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File: 885 KB, 1160x1494, bagel-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14456739 No.14456739 [Reply] [Original]

Do jews really eat a lot of bagels?

>> No.14456748

Yes we do.

>> No.14457042
File: 42 KB, 450x450, hot-pastrami-bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a jew but I do love their deli meats

>> No.14457084

All the Jewish parts of my family are 100% secular, so I don't know how much it matters, but my grandpa ate a bagel with cream cheese almost every morning for the last 40 years of his life. Lots of non-Jewish people do the same thing, so read into that what you will. I mean, bagels are pretty fucking ubiquitous in the US. Unless you're 90 years old and live in the East Village, I don't think any Jews considers bagels a matter of ethnic pride.

>> No.14457101

bagels are amazing. I wish I lived in NYC or any major city to get better bagels.

>> No.14457215

I think everyone eats bagels. Or they should, at least. Grab some lox, capers, and thinly sliced red onions, and baby you've got a stew going. Or a bagel.

>> No.14457318

what the fuck is bagel?

>> No.14457323 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 198x254, absolutely_weimar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods gas this bread.

>> No.14457933

Bagels are less of a Jewish thing, and more of a NY creation.
>What's the difference?
Bagels are fucking nowhere outside of US

>> No.14457939

look another thread for americans to discuss sugary food

>> No.14458054

Bagels typically dont have much sugar at all

>> No.14458060

Central European lye rolls that Americans regard as Jewish for some reason.

>> No.14458074

>le americans are ignorant
Central europe historically had a massive jewish population. Many of which emigrated to america

>> No.14458082

Nobody gives a fuck, Menachem. We've been eating lye rolls for centuries here and Jews took it and passed it off as their own shit as soon as they crossed the pond, just like the loud mouthed frauds they are.

>> No.14458092

It doesn't matter whether they took credit for it falsely, the point is in America the Ashkenazim are associated with bagels, and they do in fact eat bagels very often.

>> No.14458112

stupid uneducated american

>> No.14458504

Depends on the type of Jew. We don't have bagels in my country because the native Jews are not Ahkenazi. I only had a bagel for the first time upon visiting the US, where Ashkenazim run rampant.

>> No.14458630 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but only to break up the monotony of subsisting on the blood of gentile children

>> No.14458911

I grew up on a bagel farm and I can confirm that our number one customer was italian and that's practically Jewish.

>> No.14459053

Yes, lox bagel with cream cheese, capers, fresh squeezed lemon, and fresh ground pepper is my breakfast of choice.

>> No.14459109

No. It'd cut into the profit from selling them, goy

>> No.14459450

True fact about the bagel: the hole in the middle was designed so the jew nose would not get in the way while eating.

>> No.14459800

the fucking kikes pass off lox as a jewish thing too when the word predates their existence in the region.

>> No.14460151

Yeah they absolutely do

t. long island

>> No.14460171

not a jew though ive been called one for eating them. theres a lot of retarded people out there. they are so good with smoked salmon cream cheese or garlic cream cheese

>> No.14460187

There's unironically nothing better on this earth than a Taylor Ham, Egg, and Cheese on a toasted everything bagel.

>> No.14460197

i need some lox and 'gels goy. dont forget the cream cheese

>> No.14460250

Yes. Also foreskins

>> No.14460715

"bagels" aka "jewish donuts"

>> No.14460757
File: 1.09 MB, 1787x1380, Bagel Toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Israel, bagels with schmear aren't that popular, but pick-your-ingredients Bagel Toasts are pretty common.

>> No.14460758

Hello fellow north Jersey anon

>> No.14460852

>Yes we do.
I live in a third world shithole with no jewish community, how can I bake some bagels that will come close to the original?

>> No.14460868

taylor ham is top tier.

>> No.14460922

Never expected Israel to make sacrilegious bagels.

>> No.14460942

Low to medium hydration sourdough. Boil, preferably in a 0.1% lye solution. Baked Baking soda can be used if lye isn't available. Unbaked baking soda can be used if you are lazy. Remove from water, coat with toppings (I suggest classic everything bagel, which has dried garlic, onion, poppy, and sesame seeds). Bake.

>> No.14461023

shame bagels are terrible for you

>> No.14461030

Sacrilegious how?
They even charge over 5$ for a toasted bagel. That's gotta be maximum kosher.

>> No.14461054

Squashing a bagel and toasting it so heavily would get rid of the soft internal texture, which is one of the things I like the most in a standard open face bagel. Still looks tasty, but would never be my go-to bagel.

>> No.14461077

Good taste. Nothing beats a freshly baked bagel that's soft on the inside

>> No.14461637
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Yes and no. Here in Britain we have had bagels for as long as the U.S. has had them if not longer. But they were very rare and really only consumed by the Jewish community out of little neighbourhood baker's shops, where they are called Beigels. They're pretty different to the U.S. ones, being smaller with a tiny hole and slightly sweeter. Probably closer to old historic E. European Jewish ones.

In recent years U.S. style big holed bagels have spread every where and are mass produced industrial processed food. At the same time those little olden neighbourhood Jewish bakeries became hugely popular with hipsters and the traditional British Jewish style beigels became very popular in the few remaining old Jewish bakers stores.

>> No.14461652

We have a saying in my Jewish community: Oy veygel, pass me the bagel