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14504689 No.14504689 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do people get salmonella from eating lettuce?

>> No.14504705

it has salmonella on it sometimes then people eat it

>> No.14504708

Quick rundown on salmonella?

>> No.14504714


in contact with aliens

>> No.14504724

Usually when wherever it is grown is down river from a poultry farm.

>> No.14504732

Because they're often eating it raw, uncooked, and poorly washed? It has a large moist surface area for the bacteria to grow on. Same deal with sprouts and such. Just because you sprinkled it with water doesn't mean it's clean. Would you eat a chicken breast raw after washing it?

Produce is one of the main causes of bacterial and parasitic food poisoning, especially because a lot of it is not cooked before eaten. Salmonella, B. cereus, cyclospora, listeria, etc. The list of crap you can find on produce is endless.

As a rule of thumb, the more folds or surface area it has (lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower) or the more humidity it has (sprouts, mushrooms), the more likely it is to grow bacteria that you can't see and can get food poisoning from. Just google "(vegetable) recall" and you'll usually find hundreds of results for every type of produce imaginable. These things are being grown on the ground and in close contact with dirt and animal fecal matter, which is where bacteria such as salmonella thrives.

>> No.14504740

-novel corona viruses bow to salmonella
-In contact with lettuce
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control agriculture with an iron but fair flagella
-Own meat & produce globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient predinosaur bacteria
-Will cause the first sickness on Mars (typhoid will be be the first disease)
-present in 99% of research labs on earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood have salmonella
-said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a plague who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of sickness and vomit
-They own medical R&D labs around the world
-You likely have salmonella inside you right now
-salmonella bactera are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel
-They infected the French in under a week

>> No.14504866

shit in the water

>> No.14504874

poo in the loo

>> No.14504904

they don't cook it thoroughly enough.

>> No.14504959

Based and viruspilled

>> No.14504969

I'd like to know the part due to cross contamination

>> No.14504968

like a salmon but smaller

>> No.14504975


The illegal immigrants who pick it don't wash their hands when they take a shit in the field.

>> No.14504985


mexicans, unironically

>> No.14504991

This is why I've slowly built up a tolerance to salmonella by eating smaller salmonellas each week since I was a child.

>> No.14504992

From Mexicans shitting in the lettuce fields

>> No.14505052

all correct
just another reason to buy from locally and/or from farmers markets or companies that give their workers proper compensation

>> No.14505135

this is really what it is
also most people get fucked up by romaine because of the shape of it making it harder to get said mexican bacteria completely out of it

>> No.14505158

Is that a version of the Bogdanoff copypasta?

>> No.14505162

Buy seasonal, local grown produce only. Soak it for 15 minutes in a bath of bicarbonate of soda and water. Rinsewell. Refrigerate. Then before using rinse it again.

>> No.14505167

Why doesn't salmonella come from salmon

>> No.14505173

Haha, yes, now this is what I come to the 'chan for!

>> No.14505187

why i oughta

>> No.14505489

If they use manure as fertilizer, you can get some of that on the lettuce.