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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14599916 No.14599916 [Reply] [Original]


>response to fagusea video
>soyboy faggot writes a passive aggressive essay as response

>> No.14599920

pinned comment

Chlebowski a based cunt

>> No.14599987


>> No.14600007

>ethan dismantles all his counter points
>cricket noises
what a fucking fag lol

>> No.14600043

i am not gonna watch a video that long and not reading all that shit, are you insane?

>> No.14600061

lazy cunt kek

>> No.14600126 [DELETED] 

>> No.14600137
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>> No.14600153
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People actually watch this shit?! Holy FUCK!
Zoomers need to die.

>> No.14600172
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>oh you want some too?

>> No.14600180

His character in a nutshell.

Faggot soyboy is happy about his reddit echo chamber, but ooopsie the people on the outside see the faggot for what he is: An insecure cock sucker.

>> No.14600572
File: 17 KB, 705x205, adgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he fibbing

>> No.14600598


in adam's monday video he says that bourdain is wrong about how to cook steaks and that searing a steak will give you cancer. pretty amazing stuff

>> No.14600618
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>> No.14600778

Why would he lie?

>> No.14600824

I dislike both, what should I do?

>> No.14600847

Pick your poison, I like Adam now but it cost me, I don't have it in me to like any other modern food youtuber now.
>soyboy faggot writes a passive aggressive essay as response
>soyerboy faggot writes an even longer passive aggressive essay as response

>> No.14600848

I didnt watch Adam's video but I do deep fry at home. it really isn't hard. I shallow fry too at times. how much effort does he thinks it really takes to deep fry at home in a pot?

i dont even use a thermometer, i just heat the bitch up and fry my homemade tendies and they come out great. probably would be even better if I did use a specific thermometer and deep fry countertop machine. recycling oil isn't hard either and it also isn't a big loss if you just throw that shit away cause who gives a fuck?

>> No.14600849
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>Internet Shaquille
>oh you want some too?

>> No.14600873

you can park a bus in between your wife's front teeth lmao

>> No.14600894


>> No.14600923

No one with his mental condition to ignore comments would do that. Its 100% guaranteed he comes here and also uses archive searches to see all the mentions about him. You can see that on the number of times he mentions /ck/ without ever coming here.

>> No.14600944

Deep frying isn't hard, but it's not something you perfect on the first try.
If I hadn't worked in fast food, I wouldn't realize that oil drops in temp so much and that it needs to be maintained the way it does
But at the same time, it's not hard because it's not skill based, it's knowledge based

>> No.14600967

>see read more
Opinion discarded

>> No.14600986

nibba needs to learn to not justify himself and not give explanations, just post your shit and that's it. It also doesn't help his passive aggressive little phrases.

>> No.14600991

>oil drops in temp so much
Big amount of oil countering this is one of the reasons Adam argues against this for his casual audience, it's inconvenient to deal with and not worth it when you're going to deep fry like twice a year.

>> No.14600998

>inconvenient to deal with
>just let the oil hit a higher temp before you drop in your food

>> No.14601083

Apparently he doesn't believe in salting his meat at all if he is going to use a sauce. I just cannot agree with that.

>> No.14601101


but all sauces have enough salt to counter that you bigot

>> No.14601111

My wife likes bbc

>> No.14601117

Based quads

>> No.14601120

fucking based

>> No.14601121

Its okay Adam, your viewers will agree with you.

>> No.14601123


>> No.14601127

My wife prefers lightskins

>> No.14601151

Give me a QRD, who was in the wrong here and who do we side with?

>> No.14601160

they're both in the wrong for getting involved in an argument over something so meaningless

>> No.14601169

Great, thanks anon!

>> No.14601206

>You can see that on the number of times he mentions /ck/ without ever coming here.
Where does he mention /ck/?

>> No.14601227
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>Getting in an internet slap fight with Internet Shaquille

>> No.14601259

Adam is right that deep frying at home is a pain and a waste of time but he was being a big fag about it.

>> No.14601305


>> No.14601315

why doesn't he buy a deep frying machine instead of make a whole video bitching about it?

>> No.14601323

I don’t know I’m not his fucking wife. Personally I’d never buy a deep fryer because as an amerilard I get enough fried foods eating out anyway.

>> No.14601326

>those comments
>unironically quoting rick and morty
Why are redditors so pretentious when they quote geekshit?

>> No.14601332

meant for

>> No.14601588

LOL I've never been to Reddit before. Those guys are fucked. I didn't read every post, but it looks like an entire thread without a single dissenting voice. How can you live like that?

>> No.14601829

most people just want a positive feedback loop in their free time. it

>> No.14601835

this doesn't get your account suspended?

>> No.14601840

>it looks like an entire thread without a single dissenting voice

that's exactly how reddit functions and it's why it's such a shithole. If you disagree with the mass, you get banned.

>> No.14601872

He's right about gas being objectively the worst.

>> No.14602059


>> No.14602091
File: 677 KB, 1011x974, 1563402555065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This homo just put out a video on korean short ribs and then apologized at the end if he offended Koreans by being white while cooking their food.

>> No.14602335

No he didn't, he apologized if his additions/customizations bothered anybody. Still kind of faggy, but not that bad.

>> No.14602360

Or hit by the downvote mob so people can't see your post anyway

>> No.14602403
File: 187 KB, 1610x516, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you clearly don't know this man

>> No.14602418

what video is this from

>> No.14602438

>oh you want some too
Jesus this is CM Punk levels of fake tough guy

>> No.14602440

we know adam

>> No.14602442


>> No.14602446

what the fuck happened to white americans in the past decade

you guys used to be sorta cool

>> No.14602448

>cultural appropriation
Only in 'Merica
t. yurofag

>> No.14602453

>if you're a member of a group that has hurt another group a lot

Why do liberals insist on maintaining this farce that all white people everywhere spent the past few thousand years torturing everyone brown and foreign nonstop while they did absolutely nothing?

>> No.14602455

This is the only thing that actually made me fully ashamed of being white, wow

>> No.14602456

you may wish to have a glance at Sweden or Londonistan

>> No.14602466

>making a fucking tortilla as a white person is offensive because white people did something to mexicans...somewhere...sometime...

I don't understand faggots like this. Does he want me to send him a shitload of cartel beheading videos or evidence of every atrocity committed against whites by nonwhites and use that as some sort of counter? His mentality makes no fucking sense.

>> No.14602468

well if you do at least screencap it for us

>> No.14602472
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>first two threads on /ck/ are youtube shills
fuck off you're ruining the board

>> No.14602480
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>> No.14602492

wtf? I love Ethan now!

>> No.14602495


>every thread is shitting on him violently

>> No.14602573
File: 110 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read this. Ive seen women write dumb shit like this for social credit points, but he's actually fucking sincere about it.

>> No.14602611

He seems like the type of goyim to get his kids circumcised as to not seem anti semitic.

>> No.14602665

I have made mexican dishes and showed them to my mexican friends, they weren't offended just amused at an outsider making their food like wtf

>> No.14602696

I'll run a gas line to his house. Straight to the fucking shower.

>> No.14602863

Well no, you can deep fry in a really small pot, you just need watch temp
You don't even need a thermometer either.

You play it by eye and ear and through experience you tell what's done and what isn't.

>> No.14603478
File: 85 KB, 500x500, 1450270166466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone tell me what video this is from. This cant be real.

>> No.14603711

okay, this is epic

>> No.14603732

Gas heats way faster than electric and you can quickly change the temperature. For electric you have to wait for the burner to heat up.

>> No.14603775

He doesn't know any Mexican people, he just feels sorry for them. If he did share a Mexican dish with a Mexican and they weren't offended, he would explain to them at length why they need to be offended.

>> No.14603946
File: 530 KB, 1080x1920, 1W5rpGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy has serious problems, can't handle any sort of criticism, and is a total pretentious faggot soyboy

>> No.14603950
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>> No.14604010

wow I thought my opinion of adam could not possibly get any lower, but here we are

>> No.14604050

You're sitting in an echochamber, boasting to one another that you are not in an echochamber. Where's the "dissenting voice" in this thread?

You are too poorly educated to acknowledge the hard truths he is being plain about. If you ever bothered to think about it you may come to understand the moment in history you are living in, why it has to be the way it is, and how there is so much more progress to make.

>> No.14604078
File: 49 KB, 298x363, 1587746336389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who falls for this basic bitch bait needs to be flayed.

>> No.14604084

>getting triggered by this comment even though you didnt even watch the actual video for context

>> No.14604100

>Where's the "dissenting voice" in this thread?

Uhhh you, you big dummy?
Excuse me, where are my manners. *ahem* Name's Anon. *nods respectfully in your direction* You must have blown in from old Redditsville. See, we do things a bit different around these parts. *winks playfully* We don't have no fancy things like up or down votes, karma and the like. You can tell us how wrong you think we are and we can't do a darn thing to bury it. Your comment is there for all to see, given viewing priority not based on group popularity but in the order of yer reply, y'hear? Now you can imagine how this might go and manifest itself as a less conducive format to the old echo chamber than your prior whereabouts.
We're pretty proud of the little community we built here and we're glad you could come along for the ride. *saddles up on my steed before giving my ten gallon a respectful tip in your direction* Just don't go and put any extra spaces in yer posts, y'hear? We don't care none too much for the likes of that!

>> No.14604695

>This cant be real.
ding ding ding ding we have a winner

guess its a decent troll image since it fools everyone every time lel

>> No.14604759

It's real faggot. It's on the Demi Glace episode.

>> No.14604789

Do it. Mix them in seemingly normal content

>> No.14604799

They're both soyboy faggots why do you expect us to pick a side here.

>> No.14604818


ive seen him get into flame wars on other videos. I remember the one where he talks about seasoning his cutting board and not his steak. You can just scroll and witness hours of furious back and forth arguing with someone. It's shame because his videos are fun to watch, well produced, and his recipes look really good, and then you scroll down and see him taking the bait in the comments.

>> No.14604826


idk dude, i walked into a really fancy house and the dude showed me his electric stove, it boiled a few cups of water in a small saucepot in literally 2 minutes, ive never seen gas do that. But then again, his stove was probably like $10k or something outrageous, the house was ballin.

>> No.14605099

Literally use wok to deep fry simple as that it solves all the problems Adam had with deep frying

>> No.14605327

Thats image is fucking gold holy shit

Dont get me wrong though, you're still retarded

>> No.14605355

. Nobody is right or wrong. It's about Adam having to adress everything someone said as if he was being attacked.

>> No.14605396

this, wtf. I just went to the demi glace video, someone said that that wasn't a real demi glace.
He starts telling the guy to fuck off or he's gonna block them while swearing and dragging on a needless discussion. He's such a manbaby.

>> No.14605414

was probably an induction stovetop

>> No.14605574

Yeah an induction hob will do that. Way of the future they will make gas obsolete.

>> No.14605608

This guy seasons his cutting board

>> No.14605637

Adam actually in the thread here

>> No.14605642

adam when people are showing your comments for other anons to laugh at, that doesn't mean they're triggered

>> No.14605823
File: 8 KB, 196x257, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with adam?

He literally cannot take the slightest bit of criticism, and reacts by autistically long, needlessly aggressive rants. It's really pathetic and puts a negative spin on his channel and his brand. The smartest thing for any youtuber to do it simply don't respond to any comments. Or every now and then just "loveheart" a particulary witty joke or something, just to show you read the comments.

You could always tell he was a pretnetious fuck, but reading all these comments has really tipped me over the edge into unsubscribing. I don't care how well made your videos are if you're going to tell your watchers "fuck off" like 12 times in a public arena.

>> No.14605834
File: 70 KB, 1024x1024, why_i_season_my_cutting_board__not_my_steak_by_sarahmaiden_ddlym7a-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam Ragusea
1 year ago
Explosive ProteinFart not my favorite cut either. Be more specific about your other objections or GTFO.


>> No.14605845

The fuck are you laughing at? Board sauce. It's a thing. Look it up. Not my invention. I rested that steak for five minutes. It's rested. Salt does draw moisture out of cells, but A) Not that fast, and B) Even if it is drawing some out, that moisture is being incorporated into the sauce, which clings to the meat on its trip from plate to mouth. Nothing about this is dry. Are you really suggesting that every Michelin-starred chef who serve sliced steak is an idiot? Are you really suggesting that people in Tuscany who have been using this method for generations don't know how to cook? I'm not sure you really want to die on this hill.


The guy has serious anger issues. Probably beats his wife and kids. Serious narcissism and superiority complex.

>> No.14605872

there is literally NOTHING wrong with defending your honor on the internet

>> No.14605878

Hi Adam. Glad I triggered you.

>> No.14605903

Somebody from /ck/ went to that subreddit and called Adam a cuck or something. They got banned. Funny stuff. Wish I'd kept the picture.

>> No.14605908
File: 50 KB, 1125x701, TUM TUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

I don't mind Adam but the dude needs thicker skin to want an ~internet celebrity~ career.

>> No.14605924
File: 57 KB, 640x704, qq925hfuw3f51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


his need to correct everyone completely overpowers his ability to get even the most obvious of jokes. he's completely insufferable. Worse than babish.

>> No.14605961

i watched the carbonara video
jesus christ that was cursed

>> No.14605975

That was probably induction and it's still more limited than gas.

>> No.14605985

>don't care how well made your videos are if you're going to tell your watchers "fuck off" like 12 times in a public arena.

telling your viewers to fuck off is based tho
it's extremely gay that you are getting upset on some random youtube commentators behalf

>> No.14605995
File: 25 KB, 600x600, cryp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek.
It's even worse when you read the guy's name.
So many times on the internet have I witnessed some autist getting pissed and trying to argue like their some enlightened being against someone with "meatbeater9000", "imfinnasaythenwordbruh" as their nick. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.14605997
File: 484 KB, 1080x1920, 4Nu7Dzc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ceramic stove guy was joking too

>> No.14606006

did he remove the comments? I can't find em.

>> No.14606032

>if you eat americanized mexican food you're literally hitler
>now excuse me while I put zucchini, herbs and an entire head of garlic in my milky 'nara

>> No.14606061

It was there the last time, I had checked but since the comment wasn't pinned, it took a long time to wade through the other comments.

>> No.14606074

I looked it up on google, even his reddit babies confirm it's real.
Dou you have the read more part from >>14605997

>> No.14606079

Based Phil living rent free in this marks head

>> No.14606085 [DELETED] 

Yes, so much more progress to make. I will not rest until the black trans gay retard president is stepping directly on ragusea's wh*te neck!

>> No.14606095
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>> No.14606134
File: 597 KB, 645x512, 1457759712057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm pretty sure he deleted the "it was a joke" comment >>14605997 from the thread because I can't find it anymore

>> No.14606143

I once got banned from youtube for pointing out that people who feel the need to write walls of text to respond a stupid bait are autists.
the guy even admitted he was ''on the spectrum" lel

>> No.14606146

forgot spoilers don't work here fug

>> No.14606380

lol redditors don’t know what slave morality is

>> No.14606395

why don't people just use a deep fryer? of course you have to change the oil once a week and it can be pretty daunting to carry several liters of oil from groceries and wash the the oil well itself while pouring the old oil into a container. but at least i don't have to worry about the death liquid spewing on me when i deep fry frozen stuff.

>> No.14606407

How am I supposed to make a video complaining about deep frying then?

>> No.14606537

Deep Fryers are damn cheap as well, but will take up kitchen space. I love mines though.

>> No.14606621

>Out of the handful of memes about you which one do you dislike the most or find unfunny?

Probably the "season X not Y" ones. I can't remember the last one of those I saw that I actually thought was funny. But that's fine. I am not the world's arbiter of comedy; not everything has to be for me. That said, this seems to be the meme most likely to be used to make a gross/sexist joke, which ain't cool.
>I haven't seen this meme used once for something sexist lol

I don't know why that's funny to you; 2) I don't know why you would expect to have seen every single instance of someone using this meme; 3) It has been used many times to make gross jokes about women. If it's in my comment sections, I try to delete that shit before many people see it.

>> No.14606645

>2) 3) 4)
why does he write like this, everytime?
It's like he follows some kind of script.

>> No.14606736


this is his reddit account. it's crazy how many of his posts are argumentative if not downright aggressive.

>> No.14606846
File: 45 KB, 1297x293, ogXl521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you could browse the comment history of other youtube users, this guy is a goldmine

>> No.14607003

Just, who even drops knives in the street

>> No.14607013

he was out jogging

>> No.14607039
File: 30 KB, 601x241, 9CO1jVY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even his reddit wasn't enough of a hugbox for him

>> No.14607061

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.14607605

>/ck/ hates Adam but watches all of his content

>> No.14608259

i dont really come to /ck/ much but is this the yanderedev of this board?

>> No.14608311
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>> No.14608326

>yt faggots create fake drama to generate traffic
>4chin eats it up

Every time

>> No.14608330

Not really comparable. Yanderedev was always a hack and a faggot but Adam just recently started to go crazy. Maybe he's hitting midlife crisis or some shit.

>> No.14608425

oh okay thanks anon

>> No.14608733

internet shaquille is the best foodtuber currently. none of the bullshit, he just gets to the point

>> No.14608781

this. He does short videos and throws some jokes in his videos.
Unlike josh who stretches his video out with his subreddit memes.
>haha le THICCCCCCC WITH bunch OF C's
>ebin B-roll
take all that shit out and he loses 50% of his video length.

>> No.14609710

I get that hes a meme but Ive done his hanging roast chicken with the potatoes and it was based

>> No.14609716

this, he does the baby talk stuff way too much almost to a creepy level

>> No.14609907

This behavior and mindset are what happens when someone gets popular very quickly, very suddenly. Pretty much every e-celeb went through a similar phase when they first got big and then flattened back out after a time.

>> No.14609919

Josh needs to realize that he is painfully unfunny and only hilarious to 12 year old boys who misclicked to his channel from a fortnite video

>> No.14610167

His highness is correcting lowly peasants. Too bad you can't wiggle your index finger in someones face thru the internet.