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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14598026 No.14598026 [Reply] [Original]

>"don't you know that bananas are radioactive?"
>"white chocolate isn't real chocolate"

>> No.14598058 [DELETED] 
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>you have been banned from all boards for posting racism outside of /pol/

>> No.14598069

white chocolate is real chocolate, just a lot of the big brand white chocolate bars aren't made with real white chocolate anymore.

>> No.14598078

you don't know SHIT about real chocolate until you had a crunchy bite out of a fucking cocoa bean.

>> No.14598082

Sounds gross, no thanks

>> No.14598093
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>> No.14598094

What's going on here?

>> No.14598104

looks like you're racist and based { ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•}~( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ) isn't

>> No.14598117

>you don't know shit about bread until you've eaten a handful of flour
>you don't know shit about bananas until you've eaten the banana peel
>you don't know shit about chicken tendies until you've eaten chicken feathers
>you don't know shit about steak until you've eaten a cow's asshole
Do you see how stupid you sound?

>> No.14598120

I'm a gay retard btw.

>> No.14598129

Monkey likes to slide, monkey likes to stride

>> No.14598134

all of these except for the bread aren't the ingredients for it you dumb faggot

>> No.14598630

>not eating the cocoa fruit straight from the tree

>> No.14598842
File: 51 KB, 400x400, DACC4633-ABAC-48A7-B118-3DA5122F0C46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”Blue cheese has mold in it!”

Can’t tell you how sick of hearing that I get

>> No.14598849

>reddit-tier reaction image

>> No.14598855 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 785x731, soyjack tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you cant say anything bad about the heckin niggerinos. not the kikerinos

>> No.14598859

Fuck off retard

>> No.14598864

grow up, manbaby

>> No.14598910


>> No.14598956

Based and /g/pilled.

>> No.14598962
File: 56 KB, 250x241, 4j_Spd5_N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a tomato isn't a vegetable
>wtf a zucchini isn't a fruit

>> No.14598975

Big haul today.

>> No.14599003 [DELETED] 

wtf why do u get to stay up

>> No.14599242
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>> No.14599246

>you've been permabanned from all boards for posting off topic garbage
>Doesn't link what you posted

>> No.14599283

>posting racism outside of /pol/
I thought racism was only allowed in /b/

>> No.14599286

banana equivalent dose

>> No.14599287

It is. Racism is literally banned on /pol/, not that jannies care.

>> No.14599298

>presses airplane mode button twice
yeah, im thinking i own this site

>> No.14599304

If the mods enforced half the rules with lengthy bans that they pretended to care about, 4chan would actually be making advertiser dollars and it wouldn't be destined to pass like a diseased hot potato from owner to owner.

>> No.14599308

>bananas are radioactive
never heard this one. elaborate?

>> No.14599311
File: 292 KB, 342x589, jannie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Gookmoot make an entirely new website for the blue boards instead of getting better jannies?

>> No.14599314

>never eaten cow asshole steak

>> No.14599317


>> No.14599321

>an entirely new website
It's literally the same website on a different domain name. The header, the whois, and the legal information all still call this place 4chan, as hosted on 4channel.org.

>> No.14599327

Yeah, I don't know why he did such a half-assed job of making 4channel.

>> No.14599328

they contain potassium, some of which exist as a certain radioactive isotope
a smoker is exposed to more radiation that a constant banana eater
a bunch of boomers got scared by science words so now theyre scared of a fruit

>> No.14599331

no it isn;t, racism is politically incorrect ergo it belongs on that board
cope more butterfly

>> No.14599337
File: 122 KB, 516x929, Screenshot_2020-08-18 Rules - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14599342


Yeah especially when the inline extension allows you to display the whole board list making the separate domain completely useless. And don't even get me started on the new boards

>> No.14599349

>thinks a screenshot means anything

next level aids

>> No.14599352

as if any of those are enforced

>> No.14599357

That's the point I'm trying to make.

>> No.14599361
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jesus christ

>> No.14599367

Them being enforced or not wasn't the topic, though. That anon correctly pointed out that those rules actually exist.

>> No.14599375

if theyre not enforced are they even rules?
if they arent then its just text on a page

>> No.14599385

I got banned these past two weeks for "racism outside /b/" and "off-topic" so they do enforce the rules they just quite literally can't catch them all especially if faggots never report in the first place. Also pretty sure jannie fags only do their job if it disagrees with their bias. So you have some racist jannies and lefty ones

>> No.14599390

but bananners are radioactive

>> No.14599399

rules hold no weight if they aren't enforced, sweaty

>> No.14599403

>some racist jannies

not where it matters

>> No.14599429

You know, gookmoot could probably just wordfilter 'nigger'.

>> No.14599469

You missed the point

>> No.14599539

White chocolate contains zero cacao. It is not actually chocolate. Go figure it tastes completely different from chocolate.

>> No.14599561

Yeah no shit

>> No.14599583


>> No.14599676

it still has the fat in it

>> No.14599681

hol' up nigga, are you telling me that we can make a dirty bomb with bananas?

>> No.14599686

about as much as you can make a staple out of someones blood

>> No.14599693

>speech marks within greentext
Do newfags really?

>> No.14599695

>calling quotations "speech marks"
__ ________ ______?

>> No.14599705

And this is relevant how...?

>> No.14599708

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14599711


>> No.14599712

it is a food made using componants from the cacao bean
making it a variety of chocolate
saying its not chocolate because it has no coco powder in it is like saying its not chocolate because its not a hot bitter spicy drink consumed during sacrifice festivals

>> No.14599718


>> No.14599764

this thread's a fucking mess

>> No.14599773
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>> No.14599775
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>you don't know shit about lemonade until you eat a whole lemon