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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 890x500, johnnie-walker-paper-whisky-CONTENT-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14395404 No.14395404 [Reply] [Original]

Johnnie Walker is going to be sold in paper bottles next year.

What will this mean for the rest of whisky? Probably price increases.

>> No.14395407

thats pretty odd, why? eco reasons?

>> No.14395412

It’s cool because it has a plastic tap rather than a metallic one, so eco friendly

>> No.14395416

>go to store
>see bottle of jahnnee
>stab side with pin
>siphon flowing gold
>walk out hammered
what were they thinking

>> No.14395419

I'm okay with this

No more worrying about dropping it either.

>> No.14395427
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>> No.14395430

They should sell wooden mini-barrels of whisky that you can age however long you like.

>> No.14395432


Have you ever dropped a carton of milk? Paper containers explode way easier than plastic.

>> No.14395435

They should just sell you a bundle of barley with a log of peat and tell you to fuck yourself

>> No.14395439

This is completely stupid

>> No.14395445

my milk cartons are plastic, not paper

>> No.14395449

if it aint glass I aint buyin it

simple as

>> No.14395451

How are you gonna store a paper bottle for an extended period of time? There's no way there's no interaction between the bottle and the content going on.

>> No.14395482
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welcome to 2009, old timer

>> No.14395489

wont the inside be coated in plastic like any other paper carton

>> No.14395493

yup, it's not like we haven't been selling boxed wine for decades.

>> No.14395497

I meant like, selling them full of whisky already, a wood/whisky pairing that's intended to improve the whisky in a known, specific way.

>> No.14395502

That would suck even worse

>> No.14395511

why because you said so?

>> No.14395513

aren't boxed wines in a plastic bag inside the box?

>> No.14395514

If the current bottle was made out of sea turtle shells I could see the point but silica is the most abundant material on earth

>> No.14395518

No retard, because alcohol is a solvent.

>> No.14395523
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>> No.14395525

...so how the fuck do all of the various plastic based alcoholic beverage containers survive?

>> No.14395529

Dude i'm not worried about the container's wellbeing here, wtf.

>> No.14395535

...are you retarded?

We drink out of plastic containers that carry alcohol all the time without any issues.

Why is it suddenly a problem for whiskey?

>> No.14395562

>We drink out of plastic containers that carry alcohol all the time
speak for yourself

>> No.14395566

wine is much less aggressive at 12% and will likely contain less dissolved plastic than whisky at 40% abv or more. it's funny how people get paranoid about bottled water but don't go through the same thinking process when it comes to liquor.

>> No.14395591

My dad made me drink a bottle of Johnnie Walker on my 16th birthday. Still the worst day of my life and that was almost twenty years ago

>> No.14395598

.. why did your dad make you do that and can you fill us in on your escapades

>> No.14395607


>> No.14395609
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isn't glass easier to recycle than paper and plastic?

>> No.14395627

Yes, but all recycled glass goes to big beer companies for beer bottles. Everyone else has to buy new glass.

>> No.14395629

>We drink out of plastic containers that carry alcohol all the time without any issues.

Lol, maybe you. I haven't done that shit since high school

>> No.14395671

I sort of like the aesthetic of most Johnnie Walker bottles, but I don't give a shit about scotch or whiskey.

The paper bottle looks terrible and will look wildly out of place in a well stocked liquor cabinet.

>> No.14395702

He was saying some shit about how I wasn’t allowed to leave the home until I drank the bottle and he seemed really intimidating at the time. I managed to drink it all but I threw up ten minutes afterwards, thought I was going to have to go to the hospital but just stayed home. He made it up to me by buying me a brand new 2002 M3 at the time which I ended up crashing during prom by driving on the wrong side of the road because I had my headlights off. I’ve been an on and off alcoholic since then but I been getting a lot better and haven’t had a drink since February and stick to water. The old man passed in 2009 after an overdose. He was a pretty good dad to be honest and paid for anything I wanted but he did somethings that could have easily gotten CPS called.

>> No.14395725
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Not only are you a shitty blogposter but you also got everything handed to you on a silver platter and still managed to become a waste of life. It's fuck ups like you that always seem to get it all.

>> No.14395729

If evan williams did this I might buy it but for the price... Cmon

>> No.14395740

Glad to see you are enjoying my blog : ) Would it make you happier if told you I dropped out of Community College to just chill at home for years and play vidya? Keep crying

>> No.14395751

Remember that while Blaire is pretty she still has a penis
So still not a real woman

>> No.14395758

It's to minmax on freight- the cap'n planet angle is to look good about the situation.

>> No.14395767

Reminds me of a story
>Walk into deli for. Sandwich
>Big ham hanging
>Friend thinks it's funny to pinch it with a pin
>Grease starts pouring
>Shit ton of grease flowing off the ham into the floor
>Friend doesn't know what to do, no way of hiding in
>I just stare amazed on his hability to fuck things up
>He endended up fucking off from the store before anyone noticed grease still falling into the floor like an open bottle of shampoo

>> No.14395784

There are 8 layers of cardboard with a metalic coating between each one, it would take decades for the liquid to get halfway through

>> No.14395791

You are scum and a waste of sperm, anybody else in your position could have lived any life they wanted and you fucking blew it. Drink yourself to death

>> No.14396325

Shitty container for shitty whisky. Who cares.

>> No.14396327

I could describe your mom in the exact same words

>> No.14396380

You could but you're too scared bitch

>> No.14396395

Do you think a 12 year whisky has been sitting inside a cask for 12 years before they sell it...?

>> No.14396557
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i shit on whiskyfags

>> No.14396664
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The articles report that Diageo has specifically indicated this will not be ghd case. The insides will not be plastic, although the inner layer will have some sort of spray treatment.

Sounds like it'll cause cancer.

>> No.14396671

I swear I read that sand for glass is running out

>> No.14396687


>> No.14396843

Uuuuuh, they are carton with a plastic and alu liner.

>> No.14396897

Not to mention all that eco-friendly plastic that will inevitably coat the inside of the bottle.

>> No.14397223

What do you think the age declaration means?

>> No.14397371

Fucking hate plastic, paper and cardboard niggers.

Glass is literally THE best container you could ask for. this shit will be carried by faggots that got brainwashed with eco bullshity.
Just let product quality be down and ramp up the prices because retards will pay either way, who cares.

Fuck this world.

>> No.14397384

But glass is also the most environmentally sustainable, because it can be recycled infinitely.

>> No.14397559

As pointed out earlier in this thread, this is far more likely to be an attempt to save on freight costs using environmentalism as decoy reason. Back in 2014 there was a wine brand, Paperboy, whose entire gimmick was the use of plastic lined, cardboard bottles touted as an eco-friendly alternative to glass. It was actually just bag-in-box using a bottle-shaped outer shell; the real benefit was a 34% weight reduction per case over glass bottles.

>> No.14397561

>lower quality ramp up prices
>hurrdurr what are microeconomics

god youre dumb

>> No.14397567

If you believe that any modern distillery would ever pass on its savings to the customers, I have a bridge you might be interesting in purchasing.

>> No.14397586

Sales are going to plummet, surely. I can't see that being a smart business decision ever. Nobody wants liquor in a fucking carton.

>> No.14397591

Spread out over the total amount of bottles you'd be looking at a very small price decrease even if all savings were passed directly to the consumer.

>> No.14397604

JW makes the bulk of its sales of its cheaper red and black labels which are pretty much ubiquitous in every restaurant, bar, and any scotch-drinking wannabe's cabinet. It's always been cheap generic stuff, so I don't really see this being a poor move unless you're deluded enough to think JW red label is anything more than for mixing or as a working class scotch. They'll probably still sell their niche pricey green/gold/blue/etc. shit in glass bottles.

>> No.14397615

While JW Black and Red are seen as entry-level Scotches, there is a world of difference between that and being seen as the whisky version of a Bota box.

>> No.14397633

Well, I don't imagine we'll hit the point of Cutty Sark being sold in a fucking bag with a straw, but I hardly see this move as being drastic.

>> No.14397655
File: 197 KB, 1500x1262, 713g-vQPq2L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't switching everything to paper just mean cutting down more trees? It doesn't seem like anyones thought things through.

>> No.14397833

Tetrapak in other words.

>> No.14397938
File: 90 KB, 580x722, 1564547083242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're just plastic.

>> No.14397950

That's a jug, you moron. Not a carton.

>> No.14397955
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>he's arguing over the difference between a carton of milk and a jug of milk on a mongolian bread weaving forum

>> No.14397957

Odd cope, but not unexpected coming from an ESL.

>> No.14398341



thank you, this is not something I had considered, but clear as day now that you mention it. based ISM bro

no myaaan, like use hemp bro. the govermnet is just keeping it illegal because it's god's perfect plant brooo

>> No.14398356
File: 129 KB, 1200x675, BT5SN7BUZRP6FO5G75DGKIVRBU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You never had those tiny milk cartons in school? Kids are clumsy as fuck and drop these all the time.

>> No.14398399

that makes sense, seeing as glass is infinitely recyclable and paper packaging for liquids needs some type of polymer lining which complicates the recycling process immensely

>> No.14398554

Have soyboys infiltrate scotch? Making it lighter could appeal to women and those who drink like them.

>> No.14398651

>Have soyboys infiltrate scotch?
He doesn't know.

>> No.14398703

No one calls that a carton. It even says on the image it's a gallon

>> No.14398707

based asf. wonder if i can use my soylent bottle opener on it.

>> No.14398736

So is water you fucking chemlet. I'm sure a large corporation can hire a chemist capable of choosing a material that doesn't dissolve in ethanol or water.

>> No.14399003

I can't imagine any real scotch drinker will care considering JW is such a shit tier whiskey and massively overpriced for the quality they put out. I suppose if it really bothers you that much then buy a decanter and get it specialized. Any Whiskey drinker should have at least 1 decanter imo.

>> No.14399200

>I'm sure a large corporation can hire a chemist capable of choosing a material that doesn't dissolve in ethanol or water.
Yeah, like they did in the past. Moron.

>> No.14399789

literally what?

>> No.14400530

I want to know who says this, Wojack poster, or just GTFO.

>> No.14400700


>> No.14400735

Not him, but I'm pretty certain that was a JW slogan at one point in time. They've done punny slogans like "Keep on Walking" before.

>> No.14400747
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>> No.14400758

Who are you quoting

>> No.14400820

lmao it would be easier to steal the bottle you retard

>> No.14400861

do redditfags really do this?

>> No.14400870

Your friend sounds based

>> No.14400898

they infiltrate everything

>> No.14401147
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>> No.14401198

>rapacious cost-cutting that is the essence and logical outcome of capitalism
>must be soyboys!
How do people not see the reality here?

>> No.14401222
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hmmmmm, communist whisky

>> No.14401231

That's an American vodka made with good old USA government subsidized corn.

>> No.14401250

Of fucking course they'd start something this cringe.
Only the really gay ones. People on the bigger subs laugh at stupid shit like this although they also act super positively to every fucking pleb who posts how much they love Lagavulin 16 like its the holy grail of accessibile whisky.
Although they at least have somewhat better taste in whisky then /ck/ but not as good as literally every other spirits community on the internet that isn't decanter.

>> No.14401254
File: 72 KB, 385x703, decanter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the paper bottle freaks you out so much just store it in your crystal decanter
wait, you DO have a decanter, don't you anon?

>> No.14401260
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>> No.14401271

Speak for yourself you obvious newfag.

>> No.14401280

There are no non-gay redditors, fuck off nigger.

>> No.14401318

I’d still fuck him up the ass though, full homo

>> No.14401337

what is this contrived whataboutism even trying to imply

>> No.14401348

That's not even a real thing.

>> No.14401368

>you do have a meme oxidizer that only ruins your drinks, right?

>> No.14401393

>every other spirits community
Not the scotch bourbon whiskey lover's group on facebook.

>> No.14401424

Never even heard of them. Only one I know of is the Malt Maniacs group, but most of the people there are industry people or work in cask selection for various markets in Europe.

>> No.14401721

A lighter product is a womanized design choice

>> No.14401920

It's cutting down freight costs you utter brainlet

>> No.14402027

What will that taste like...?
Must have some plastic coating right?

>> No.14402033

it's gonna smell like new cellphones

>> No.14402046
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>> No.14402662

>Wouldn't switching everything to paper just mean cutting down more trees? It doesn't seem like anyones thought things through.
I think I read somewhere that there where now incredibly fast growing trees that are used to manufacture the pulp used for making a large percentage of paper products, and that these trees are planted and grown in large enough numbers that there are not really issues with sustainably harvesting the trees for pulp like there are with hardwoods used for furniture etc.

>> No.14402664

>You never had those tiny milk cartons in school? Kids are clumsy as fuck and drop these all the time.
The milk also tastes like cardboard.
Fuck those containers.

>> No.14402671

>corporation packages an advertisement as a press release and every mainstream media outlet reports on it, like lemmings

Why do they do this shit? It's literally free advertising.
>Oh wow big alcohol conglomerate changed the look of one of it's products to cut costs, please buy JOAMMY WALKER

>> No.14402679
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>Have soyboys infiltrate scotch? Making it lighter could appeal to women and those who drink like them.
Why not package the Whiskey in Aluminum bottles like Danzka or some beer and soda companies have done.
If people want to keep the bottles they have a collectible, and the graphics likely don’t cost much to change.
The aluminum lowers the weight like the paper does, if not by more than the paper.
The aluminum is also highly recyclable, and actually worth recycling.

>> No.14402723

Anon, usually those companies will pay the Corp, for example Sinclair, and then Sinclair will provide product placement for all of the local news stations and other affiliates. This is common knowledge.

>> No.14402730

Lel all the micro plastics are going to bleach inside the drink
I just know my whisky brand won't fall for this bullshit anyway so doesn't matter.

>> No.14403208

Only a fool buys JW

>> No.14403217




>> No.14403220

It takes very much energy for making it into glass.

>> No.14403228

You need to take into account the energy required for making glass bottles

>> No.14403271

Have you ever tried not being retarded and dropping milk containers

>> No.14403307

JW is going even lighter and actually possible more toxic depending on how cheap they slide.
Paper lined with RESIN. That will naturally break down over time once emptied.

Either that resin will leach into the alcohol, leading to resin leaded alcohol.
React with alcohol to create nondigestible types of alcohol that lodge in your organs/nerves.
Bottles sometimes get indented/bent and will start dissolving the paper because the liner is so thin.

But can see why they go this route, aluminum cans are on the out. ALuminum is reducing in price. Paper is the lightest commercially usable product for transporting liquids/foods. Resin is lighter/easier to spray than plastic. Save big transport costs and potential California taxes for non-recyclable containers.

P.s. Glass recycling is VERY CONCENTRATED. most of it is just aggregated and spread around the place.

>> No.14403309


>> No.14403312

Some are (big boxes, space bags), some are "tetrapak" boxes which just have a plastic or wax lining inside the cardboard, like a milk carton.

Ideal for camping at a glass restricted location, but otherwise... it seems like it would suck.