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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14519786 No.14519786 [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans eat too much for breakfast?

>> No.14519797

If you're sitting all day then yes that's too much. It might be OK if you had even a semi active job.

>> No.14519806

Americans eat too much for every meal.

>> No.14519816

ITT: third-world sour grapes

>> No.14519828

If you actually believe every American eats a full IHOP breakfast everyday then you might have brain worms.

>> No.14519840

it's just all nutritionally void.

>> No.14519858

I forgot they brought out those syrup tray things. The only time I ever ate that shit was at 2am when I was drunk in college

>> No.14519873
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>> No.14519875

Absolutely. In the UK, our oranges are tennis ball sized while american ones are the size of softballs. Portions are too big for anything to be healthy lol

>> No.14519876

I don't cook anything for Breakfast. If I have to choose between food, or five more minutes in bed or the shower, I choose the later two every time. I usually just have some fruit and yogurt with a cup of tea. I don't understand how anyone could eat a bunch of greasy food right after they get up anyway.

>> No.14519923

Europeans have a false view that we eat nothing but fast food or all you can eat buffets. We have the very best and the very worst

>> No.14519950
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Bricky here, I eat about the same for breakfast minus the pancakes and I do not think it's too much.

>> No.14519954
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I miss living in Wisconsin, me and my ex would go here all the time. The shitty food was something else man.

>> No.14519965

That's a grapefruit dumbass

>> No.14519974


I feel like I can taste the salt and heaviness of this. Needs something fresh on the side or something.

>> No.14519975

I usually ate cereal for breakfast and on Sunday’s had pancakes with sausage. Once I got into college I mostly ate breakfast tacos

>> No.14519999

their state owned media tells them everything they need to know

>> No.14520012

yes goyim, every other country's media is not to be trusted! you get only the best unbiased opinions here in glorious isre- america!

>> No.14520057

I have a small bowl of cereal for breakfast if I'm working. If I have the day off, I make a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar or maple syrup. Water only; milk in your oatmeal is for lardy fags.

>> No.14520083
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>> No.14520401
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>We have the very best

>> No.14520427

>implying I eat breakfast

>> No.14520466

Most days I just drink coffee and skip breakfast, eat a slightly larger lunch to compensate.

>> No.14520473

That list is a lie, those countries have nothing good to offer anybody other than disease

>> No.14520475

>Protein is nutritionally void.

>> No.14521797

I started doing keto and I tend to eat a bigger breakfast of three eggs and some meat each day and skipping lunch,

Depends on your job and lifestyle. My job has both field and office days and the diet change has helped either way.

>> No.14521898

>go to bed at 3-5am
>wake up at 1-3pm

I haven't had breakfast in months

>> No.14521911

George Webb > IHOP

>> No.14521979

only farmers and truckers eat that shit regularly. most of us settle for a bagel or cereal or something

>> No.14522007

This, who the fuck is hungry when they wake up? I drink water and some black cold brew coffee. I eat around 1pm.

>> No.14522011

Those big breakfasts are for people who do a lot of physical labor throughout the day. Farmers, infatrymen, construction workers.

Most people either skip breakfast or eat something light like a bagel.

>> No.14522018

Fucking east coasters

>> No.14522021

A typical breakfast for me is granola/fruit/yogurt or an egg+toast. That kind of big breakfast is reserved for special occasions and the obese.

>> No.14522028

Big breakfast, skip lunch, normal dinner

That's how I rock and how I roll

>> No.14522029

It's actually for sobering up at 3am after the bars close.

>> No.14522037
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I dont eat breakfast, besides eurofags know the proper way to eat breakfast

>> No.14522055

My breakfast is either bacon and eggs or oatmeal with strawberries. The spread in that pic isn't even really "breakfast" since you usually get it at Waffle House at 3 am before going home and passing out so technically its the last meal of the day.

>> No.14522101

I eat breakfast foods all day– just not for breakfast. I was a short order cook for awhile. The muscle memory is there so I can just space out and have an omellete, hashbrowns and steel oats in front of me without ever really thinking.

>> No.14522135

no, just too much for second breakfast

>> No.14522147

It's gonna be OK, anon.

>> No.14522179

I eat oatmeal with some peanut butter powder/cinnamon and maybe some eggs.

>> No.14522438

look how miserable those eggs look next to a full english >>14519873

>> No.14522451
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no, american here. I've lived in cities and rural places. Burgers almost all skip breakfast. If they eat anything, a breakfast sandwich from a fast food shithole, a soyim drink, or some toast or cereal is it. Fry ups are almost always a treat.

>> No.14522460

>He thinks breakfast is just a morning meal

>> No.14522463
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based chara poster
>yes goyim, you must choose between shit and more shit. more propaganda must enter your borders, not less.

>> No.14522467

That looks fine for an aperitif.

>> No.14522469

do hans niggers really eat an entire loaf of butter for breakfast?

>> No.14522510

Same. I live in the US

>> No.14522515

This is a free breakfast for any random hotel. I always eat the ham cheese and fruit. Pretty good

>> No.14522570

I might start eating Featureman's breakfast:

>An egg
>Two slices of wholewheat toast
>Orange juice

>> No.14522672

im american and i dont eat breakfast. breakfast is for fatties. a heavy lunch and a light dinner is the way to go

>> No.14522679
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>> No.14522681

No because eating breakfast means getting up before noon

>> No.14522683

Literally because they're catering to European tourists.

>> No.14522690

t. *coof*

>> No.14522699


>> No.14522704

We eat too much in general, fucking fat asses. If you do not have a flat stomach or 6pack and are not lean as fuck you need to stop eating, like for 2 months. most americans have enough fucking body fat to last them a whole year lmao, literally walking around with 175,000 calories on their fat fucking bodies.

>> No.14522764


>> No.14522794

Like tomatoes?

>> No.14522798

yes we do

>> No.14523793
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>> No.14523820

Is that ur husbando

>> No.14523832

Full English is some faggot shit.
>fucking beans

>> No.14523842

The absolute state...

>> No.14524089

>>14519786 which is
When will americans learn you don't have hot stuff for breakfast (if you have breakfast at all that is) with the exception of a hardboiled which is then sliced on a sandwich together with cold condiments or for example lukewarm porridge with cold milk and lingonberryjam.

>> No.14524092

You said it.

>> No.14524101

It depends, I come from an upper class east coast city so most people are educated on health and nutrition and as such eat healthy and in small portions. My breakfast today was half a cup of cottage cheese, an apple and toast with jam. But yeah if you're talking about poor regions, religious regions and flyover states where they have no money or education yes, they eat too much and are fucking fat.

>> No.14524167

>you don't have hot stuff for breakfast (if you have breakfast at all that is)
typical yuropoor, can't even conceive the luxury of a warm meal

>> No.14524181

>a warm meal is a luxury
Keep aiming high, anon.

>> No.14524186

If you consider a hot meal a luxury then you really are living in a poverty ridden shithole, lad.

>> No.14524200

Ironically the meal OP posted is most often consumed past midnight. Americans are also fans of breakfast for dinner as well.

>> No.14524201

You dumb cunt.

>> No.14524207

breakfast like a king, lunch like a noble, dinner like a pauper

>> No.14524248

You guys must have failed reading exams. A warm meal being a luxury is from the point of view of the yuropoor, as said by a burger for whom a hot breakfast is considered normal.
Anon is saying that euros are too poor to even think of having a hot breakfast because that would be a luxury.

>> No.14524274

Nice damage control, mall shitter.

>> No.14524314

If you’re not traveling or hanging out with friends what’s the point in going out for breakfast, it’s the easiest shit to make at home

>> No.14524344

Each item is quick and easy to make individually but all of them at the same time is kind of a bother.

>> No.14524389
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>> No.14524399

You can have orange juice

>> No.14524404

Kek. Fast work, anon.
Stealing this.

>> No.14524412


Underage faggots like you always make the entire USA look bad shut the fuck up.

>> No.14524432
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Fascinating. Tell me about your carbohydrate and dairy intake. Maybe a little about your genetic heritage...

>> No.14524442


>> No.14524456

Where are the vegetables? What's with all the fat/protein/carbs? No soup? No fish? Do Americans really?

>> No.14524457
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>> No.14524467

A literally just eat a single egg served over a handful of rice, smothered on tobasco lol
Sometimes I'll just microwave a frozen burrito and drown that in tobasco instead, if I forgot to cook rice the night before.

>> No.14524477

I see this a lot on here.
Is it a regional spelling?

>> No.14524484

I'm just retarded.

>> No.14524651
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This was one of his earlier genius moments.

>> No.14524661

It's protein and carbs, meant to fuel farmers through several hours of physical labor.

>> No.14524691
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Imagine being a peasant

>> No.14525758


>> No.14526305

I don't eat breakfast, but when I did we never act something that big. Giant breakfasts like thoses are only serves at like Kings/Dennys and only old people go to them.

>> No.14526348

It actually looks pretty good, Charles

>> No.14526420

Seriously, people eat too much, I'm not blaming anyone, I fucking love to eat food and it's so fucking available because we're living cozy in modern times, but people need to take care of themselves

>> No.14526439

Imagine being the backbone of society, sheesh!

>> No.14527533

That's cute anon. Is it yours?

>> No.14527594

that seems pretty light bro. where is your fucking chorizo and tortillas and jalapeno.

>> No.14527843

>truckers eat that shit regularly
Many truck stop diners are closed now.
Most truckers I know (me too) have a fridge on the truck and cook.
I might fry an egg and make it into a sandwich.
Some guys do have cereal.
A fair number just grab a breakfast burrito at the convenience store.
A surprising number of truckers are strict muslims, and feel they need to cook their own food to stay holy; bacon sure isn't a part of it. I think bread and hummus and fruit is more likely.
Truckers who do go out for Full American Breakfast; it's usually only once a week.
I do prefer a warm breakfast, but a fried egg on a hamburger bun isn't exactly a huge spread of fancy.

No idea on what the farmers do.

>> No.14527886

most (normal) americans don't sit down and eat this shit every day, just every once in a while. just like i assume every brit doesn't sit down and eat an entire full english breakfast with beans and blood pudding every single day.

>> No.14527927

It's better than a cold slice of bread with butter and a slice of cheese

>> No.14527955
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Like everything American, it's usually outdone by some other nation (usually where Americans came from).

Here's a full Scottish breakfast.

>> No.14527962

>no square sausage

>> No.14527964


>> No.14527973

comically large

>> No.14527978

Ah, Denmark. The cuisine that everyone always talks about. This list is shit.

>> No.14527984

I think more of the issue is eating between meals and constantly drinking soda, so it's just a steady intake of calories all day without much physical activity to burn it off. Not that the meals themselves are particularly huge but it's easy to add hundreds of calories between meals.

Doesn't really matter how big a single meal for the day is as long as you balance it out though. A huge breakfast is fine if you have a smaller lunch and dinner, or just skip a meal if you're not actually hungry. A lot of people think they need to eat something at every meal time but it's fine to skip if you're not actually hungry.