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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14484193 No.14484193 [Reply] [Original]

how do i spot garlic with big cloves at the grocery store?

sometimes i open it and its a million little cloves

>> No.14484206

i always sautee veggies

i want to roast them

do i oil pan in oven and place veggies on them? when do i add salt, pepper and garlic powder?

recipe online says mix oil, season and veggies in a bowl? i thought your supposed to have the oil and pan hot before addingg the veggies??

>> No.14484233

Peel some of the garlic's paper off til you can see the cloves. They're always smaller in the middle, but you should be able to clearly see the ones on the outer edge. Some people might look at you funny, but who cares.
For roasting, have your oven hot and ready to go. Toss your veg in a large-ish bowl and mix with oil and your preferred seasonings. Lay it all out on a sheetpan in a single layer, and roast until they're done. Keep in mind that different vegetables cook at different speeds, though.

>> No.14484239
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 1592079475718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo how tf can you cook on a sideways stove

why isn't everything just falling to the ground

explain yourself, op

>> No.14484537

are you using a sheet tray or something like a cast iron pan? depending on the vegetable you may want to preheat the cast iron pan as it doesn't conduct heat as efficiently as a sheet tray.

>> No.14484551

i used thin sheet pan
i burned the zuchinni ,onion and pepper
califlower on another try came out fine.

do i add salt at same time as pepper and garlic powder?

>> No.14484567

>do i add salt at same time as pepper and garlic powder?
Yup. No reason not to. Salt will also help draw moisture out of the vegetables.

>> No.14484577

dont. smaller cloves usually have more flavor.

>> No.14484578

You might want to add heartier vegetables first. Also make sure you are consistent with size of roasted pieces to avoid burning

>> No.14484582

All the stores here buy from giganto farmers, so if one head of garlic is a bunch of tiny cloves, almost all are, so you might be SOL. The ones with larger cloves will have a bumpier shape, though. If there's a lot of skin, you can either be an ass and try to peel some off, or just be a civilized human being and choose the garlic that looks and smells good.

>> No.14484607

maybe garlicfriends know, why is all the garlic I get at the supermarkets garbage? even during garlic season? purple, soft, yellowing, black infected looking areas...I gotta go to the farmers market to get anything decent. my theory for why recipes only call for 2-3 cloves is the good garlic is a lot better and stronger than whatever garbage i'm getting at the supermarket that I need to triple the quantity to taste the garlic at all.

how did that even happen? do it at 350 to 425 and check on it every 10 minutes. not possible to burn

tfw i've been cooking for years and still can't cut a potato or globe eggplant into even pieces. I might be retarded

>> No.14484627
File: 50 KB, 700x420, Garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get your garlic shipped from China it will be garbage. The extra price for local grown is worth it. Additionally, China forces Prisoners to peel garlic for westerners

>> No.14484630

I'm going to Italy next year. Don't mind the pandemic, it's not relevant to my question. What are some unique and/or must-try dishes that I should eat while I'm there?

My knowledge of Italian cuisine is limited to the American bastardizations and its numerous permutations. I also understand that not every region of Italy eats the same food, but I'm willing to try anything.

>> No.14484633
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Wait is this why I always see chinese recipes with ridiculous amounts of garlic?

>> No.14484643

Try as many Seafood based dishes as possible. I really enjoy Linguine allo scoglio

>> No.14484655

Garlic Info


>> No.14484657

Ten cloves isn't even that much, especially for a dish called Garlic Stir Fry Vegetables.

>> No.14484661

I avoid Chinese garlic as much as possible tastes like shit too

>> No.14484672

They use as much garlic as possible to counteract the bats they eat, in case one of them turns out to be a vampire in disguise.

>> No.14484688
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dear diary

>> No.14484709
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>> No.14484711
File: 642 KB, 1696x2731, 4d7385f1a836a6c6b0f257fc54ac895d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Linguine allo scoglio
Holy fuck, that looks good. It's like a noodle version of paella.

>> No.14484726

Do the dissident tears cost more?

>> No.14486048


>> No.14486062

I hate when that happens, garlic gets tedious to peel especially because it can make your fingers sticky. You should be able to tell the size of the cloves just by looking at it though, and if you can't then just peel some of the layers back until you start to see them. Also, look for heads that have a tighter skin, seems like those usually have bigger cloves too.

>> No.14486083

you can buy elephant garlic. theyre garlic grown with huge cloves

>> No.14487847

They're shallots, tho, not garlic.

>> No.14487861

I think they're only good for using raw though, I remember being disappointed with how little flavor it had

>> No.14488570


>> No.14489032

for me, ive found that the smaller the bulb, the bigger the cloves

>> No.14489873
File: 489 KB, 1179x1600, banking explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to page 10; didn't find shit. Is there a pastebin for /ck/ on learning to cook in general? Everywhere on the internet is saturated with (((guides))), but how am I supposed to know which one to pick? I have stocked my apartment with things like chicken, ground beef, raw/frozen veg, and pastas/rice, but I freeze up every time I try to figure out what to make.

t. fa/tg/uy bettering his life

>> No.14490013

Does cold proofing pizza really need to be at least 24 hours? I've been seeing that all over the internet, but I need to bake this shit about 18-20 hours from now. Should I just do some combo of cold and tabletop proofing?

>> No.14490298

>''Oh Cheng Pao, your bleath smells like the deepest bat infested caves of Wuhan. I love it''
>''How is it that you don't have a girlflienyet?''

>> No.14490601
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Hey britfags, where can I get the best Full English breakfast (or where's your go-to place)?

>> No.14490608

Elephant garlic

>> No.14490688

how against yeasty flavours are you?

>> No.14492026

Any greasy spoon/caff worth it's salt should do one. Anyone who orders one but makes substitutions is a faggot.

>> No.14492045

>China forces Prisoners to peel garlic for westerners
Thats actually a good thing.

>> No.14493645


>> No.14494045
File: 7 KB, 218x231, prairie oyster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I stop bursting the yolks in my prairie oysters? No matter how gently I seperate it, the yolk bursts like 50% of the time.
Is it better to just down it with the egg white rather than separating it?

>> No.14494890
File: 73 KB, 1000x680, p_1001523119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy pre peeled garlic you deserve what you get.
On topic anyone have Gotham steel cookware?
Is it as good as advertised ?

>> No.14494915

this. ive made 78 hour cold proofed 100% organic whole wheag pizza before that was soaked before hand and famn it was yeasty and delicious

>> No.14494963

They're pretty true to their word except for the scratch-resistance. As long as you use plastic/silicone/wooden utensils and never any metal, you'll be fine. Also, avoid scrubbing with any harsh abrasives (like steel wool or heavy duty Scotch-Brite).

>> No.14495584

Would you say that the picture in the post you've replied to is fairly accurate? Or is it missing anything, is there too much, etc.?

>> No.14495607

They're as good as advertised for about two months of regular use. Then they're worse than the shittiest off-brand non-stick skillet you can get at Walmart.

>> No.14495638
File: 91 KB, 800x822, saffron_product_shot_2_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What country has the cheapest saffron? Hard mode: no Iran.

I tried Sri Lanka, and they tried to rip me off immensely; several different merchants tried to sell it to me for close to what it would normally cost in my country. Even if I talked them down to a lower price, it probably wasn't going to be much lower, so fuck those guys.

>> No.14496823
File: 85 KB, 512x206, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of the five food groups, grains/carbs happen to be my favorite. I love bread, rice, noodles, and other such stuff. I still enjoy meats & vegetables, but I happen to like carbs more. I can even eat bread/rice/noodles with nothing on top, and I would still enjoy it.

Is this indicative of a nutritional deficiency? Apparently a disproportionate number of black women eat corn starch compulsively, and I was wondering if I'm going through the same thing (even though I'm neither black nor female).

>> No.14496833

How do I open a can without a can opener? I broke my can opener trying to get into my car

>> No.14496853

If you have a lot of time, you can place the can, lipped side down, on a hard abrasive surface (like a rock), and move the can in a circular motion (like hand-washing a car) until the liquid starts seeping. It's stupid and time-consuming, but it works. I see this a lot in camping/survival tutorials, because for some reason people are stupid enough to bring canned goods to the woods without a can opener.

>> No.14496867

If you've gotten in your car, use it to drive to the store and buy yourself a new can opener.

>> No.14497040

What can I do with a can of spinach