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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14595862 No.14595862[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How often do you steal from your local grocery stores?

Since the popularity of grocery self checkouts, I usually "forget" to scan at least one item per trip. It adds up to a decent cost savings, up to $20 each time.

It especially works at the big box stores where the people who are supposed to check your receipts don't actually check SHIT except for obviously high ticket items. If I ever got caught I'd just profusely apologize and pay for it. No one would ever question it.

>> No.14595889

I don't steal. I cannot stand liars, cheats, or thieves. The thought of not returning a borrowed pen even disgusts me. When people think their theft is somehow justified because it's "from a company" they not only cheat other customers, the company, but also themselves.

You will be judged someday, anon, for all the things you did and did not do. For your thoughts and for your words. I really do hope you will have a moment on introspection and come to see how your petty theft is wrong.

>> No.14595896
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everyone laugh at this faggot

>> No.14595906

Black hands typed this post.

>> No.14595915

The only faggot is the juvenile that thinks they're getting one over on "the man" and considers their petty theft righteous in some twisted way. St. Augustine wrote something very profound in The Confessions about how he stole a pear as a teenager. Maybe go read that. In fact go read the whole damn book, there's a nice part about how not even deceivers like to be deceived. Maybe you'll learn something about your nature.

>> No.14595922

imagine being this american

>> No.14595926

i steal all the time because fuck billionaire corporations :^)

>I'm a nigger because i steal
>I'm a chad because i save literally hundreds every year by taking from the rich

pick 1

>> No.14595927

no one thinks they're "getting one over" on the man. maybe st augustine was a fucking masochistic retard because he was christian.

>> No.14595940

based, look at all these morally decrepit faggots in this thread

>> No.14595944

The rich merely raise their prices to account for your theft. In the end, you really only hurt the honest people and yourself.
>no one thinks they're "getting one over" on the man.
Yes you do. These sorts of feelings on theft are nearly universally accompanied with "it's a big company, it doesn't really hurt anyone." What a shallow and short sighted view. What makes it okay to steal from a big company but not a small one? What would make it okay to steal from a small company but not a stranger? Why stop at strangers and not your neighbors?

Theft is wrong and shows a profound attachment to the material. St. Augustine was a very wise man and your snide remarks only show how little you know about yourself.

>> No.14595949

>In the end, you really only hurt the honest people

I genuinely feel better about stealing now since tards like yourself are the ones who bear the consequence

>and yourself

lol how? I save thousands.

>> No.14595951

st. augustine is dead and i am alive. i obviously know more about what's going on.

>> No.14595961

>christ died 2020 years ago, "therefore I know more than the son of god"
>king solomon is dead, "therefore I know more"
>eintstein " "
>newton " "
>thomas jefferson " "

>> No.14595966

>The rich merely raise their prices to account for your theft.

maybe if a large portion of the population did it but because most people choose stay sheep like you i'll be a-ok my friend

>> No.14595969
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Never because I'm not a black or a thief. I make more than enough money to be able to buy what I want. The closest thing that ever happened was that I bought a pack of eggs on discount, opened the box to see their condition, noticed two were missing and grabbed two from another box to make up the difference. When I explained to my ex why two were white and the rest brown she explained that the whole reason why it was discount was because the other two broke and I actually felt bad about it.

Now I wouldn't snitch on someone if I caught them stealing food and I would definitely look the other way if they were stealing baby food/formula etc, but if I see you stuff your purse with a steak, soda or other nonessential items damn right I'm going to stare at you and judge you for doing so.

>> No.14595974

based anon, keep holding your community to a standard

>> No.14595975
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>> No.14595978

>christ didn't even know washing your hands cured leprosy
>king solomon worshipped demons like a retard
>einstein couldn't even build a gaming computer
>newton stole all of his shit from leibniz
>thomas jefferson thought starting america was a good idea and didn't even know what germs were
all big dummies

>> No.14595981

Poor, pitiful, ignorant, fool. Do you really think people that lived thousands of years ago didn't experience the same sorts of hopes, dreams, doubts, and downfalls? If you really feel this way, I genuinely feel sorry for you. It will hold you back so much. If you're instead being a silly contrarian, I'm done indulging you. You might accidentally convince someone to take your remarks sincerely.

By creating a festering sore inside of your mind and spirit, that causes you to view other people as obstacles to overcome instead of human beings. I hope you're just a troll, but either way, God bless and take care.

>> No.14595983

Based, everyone should have some form of this mindset.

>> No.14595994

In my country, if you steal, you get a tire necklace

>> No.14595996

>that causes you to view other people as obstacles to overcome instead of human beings

sums up my view on other people quite nicely! that's exactly what you all are

>dog bless

And a shalom to you, good sir!

>> No.14595997

we should bomb your country

>> No.14596008

>>christ didn't even know washing your hands cured leprosy
no one did at that time you fucking retard, this is the equivalent of you saying "hurr durr the soldiers in the early civil war didn't know bromine was an antiseptic"
>king solomon worshipped demons like a retard
king solomon is considered to be one of the wisest men to ever live and derived said wisdom directly from God
>einstein couldn't even build a gaming computer

>> No.14596013

>Cured leprosy
You mean prevented the transmission.

>> No.14596014

>Do you really think people that lived thousands of years ago didn't experience the same sorts of hopes, dreams, doubts, and downfalls?
exactly this, paul states in the book of Romans that there is nothing new under the sun

>> No.14596047

>risking a criminal record over a few measly bucks
I hope you work in a field where no one gives a fuck.

>> No.14596050

:) I'm glad someone else knows the truth and wisdom in Christ's message. Never give up and never compromise what you know is right.

>> No.14596090

Why don't you just tip the shareholders directly? Clerks are already stealing shits and that loss must be compensated.

>> No.14596093

Kek I catch you fuckers everytime. I love watching you flip out and then sheepishly walk back in line

>> No.14596109

>decent cost savings
Wonder why the world is so shit these days.

>> No.14596114
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>> No.14596122

>I catch you fuckers everytime
From your experience, what race is the majority of those you catch?

>> No.14596126

you should not mock christ or followers of christ anon, whether you have a personal relationship with him is entirely your choice/opinion but I do give you those words of warning

judgement day will not be kind to those who ridicule the Lord

>> No.14596135
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Your lord is a false god.
Do you have a moment for the true lord and savior, Kali?

>> No.14596138


>> No.14596141

>being afraid of some dead jew on a stick

>> No.14596145

As do I fellow follower

>> No.14596155

I like the cut of your jib, friend.

>> No.14596159

>unironically admits to being a grocery store receipt checker

i'm pretty sure you're a tough guy regardless though!

>> No.14596167

We all have a role to play in life. The Japanese have embraced this ideology and no matter if you're an engineer, doctor, or ditch digger, you *try* to be the best damn one you can be. Don't belittle someone for their job.

>> No.14596278

this is exactly why america is failing....they dont adhere to this anymore

>> No.14596316

>Takes the moral high ground on stealing
>Yet eats meat


>> No.14596320

how do you know that? I am a devout christian and eat wild game that I kill, strictly
and I do not eat pork because it is truly an unclean meat

>> No.14596345

First off
The 7th commandment isn't about stealing in the strictest sense, it's about taking something that OBJECTIVELLY belongs to someone else.
Ie that box of cereal belongs ONLY to the peopl involved in creating the cereal and the box, not the managers, owners, ceo's etc.
Stealing from a store doesn't break the 7th commandment unless it's a mom and pop store where they made literally everything they sell.

Eating meat is not a sin, but it's morally incorrect.

>> No.14596354

you truly do not understand the meaning of the word of God if you are rationalizing things this way

stealing is wrong, period. Unless you are in desperate circumstances you should not steal from your communities

>> No.14596359

>The 7th commandment isn't about stealing in the strictest sense...
That is the most wishy-washy, Swiss cheese, self absorbed take on the theology of the 10 Commandments I've ever heard. Not even Charlie Brown would say something so pathetic.

>> No.14596364

and btw, there is nothing about eating meat that is morally incorrect you danty cityslick...every living creature on the face of this planet eats other living things to survive ('cept most plants). I believe if you give an animal a quick, painless, and unsuspecting death there is absolutely nothing morally wrong about that, in fact, its better than the deaths they would receive from other animals in the wild

>> No.14596368

>you truly do not understand the meaning of the word of God if you are rationalizing things this way
Actually it's you who are misunderstanding the word of God.
The word of God has different interpretations based on the time period your present in, and even in the original/earliest translations of the bible it didn't say steal.

>stealing is wrong, period
so stealing isn't wrong
I guarantee you didn't major in theology, so don't test me on this.

>> No.14596369

>Eating meat is not a sin
Except on Fridays during Lent. :^)

>> No.14596371

to add to this, I believe commercial farming is a carnal sin, america lost that with the mass consumerism and the sheer amount of people we have in the country, sustenance farming is wholesome

>> No.14596377

The ways of God are eternal. Wrong does not become right because of a new year or age. Theft is and always was wrong. I guarantee you haven't read a single piece by the Church fathers.

>> No.14596379

Learn Greek, Hebrew, Armaic and go read the earliest up to the current translation of the Bible and get back to me on what the commandment actually said.
I guarantee you're going off an English translation

Vegans exist.
That mere fact proves meat is unneccesary to survival.
Humans are meant to care for animals, breeding and slaughtering to eat is immoral because they aren't neccessary for surival, that means you kill and eat animals for pleasure.

>> No.14596380

the only thing i dislike about Catholicism is the recognition and reverence shown to the saints and angelic entities, its not that acknowledging their closeness to God is wrong, its just the fact that most catholics pray to them when the Bible says not to

>> No.14596381

I guarantee you only read KJV or NAB and not the original translations.

>> No.14596382

You don't know Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic. Even the devil can cite scripture.

>> No.14596386

i grew up with ESV, and still strongly hold the trad values, God meant exactly what he said when the scriptures were written

>> No.14596389

I stopped what little shoplifting I had done in my mid terms once I started working and realized that theft was occasionally blamed on the employees for not being vigilant enough. Getting a write up because some asshole just didn't feel like paying that day is annoying as fuck and can eventually lead to docked pay or being fired

Don't steal. You're not sticking it to the man, you're giving some wage slave a headache

>> No.14596391

I studied theology and as part of my masters thesis was a comparison and outline of the different translations throughout time.

Learning languages, studying the versions, and making the thesis took while, I'm not a young man.

But I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.14596394

>An english translation
Opinion discarded.
English translations have missed so much and changed so much. It means nothing

>> No.14596396

>i learned God's word through an institutionalized, mostly atheist and liberal form of teaching
unless you went to a bible college, I have a hard time believing you truly know what you are talking about

>> No.14596397

Brother, you ask for people to pray for you, don't you? That is what is done when you ask for the intercession of a saint.
>St. Monica, you prayed every day for your son to have a true conversion. Please pray for my dearest friend _____ that she might have the same conversion.
That's the sort of thing I do. It is an acknowledgement that the Church of Christ is both physically and spiritually one.

>> No.14596405

i mean, I acknowledge that the seraphim are insanely powerful entities, and no doubt that saints have also been blessed with exceptional gifts from God, but I would just feel uncomfortable praying to them when God himself is the master orchestrator

>> No.14596407

I already said, I'm not a young man, so yes, I attended community, university, and even religious schools.

I'm not here to say God is wrong or whatever, but I can say on good authority that anyone who bases their faith off an English translation of an holy scripture or text is completely missing out on the truer word of God.

This isn't up for debate, the bible wasn't originally written in English, you know that right?
You know the Gospels weren't written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John right?

There's so much you miss out by focusing on English text.

>> No.14596411

>This isn't up for debate, the bible wasn't originally written in English, you know that right?
yes, but I can't read Greek or Hebrew...I can read some Latin but not enough to translate the entire bible

>> No.14596415

Seminary school
Learning about your faith is always worth it.

>> No.14596418

wholesome thread OP

>> No.14596423

I bring my own reusable bags and put the expensive stuff on the bottom of the cart. Generally it's meat, nice cheese and luxury items that I can't afford. Average trip to the store I spend about ~$35, but the actual cost of goods usually exceeds $80. The one time I was "caught", I just apologized, said it was an accident and paid for it.

When I was really brazen, generally drunk, I'd literally just walk out with my bags full of whatever I want.

>> No.14596426
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I don't do it much at grocery stores other than buying organic produce and saying it's regular (I don't give a shit about organic, but the produce is usually in much better shape). If I'm somewhere like a Target or Walmart, I fucking go to town. I routinely leave there with $50-100 of stolen shit every shopping trip.

>> No.14596430

We are all called to be saints. They are nothing more than normal people, like you and I, except that they are in heaven. Pray frequently, pray for others, and ask others to pray for you. That's what it all comes down to.
>There's so much you miss out by focusing on English text.
>Like it's okay to steal from people if they didn't actually make it
Can I steal your car from you if you're leasing it? What if it's a rental car? Can I steal things from people if they stole them from somebody else?

Get out of here, satan. You've offered nothing but vaguest assertions that the word of God has been irrevocably corrupted simply because it was translated.

>> No.14596433

The original bible text has been lost forever and was never recorded.

The oldest text of the bible we have is a translation of a translation of a translation.
The oldest text of the bible we have is written in Greek, yet during the time of Jesus, he and his followers would have spoken Aramaic and/or Hebrew, especially for old testament too.
That means what we have now for all we know could just be a fake perpetuated by false prophets or whatever.

There are hundreds of different changes/edits/mistakes in each translation of the bible that even got recorded as mistakes, so you'd be a fool to even believe in faith for a second.

>> No.14596435

>Can I steal your car from you if you're leasing it? What if it's a rental car? Can I steal things from people if they stole them from somebody else?
In God's eyes? Yes.
Obviously I won't like it and the law doesn't like it either.
That means nothing before God though, God's word and law are the only things that matter.

>> No.14596436

Your head is so far up your ass. I hope you don't really believe the tripe your typing.

>> No.14596444
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>so you'd be a fool to even believe in faith

>> No.14596448

>daily reminder that fundamental Christianity would view banks, stock markets, insurance, and other forms of predatory lending as sin. The pillars of capitalism are unholy.

>> No.14596450

Sorry, but God's wishes take precedance over mine and yours.

>> No.14596451

>daily reminder that the majority of people give less than a shit about fundamental Christianity or it's skewed and dated worldview

>> No.14596452

baste and christpilled

>> No.14596461

>Implying the Lord your God doesn't abhor fraud and theft
>Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts.

>> No.14596466

when did moralfags become so common on 4chan? this seems like a recent thing.

>> No.14596476

The laborers weren't being scammed or exploited.
When they were, God punished the rich people exploiting them.

If you read what the Bible says, God is strictly anti capitalist but not exactly communist either.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and since God is anti capitalist then...

>> No.14596499

Religion isn't true morals, it's brainwashing.