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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14641525 No.14641525 [Reply] [Original]

I grew up in a family where the pots or trays of food were simply put on the table and everyone served themselves or were served by someone. So I've only ever experienced "plating" in restaurants or cafés and such places, and that has left me with many problems thinking about the actual eating procedure of a meal in a home setting with medium formality.

How can I entertain people with my food bringing only the plates to the table? What if they want more? Do I get up and serve them again? Clean plates?

I can understand the system if you have servants, but being the cook and the host at the same time is a bit confusing to me, especially for meals such as lunch or dinner.

Anyone else has the same problem?

Any tips would help.


>> No.14641529

>"help yourself"
simple as.

>> No.14641537

Put the food on the table and stop worrying.

>> No.14641553
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Here's the thing though:

As a guest, it's kinda rude not to eat what's been put in front of you. Generally speaking. By letting people serve up their own dish, they can pick and choose what they want and not feel obligated to pretend to like your cooking.

A nice table set up will help you with this process. My pic, for example.

>> No.14641565

you can plate everyone's food first, then place the leftovers on a large plate in the center if anyone wants more anon.

>> No.14641633

They need to find a cure for autism already.

>> No.14641676

Hey, man. I don't know if you're joking or not, but I want to tell you to think about the consequences of what you say to people and how you can affect them.

Truth be told I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, and haven't had a friend for years. I'm trying to get some social skills that would enable me to deal with the stress they cause me, and in so doing, get a little better.

Not all people are untouched by trauma or a not-so-stellar childhood and teenage years.

>> No.14641678

Don't plate? Plating is fucking stupid outside a restaurant. Let them just take what they want.

>> No.14641765

haha soyboy go wahhh

>> No.14641928

everyone has issues, fuck you and your blog post.

>> No.14641938

If you have no friends then you don't need to understand how normal people act while hosting a dinner.

>> No.14641939

that's called family style and it's based

>> No.14642186

If I'm going for "formal" dinner, I make the best thing possible. Reservations. Other than that, I have no problem throwing the pots on the table with the "help yourself" offer. I don't really hang out with anybody who would be offended or outraged buy such a move. Besides, LESS DIRTY DISHES. Sometimes, I'm so lazy, I put the leftovers right in the fridge, still in the pot, ready for re-heat when needed. Oh yeah, the life of living alone.

>> No.14643073

Ok autist, here is some actual advice for you: SET UP YOUR FOOD BUFFET STYLE.
That's it. Its not hard. Just have the guests get up, grab a plate and form a line with the food. This way you won't get your panties in a twist about muh proper order

>> No.14643104

Stop being a fucking bitch, faggot.

>> No.14643176

Eat shit you pathetic pussy. Please kill yourself

>> No.14643192


"Pass the whole, undressed tomatoes, please."

>> No.14643202

What did you think or expect to gain from a r*dditpost like this?
I'm in the same boat when it comes to socialization too, anon, but this ain't the place to be asking for help. You knew what was going to happen.

>> No.14643207
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Goodluck with your dinner anon, just keep things casual and everyone will have a nice time. Put on some chill music and have a box of wine ready for your guests. Play some cards or something after dinner and just start cleaning if you want to send out the hint that it's time for everyone to leave. Have fun!

>> No.14643220

>but this ain't the place to be asking for help.
Wrong. Read the first four posts. You can ask for help here, you just got to keep up (or ignore) the bantz

>> No.14643232

food & cooking is such a small thing, so cheap and easy, that it's not worth the hassle of socialization

>> No.14643266

sensible chuckle

>> No.14643270
