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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 20200813_163700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14564800 No.14564800 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a slab. What the fuck do I do with this.

>> No.14564814

that's a brisket you moron

>> No.14564819

Make rib tips and burnt ends from the whole thing

>> No.14564822

Brisket chisket who cares, as far as I'm concerned it's a hunka chunka beef

>> No.14564842
File: 1.05 MB, 1968x1341, 20200319_124850_copy_1968x1341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn it into this

>> No.14566668

Why did you buy food you didn't have a recipe in mind for? This is peak consumerist vapid bullshit.

>> No.14566687

What a dumb take.

>> No.14566689

>guy buys plain meat

>> No.14566690

Brisket needs proper cooking, don't just try and cut it into steaks or something dumb.

>> No.14566710

corned beef

>> No.14566772

Cut it into steaks.

>> No.14566802


trim fat, freeze, slice thin, marinade, make jerky, wala

>> No.14567137

Cover in egg lightly bread with flour paprika and old bay

>> No.14567154

You buy meat not knowing what to do with it?
Stay fastfooding.

>> No.14567170

Return the Slab.

>> No.14567188

Texas BBQ is the best way to cook it. 12hrs in a smoker, covered after the initial hour of smoke absorption. You can alternately bake it on low, many hours, and use a smoky sauce instead.

Protip: look up jewish roast brisket. It's a favorite way many many people do roast brisket.
Brown well on both sides. In a covered pot or roasting pan, in wine or tomatoes, and herbs, slow braise on low. Important: it's best if you then refrigerate overnight. Slice and simmer again in the thickened juices on Day 2.

>> No.14567195

>>>14564800 (OP)
>You buy meat not knowing what to do with it?
>Stay fastfooding.
Why is that a problem? It would take anyone 2 minutes of googling when they got home. Big deal.

>> No.14567559

>covered after the initial hour of smoke absorption
You don't wrap it until you hit the stall, around 160F internal. You'll never get a proper bark or smoke ring with only one hour of smoke exposure. When you do wrap, use butcher paper. Pull the brisket at 203F internal temp and let it sit wrapped in a towel in a foam cooler for an hour before serving; this may take more or less than 12 hours, sometimes up to 14. Other than that, you're correct, smoke the brisket for the best end product.

>> No.14568316

>1 hour of smoke
Holy shit you're a fucking retard, good thing this guy >>14567559 already explained why you're a dumbass so I don't have to type it out. Anyway, I think op is just fucking with us. Nobody buys a brisket without having a plan.

>> No.14568345

it's fucking raw beef, it's like buying flour. are you one of those city autists who buys a days worth of shit every single day?

>> No.14568360


made a tiny steak with it, had a strange but amazing taste I'd never gotten from beef before, but the texture was like that of a tire. ended up making some 1 hour chili with it, meat was surprisingly tender for only 1 hour of slow cooking.

I'm too poor for barbeque, live in an apartment and I can't do that shit inside. will probably do a jew roast

I didn't realize you couldn't buy fucking beef without having your meals pre-planned.

>> No.14568449

>not buying something random just to see what you can come up with using it

You faggots probably schedule your shits

>> No.14568586

Cope, bitch. Buying a bigass expensive brisket without even knowing how to prepare it is beyond retarded.

>> No.14569310

toss it into the trash and go down to your local McDonalds and get yourself a McChicken for $1.29

>> No.14569542

>what is divying it up into smaller amounts and freezing half of it for future use.

The brisket was 20% of the per pound price of a similar of a similar cut of meat, I've already made my money back off of it in 2 meals. Cope, meatlet

>> No.14569591

Can you rewrite that post in English please?

>> No.14569653

Not my fault if you're a braindead ESL who is incapable of reading english due to a single typo.

>> No.14569856


>> No.14569878

Guys he did t really buy a brisket he's just showing off the price tag for a cheap price of groceries in Canada pop. Enjoy Covid down there anon

>> No.14569908
File: 2 KB, 94x80, gonzales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I look up the store
>its Canadian

>> No.14569961

Throw that shit in a slow cooker and sauce it up a bit.

>> No.14570166
File: 764 KB, 1968x2514, 20200319_125054_copy_1968x2514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a BITCH op. Make the meat work for YOU!

>> No.14570169

>are you one of those city autists who buys a days worth of shit every single day?
ye- i mean no. sometimes i marinate things overnight.

>> No.14570172

my dick is hard

>> No.14570181

let me grasp it like I grasp my brisket meat anon, with delicate pressure from my fingertips

>> No.14570202

will you wear those black gloves?

>> No.14570386
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No I will go in raw

>> No.14570420
File: 893 KB, 1968x1476, 20200319_125156_copy_1968x1476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will insert myself between your meatcheeks

>> No.14570422

It's also a fucking 17lb brisket

>> No.14570427
File: 1.09 MB, 1134x2016, 20200524_200136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to costco in the next couple days and I was having a hard time deciding between brisket and pork ribs to smoke. This thread helped me decide. Pic is the last brisket I made.

>> No.14570475

Nice. Any more pics of the slices?

>> No.14570491

Why the fuck did you buy this thing then? Do you even have a roasting rack and/or oven large enough to cook it? You could have gone to an actual butcher and gotten one half the size, and not factory prepared and packed into a preservative solution.

>> No.14570522

Not that guy, but all I need is a coffee and I'm ready to go

>> No.14570534
File: 247 KB, 1290x1500, 91iqsszizIL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I don't get a nice smoke ring in my new smoker but the flavor is very much there. Has a little chip feeder in the side so you don't have to open the doors to reload. Best money I ever spent during the lockdown.

>> No.14571290

>you could have gone to a butcher and gotten one half the size
Anon, one half the size would have cost more money. Most meat cuts here cost easily 5x as much per pound as the brisket. Even just basic ground beef is twice the cost. If you want to blame anything for me not shopping to your standards, blame capitalism.

>> No.14571547
File: 1.41 MB, 640x1136, 1596456322891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14571667

Jesus man, if you live in Ontario you must know or work with someone who has a smoker/kettle grill.

Brisket can be eaten however you want cause it's fucking beef. But if you want to take advantage and turn decent meat into great meat, that baby needs hours of tender loving care by someone who likes to grill.

You give that brisket to the right friend, he'll feed you some damn tasty shit.

>> No.14571694

cut your fucking fingernails you disgusting subhuman filth

>> No.14571706

t. Prissy fagboy who doesn't know the utility of a good set of nails.

>> No.14571745

I have a little peepee, Maybe thats why i'm a heavy meat consumer

>> No.14571752

t. animal with shit under nails
kys faggot pig

>> No.14571768

throw it in a huge stock pot
cover it with water and then add more.
throw in some stock cubes, smoked paprika, salt, pepper, onions & garlic
bring it to a boil
then simmer it for four hours minimum.
Get a meat prob

>> No.14572068

>has never worked manual labour in his life

>> No.14572558

>manual labour
that's your excuse to live in filth?

>> No.14572633

How can you call yourself a man

>> No.14572646

>I bought something
>what do I do with it?
/b/ tier retardation.

>> No.14572652

Sometimes you see a good deal in the grocery store

>> No.14572662

a fucking leaf

>> No.14573805

being a man demands filthy hands?
the fuck anon?

>> No.14574105

yes, a real man gets the work done, without concerning himself about getting his hands dirty
everyone should engage in some form of physically demanding activity, specially men

>> No.14574109

>buys food

>> No.14574119

Put it in your airfryer

>> No.14574123

>buy 100$ worth of meat

>> No.14574129

You are aware that in being a biological entity, we have to consume nutrients to live, right?

>> No.14574152

OK, agree, just have some dignity and don't post pictures of shit under your overgrown fingernails.