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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 832x468, p01hfnhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14383541 No.14383541 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Antonio Carluccio. This is the best way to learn how to cook Italian food. Also fantastic music in the shows.

>> No.14383708
File: 984 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20200711-163415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14385201

"Hello, based department?"

>> No.14385204

do italians really do this?

>> No.14385956
File: 63 KB, 1607x700, 2020-07-11 23_16_54-Saturday Kitchen sexism storm_ Greedy Italians spark viewer backlash with 'sexis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the same episode

>> No.14385983
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>> No.14385989

Greco-Roman hybrid, did this at a few spots in Rome, some woman started yelling at me in Italian once, don't know if she found it funny, but I don't understand a word of Italian, so I giggled and said, "whaaaaat?" Plus it was like 40C that day, I was delusional and dunking my head under every fountain I found.

>> No.14385991


>> No.14385993

The hug of death

>> No.14386004
File: 203 KB, 2048x1924, 503C5254-5F30-432F-8E2A-E49EBE81BD0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of my grandma, even if she’s 83 during family lunches on Sunday she’s always in the kitchen preparing us our food and only comes to the table quickly to eat just to go back cooking to satisfy her family.

If she makes a mistake (food too salty or something else) she almost cries and asks if she should cook something else.

I love my nonna so much bros, you wouldn’t believe.

>> No.14386011

My grandma was like this, but the food was almost always too salty, you know old people and their taste buds.

>> No.14386015
File: 453 KB, 1705x1561, 63C0B687-D45E-46FE-8550-1934A736FBAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 retarded leftists out of 60.000.000 Italians hug Chinese people so every Italian must be retarded.

It’s not how it works.


He’s saying that chink fucks are subhumans and we all have seen them eating rats and bats plus all the other shit they do (gutter oil etc) so it is expected that they get these shitty third world hygiene tier caused virus

>> No.14386018

RIP Carlo Colucci

>> No.14386037
File: 442 KB, 2230x1536, C6D4B083-836F-46A6-99D7-54018EE485D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even her had a period during which she made salty food but now she just go easy and put salt in table for us to fix as needed.

Pic related was weeks ago when the quarantine ended and we were able to visit our relatives, we had a Sunday family lunch and my nonna made me a veal bone in steak using an electric grill.

My grandpa, who’s 87, took her to the supermarket and she bought that steak for me because she knows that I like steaks and meat in general.

I know that pic related looks unappealing, but I 100% assure you that it was tender and even moderately juicy, seriously I was astonished, and it was good. Really.

She’s not good with the electric grill however steaks here in Italy and in my region are not our thing, we don’t have a steak culture for some reason and therefore nobody seems to be able to cook proper steaks (only these though).

I told her it was absolutely good and I would’ve said that even if it wasn’t.

>> No.14386052

I’m talking of regular families and people at home, not restaurants and steak house of course.

Steak and burgers here are looked as something you need to go to the restaurant to eat, that’s why when I make steaks using proper technique and equipment my family is in awe and continuously tell me to open a restaurant even if I’m not doing anything exceptional.

It’s just like when you’re able to use a pc and your boomer family and relatives think that you’re an hacker or something Kek.

>> No.14386056
File: 107 KB, 768x1024, f11cb0371e45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the best way to learn how to cook Italian food.

>> No.14386117

Cute, enjoy the time with grandparents, especially after this pandemic. You sort of have a steak culture, at least in Florence, but I think it's a southern euro thing to cook meats well, at least from my experience, the type of steak in Florence is cooked close to rare, they turn tough when well done they told me. In north Italy Lake Como though they were cooking chicken almost raw, was aware it was still safe to eat, was asking waiters and waitresses if it were cooked anyway. I loved the food in Tuscany though, but one thing about Italy, just about any restaurant has pretty good to top tier food.

>> No.14386133

>I told her it was absolutely good and I would’ve said that even if it wasn’t.
What a humble statement. Well said.

>> No.14386177
File: 779 KB, 1694x1122, 26739C63-91B9-4E39-B1D6-378C038B627F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Tuscany is the home of grilled steaks but since our cuisine is region and territory based (like the same dish exists in 50 variants depending on the village/city/province you’re in) it’s not something so easy to state.

Italian barbecue relies on small pieces of meat that are cooked quickly, yes, like salsiccia, salamella, hamburger and so on. Pic related is quite representative of this but it’s a shitty picture indeed since DuckDuckGo for some reason gives me international results even when filtering to my local position.

Other famous grilled meat is called arrosticini and is from Abruzzo region, but there are way more however they’re all grouped by the fact that they’re small pieces of meat.

In Tuscany there’s the famous Fiorentina steak but you’d be surprised to know how much people are ignorant about that, they’re typically italian when judging a Fiorentina because they rely on a coded “recipe” that says that the meat should be two fingers thick at least and so on, it’s just coded specifications but when it comes to the actual cook they’re clueless and afraid of fucking up. It’s cool because they’re attached to the tradition but on the other hand it makes difficult to find the dish outside restaurants.

>top tier food in restaurants

I agree, the thing is that we have 10 restaurants every 10 meters so the quality must be high otherwise you get BTFO real fast.

There are meh places too of course, but they’re rare and not so bad.

>> No.14386187

Would you ever say something that would hurt your nonna?

I don’t have the heart.

It happened that she made something I didn’t like, for example I hate orange based pies and even worse if they’re made with chocolate and one day she made a chocolate pie filled with an orange marmalade and I didn’t eat it.

I swear she almost cried because there wasn’t a dessert for me lol, so she gave me an ice cream. Mind that I was 27 years old, but for her I’m still a child.

>> No.14386243
File: 684 KB, 1536x2048, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the type of steak I had in Florence, ordered it blue.