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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14367922 No.14367922 [Reply] [Original]

What's up /ck/ what are some tips you can give to a poorfag?
I'm not going to give you my son story or situation, but I'm a person so poor I can barely eat 2 times a day, I only eat like one plate of soup (with no flavor btw) and at night maybe 2 eggs and that's it, maybe with some beans.
To be honest, I hate this, we have no money, I can't work because I'm halfway through my career and have no time because teachers are idiots and don't give us guides to study for exams (holy shit the bastards) and I hate being hungry, I've been poor all my life (I'm 25 now) and in top of that the house is a mess, I live with mom and grandma and 2 sisters, an uncle who's the only one of 10 sons that still lives with grandma at his 60 years and is the only one with no wife (lmao) and his son (who is already 35 I think) grandma doesn't let me cook either because she says "I burn things" (holy shit that was 18 years ago and I my because I didn't cooked some eggs well) what do you recommend me to buy or make that is super cheap? Keep in mind I'm as poor as you can get and I'm not american, in fact our government doesn't even give help to poor people so I can't get amlobuxs
Poorfag meals thread

>> No.14367939

>I'm not going to give you my son story or situation
>follows with a whole paragraph dedicated to just that

>> No.14367942

>I only eat like one plate of soup (with no flavor btw)
So just hot water?

>> No.14367960

unironically go for the cheapest vegan shit
im talking rice with carrots here
get some meat if it's cheap
prepare all of your own meals
buy veggies from the farmer's market
potatoes are a god send
learn how to bake your own bread
stick with three ingredients or less per dish with seasoning

>> No.14367968

twitter furry porn commissions

>> No.14367969

Lmao, I admit I did that on purpose, but I just want some tips about what to buy and eat for cheap

Basically this, grandma is the only one that cooks since mom works until afternoon, she doesn't let anyone else cook but since she's grown Ng very old, the meals she makes taste very stale now, barely any flavor and leaves the soup for a long time boiling, I hate that shit, sometimes when she isn't at home I cook myself because Jesus Christ, that's one of the few times I can taste anything with flavor

>> No.14367972

you sound like a colossal whiny faggot, desu
i am not poor but i love eggs and beans.

>> No.14367978

Well rootfruits and beans are cheap where i live so potatoes, cabbage, carrots, parsnip, celriac, beet, onion and beans.

Salad and fruit and berries and fish (except if picked or fished in the wild) are more expensive.

So rootfruits, berries and fish at least in Scandinavia, you can live on that and in the empty lands in the north you could poach if you are very careful :D

>> No.14367983

Please starve to death so there'll be more food for everyone else in the house. Dont be selfish.

>> No.14367985

also, grain is usually cheap and very filling, tons of calories too
instant oatmeal just needs a bit of hot water and its ready to eat

>> No.14368015

Figure out what the local staple starch is.
Wheat (flour), rice, corn (cornmeal/polenta/masa) and potatoes are typical culprits.
Figure out how to cook that. Bread, pasta, rice, etc.

Rice and beans are usually cheap wherever, although you're probably going to have to go with dry beans and learn to soak them to stay cheap. Onion and carrot add nicely to rice and beans, plus whatever spices you can manage.

If you can think 3 months ahead, spending a little now on garden seeds makes much food in a few months.

If Grandma doesn't trust you to cook, try to learn her way of cooking. Yes, it will be horrible to be her kitchen slave. Then, when she trusts you a bit more, try things you "heard about from a schoolmate's grandmother", and do not burn them or all your hard work ingratiating yourself in the kitchen will be forever lost.

>> No.14368041

That's not the problem, the problem is that I barely eat, I like eggs and beans too, it's just that we're so poor we can't afford too much, or rather, since there's o many people, food doesn't last and no one but grandma and mom spends money to buy food, dad buys too but since we're a lot the food doesn't last too much, at least the other guy buys his own food.

It's way different here, I'm a filthy third worlder and I'm live in the second most expansive city of the country

>> No.14368249


>> No.14368257

What country poorfag OP

>> No.14368285
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>> No.14368291
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>> No.14368296
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>> No.14368300

The difficult answer to give is that you need to spend more on food that will give many more portions.
Don't be afraid of buying in bulk. Even though you may not have the means to at this point, consider it a short term investment on saving money.

For instance, a 10kg sack of rice is around £10 for me.
Whereas a 1kg bag is £1.60 which is £16 for 10.

So for the same price you're getting 10kg over 6kg.
That is around 111 x 90g portions
or 67 x 90g
This goes for veg aswell.
10kg of frozen peas is £4.39 in bulk from a supplier
£7.77 from a supermarket

10kg of chicken breasts for £42.00 from supplier
680g for £3.60 in supermarket (£52.94 for 10kg)

>> No.14368370

hey buddybud, where are you from ? If you're from France i can send you a transfer
t.drunk guy

>> No.14368383

Mexico... And it's the Monterrey, the Dec ND most expensive city with one of the lowest wages...

Thanks, this will come in handy

Maybe that's true, I guess I should save money for food now instead of other things

I'm from Mexico, I just want some tips because food really is a problem in the house and the proceso if everything here is ridiculous, imagine paying almost 2 dollars for a stupid bag of missing noodles

>> No.14368388

Doesnt work. At least not the way described.

>> No.14368433
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Some sammiches

>> No.14368437

Had egg on toast with salsa verde this morning.

With all the necessary ingredients it probably comes out to $1 a serving.

>> No.14368446

Albini is a fucking hack.

>> No.14368470

rice, beans. whatever good veggies you can get.

>> No.14368641

>1 slice toast
>2 eggs
>1 cup whole milk
>1 banana
>2 slices bread
>2 tbsp peanut butter
>1 tbsp jelly
>1/4 box mac n cheese
>1 cup fruit juice
>1 chicken breast
>1 large potato
>loads of various veggies
>1 cup iced tea
Decent meals that are extremely cheap (at least where I live) and easy to make.

>> No.14368661

Learn to cook, dipshit. Recipes are free, and food is free and cheap. You have the internet, fucking use it.

>> No.14368668

Anon are there food banks where you live? At least get some free basic stuff like flour or rice that'll help a lot

>> No.14368671

I'd recommend checking out the canned vegetable section as opposed to fresh.
As far as vegetables go, I live off of canned peas, canned sweetcorn and baked beans which can all be bought for real cheap here from a budget store.
Only things fresh I buy are bags of onions and garlic.
Eggs for protein and more beans or chickpeas, or butter beans. any sort of pulse/bean is good. Check the frozen section for fish/chicken to see if you can afford it. Don't bother with fresh, frozen is cheaper.

Whole oats are good as well. You can eat them for breakfast and you can make them savoury if you want to eat them for dinner.

>> No.14368680

If its like that you might want to try foraging.
How far are you from a park or forest or river or something? If you can't afford to buy to eat, you might be able to get something wild.

>> No.14368701


Nigga there be poisonous shit out there OP look like he be a city mouse

>> No.14368718
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>posts a poorfag thread
>has enough money to cook eggs in oil
Fuck off.

>> No.14368725

Rice, and beans, and meat. Alone, or in combination.

>> No.14368737

speaking of grass...

If OP has nettles around where he lives, he can add those to any soup for extra nutrition.