shrink and transition.

>> No.14651228

Why would you complain about the flavor of a burger that has more of a seared bite? It has more of a cookout flex.

>> No.14651255

Impossible Burger unironically has more flavor though. Burger King's regular burgers taste so bland.

>> No.14651322



>> No.14651746

Do you eat any dairy products whatsoever
If you do I have bad news for you buddy

>> No.14651750

Uneducated young men with too much time on their hands.

>> No.14651752

Shh don't tell them about the animal estrogen in milk, unlike plant estrogen it might actually have an effect on humans, we need them to think drinking milk is good so they get cute little breasts for me to suck on.

>> No.14651761

You're going to lose your job if you don't stop making it so obvious. And in your field, termination is truly terminal.

>> No.14651824

Why are the professional shills so shitty these days anyway? Is it the affirmative action instituted under Obama?

>> No.14651960
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>> No.14652003

The soy estrogen actually makes you not able to absorb as much real estrogen.

>> No.14652010

For me its the impossible from Umami Burger

>> No.14652035

Actually it has the exact same effect in the body's receptors, this is a scientific fact. They work identically in the body.

You Monsanto shills are really shit tier.

Post before / after transition.

>> No.14653434

It's almost impossible to make a good turkey burger.

>> No.14653934

I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Impossible Whopper, than I'm getting on the actual Who- no no no no no no no no.... No please don't say that no no no... No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a bite of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Impossible Whopper BK, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. YOUR IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER BK IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL WHOPPER BK. IT HAS A MORE SEARED TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A COOKOUT FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the bag. BK. That bite is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the lettuce. Like I'm not even mad that I'm bittin' up, and I'm not even mad, that I'm eating lettuce right now and tomatoes.

You can really taste the onion because the sear, on this plant based situation right here, it's so strong and you barely get onion but the onion's there so you get a crunch off it, with soft bun action and SBA? BK, YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING, AND I LIKE WHERE YOU, YOU GOIN' BK, THE IMPOSSIBLE WHOPPER SON

>> No.14653982

Prove it

>> No.14653983


>> No.14653984
File: 1.57 MB, 320x180, 1595005706956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.14655347

Fucking kek.
The guy spamming this in /gif/ is such a fucking asshole but the edits/deepfakes are funny

>> No.14655399

I get more of a seared bite from the Impossible burger from Umami Burger.. ohnono

>> No.14655747

Take your meds schizo

>> No.14655782

I was in the USA when this came out, the 'I'm a damn fool' redneck in the TV ad was only slightly less annoying than the two fat fucks trying to locate the Little Caesars pizza crust.
The TV commercials over there are fucking dire.

>> No.14655793

what an annoying fuck

>> No.14656380
