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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14385349 No.14385349 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Chinese food make you feel like utter shit after eating it? I don't get the same feeling after eating Japanese, Korean, Thai or Vietnamese; but I ALWAYS feel like I just assaulted my body after getting through a Chinese meal. I rarely ever decide to order it but on occasion it will tempt me and when it does I always end up with the same feeling of disgust and regret once I've finished. Is this how Chinese people feel every single day?

>> No.14385357

Everything is coated in sugar and oil.

>> No.14385365

The headache is the best part though?

>> No.14385377

I don't get a headache but I do feel my body wishing it could puke up the diarrhea I just forced it to consume.

>> No.14385379

Chinks eat bats, chimps, rats, and dogs. What makes you think some deep fried chicken balls and an egg roll will stop them? The ol’ Wuhan wonder belly can’t be stopped.

>> No.14385389

This is American Chinese food you’re talking about, real Chinese people just eat whatever they find in the sewer.

>> No.14385399
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mfw I let a gram of MSG into my carefully cultivated body temple

>> No.14385436
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What type of bat soup did you order?

>> No.14385938

Rancid oil.

Restraunts use the same old oil to save money. Thats why I only cook at home. Never shat my pants ever.

>> No.14385997

You're eating shitty americanized chinese food that's deep fried, covered in some sugary HFCS oily "sauce" slop, and your meal probably is 90% carbs, 9% meat, and 1 token piece of broccoli.
Other east/southeast asian foods were, for the most part, adopted fairly unmodified by westerners. Somehow chinese food is bastardized and is pure trash.

>> No.14386995

Then tell me, where does one find REAL chinese food? Because even the stuff I've had it "authentic" styled restaurants still molests my gut.

>> No.14387042

Search for restraunts that specialize in food from specific areas/providence of china. Ex: Shanghai, Sichuan, Hunan, etc.
Also you could search for Cantonese places as well but it's already fairly similar in flavors to american style (it's very sweet) the other places are better if you want to try something different.

>> No.14387048
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It's that MSG poison .
We should nuke all chinks

>> No.14387056

Greasy slop made with low quality ingredients nearing expiration

>> No.14387061

Chink here. Its cause you ate from a shitty restauraunt which uses msg. I've had the same experience

>> No.14387153

I've heard this meme forever but I've never experienced. Chinese food doesn't feel any different to me.
I'm half convinced everyone is lying, or being placebo'd.

>> No.14387162

Considering most of this boards aversion to carbs and sugars, id say most of them are probably just fat, or are lazy and dont exercise.

>> No.14387173

Or have diabetes

>> No.14387201

Their genetic heritage might be predominately Neanderthal, which isn't an insult if you understand the science.

>> No.14387221

MSG is literally just a type of salt though. I don't feel like shit when I eat other salty dishes. (inb4 MSG is magically bad for you for some reason)

>> No.14387233

It's monosodium glutamatw. Do you really think your body processes that in the same way as sodium chloride? You think it's magic that there could be a difference because it's "just salt"? Did you know most salts will kill you or at least make you extremely sick if you ingested them?

>> No.14387240

No evidence that MSG does any crazy shit. It's been studied.

>> No.14387245

Depends on the ingredients.

MSG, sugar / other crazy sweeteners, way too much soybean/cheap vegetable oil. White rice is high glycemic. Might feel hyped for an hour then crash.

Maybe it's the ingredients in the fortune cookie.

Finding a good restaurant can be challenge.

>> No.14387247

>it's been (((studied)))

>> No.14387254

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills

>> No.14387257

>Rancid oil.
It could be this, they reuse the oil for everything and probably just top it up as needed.

But if you watch how they cook in Chinese restaurants, a lot of places just deep fry almost everything. If you order beef and broccoli, they probably deep fry both the beef and broccoli before just putting it in a wok to sauce it. They do this because it's faster, everything is basically cooked within a minute or so, but it has the downside of making everything really greasy. So you have a lot of extra greasy food which is usually then covered in salt and sugar, it's normal to not feel great after that. It usually doesn't have anything to do with MSG.

Chinese people who make food at home probably aren't deep frying everything. When made properly by just using a small amount of oil in a wok rather than deep frying, the food comes out much better and you feel better after eating it. The ingredients are generally healthy, but from a restaurant they use much more oil/salt/sugar than you'd use at home.

>> No.14387292

MSG is less salty than actual salt. It contains less sodium by weight than sodium chloride. So any negative effects from the sodium would be greater for NaCl than MSG. Non-sodium salts are irrelevant here since the only other thing MSG contains is the amino acid glutamate. It's as harmless in MSG as it is in any of the proteins you eat that also contain it.

>> No.14387309

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14387488

>Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice.
this whole post is a disaster but this bit is just sad. lrn 2 chopstick.

>> No.14387558

This sounds like an internal issue possibly related to you gallbladder

>> No.14387598

you've been posting this since last year you faggot it's not even good pasta

>> No.14387618

3 star restaurants use msg.

How the fuck do you think Marco got his stars? The magical world of oohhhmame.

>> No.14387632

Why do you keep posting this? Trying to force it into a pasta? Such a strange thing to do.

>> No.14387708

retarded amerishart subhuman fails at being funny, exhibit 475858383

>> No.14387869

You're obviously American
Americanized Chinese food is coated with disgusting amounts of sugar because you pig fucks won't eat anything that doesn't make you obese

This feeling of disgust is what normal people feel when they eat junk food, except everything is junk food in America

>> No.14387951


>> No.14388050

Calm down, ESL

>> No.14388075

If there's anything more virgin-freak-tier than bitching at "ESLs" on a cooking board the whole day, that'd be how you often display a shitty English yourself and that the posts you seethe at are grammatically correct.

>> No.14388082

>seethe this hard
Have sex, virgin boy.

>> No.14388093

It's because the Chinese decided to introduce
The Notorious M.S.G.

>> No.14388096

Anyone have a home recipe for restaurant style lo mein

>> No.14388222
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He's got you pretty miffed doe

>> No.14388228
File: 179 KB, 900x1200, 1551994716477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink water retard

>> No.14388282

My roomate preemptively bitched about getting pork buns instead of pork dim sum when he ordered delivery.
He got what he wanted, which is great. But he maintains dimsum is specifically a style of dumpling.
I was under the impression it was rather a style of cuisine or if serving food? Is it both?

>> No.14388328


>> No.14388361

Because it's disgusting low quality shit.

I simply stopped ordering Chinese food about 10 years ago because it is so gross.

Thai or Vietnamese tastes way better anyway and is usually clean and fresh.

>> No.14388379

I've got a Chinese on its way to me now.
Always gives me stomach cramps and the shits, never cared.

>> No.14388492

Not really. I just laugh at people who haven't read a single statistic on China oust themselves as clueless mutts.