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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14469345 No.14469345 [Reply] [Original]

>why yes, I use a gas stove, how could you tell?

>> No.14469364

haha gas go brrrrrrrrrr

>> No.14469367

Do brits really live like this?

>> No.14469374

worth it

>> No.14469377

>Why yes thats the bed i fucked your mother on, how could you tell?

>> No.14469379

It's called a community, fatass.

>> No.14469400
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>worth i-

>> No.14469428

Wow, someone too stupid to maintain a pool properly is also stupid enough to get bleown the fuck up by a gas stove, much shock, such sad

>> No.14469500

Its called being poor limey fuck

>> No.14469507

I thought it was called rubble

>> No.14469511

That was the fault of the gas company and not the home owner.

>> No.14469517
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>of course I trust the gas compa-

>> No.14469518


>> No.14469521

Basically fucking everyone uses gas heating already anyway. It has nothing to do with what kind of stove you use. Talk about cooking you faggot.

>> No.14469526
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>the Jew fears the gas oven combo

>> No.14469531

>Unreasonably upset about something
Did a gas engineer touch you in your no-no place?

>> No.14469535

>Basically fucking everyone uses gas heating

>> No.14469551

Plebs who don't live in a 50sq. ft. cardboard box "Studio Apartment" with shitty flat panel electric heaters for £950 a month in rent uses gas heating.

>> No.14469573

The zoomer fears fire, having never needing to handle a flame.

>> No.14469581
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>talk about cooking you faggo-

>> No.14469604
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Yes, I do use an electric range. How could you tell?

>> No.14469631

Do they not smell the fatty gas leak stink?
Just leave, call the company, and if they don’t fix it and your house blows up they have to buy you a new one.

>> No.14469645

>took all the neighbors out too
Fucking cool.
I wish I could just explode and burn shit.

>> No.14469656
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Why are millennial so risk averse ?
When I was young , half the people never wore a seatbelt, rarely wore a condom, drove fast, would drink and drive and were always ready for an adventure.
You lot don't leave the house.
What happened?
Stop living in fear. Safety is killing you

>> No.14469672

Fucking gas company dog right through my sewer line the other day. Fucking retards.

>> No.14469677

I tried leaving my house once. It's not worth it.

>> No.14469692

A lot of the measures you describe- like a seatbelt or a condom barely change the experience for the safety they provide and are a matter of habit- people are either going to “always” or “never”.
And drunk driving is seen as scummy lower class shit for hicks and spics, just look at the mugshots for dudes arrested for it. Like if you end up having to it is what it is, but it’s best avoided.

>> No.14469730

>why are millenials so risk averse
Idk maybe it's because a bunch of our peers died at 17 because of boomers drunk driving

>> No.14469741

Its predominantly professionals where I live. It's pretty common for lawyers or accountants to stay downtown and get trashed waiting for rush hour to clear out, and then getting popped after crashing into a kid on her way home from volleyball.

>> No.14469763

Zoomers are even worse. They have panic attacks if their chicken is 1 degree under the -perfect- temperature

>> No.14469774

>House burns
>soot and smoke falls into the pool
>hurr durr your pool is badly maintained

>> No.14469869

I'm a little doubtful of that, are these the statistical majority of DUI arrests or the most common news story you see about drunk driving?

>> No.14471045

Do Americans actually build houses out of cardboard and plywood?

>> No.14471141
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its cause the justice system will try to ruin your life for a minor offense and we got scared by teachers trying to tell us shit like "this matters for the rest of your life" with testing and shit.
The backlash to this shit is probably why so many go too hard into nihilism and dont care about anything
On the part of those, I got into a possible drunk altercation with my former roommate 2 months ago in my own home. I honestly dont remember it but he called the cops and told them I punched him in the arm, something my other roommate didnt see me do.
If this had happened in the 70s or 80s, the cops probably would have left me at home, and told my roommate to put me to bed.
Instead I was arrested on "simple battery, domestic violence", cause in my state, roommates count for that. I am still waiting on a court date cause the dumbass "victim" doesnt want to press charges, but wont contact the DA to tell them that, and is just ignoring their attempts to contact him.

>inb4 you deserve it for getting blackout drunk
yeah I get it, Ive been reviewing my drinking habits and cutting back, but this was basically after a party to be fair

>> No.14471156

No that would be the UK and similar Yuropoors building houses out of sticks and gum. If my house were built like this then it would be destroyed in a tornado or hurricane.

>> No.14471169
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>> No.14471181
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>> No.14471192

all yuropoor houses

>> No.14471210
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They are more common than you think.
Your image of them being scummy is just evidence of a successful brainwashing ala "Brave New World"

>> No.14471224
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gas is perfectly sa----

>> No.14471247

>downstairs neighbors apartment caught on fire
>fire goes up
>next doors gets orched o ashes
<by some miracle nothing happens to mine
next door neighbor was sitting in the stairs crying all day, i was too akward to ask him to go somewere else

>> No.14471291

anon I think the pool is like that bc of the ashes of the house

>> No.14471323

What kind of ash turns water green?

>> No.14471675

Green ash.

>> No.14471698

my friends house burned down from an electrical fire and he still insists electric is safer than gas

>> No.14471713

If I remember, this particular explosion was the result of the gas company accidentally diverting a high pressure line into a low pressure residential neighbourhood, blowing gas into a number of unoccupied houses where anything as small as a pilot light would have triggered an explosion.

The gas company was found to be at fault completely, and a vast number of insufficiencies were found in their network and safety standards. No idea what the homeowners were comped.

>> No.14471790

Buy a gas tank is more cheap and safe.

>> No.14472375

that’s clearly from a tornado you moron

>> No.14472454


>barely changes the experience

found the virgin

>> No.14472542

it's literally not.

>> No.14472546

This can happen if you store gas tanks next to your fireplace. Stoves are fireproof, retards.

>> No.14472645
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The chick on the right twirls into the freezer door... perfect.

>> No.14472705

Sounds scrumptious

>> No.14472920
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>The gas explosion was set intentionally for insurance fraud

Damn those gas ovens