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File: 442 KB, 628x948, Beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14566076 No.14566076 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about the craft beer community that attracts people like this?

>> No.14566090

I can't 100% put my finger on it, but it's the same with a lot of shit. It's like elitism, or something to make small people feel less small. You get the same shit with wine enthusiasts, serious music fans, modern art fags, and a bunch of other consumer based hobbies.

>> No.14566135

see "of the standard of taste" by david hume

certain hobbies, interests, and vocations almost necessarily attract assholes who think (or wish) they belong to some elite class of "expert" on the subject. in addition to what >>14566090 said, you see it in people like programmers and their ilk too. everyone's a fuckin critic, some people just think their critique ought to hold more weight, and they actively seek out niches to satisfy their narcissism.

>> No.14566146

poppy branding attracts obnoxious millenials. the first time i tried craft beer was in some scam subscription thing that came with 8 different beers. i got it for free but it came with some magazine and one of the writers basically just wrote an article trashing craft beer and craft beer culture and how it literally only attracts sad millenial geek squad types and it was the funniest shit. why would they publish that on their craft beer magazine?

>> No.14566180

>my daughter is named after one of their beers

>> No.14566195

All people this pretentious should be rounded up and sent to special work camps on remote islands.

>> No.14566201
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Which one is it?

>> No.14566206

I think it's probably Elvis

>> No.14566235
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I worked in a craft beer bar for over a year, and while most customers are perfectly normal pleasant people who just want a nice pint, there is always a small population of wankers/autists/manchildren who complain and obsess over everything. They won't touch any beer they have had before and endlessly take photos and tap away at untappd, giving reviews and ratings and such. I suspect craft beer fuels their addictive personalities, in the same way anime figures/funko pops do. It also acts as s stand-in for any real personality.
It's a shame because there is so much incredible beer out there, but as usual the vocal minority of dickheads gives the "scene", as it exists, a bad rep.
Pic related, me drinking a DP a few days ago. It's actually fairly decent by Brewdog standards, for all their faults they haven't forgotten how to brew a west coast IPA like most Brit craft breweries have.

>> No.14566241

i can't be the only one who thinks 90% of craft beers taste the same. all over-hopped mediocrity

>> No.14566247

Believe it or not, there is more than one style of craft beer. You should probably try something that isn't and IPA for a change.

>> No.14566249

Punk IPA

>> No.14566255

I think the IPAs defiantly do, although to be fair I am not that keen on them which is probably why. Some of the dark beers on the other hand are fantastic though

>> No.14566257
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Elvis Juice is the only good beer left in Brewdog's core range. Punk IPA is just hop water now, Hazy Jane was crap for the start, and the rest are just pointless Punk variants.

>> No.14566270


TBF he said 90%, which is probably accurate. So many breweries mistake hoppiness for flavor and just load up on that shit.

It also masks the inconsistencies from batch to batch. I have to agree that the craft beer scene is super saturated and while there is a lot of good beer, it would seem the majority is trash.

>> No.14566273

desu Brewdog do churn out some shite sometimes. Admittedly Elvis Juice is pretty nice

>> No.14566285

sounds like a dude having fun
fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.14566294

Hazy I'd hazzard to guess

>> No.14566321

how can someone be so daft and clueless that they still think IPAs are the only craft beers that exist

>> No.14566322

>that faggy hipster glass
youre one of those beer faggots too

>> No.14566385


>> No.14566392

fuck you retard it's a nice glass

>> No.14566474

Its a reddit glass, use a normal glass for men, you fucking pansy

>> No.14566485

How can you criticize beer hipsters when you've got that faggoty glass? How do you justify that?

>> No.14566515

This, imo a real beer "enthusiast" actually brews their own at home. Makes the leap from taker to maker and tries to learn the process intimately. Understands grain bills, mash temps, sparges, and hop boils and the pros and cons of each methodology therein and the limitations that equipment can make. Once you do all this you won't be interested in making contentless reviews like OP. Even if it's a bad beer you can critique it, name a few positive aspects of it and then suss out where it went wrong, perhaps it's as simple as not being fresh or maybe it is a bad recipe, heck maybe their hops were off this harvest etc. There's so many ways to look at it and break it down if you actually know and understand what it is that you're drinking.

>> No.14566523

Caring about how another man drinks his beer is pretty fucking hipster

>> No.14566539
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>makes awful post
>is a filthy janny
Makes sense desu senpai

>> No.14566564

Just alcohol snobbery. It's just as bad in wine and probably as bad in spirits.

Also probably a poor attempt to be funny by a Redditor.

>> No.14566568

Wash your glass properly and stop pouring for Instagram.

>> No.14566578

Probably only 60% of craft beers are hop-forward styles though.

>> No.14566588


The glasses are good for catching hop and malt aromatics that pint glasses don't do. Although the OP has a too high fill line though and misses out on catching them.

As someone who been drinking 'craft' beer, mead, and wine for a couple of years now and is pursuing the cicerone and sommelier titles. I think majority of craft beer being focused around IPAs and stouts really fucked the diversity that beer has / had.

Don't get me wrong though because craft beer as a movement has revived styles that would have otherwise gone extinct like gose and berliner weisse, whilst they have been revived, there is the flip-side of the styles too that have been memed into over-fruited beer shakes for people who don't like beer.

The worst aspect of craft beer is the "break the rules", this has lead to the justification of people creating so much mediocre beer in the name 'creativity' that consoomers will lap up because it is 'new'. I'm not meaning things like iterations on IPAs that lead to NEIPAs or some of the original barrel aged stouts that were an excellent balance between the beer and oak. I'm sure we understand what I mean though.

>> No.14566595


>> No.14566599

>As someone who been drinking 'craft' beer, mead, and wine for a couple of years now and is pursuing the cicerone and sommelier titles. I think majority of craft beer being focused around IPAs and stouts really fucked the diversity that beer has / had
Not sure if serious, but the popularity of IPAs and stouts isn't some big conspiracy. Brewers brew those styles because that's what most brewers enjoy drinking.

>> No.14566602

Same with vegan fucks. It' s the "I AM SPECIAL. LOOK AT ME HOW SPECIAL I AM."-mentality.

>> No.14566623

They’ve largely brewed because they end up being garbage that have to be covered up in flavors of hops or malts. You’re very rarely ever going to fine a lager or pils from them because those varieties don’t allow you to cover the shit taste with fruits or other sweet shit like in other beers

>> No.14566628

Uhh most brewers I know love lager, but consumers want the biggest styles they can get.

>> No.14566647
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>garbage that have to be covered up in flavors of hops or malts
Hey bro, your beer sucks! Let's cover up the flavor with beer flavors!

>> No.14566652

The other anon phrased it poorly but it's easier to make IPAs and stouts as opposed to lagers or mixed fermentation beers.

>> No.14566680

>it's easier to make IPAs and stouts as opposed to lagers
This has always been such a stupid argument. There's nothing specifically easier about brewing those styles, but the assumption of everyone who says that is that with IPAs they "cover up" the flavor with hops. Hops are a main ingredient in all beer, retard. The entire point of the style is to highlight the different hops. Maybe you don't particularly like the style, but that doesn't make lagers or pilsners more "pure" or "true".
And no, most brewers enjoy IPAs and Stouts because they are complex and interesting and it's boring as fuck to brew more than one or two lagers.

>> No.14566693

It's not a stupid argument. You ask brewers what's easier or harder to brew. Even from a homebrewing perspective it's so much easier to shit out a half-decent IPA or stout vs a lager. Since the flavour is so clean, simple and balanced, there's nothing to hide behind. If you add a heap of hops or adjuncts to a beer you're going to get guaranteed flavour, even if you do it poorly.

While brewers do appreciate complex beers, most spend their time drinking sessionable beers, not punching hazies all day. I knew a brewer at a hype haze brewery and even he drank mostly lagers. You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.14566705

>there's nothing to hide behind
You literally couldn't stop yourself from repeating the exact bullshit assumption I brought up, could you? There wouldn't be a million shitty IPAs if they were just "covering up" the flavor with hops. And I guarantee that I know more brewers than you.

>> No.14566708

anit-craft beer fags are way more obnoxious than even the most annoying milkshake IPA-slurping trend-followers
you're not better just because you're afraid trying anything other than bud lite from the can will make you seem less manly

>> No.14566711

stop drinking pale ales with american hops then - stouts and sours are also very popular

>> No.14566716

>Even from a homebrewing perspective it's so much easier to shit out a half-decent IPA or stout vs a lager
That's purely for logistical reasons, unless you're talking about making a Budweiser clone, which is difficult because it's an incredibly complex process that's been refined over the years and uses a ton of adjuncts, making it similar to reproducing McDonald's fries at home.

>> No.14566724

It's true though, you can make anything passable by drenching it in a particular enjoyable flavour. It takes a lot more skill to create balance, especially in lagers. The flavours are more subtle and so if something is overt, it sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm not saying it's easier to make a world-class IPA than a world-class lager, it's just that getting a decent lager out is harder than a decent IPA.

>And I guarantee that I know more brewers than you.
Ok big guy.

>> No.14566731

An unbalanced IPA is just as bad as an unbalanced lager.
>ok big guy
I wasn't bragging. You're just clearly pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.14566732

Nah, not expecting anyone to be making stuff like Bud.

If it's just for purely logistical reasons, why do so many half-decent breweries manage to make decent stouts and IPAs, yet their lagers fucking suck?

>> No.14566735

if lagers require the most skill then why are they easiest to mass produce? i don't think you're necessarily wrong, but you are making a lot of assumptions and i don't think your argument is sound
you are claiming that there aren't many good lagers produced by small companies, and yet many people would claim the opposite, so once again, i don't think it's a sound argument.

>> No.14566736

my favorite craft beer is steel reserve

>> No.14566748

I still disagree. It's easier to hide overt booziness by massive hop additions than anything you can do with a lager.

>> No.14566759

Mass production isn't easy. You encounter a lot of problems when you're scaling stuff up to that degree while you're trying to maintain quality control. Not many independent brewers could consistently make the macros that AB InBev makes on that scale.

Also I'm not claiming that there aren't a lot of good small-batch lagers out there, there are. It's that a lot of the mediocre smaller guys can't make lagers to save their lives.

>> No.14566760

Good reviews try to match the product to an audience that will like it, bad reviews give nothing but the reviewer's own opinion.

e.g. "The porter opens with very strong coffee notes, offset by a little burnt toffee sweetness in the body, and a finish of even more coffee. Those who like slow-sipping beers might enjoy it by the fireside, but for me, it was overpowering. 2/5." is better than "Literal coffee grounds. I'll send a keg to all my worst enemies for Christmas. If you drink this you deserve cancer. 2/5, at least it's not another IPA."

>> No.14566764

>easier to hide overt booziness
What the fuck are you even talking about? Most lagers are in the 5% range so that's a complete non-issue, and not something that anyone mentioned before now.

>> No.14566770

exactly. large breweries make lagers because they are easier to mass produce than IPAs and stouts. small breweries make IPAs and stouts because it's hard to compete with large scale operations. simple as. it's not that they can't make lagers, its that lagers are already made en masse. it would be like a brand new car company using a car that directly competes with the civic or the camry as their flagship.

>> No.14566775

This. I've never written a review on BA or RB (and honestly have no clue what site OP posted), but even though they come off as snarky and pretentious, you can get a really good idea about a beer by reading through 4-5 reviews.

>> No.14566778

Fair point, I was thinking about stronger lagers, but perhaps I can think of a better example.

What about diacetyl then? Seems a lot easier to detect in a fairly clean lager than an IPA. Can imagine the same thing with esters.

>> No.14566783

Comparing the sort of lager that skilled small brewers make to Bud is rather silly. It's a different product.

>> No.14566812

I'm not talking about budweiser. are you saying that no large scale producer makes good lager? because if you are, then that would imply that you think that small breweries can make good lager, which i agree with. the point i am trying to make is that IPAs and stouts are not popular due to them being easily made from batches where the brewer has accidentally made something shitty. i am trying to argue that they are actually difficult to mass produce and small breweries make them because they are a product that large companies have trouble competing with directly.

>> No.14566815

>Seems a lot easier to detect
Again, you keep going back to this idea that one ingredient is masking the flavor of another. If a beer is balanced then you should be getting all the flavors. I would argue that a good double (and occasionally triple) IPA is the best example of a balanced beer, not a pilsner.

>> No.14566829

Large scale producers can make good lager, but it's in a different style to smaller producers. Larger scale producers can make good stouts too, but again they're in a different style. I would say that larger scale brewers can't really make good IPAs because they can't really make them for sitting on shelves for too long.

>> No.14566854

yeah, you're right about the last thing you said, i think. and yes, i think that large scale producers can make good stouts sometimes. i think you are being overly charitable to these large companies, though. we both know that the reason their lagers are a "different style" is because they cut corners and people turn a blind eye because their marketing and advertising budget is massive compared to small breweries.

>> No.14566859

I agree, as I said earlier it's just as hard to make a perfect example (which includes balance) of an IPA than it is to make a perfect lager. What I'm claiming is that it's easier to make a drinkable IPA when you don't really know what you're doing, because balance doesn't matter as much. This is because the overt nature of hopping in the style can mask issues.

If you have low-level issues with diacetyl or fusels in your brewing for example, it will show much more in a lager than an IPA.

>> No.14566863

I don't think they cut corners in the styles they're really appreciated for, but when they try to make 'craft beer', they definitely do.

>> No.14566895

Idk what's going on here exactly but you're both wrong

Ale (stouts, browns, IPA, etc.) recipes are easy as fuck and have a quick turn around and can go from grain to in a consumers hand in 2 weeks flat, which economically makes them great for small brewers because they have a small opportunity cost.

Lagers, are not really any more difficult for even a competent home brewer but they do require a couple of extra steps, namely a sufficient diectyl burn between fermentation and lagering and then the layering itself which can take an extra 30 days minimum of aging at about 40°f. The kicker is the time. Time is money because you've already spent all the money on ingredients and are spending good money paying for refrigeration and in the meantime you have not sold a drop of product. The reason why macro brewers can afford to sell solely lagers is because they have a ton of assets and so access to cheap loans. Small breweries do not have access to cheap loans, many don't even own their building, they live nearly month to month to make ends meet and so ales fit the financial model. Of course they can and often do make a fine lager but the core of their sales will always be ales because ales pay the bills.

>> No.14566903

IPAs are beers for people who don't like beer.

>> No.14566905

>What I'm claiming is that it's easier to make a drinkable IPA when you don't really know what you're doing
So you're talking about home brewers? In that case I guess my only question is, "why?" I don't write reviews on Beer Advocate or anything, but the owner of the place where I work always has me taste new beers because he knows I drink a lot of different beers and he trusts my taste (we're BoH). Half of the time my take is literally, "this tastes like homebrew", which is to say, hard pass.

>> No.14566904

*lagering itself

>> No.14566913

They are mass produced most commonly because they are the most popular normie beer.

>> No.14566914

Not talking about homebrewers, but that applies as well.

>> No.14566918
File: 9 KB, 250x257, 1588712088710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you're a retard too for going to that website

>> No.14566919

>lagers are so complex and diverse
>big beers like ipa's and stouts are boring and all taste the same
>you don't really like beer if you have to cover up the flavor with hops and malts
Is it opposite day?

>> No.14566937

Lagers can be anything an ale can be. The only difference is the strain of yeast and the fermentation and aging methodology. Schwarzbiers are top tier

>> No.14566951

FYI most lager yeasts don't need a diacetyl rest and most lagers aren't lagered for 5 weeks. those are outdated traditions. I've brewed lager every week for the last 4 years.

>> No.14566957

T. Buttered popcorn enthusiast

>> No.14567034

le crazy artwork

>> No.14567130


This is my daughter, elvis juice

>> No.14567148

Ever checked out book reviews on goodreads? Same shit. Self important elitist fags.

>> No.14567155


Dude if you dump your beer into a glass in your own home you’re part of the problem. I can understand wanting something a bit better quality and natty or Miller lite but once you start pouring your shit into a glass you’ve crossed a line into fag territory.

>> No.14567159

People who think that expensive food items immediately make them better or classier than commercial ones. I've had several local craft beers over the year that would get beat out by Miller lite in a heartbeat

>> No.14567186

What I do in my own home is no concern of yours, commie.

>> No.14567196

I was once at a bar and the woman next to me was ordering nothing but wine. At one point she sort of announced out loud - didn't hear the whole conversation but this stood out. I DON'T DRINK $9.99 BOTTLES OF WINE!!!!! Like the price of the bottle was the most important factor in determining whether it was enjoyable or not?

>> No.14567224

Why are you even on this board?

>> No.14567228


I’m a full blown whacked out libertarian do what you want at home just know you’re fruitier than a mango

>> No.14567243


To talk shit to beer weirdos

>> No.14567259

I worked for a Brewdog restaurant for a year and a half or so. I've never been lied to by any employer more than by that company. They said raises were coming, and then not, and then they were, and then they got delayed, and then they were on the way again, but they opened a new location so the profits were down.

Scumfuck english never to be trusted.

>> No.14567296

But nobody takes you seriously or even gets mildly upset by your uninformed trolling. I'm honestly only replying to you because I'm drunk.

>> No.14567330

I even pour my pbr in a glass. I just find it more enjoyable to drink that way.

>> No.14567393


I’m not trolling I’m serious that shits gay.


I don’t see how seems like it would make the beer flat and lose temperature quicker

>> No.14567525

Beer should taste like alcoholic bread. If you put fruit or other crap in it its not beer.

>> No.14567542

There's so much carbonation in macros it's not a problem. Also they go down so easy they never have time to warm up. Honestly it makes gulping them down easier and something about the foamy stache is satisfying to me. I feel like homer from the Simpsons or something

>> No.14567548

>ever had a baby shit into your mouth?

What an oddly specific thing to mention…

>> No.14567549

>if you put fruit or other crap in it its not beer
Hops were in the Reinheitsgebot before they even knew what yeast was, you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.14567557

Putting fruit in beer has been done for centuries

>> No.14567576

Hops are a flower, you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.14567602

>random fact that has absolutely nothing to do with the post you replied to
What are you trying to say, ESL?

>> No.14567775

Juice could be a middle name

>> No.14567798

Based colt45 drinker

>> No.14567804

>double punk
I mean, you know it's an over-hopped barley-wine thick pile of crap

>> No.14567960


>> No.14568123

Drinking beer out of a can is council as fuck

>> No.14568146

I really like the glass Anon, can it be bought anywhere online?

>> No.14568167

>i can't be the only one who thinks 90% of craft beers taste the same. all over-hopped mediocrity

you're absolutely right
its not just IPAs (which i hate), almost every single pilsener advertising itself as a craft that I drank was overhopped (maybe one or two werent )

>> No.14568179

he obviously didnt mean hops you autist

>> No.14568323

He was literally talking about IPAs and how hops are used to "cover up" the taste of beer, as though it was fucking lilikoi extract.

>> No.14568363

Craft beer snobs are even more intolerable than wine snobs. Craft beer is completely overrun by obnoxious cocksuckers.

>> No.14568414
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>my daughter is named after one of their beers

>> No.14568424

Because white people can't be allowed to have anything

>> No.14568821
File: 62 KB, 459x667, images - 2020-08-06T124015.795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14568838


>> No.14569160

classic example of the only thing worse than the kind of person being depicted is the kind of person who would write it

>> No.14569509

I like exposed red brick. We had it around the fireplace growing up, for fireproofing. Maximum comfy.

>> No.14569748

>not having white brick that was painted long ago but the paint is just wearing a little bit
>and no, not lead paint
It's like you aren't even a real hipster, fagarang.

>> No.14569953

>i don't know what a real pilsner is
Try Pilsner Urquell, literally the first pilsner, and tell me how hoppy it is. American adjunct lagers (budwieser, miller, coors, ect.) aren't pilsners by any reasonable standard.

If you want a good craft beer that doesn't taste like that, go for kolsch

>> No.14569993


Kolsch is a style of beer.

There is no such thing as craft beer.

>> No.14570133

I’m a brewer and Steele Reserve is the best beer ever.

>> No.14570407

Can somebody post that one gigacringe IPA bottle label? I can't be more specific because I can't remember everything it says, but it's peak söy. Somebody has to know what I'm talking about.

>> No.14570668
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Why can't hipster faggots die already? Why do they still exist?

>> No.14570711

I can stand IPA's. What really irks me is when they fuck up stouts by using malt that has been taken too far, so the beer tastes like burnt toast.

>> No.14570716

i'm convinced the beer community is infinitely more faggy than the wine community

>> No.14570723

It's called inferiority complex and narcissism

>> No.14570986

There are so many of them though, anon.

>> No.14570990

Any examples? Never heard of this before.

>> No.14570992

My guess is that beer is way too hoppy

>> No.14570994

It's a dubious phrase, but some beers definitely are 'craft beers'.

>> No.14571648

How much new beer do you try and what is your goal in trying beer?
If you don't try a lot of new beer then everything you didn't like is going to seem like a huge opportunity cost.
Is your goal to find the best / best value / the daily drink? then every beer you try is a lesser version of the best beer you have ever tried.
And you make posts like these.

On the flip side, If you try a lot of beer the opportunity cost isn't a beer you like, it's another beer you've never had before. Whoops, unlucky, move on.
If you're just looking to explore new flavours you'd just forget this beer unless it was truly out there disgusting. Or someone tried to shill it to you. '
Of course the down side to this is that you're probably drinking a lot of shit beer, when it probably didn't take long for you to find something comparable to the best that you could've locked in and bought every time.

In any case discussion of craft beer is fairly irrelevant here and on other international stages, since it tends to be very regional.

>> No.14572103


Nice wild beer co glass anon

>> No.14572124

Craft beer attracts everyone because it is good, that comes with good and bad people

>> No.14572199

What is the purpose of IPAs? The reason we perceive bitterness is to detect poisons.

>> No.14572254

oh man goodreads reviews are absolutely dire

>> No.14572259

pretty sure it's brewdog punk IPA

>> No.14572260

what is the purpose of liking spicy food?
Also, the bitterness reaction is more for young children. Children like putting everything in their mouths so we evolved mechanisms to quickly get things that have potential to be poisonous out of their mouths.
As people become adults these reactions to bitter things become much more subtle as they have had time to learn what is actually toxic (and many things that are toxic to a developing body don't matter much at all to an adult), to the point where most adults consider certain classes of bitter things good tasting. Of course many actually highly toxic things remain extremely bitter to adults, evolution is pretty effective

Also, keep in mind that the era of super bitter IPA ended like 5 years ago. No one gives a fuck about California style IPA anymore