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14629857 No.14629857 [Reply] [Original]

>cook chicken karaage
>boomer stepdad dips it in BBQ sauce
Are all boomers tastelets?

>> No.14629899

Boomers have fucking zero idea about food, I'm sure the height average would be 10cm taller if it weren't for children growing up with boomers cooking for them.

>> No.14629902


>> No.14629912
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>order chicken nuggies
>dip them in sauce
pure madness

>> No.14629916

Glorious nippon tendius folded over 1,000 times

>> No.14629922

only boomers who aren't complete tastoids are the ones who worked in cooking industry or hospitality to some degree

>> No.14629925

0/10 needs more sauce

>> No.14629945
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1592662630142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why aren't nips the tallest since their mom's cook so well?
i mean their average is like 5'7", not putting them down cuz i'm kinda short myself at 6'

>> No.14629949
File: 35 KB, 780x438, disgust but also contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you just let him take your weeb tendies? This guy, who aint even your father, sits around your house fucking your mother and eating your food. What kind of cucked faggot sits there and takes that shit from a mother fucking food eater?

>> No.14629950 [DELETED] 


>> No.14629953


>> No.14629954

Try putting some actual seasonings in your food Timmy.

>> No.14629962

ngl that looks dry and i don't want lemon juice

>> No.14629970

>Serve chicken karaage
>allow such retardations such as BBQ sauce
It's your own fault for not educating them

>> No.14630077

>>don't act like ur any better

>> No.14630189

I made a dipping sauce with soy sauce, marin, and sesame oil. It was pretty good.

>> No.14630199

Barely any protein in their diet. Height average is actually going up for them now since they eat more protein and can afford it more.

>> No.14630215

like sake, or marinara? That would be good either way

>> No.14630235

It's sweetened sake. Used in a lot of Asian dishes

>> No.14630240

It's fucking fried chicken, it would be perfectly fine with bbq sauce.
Toriten is superior, though, and a superior fried chicken with sauce dish is chicken nanban.

>> No.14630241

My mom kept the family on a high protein, low carb diet for most of my childhood but none of my siblings is over 5'9". We're all taller than our dad, though. Dad's 5'7", mom's 5'11". I'm pretty sure height is mostly genetic, same as intelligence, temperament, skin color, eye color, hair color, etc.

>> No.14630245

He is 100% seducing you

>> No.14630253

Okay. Mirin. I wasn't sure if you were using that or abbreviating marinara. That's a good sauce, anyway, and easy to put together.

>> No.14630254

He was making fun of you, it's called mirin. Marin is the Link's Awakening character.

>> No.14630291

Link's Awakening is homo shit, Oracles are superior.

>> No.14630533
File: 400 KB, 1200x1800, Peri-Peri-Chicken-Legs-Recipe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peri peri chicken is the best chicken with sauce

>> No.14630536

Alundra shits on both

>> No.14630553

it's nothing but a chicken tender, get over yourself

>> No.14630603

I'm not sure your girlfriend could handle me being 6'9".

>> No.14630605
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Maybe, but I was sticking with Japanese fried chicken specifically. I mean, Korean fried chicken beats the hell out of Japanese too.

>> No.14630754

What starch did you use? Corn or potato?

>> No.14630796

Should have made spicy mayo. That’s crazy good with karaage. Even regular mayo.

>> No.14630834
File: 223 KB, 804x807, hot-star-fried-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwanese XXL chicken with sweet potato flour is to die for

>> No.14630841

They grew up on glorified war time food, what else do you expect?

Glad my father started to expand his tastes over the years. But sometimes, even I just like a good old roast chicken, packaged gravy, potatoes and canned veggies. That was his go to when my mother wasn't home from work.
And it was he was fed on weekends.

>> No.14630842

Potato starch

>> No.14630915
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This is what's happening in Copenhagen right now, I swear the average height of zoomer males is 2 metres because of all these rich urbanite parents with yoga lifestyles. I used to always be the second tallest person in my class throughout school and high school, but now I feel like a fucking manlet standing next to a bunch of 16 year olds in the metro.

>> No.14631208

It's like 70% of the variance but developing countries gained around 3-5 inches. It's been accounted for in for the most part in the developed world for anyone born postwar.

>> No.14631225

haha gave me a chuckle ,':-)

>> No.14632129

But I've seen Japanese people eat that with mayo.

>> No.14632156

That's actually the preferred condiment to eat it with. Mayo mixed with shichimi is great, too.

>> No.14632187

That's because Japanese mayo is a hellish concoction made to be objectively delicious to the human brain. It's like a fucking drug. If you allow yourself you'll want to eat it with everything. Like the other dude said it goes great with shichimi and with sriracha

>> No.14632225

make bulgogi or tonkatsu BBQ sauce, tell him to try it, he will turn his nose up at it

Boomers worship false idols in the shape of their favorite brand of garbage

>> No.14632265


>My overweight diabetic father thinks Burger King Whoppers are delicious. Thinks fresh cooked burgers at regular restaurants/diners/cafes are a rip-off because he can just buy a whopper for $1 at BK
>puts ketchup on everything
>even at Chinese restaurants he asks for ketchup to put on his chicken and broccoli
>will order a well-done steak at a nice restaurant or Outback Steakhouse and then slather it in ketchup
>is probably the only person in the world who doesn’t like to eat rice
>his excuse is because he’s diabetic, yet he’ll sit there and eat bread, pasta, cake and pretty much everything else he shouldn’t be eating

>> No.14632280

Also, all my father ever wants to eat nowadays is shit fast food. Can’t take him to a decent restaurant anywhere because of his horrible embarrassing table manners and neurotic tendencies of asking everyone to give him your plates so he can stack it

>> No.14632283

your dad too huh

>> No.14632287

There was a time when I put ketchup on everything. Then one day I just stopped. I realized at the time the food I was eating wasn't that good so I was masking the flavor with ketchup.

Now the smell of it turns my stomach.

>> No.14632341

Height is genetics. Women are selecting taller men over time. It has nothing to do with diet.

>> No.14632371

Yeah, I mean he’s always had crappy manners, but it’s been getting worse as he gets older. He absolutely hates the idea of having to dress nice for a restaurant, because he’s unaware that there’s a middleground between dressing formal and shorts+tshirt+white sneakers.

He hates fine dining in general because the portions are “too small”, and thinks they’re a rip off because you’re only paying for ambiance. He prefers to eat at diners and buffets.

Also, he’s hard of hearing and refuses to wear a hearing aid, extremely impatient, has terrible road rage, and has essential tremors in his hands.

I love my dad, but lately it feels like I’m dealing with an autistic manchild.

Anyway, sorry for getting carried away. Vent over.

>> No.14632780

Boomers mostly eat microwave and fast food shit. They dont know how to cook and have zero refined sense of taste at all

>> No.14632821

>make homemade fried rice for my roommates
>sautee vegetables and spices perfectly
>plate it and serve it
>they just douse it in soy sauce before taking their first bite

Why live?

>> No.14632827

Yes. At least American boomers are. My parents still refuse to try sushi or go to a generic sushi restaurant. The only “international” cuisine they know is Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Mexican.

>> No.14632888
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Unfortunately they're stubborn as mules too and see nothing wrong with hating 99.9% of all foods, and will ironically start the left argument about everyone being unique in their own way or some shit in order to validate their pickiness.

And you know damned well they don't "know" those cuisines, only a few very popular dishes that have had any offensive flavors toned down for them.

>> No.14633013

I don’t know if they hate most food, are just uneducated about most food.

The only food my dad seems to be familiar with and enjoy is basic shit like steaks, roasted chicken, breaded chicken cutlets, salami sandwiches, roast turkey and roast beef. Also hot dogs and hamburgers. The most “ethnic” food he’ll eat is lo mein, burritos, chicken parm, and gyros.

>> No.14633031

닭강정 faggit

>> No.14633285

>cook vietnamese porkchops for white family
>they're eating it with ketchup

>> No.14633912

A 4 inch height difference in a single generation isn't genetic.

It's like their taste in music. They only like what they already like and haven't even sampled the rest of the fucking album. You want to make a boomer squirm? Play the back catalog to anything on the radio and serve up some basic french cooking that looks like everything else they eat.

>> No.14633918

he improved the flavor, fagboy.

>> No.14633922

waah waaah he didn't eat it in the correct weeb way

>> No.14634032
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>> No.14634035

This happened to me growing up with BBQ sauce. I now smother my shit food in ketchup

>> No.14634047

leave it to the nips to take a simple process like frying chicken and autist it up to 11 and get an end product no better than any other countries method


>> No.14634051

Just put the sauce in there for them
Nah just figure that's how people feel like they're controlling the food that they didn't make. Always reaching for the sauce bottle, to claim it their own "creation". People who can't cook will do this. For example, I overheard some mum in the supermarket telling her kids about her spaghetti sauce being two different flavours of Leggos sauce. When you can't cook, make something someone else made your own.

>> No.14634100
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I made my recipe for a friend and he said it was literally the best fried chicken he'd had in his life.

>> No.14634136

I'm sorry your stepdad didn't want to LARP jap with you OP

>> No.14634232

Your dad is a tastelet for just drowning everything in sauces, but you have some special kind of autism too, OP.
>NOOOO you can't just use a condiment on that, this isn't just fried chicken, its cara-ahgee, the superior japanese version!!1

>> No.14634241

That's funny. I still eat BBQ occasionally when I'm out and have something fried.

>> No.14634291

You've never tried karaage, have you?

>> No.14634452

Yeah as a kid I thought only babies liked ketchup, so i went for the next candy like sauce. God I hate it now

>> No.14634452,1 [INTERNAL] 
