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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 240 KB, 2000x1333, tapeworm-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14425683 No.14425683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

yesterday i shit a ribbon that was at least 1 ft long going from my asshole to the toilet
i'm very afraid it was a tapeworm
i started making my own beef jerky last week and this week by dehydrating meat in my oven at 170 F for 4 hours, is that enough to kill worm cysts? my gf also fed me undercooked fish so i think that may have been a risk

>> No.14425697

trim your nails, you disgusting goblin.

>> No.14425698

that ain't me you dingus

>> No.14425704

you sure?

>> No.14425707

That's just disgusting. And your nails as well. What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.14425712

you normals really can't do anything right can you?

>> No.14425721
File: 96 KB, 670x505, Screen Shot 2020-07-19 at 1.26.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooking a thin strip of beef at that temp for that long should keep you safe. however, that fish could've easily fucked you over. go schedule an appointment with your doctor so you can get some praziquantel.

>> No.14425722

You probably got some eggs embedded under those shit hooks of yours, and ate something without washing your hands. You vile pig.

>> No.14425726
File: 64 KB, 660x990, Beef-Jerky-Recipe-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never checked the internal temp though so i'm scared
it was so delicious tho

>> No.14425733

Fish is one of those meats well-known to contain tons of parasites.
My guess is that it was the fish.

>> No.14425735

very afraid it was a tapeworm, bitch what the fuck does it look like??

>> No.14425736

Tapewurms are based tho. Keep you nice and thin, and keep you company!

>> No.14425737

I'm a doctor (unlicensed) and that is very clearly your small intestine. This might cause problems down the line and lead to stomach pains and diarrhea. You should consider putting it back in

>> No.14425760

jerky is very well done beef, there's no way it could've caused this. cysts are durable but they're not THAT resistant to dehydration and heat. you might've contaminated a surface during the cooking process and gotten it that way, but the food itself is probably fine. see a doctor and be more careful in the future.

>> No.14425783

It's far more likely to be the fish than the beef. But tapeworms aren't actually that bad, in the olden days people used to intentionally eat tapeworm eggs as a diet aid. You can probably eat as much as you want now without getting fat.

>> No.14425809

>But tapeworms aren't actually that bad
don't listen to this guy, they can cause a lot of damage to your intestinal lining and are literally stealing nutrients and calories from you. fore xample, diphyllobothrium latum, a fish tapeworm, can cause pernicious anemia by preventing b12 absorption.

>> No.14425844

>live in a 1st world country
>still manage to get tapeworms

>> No.14426028

>170 F for 4 hours, is that enough to kill worm cysts?

Lab tech here. No, that is not enough. These fuckers can survive stomach acid, you either need to salt or scorch them out. Smoking also helps. There's a reason no culture makes cured meat by doing nothing other than pulling the water out of it with the heat of a parked car interior.

>> No.14426035
File: 98 KB, 683x1024, Infographic_6-Causes-of-Candida-Overgrowth-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i salted them lightly and marinated them in soy sauce/mirin

>> No.14426039

For properly salted meat, you need a ratio of 14% salt by weight, packed against the meat. Next time just smoke it.

>> No.14426051

>These fuckers can survive stomach acid
i fail to see the relevance to temperature here
MS in chem

>> No.14426053

Thats for sure a tapeworm, go to the doctor

>> No.14426127

seems like OP did an okay job if this is anything to go by

>> No.14426133


>> No.14426144

The doctor's just going to say to take some pills that are available without prescription.

>> No.14426156

If you're looking to lose weight... wait a few weeks before contacting your doctor. Those baby's will skinny you right up.

>> No.14426169

can you get praziquantel over the counter?
i was genuinely considering asking my sister if she had worm meds for her dogs because i'm more embarrassed about going to the doctor about this

>> No.14426175

https://www.goodrx.com/praziquantel/what-is no, you can't. don't try and use a dog dosage to treat a human problem. you can trust your doctor, just do what's right for your health.

>> No.14426179

ew, is context of the picture actually a ded tapeworm being shat out?

eitherway, look at that thing, yours probably isn't the issue with only 1ft length and one week incubation and ded period, these things can last for a long time inside you

>> No.14426209

We can get mebendazole (I had to look up the active ingredient) over the counter in Australia, and we're generally pretty anal about requiring prescriptions.

>> No.14426233

>internal temp
>on a strip of meat measured in mm
it was the fish you dingus

>> No.14426245

Mebendazole doesn't treat tapeworms as far as I know. I'm basing this off my notes when I took a parasitology course in the fall last year.

>> No.14426249

Your fingernails are hilarious. Fucking awesome.

>> No.14426262

i didn't eat the whole fish tho, just a bite and then said 'babe you fucked up'

>> No.14426380

you guys think the fat in the steak could've strung together to look like a worm

>> No.14426398

Well, whatever's in Combantrin, then.

>> No.14426418

Couldn't hack it out for the PhD?

Lmao faggot

>tfw 3rd year PhD slaving away making organometallic complexes

>> No.14426444
File: 38 KB, 232x197, tired boony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thought of grad school didn't make you actively consider suicide
must be nice.

>> No.14426453

Can you even get tapeworms from beef?

>> No.14426472

Yeah, you can get tapeworms from undercooked beef, chicken and/or fish. unhygienic food preparation standards can also result in cross-contamination and infect you with a tapeworm even IF the meat has been cooked properly.

>> No.14426481

no i'm actually graduating within a few months
i just got my en-route master's
and found it funny that cunt wanted to flex he's a lab tech

>> No.14426486

also your thesis was my undergrad work faggot
have fun reading those mirkin papers

>> No.14426529

So what exactly are tapeworm symptoms besides the weight loss? I've read from some sources that you don't always see symptoms even if you have one?

>> No.14426553
File: 97 KB, 1439x1439, 57270d6754366_square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that coke nail

>> No.14426561

Reminder that vegans don’t have this problem

>> No.14426639

That is a definitely a tape worm so unless you wanna look like shit go to a doctor, tapeworm can be easily fixed all it takes is taking a pill that stops it from getting its needed sugars it will just die off

>> No.14426664

tapeworm eggs can live in soil
so yes they do have this problem

>> No.14426700

usually intestinal stress, weakness, anemia, tiredness. the thing is you can deal with a couple tapeworms since they're not the biggest drain on your body, but once they reach a certain mass and number that's when you have trouble. it's like the difference between having 1 mosquito prick you versus 5,000.

>> No.14426707

Just go to the pharmacy an buy a worm killer pill... You won't kill it by eating you retard

>> No.14426967

>reverse search returns several results

>> No.14426974

>posting your own hands on a vietnamese nail care forum

>> No.14427016

are you retarded

>> No.14427018

Imagine OP having to LARP on a cooking board just so he has someone to talk to. Sadness doesn't even come near to describing it.

>> No.14427027

If you can't find the picture, I think we know who the tard is.

>> No.14427033

where does it say in the OP that's their tapeworm
they just googled "tapeworm"
do you think the anime girls posted as OP are actually anime girls too?

>> No.14427054

You're on the wrong board. Go to /b/, they have trap threads there.

>> No.14427063
File: 120 KB, 456x337, Sadam confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technically make it in to a program at a school I want with professors doing what I want
>corona makes them drop the ball hard and not tell me I made it in until I call and ask if they've reached a decision yet
>by that time they have given out all their money to other students and I have to settle on my last choice school
At least I can get my PhD now.

>> No.14427075

son you would've gotten rejected regardless if that was their answer
why are you here

>> No.14427077

>where does it say in the OP that's their tapeworm
It doesn't. Where is the photo of OP's tapeworm? He can't even show it to a doctor.
LARPing on a cooking board. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.14427081

Imagine slurping those up like spaghetti

>> No.14427112

maybe he flushed it

>> No.14427119

I am sorry that you are unable to read posts. Also, Anime is the foundation of this board, KYS.

>> No.14427128

Maybe he's LARPing. If you were that worried, a photo to show the doctor would be sensible.
LARPing on a cooking board so he can communicate with people is pathetic and a cry for help.

>> No.14427135


>> No.14427136

maybe he tried to save it and all he had was a short qtip to sift around in his doo doo water and by then he lost the shit ribbon
speaking hypothetically of course

>> No.14427144

Mentioning anime of a cooking board? You need to sort your head out. Anime/cooking? Absolutely nor correlation. You might also want to look up what a board is on a website.

>> No.14427179

beef jerky's not gunna kill a tapeworm you dumb gross goblin fingernail fuck.
take some de-worming tablets and then realize that if you live in a rural area, have children or pets that you're supposed to de-worm yourself every 6 months.