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File: 44 KB, 640x640, Alchole-delivery-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14614636 No.14614636 [Reply] [Original]

It's stupid how you can't buy liquor online in most states in 2020.

>> No.14614661

I think Oklahoma went yellow this year iirc

>> No.14614667

I wonder if allowing more alcohol to be delivered at home would reduce the number of DUIs from people opening them right after purchase when getting in the car or increase them from more people getting shitfaced at home before driving.

>> No.14614723


>> No.14614732

Most of these deliveries are via mail/courier and not the pizza guy bringing you a 6 pack.

>> No.14614740

We've had alcohol delivery where I live for years, and I still go out drunk driving for fast food or more booze. Miss me on that delivery fee shit, also I eagerly await the day when I pass out behind the wheel and swerve into oncoming traffic.

>> No.14614750

What's even more stupid is distribution laws. Distillers and breweries can't sell directly to retailers and consumers. So there is an artificial middleman parasite that does distribution and increases the costs. If you have a small operation and a distributor doesn't want to pick up your product, then you're just fucked. You can't sell it except on site at the brewery or distillery which basically means you can't sell it.

It's likely not going to change because distributors have lobbying power at state levels. Without the three tier system these distributors wouldn't exist so they'll fight to the death to keep the laws the same. The only way it would change if a more powerful entity like Amazon wants to break into the alcohol game.

>> No.14614766
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>pay 30% surcharge and getting my bottles banged around and left in an overheated van
>drive the small boutique wine shops out of business so all I can get is new world boomer juice
Explain to me why I'd want this other than "I live in gastronomically blighted a flyover shit hole where you get matt sheparded for drinking beverages that aren't bourbon or miller light"?

>> No.14614808

Daily reminder for one reason or another every American wants the downfall of this country run by who knows

>> No.14614846
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>It's stupid how you can't buy liquor online in most states in 2020.
It's the xtians. Their puritan worldview bans anything that someone can derive pleasure from because they have this twisted/distorted view of what G-d commands.

>> No.14614851

Weird, in my country, a distillery licence or brewery license allows for off-sales to anyone of legal age, as long as they have a storefront on the premises and they're not within a certain distance of any existing liquor store, private or government-owned..

>> No.14614853

ok kike

>> No.14614859

What's with the weird self-censoring? You some kind of superstitious faggot?

>> No.14614881
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>What's with the weird self-censoring?
Where did I self censor?

>> No.14614920

If you're not trolling, you're an absolute piece of shit. I don't wish death on anybody, but the inevitable day your skull gets caved in, I hope it's hitting a pole instead of an innocent person.

>> No.14614921

He's a Jew. They have aberrant practices and profane rites.Wherever they go, they must attack the goyim. Censoring the word god, as well as using x in place of Christ or a cross is a rabbinic practice.

>> No.14614942

I’m with you though, man. I always write in the xmas style and he gets called YHWH because I’m not falling for his rebranding. They’re all just different kinds of Jews anyway. The religions of the book need their revisionist shit called out whenever possible.

>> No.14615332

Hahah, you and me both, pal. This nightmare can't end soon enough.

>> No.14615463

ABC states. Many are not flyovers.

Retailers can't get a full selection of products.
As for the shipping rattling bottles, if old timer chianti producers could come up with a fiasco, and the Japanese can protect their delicate oversized apples with a styrofoam net, it's reasonable to assume that someone can come up with a cardboard coffee cup sleeve for liquor bottles and throw a block of dry ice in to keep it from dying in the sun, and you can get a shipment of (new specialty product) direct shipped to you before the retailers have heard of it to place an order.

>> No.14616076

Puritans weren't what you think they were.

>> No.14616114

I live in Massachusetts and get whiskey delivered by the biggest online alcohol delivery website literally all the time, so I'm thinking your map is full of shit.

>> No.14616157

This map is stupid and wrong for NYC and most of NY as well. I can do online liquor deliveries in southern tier NY since this year and by phone, probably online too in NYC since pretty much as far as I can remember.
Who comes up with these dumb maps? A bunch of intern or school boy types who can't fact check but can push agenda?

>> No.14616193

That's about the stupidest thing I've read today. These are all state and county laws and "you know who" had nothing to do with making them. How do I know that you're a stupid foreigner and know nothing about US law?

>> No.14616223

Most of them started as old blue laws and regulations of booze continue for other reasons. Texas for example just went yellow but with a shitload of stipulations. Additionally, there are lots of rules about selling beer to go (like, bottles/cans) if you are selling pours or vice versa. Texas also doesn't allow liquor stores to be opened on Sunday and no beer/wine before noon on Sunday. Every time law revisions come up in the legislature, big booze attempts to impose more rules against craft breweries. It's stupid as fuck

>> No.14616981

I live in a dry county.

>> No.14616992

I don't know what an ABC state is. Is that where the store is owned by the government? Not relevant outside of Canada.
> it's reasonable to assume that someone can come up with a cardboard coffee cup sleeve for liquor bottles and throw a block of dry ice in to keep it from dying in the sun, and you can get a shipment of (new specialty product) direct shipped to you before the retailers have heard of it to place an order.
I don't want a whole shipment, I want one bottle. There's no incentive for me to pay $12 per bottle extra just so that some hick can order a pallet of Tito's because the nearest liquor store is a 3 hour drive because minorities are so scary let's ruin our lives just to avoid ever seeing one.

>> No.14617001

They're less concerned about facts and more concerned with whipping up paranoid white male rage at "DA BIG GUBMINT", since these people can't actually get worked up about real injustice you need to feed them a false narrative about how big daddy Bloomberg is trying to take away their constitutional right to get Southern Comfort in the mail and they'll line up with tiki torches to burn down the post office. Then if you tell them also that kids are in cages they'll shrug and say "life is tough snowflake, don't like punishment? then obey the law"

>> No.14617008
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>I live in a dry county.

>> No.14617025

I went to college in a dry County, too.

>> No.14617067

Kill every fucking faggot retard soulless idiot who ever brought forth to their lips the stinking rot juice of hell and actually imbibed it due to peer pressure alone.

>> No.14617090

I lived in Northern Virginia, which was ABC when I lived there. This is the scourge, those ABC stores with minimal selection, a pick of products determined by who knows what criteria. Give me Total Wine with shelves liquers stocked based on the actual market demand, where I can find brands from my travels. I want a large selection of imports because I like a variety of things.
There's some annoyance when traveling and finding stores closed on Sundays, or being in a grocery somewhere and needing marsala for a recipe and some cashier is like "no sales past 7PM" and puts it aside like you're a lush for even trying to buy it.

>> No.14618377

Virginia is an ABC state where the stores are all owned by the government and the prices all standardized.
I don't know about Arizona in general but Phoenix is interesting. They have these "brown paper bag" stores and regular stores. I went to nice dinner at a restaurant one night a block away from my hotel, the next day I wanted to get a bottle or two or whatever for my room so asked the concierge about a close liquor store and they told me that restaurant, now there was nothing about that restaurant that indicated it was a liquor store but sure enough I went there and talked to someone at their front desk, they got this set of keys, led me down a hallway to a big door, he unlocked it then it opened up into this big room with a really high ceiling stacked from floor to ceiling with cases of booze and wine.
I got a couple bottles but the requirement was that they had to put them in brown paper bags, hence the name "brown paper bag" store.

>> No.14618389

Sounds fucking miserable. The flyover should burn.

>> No.14618390

Most people don't know it but Lynchburg, TN is where Jack Daniels is produced is a dry county.

>> No.14618433

In texas, you can't buy liquor on sunday. You can't buy beer or wine on sunday untill after 12 p.m.

>> No.14618445
File: 39 KB, 585x592, alcohol-consumption-distribution-e1412973165904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alcohol industry is predatory

>> No.14618446

No shit? I'm in Utah and thought we were the only ones cucked by liquor laws? We can buy beer on Sundays, but not wine. Do you have to get all your liquor at State Liquor stores?

>> No.14618489

they outlawed that shit here in Poland too some time ago
it's pretty fucking stupid desu, why would an alcoholic wait days to receive booze when he could just walk over to the nearest store?
as for underages buying alcohol online - why not just check their ID when delivering? I've actually had this done to me before the law got passed and it worked perfectly well

thankfully it seems like there are some loopholes

>> No.14618501

>virtue signaling this hard
go back

>> No.14618515

We can buy liquor at private liquor stores. Can't buy liquor at grocery stores or kwikee marts. Also can't buy a new or used car on sunday. Texas is an ISIS state.

>> No.14618542

>sunday is the day for god so you can't go and buy a car you heathen
this shit is actually retarded.

>> No.14618556

Laws based on religion. There's supposed to be separation of church and state.

>> No.14618561

But Texans are constantly screaming about freedom. I don't get it.

>> No.14618563

What the fuck? I thought Kansas sucked. We can't buy alcohol before noon (I think) or after 8 PM on Sundays, but that's for liquor, beer and wine. Then again, I'm also close to the Missouri border and their laws are wayyy less strict.

I think being able to order like specialty things that your local stores don't/won't carry is cool, but I can't imagine regularly relying on a delivery service. I like visiting my little local stores in person for regular runs. The owners of one sometimes throws in free little bottles of booze or cuts me deals ("eh, this is supposed to be x.xx, but, fuck it, gimme x.yz"). It's p nice.

>> No.14618570

even though I disagree with it I can see where christfags get all uppity about booze but fucking cars?

>> No.14618572

>HRT and sex change for minor? Fine.
>signing and dying for Israel at 18y old? Fine
>buying cigarettes at 18? Totally fine
Hate this country

>> No.14618575

is this /alc/?

>> No.14618578

>dry County
what does this mea

>> No.14618584

You amerisharts are more cucked than fucking Sweden. You're armed to the teeth and yet you put up with bullshit like this, a blatant infringement of muh freedoms. May as well be living in some Islamic shithole theocracy.

>> No.14618585

Freedom not allowed

>> No.14618596

please leave

>> No.14618602

Fuck you!

>> No.14618607

Being a local delivery driver in the direct employ of a liquor retailer may be different than using a third party to ship intoxicants to an end consumer, and the rules get more convoluted once state lines are crossed.

>> No.14618632

Fuck off retard, drunk driving isn't even actually all that dangerous. Most accidents are caused by sober retards. And even the ones that happen when someone is drunk would have happened anyway because the driver is a moron drunk or sober.

>> No.14618635

To let sleazy used car salesmen get at least one day off a week "for church".
And all the admin/shop staff at the dealership, too.
Given how often most people buy cars (annually?) vs alcohol (weekly?), the alcohol rules are more of an imposition.

>> No.14618660

LMAO Amazon Prime delivers me all the booze I want until 9pm.

Sucks to live in a third-word country like the USA, huh? Freedom.
That's just peachy. I'm so, so glad I'm not an american.

>> No.14618661

Fuck you liberal, booze at 21 (with restrictions) is communist horseshit

>> No.14618667

It's not a problem for me (I'm over 21) therefore it isn't a problem. Heard that one before?

>> No.14618669

I live in NC, which is a beverage control state and I highly doubt anyone will ever change that here. However we're one of the better control states in that the stores are run by county boards and manage to be numerous, well-stocked and decently priced from what I know. Plus there's no limits on beer and wine besides not being able to get it between midnight and ten am on Sundays; I live like 25 minutes from a Total Wine which is awesome.

Anyway, I know we can get beer shipped and stuff, but I don't think there's any true delivery for it here. Which I find odd, because if the law allows for it, why isn't there a way to order a cold sixer to the door? The amount of times I've wished for that makes me think it would be lucrative.

>> No.14618672

I'm also over 21, but I should be allowed to drink wherever and have alcohol delivered with no added on taxes.

>> No.14618683

Sorry for the typo, it's supposed to be third-WORLD country, USA.

I'm already drunk from all the booze I ordered online since I don't live in the USA where such a thing is actually illegal.

>> No.14618687

I used to order whiskey online (they only sold alcohol through a state owned wine and spirits place but they had an online catalog for much of the same stuff sold in store) and have it delivered to my campus address all the time when I was in Pennsylvania. Did it without ever needing to verify my ID. Provided a lot of underage drinking that way.

>> No.14618692

Kys troll

>> No.14618702

The U.K. is an Orwellian nightmare, police state but even there you can drink at 16 yo.

>> No.14618708

north AL is dui capitol of the world second to only some remote area of russia where they don't do anything but drink and drive

>> No.14618712

Ain't gonna get any better under Biden either.

>> No.14618719

can you believe that they made the age to buy cigarettes 21? my brother was born in 2000, could buy smokes before, and can't anymore.

>> No.14618805

good, so continue to drive drunk and let us know how that works for you. the gene pool could use some cleansing.

>> No.14618816

For Lynchburg TN in Moore County TN thats no retail sales of booze or wine at all even restaurants. Beer is apparently okay for retail. Its fine if you go to another county to buy it then bring it back to the dry county to drink it.

>> No.14618877

it's the specific rules that are silly. they shouldn't be there in the first place.

>> No.14618884

for the most part, texans are dumb. just like everyone else.

>> No.14619112

Unfortunately this. Every damn time I'd complain about Texas' blue laws people would tell me to buy my Sunday booze on Saturday, as if that was some sort of revelation that nobody else had figured out. Like fucking /v/ but IRL. E. Texas was also the first place I ran into
>you don't need to clean a GLAWK
faggots IRL. I'd previously thought they were just a myth.

>> No.14619201

This sounds like a boomerism. Boomers are retarded everywhere. Their advice is at best detrimental and at worse ruinous. I don't know how people can get so old and not have any wisdom but it is apparently the case of the boomer. My silent generation grandparents don't have this problem.

>> No.14619266

louisiana is wrong, I literally cannot get alcohol delivered here

>> No.14619278

can you ship it to a postbox in a neighboring state?

>> No.14619297

most liquor and licensing laws are bullshit, but you fucking idiots are too concerned with trivial social grandstanding to ever elect a libertarian leaning reasonable person to any level of government

>> No.14619307

>it's the specific rules that are silly. they shouldn't be there in the first place.
It's called State, County and Municipalities rights to police themselves. Places like Miami Beach have a right to stop serving alcohol at 4am, if they wish. It can be nothing more than letting police go home by midnight somewhere, and stop policing the roads or be available for problems. It can be about budgets, in other words. It probably isn't, but more likely about just statistics for problems that drinkers cause, from accidents, domestic arguments, to making sure there is no reason for late night drunk driving to/from places that sell alcohol to the desperate.

>> No.14619313

libertarians would repeal all the regulations that get us the best alcohol, did you know we're the only country outside of mexico that can bottle tequila? this way they can't water it down below 40 percent abv.

>> No.14619315

>louisiana is wrong, I literally cannot get alcohol delivered here
Yet you have drive through daquiri in LA

>> No.14619323
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yeah it hurts
no clue, the closest state to me is texas but thats yellow and all others are red so

>> No.14619324

>Americans muh Freedumbs, etc
Fat Amerilard cucks can't even order vodka to their house! Sad!

>> No.14619326

How the fuck am I supposed to find specialty liqueurs in a yellow ABC state? I am 21 next year and I want to buy stuff to stock a home bar

>> No.14619338

Map is full of shit. I've ordered hard liquor from a legit New York retailer and had it delivered to my home in Vermont via FedEx. They either broke the law and endangered their business over $100 of booze or this map is retarded.

>> No.14619341

The funny thing is I know of a store that offers delivery if you're close enough. I know the guy so I assumed he talked to a lawyer about it before doing it, so it must be legal to do. Maybe it's okay for a small business to do it but they don't want big business doing it?

They changed it to 21 last year I believe.

>> No.14619348

Um I used to order liquor through Vons all the time in Nevada.

>> No.14619366

>Fuck off retard, drunk driving isn't even actually all that dangerous

Am I getting trolled or are you genuinely this retarded?

Gas the Jews and fuck niggers and kikes. If you drunk drive, you deserve the metal tomb you end up in.

>> No.14619369

Retail delivery in-area is easier than third party delivery (USPS/FedEx/UPS) across state lines.

>> No.14619382

>This sounds like a boomerism.
Well the people who said it were and probably are still in their 20s.

>> No.14619395

Now that you say that it's probably the distribution companies keeping it that way, along with law makers trying to seem like "good guys" by saying they're limiting what alcohol goes in and out.

>> No.14620444
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LMAO did you just try to prove you're not a tumblrfaggot by saying nigger? virtue signaling is virtue signaling, and you're a high-horse riding faggot. get the fuck off of this site.

>> No.14620988

Distillers can sell directly to consumers in almost every state.

>> No.14621011

>virtue signaling on an anonymous anime image board

Alcoholism truly does rot the brain. Consider some other form of suicide that leaves people out of your edgy, self-destructive lifestyle.

>> No.14621298

>proselytising to alcoholics
Who's the REAL retard here? At least we know we're fucking worthless, why else would we drink.
Frankly, if I do miraculously end up killing someone while drink-driving, I hope it's someone you love dearly.

>> No.14621396

I truly hope you get the help you need. Sincerely.

>> No.14622026

AZ here.

Delivery prices make it not really worth it, but I guess the same could be said about any other food delivery service.

>> No.14622064

No, it's (((Jews))) who benefit from (((taxes))) on alcohol.

You want to understand the Jew, you must understand denatured alcohol. Pure alcohol that has poison added so you can't fuck the gubmint out of tax revenue.

>> No.14622071

Sorry Muhammad

You can spare the water to make booze now if you could stop believing your prophet was nothing but a autistic sperg pedophile.

>> No.14622160

KS fag here, how can I do this? I want to try russian beer because why not?

>> No.14622283

I don't remember what it's called but I once tried a 6 pack of Russian beer and it was pretty good. The bottles had an attached stopper and I made pickles in them.

>> No.14622307

Kentucky does not allow this, what?

>> No.14622316

Me and my friend went to Denver for a vacation and got a ton of beer delivered on the Drizzly app and then a weed delivery guy came 10 minutes later and the next morning we walked down the street to a dispensary. We were supposed to sight see but we got trashed for 4 days instead lel based state wish I could live there

>> No.14622321

God I want to go again but he was killed in a car wreck 6 months ago. Would probably make me upset if I went with someone else

>> No.14622349
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>land of the FREE

>> No.14622360

I wonder if they are like this elsewhere or if it's a unique to america thing,years ago I used to think most people were relatively intelligent. I'm not sure if something changed or perhaps I was just naive, but I wonder if it's like this everywhere.