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14589358 No.14589358 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question. What happens if you eat ZERO fiber food and beverages like fish, seafood, hot chocolate, cheese, yogurtn, beef, pork?
Would you never poop ever since everything is disgested into the body and not wasted?

>> No.14589365

You will be immortal like fish

>> No.14589372
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>beverages like fish, seafood, cheese, yogurtn, beef, pork

>> No.14589377

>ZERO fiber food and beverages
>like fish, seafood, hot chocolate(beverage), cheese, yogurt(can be beverage), beef, pork?

can you not read anon?

>> No.14589381

Your poop would be hard and slick like an oily slug.

They're supposed to be fluffly and floaty from fiber.

Fiber cleans out your guts

>> No.14589386

was for you

>> No.14589388

You see they actually phrased the question right you are just too autistic to read it right

>> No.14589398

Why would you poo when fiber is what makes it?
I've heard people say its basically all liquid when on no fiber.

>> No.14589420

Full carnivore 0 fiber, liquid shit/shitless diet: I will try it for a month and see if the "EAT MORE FIBER" is a myth
ice cream

>> No.14589476

the idea that fiber "produces" shit is full-retard. it dredges your system and give the shit something to get stuck onto. not eating fiber isn't the magic cure-all to never having to wipe your ass like you're dreaming it to be. i haven't eaten much fiber the past few weeks and i can tell you it's not fun. i still poop once a day but it's pathetic while still somehow being messier than a full sized shit.

>> No.14589480

Are you still alive anon?

>> No.14589494

fiber is what produce solid shit. The more fiber you eat the more regulgar you shit and the more you shit.

So cutting out fiber makes sense, its useless and most likely a misunderstanding.

>> No.14589501

I can tell you, but only as an alcoholic. If you don't drink and you do this, you shit out a football and your asshole bleeds. If you drink and do this you either get shit that feels like it's made of clouds, or you get diarrhea.

>> No.14589505


>> No.14589523

yeah i'm sure this easily testable thing is going to be blown open by your sudden wondrous insight. fucking retard.

>> No.14589573

Bowel obstruction

>> No.14589643

yes. wake up people, fiber is a meme from the toiletpaper industries. i dont even own a toilet anymore.

>> No.14589725

Nothing special happens. Your poop might be a little harder than usual, thats it.

>> No.14590338

fiber is defined by the stuff that you eat that you can't digest. But you're asuming that shit is made only of things you can't digest and doesn't contain things you can but don't digest.

>> No.14590346

you eat beverages with fiber?

>> No.14590354

>doesn't contain things you can but don't digest
what do you mean that you don't digest fat, protein, carbs, sugar?

>> No.14590356
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John Wayne was famous for his love of red meat. He ate almost nothing but beef and other meat products, barely any fiber in his diet at all.

His autopsy revealed that his colon had over 50 pounds of fecal material in it upon his death.

>> No.14590368

Gramps needs his Metamucil.

>> No.14590372

probably something he did wrong or his medical problems.

If eating no fiber did that to you then body builders and people who do Keto will be having those problems but they aren't.

>> No.14590376

Meat and fiber supplements go through me more comfortably, easily, and regularly than meat alone, so I choose to include them. Also chances are the meat you're eating was fed corn and grain, so you'd probably benefit from some leafy greens in your diet, which are pretty fibrous themselves.

>> No.14590383

You can easily consume more fiber on keto than you would on another diet, even without supplementation.

>> No.14590390

Nigger do you even know what keto is? Fiber doesn't count towards net carbs. I've done keto and you can easily get sufficient fiber through spinach and other foods and it barely counts against your net carbs.

Unless you're referring to the absolute retards who think keto means eating 4 sticks of butter a day and nothing else.

>> No.14590399

that's because he was a giant asshole full of shit

>> No.14590411

A lot of people don't eat fiber on keto and only meat and dairy

>> No.14590463

I did carnivore diet for a full month and I pooped every three days or so, little tiny snakes
Your body is very good at digesting meat but there's still some bits and pieces kicking around that you'll be shitting out

>> No.14591348

sup Varg?

>> No.14591363


why would you not eat vegetables?

>> No.14591585

enjoy your colorectal cancer

I'm all for it though, the more carnivores the better--we need fewer people on this planet anyway. Amazing how a group of people can manage to be more deluded than vegans.

>> No.14591612


>> No.14591615

for real? because i have chronic constipation and fiber supplements seem to be doing absolutely nothing for me

>> No.14591647

I heard that liquid shit is because pp becomes mixed into the bowel. Perhaps in some rare occurrence the opposite can occur and you can dispel shit from your penis if you do not eat fiber

>> No.14591654


>> No.14591692

1 bowl action per day, viscous shits

>> No.14592870

i feel like you'd end up with some kind of deficiency, we're omnivores and need the occasional veggie. also your meals will be bland as shit with herbs/aromatics

>> No.14592878

heh heh, tough luck buddy

>> No.14593180

You're confused, everything makes poop, fiber makes it softer and easier to pass. No food is fully digested, most of it isn't even half digested. If you don't eat fiber you will end up with an impacted bowl and will need surgery to remove it.

>> No.14593187
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Yes, this is true.

>> No.14593232

>dispel shit from your penis
I have never heard this before
wrong, there's people who have gone on full zero fiber, or months on end fasting. If you needed fiber this was not poissble.

>> No.14593242
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And I'm sure they had to take laxitives to poop. Also pic

>> No.14593253
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>> No.14593268
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Last one

>> No.14593277

all false, I've gone on zero fiber diets for weeks just eating tuna and had no problems.

>> No.14593292

If you want to deny empirical evidence and centuries of research and kill yourself with bad choices then that's your right I guess. I had to at least try to warn you. What was the point of asking if you were gonna shoot down any post that doesn't give you the answer you want?

>> No.14593324

I deny them because they're bullshit facts that havent happened to me.
If you yourself tried a zero fiber diet you'd see how wrong those articles are.

Bodybuilders that have insane low body fat have to go on high protein diets like milk, meats, dairy which contain no fiber. They are fine and not dead.

>> No.14593344
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>> No.14593378
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Body builders are notorious for serious health issues, specificlly heart disease. Your own short term experience isn't reliable data on its own. I showed you 3 different sources, believe what you want and do what you want, I really don't care how you choose to kill yourself.

>> No.14593391

>literally some shitty result out of google's first page
>thinks he's a scholar

here nigger, sit down and shut the fuck up

Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms


>Patients who stopped or reduced dietary fiber had significant improvement in their symptoms while those who continued on a high fiber diet had no change. Of those who stopped fiber completely, the bowel frequency increased from one motion in 3.75 d (± 1.59 d) to one motion in 1.0 d (± 0.0 d) (P < 0.001); those with reduced fiber intake had increased bowel frequency from a mean of one motion per 4.19 d (± 2.09 d) to one motion per 1.9 d (± 1.21 d) on a reduced fiber diet (P < 0.001); those who remained on a high fiber diet continued to have a mean of one motion per 6.83 d (± 1.03 d) before and after consultation. For no fiber, reduced fiber and high fiber groups, respectively, symptoms of bloating were present in 0%, 31.3% and 100% (P < 0.001) and straining to pass stools occurred in 0%, 43.8% and 100% (P < 0.001).

Now kill yourself

>> No.14593401

If you actually wanted real answers you wouldn't be here you'd ask a doctor or at least do your own research. No, you're looking for someone to tell you that you'll be ok despite the truth. Do it if you're gonna do it, but you will get sick if you do it too long. Alcoholics dontt develop health issues right away infact it sometimes takes years to start seeing signs of the damage they are doing, but the internal damage can be very serious without showing symptoms. There's a reason we have doctor's and don't go around diagnosing and treating our own sickness.

>> No.14593407

Never said I was a scholar. Those are sources for information that most people already know. You obviously already know better than everyone else so why are you here asking stupid question?

>> No.14593409

That arrival is about stopping high fiber diets. Surprise surprise that too much of something is bad. It's called moderation anon.

>> No.14593452

You can't just stop reading when you get to the part you like.
>Symptoms of abdominal pain only improved in patients who stopped fiber completely while those who continued on a high fiber diet or reduced fiber diet did not show any improvement (Table (Table2).2). In addition, those on a no dietary fiber diet no longer had symptoms of anal bleeding.

>> No.14593455

If eating fiber was nesessary at all then carnivors like cheetas, lions, hyenas and the like would be having those problems. They eat strictly meat and no fiber.

Fiber is not nessessary. body builders naturally put strain on their body due to low levels of fat, high maintinence on muscles and strain from high levels of resistance training, it has nothing to do with their diets. Stop getitng your sources from google articles.

>> No.14593460

This is my only response >>14593401

>> No.14593469

that's illustrating my point, retard. Go back to school.

Yet, the no-fiber-diet group was better than the low-fiber-diet group in the long run.

I'm not the nigger you were talking to.

>> No.14593480

Are you that stupid that you believe anything on the internet?


>> No.14593492

This usually happens when the person is severely dehydrated.

>> No.14593524

Same. I used the plumbing that was already there so I could put in a water treadmill for fatass cat rehab.

>> No.14593568

Just eat healthy and workout. Wherr the fuck is your common sense? Mesr is healthy as fuck, but keep eating vegetables, bread, peanuts whatever. All of them contain nutriens, meat id just contained with all of them. Eat like a normal humam being you fat fuck americans. None of you have even ever cooked organs or made raw liver paste which is delicious. Mix all foods together, you can skip one day with meat/fish and eat beand if you lile too, inexpensive.

However stay the fuck away from fast food and try and buy locally produces without any pesticides and antibiotivs in your meat

>> No.14593580

Is your goal to never poop again?