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File: 19 KB, 400x600, ci-jagermeister-d0559db1e4754954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14364030 No.14364030 [Reply] [Original]

Sweet, sweet nectar...

>> No.14364040

in germany this is considered a booze for old ladies yet american fratbros guzzle it down

>> No.14364046

Why are high school kids so obsessed with it?

>> No.14364048
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>> No.14364057

Because they see it in the movies and tv series, therefore being them a nation of consoomer cattle they need to consoom what the (((tv))) tell them.

>> No.14364059

How are the leg holes?

>> No.14364087

Nah. What happened was one random university in the middle of nowhere had a bar nearby that was also frequented by german immigrants.
The fratbros there tried Jaeger by chance and it became trendy among them.
The national importer for Jaeger noticed the unusual uptick in sales, further noted the unusual demographic it had become popular with, and then immediately started marketing jaeger as a party drink for fratbros complete with gimmicks like refrigerated dispensers in select bars.

>> No.14364095

>56 botanicals
Is it really necessary to have that many ingredients? There's no way they all make a difference

>> No.14364115

>american tv series and movies features university parties with young students getting drunk on that liquor
>viewers are influenced and want to drink it

Anon, you know that hes right.

>> No.14364116

Old fashioned herbal liqueurs like this were originally designed to be medicinal. They weren't concocted for taste.

>> No.14364123

Fratbros discovered it organically, there were no movies with fratbros drinking jaeger before fratbros started drinking jaeger.

>> No.14364139

This is how it started, randomly, then as you said the producer started marketing the product towards other students and so on. Even in Europe the advertisements always feature big parties and people drinking that shit out of glasses made of ice, even though they’re not students.

>> No.14364141

It taste like black licorice but if black licorice was bad

>> No.14364143

shit's nasty, I'd rather drink NyQuil

>> No.14364146

it is dangerously good
i love the stuff but will never buy it
>tfw ice cold jagermeister on hot day
hold me lads

>> No.14364189

tastes better lukewarm desu.

>> No.14364234

Extremely based and redpilled.

I tried that thing in Italy last summer and I tried finding it here in the USA so fucking bad I had to import it paying a lot of money. It was worth it.

>> No.14364373

So Then what booze do men drink in Germany?

>> No.14364726

Ouzo is the better licorice liquor

>> No.14364837
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It's just a worse brancamenta

>> No.14364861

Puke juice with a cool name

>> No.14364880

What does it taste like and how do you drink it?

>> No.14364890

butt chug

>> No.14364897

What is the difference between this and Fernet?

>> No.14364927

Just mint

>> No.14364932
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You drink it cold, as it is.

It’s hard to drink it with moderation, it’s so good.

>> No.14364954

Meme drink.

>> No.14364994

I think you meant to say sambuca

>> No.14365041

>what booze do men drink in Germany?
Korn in the north
Obstler in the south

>> No.14365132

I've never tried this before, and I'm not sure that I want to spend the money. Is this really something that has a good flavor? Can you drink it without anything else mixed in?
Personally, I buy vodka and water it down to about 20% abv, and then mix it with the same amount of soda so that it's 10% abv.
I've been hoping for some high abv(30-40%) liqour that actually tastes good, but the best I've tried is Tito's and that's way to expensive for me.

>> No.14365138

I like it, it definitely has a unique flavor. It's a pretty polarizing drink so just grab some, chill it, and try it out

>> No.14365149

Is it really strong though? I just don't want to buy something that I'm going to have to take really small sips because of the flavor.

>> No.14365155

It's like NyQuil but 30% less cloying so that should give you an idea

>> No.14365156

Get one of the little 50ml bottles they keep near the cash register.
Hell, get two. Freeze one and drink the other room temp.

>> No.14365735
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Bros... I can't stop. It is so insanely refreshing with seltzer water, lime, and a splash of dry vermouth. My bank account suffers. Is there a place where I can buy this cheaper than $40USD/750mL? Or is there some alternative (possibly more herbal) substitute?

>> No.14365740

This anon — >>14365156 — has the right idea for any applicable liqueur or weird spirit that you want to try without much commitment. Though I am not a huge fan of Jager b/c too sweet, it is better frozen.

>> No.14365741

big fan of fernet con coca

>> No.14365769
File: 392 KB, 800x533, 5F9A85AB-0520-4722-8A48-29CBB3A222E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside newfriends, the king has arrived.

>> No.14365899

Well, I bought it. It tastes kind of nasty, but not because of any ethanol sort of burn. I can drink it straight, but I still want to find something to mix it with.

>> No.14365955

iktf. It's just too syrupy for me. It might be better if frozen and poured over shaved ice or something.

>> No.14366298

>My bank account suffers. Is there a place where I can buy this cheaper than $40USD/750mL?
Shill harder or ask Campari for a raise.

>> No.14366340

I was given a bottle of jager, tastes like shit. Was surprisingly good mixed with root beer.

>> No.14366370
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figure it out ayooo

>> No.14366380


>> No.14366400
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die in a fire

>> No.14366469

Try it with tonic or ginger beer

>> No.14366999

>I buy vodka and water it down to about 20% abv, and then mix it with the same amount of soda so that it's 10% abv.
the fuck just buy beer

>> No.14367045

lol what
why are you lying

>> No.14367054
File: 121 KB, 600x1137, koskenkorva-salmiakki-muovipullo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you are a little babby, watch this

>> No.14367057

>a village
never change, finlan

>> No.14367076

Yes. From the village of Koskenkorva.

>> No.14367082
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>> No.14367123

My research suggests this is not a village but just a normal suburb.

>> No.14367138

It was in 1953 when Koskenkorva was launched, so they kept that designation.

>> No.14367150

Obstler = fruit spirit btw

>> No.14367151

If you want the traditional elder working class guy's choice in bars it's Herrengedeck "gentlemen's menu", which is a glass of beer (pilsener in most regions) and a shot of korn (a grain spirit that is basically unfiltrated vodka). But korn is the cheapest alcohol you can get in Germany and doesn't taste very pleasing. It's most popular amoung alcoholics, elder guys or the youth from rural areas (but those often mix it with fanta or coke). Obstler would also be traditional, but it's expensive and many people don't like it. But both decrease in popularity though, because they're the dusted choice of your grandparents (similar to whiskey in the 80s).
In the end most people will just drink whiskey, rum or brandy and coke if not beer.

>> No.14367195

I've literally never seen jaegermeister in a movie. What in the fuck are you watching you weird faggot?

>> No.14367199

Stop watching arthouse garbage and check out some real classics like american pie instead

>> No.14367207


>> No.14367208

>Obstler is expensive
only on paper though
almost every extended family and group of friends has a farmer who makes their own
so most of the time you get it really cheap if not for free

>> No.14367214
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For me, it's Metsänhenki. Flavored with spruce, pine and juniper, it tastes like an evergreen forest.

>> No.14367220
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Sometimes I like to take shots of pic related

>> No.14367225

Same with strange homemade liquers but it's not the norm. And again more of a rural phenomenon.

>> No.14367243

lol wtf is that gut? Liver fluids?

>> No.14367246

Shit is fucking disgusting, tastes like robitussin and gives you the worst hangover of your life.

>> No.14367278
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You're thinking of Klosterfrau Melissengeist or pic related. Jägermeister is based.

>> No.14367282
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>> No.14367286

Should i start drinking alcohol?Earn my first money and start thinking about it

>> No.14367291

Mint and it's sweeter

>> No.14367293

Move to europe, it's 10€ a bottle.

>> No.14367355

mixed with iced tea and lemon it's a surprisingly great long drink

>> No.14367356

I once tried a tiny bottle of underberg. As soon as that shit hit my tongue I puked out everything I had in my gut

>> No.14367364

Underberg like all Boonekamps contains no sugar. That's why it tastes much stronger and more bitter than the sugarbomb Jägermeister.

>> No.14367382

So Underberg is for adult palates.

>> No.14367390

Yes if by adult you mean senior citizen palates.

>> No.14367401

It's only used as a digestive anyways so the taste doesn't matter. But for that purpose it's much better than syrupy Jägermeister.

>> No.14367404

>mfw this garbage tastes like shit and some idiot tried to tell me it's made with fermented deer blood

>> No.14367453

Why are you?! Jägermeister was always some "Altherren-Getränk" but they changed their image through sponsoring, primarily races and metal festivals. I'm german so I know.

>> No.14367475

Both are so-called "Magenbitter", the stuff your grandparents like to drink. Don't get me wrong: young people in Germany like to drink it too nowadays, but that's basically because of some clever campaigns in the 90s. But it's somehow considered to be a girls drink here because of its high sugar content

>> No.14367500

You just reminded me that my dad used to laugh at us for drinking it at parties, I had totally forgotten about that. My dad was an old "Bier, Ouzo und Korn" type so it's definitely a generational thing.

>> No.14367536
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That shit is gross af

>> No.14367562

Yes, Bier, Korn and Ouzo are popular here. Older folks like brandy and fruit brandy (called Obstler) too. In my youth, we most often just drank vodka though. 1 bottle for two persons usually, and some beer. Good times.

>> No.14367584

I think they use it as a digestif more than anything

>> No.14367641

Try it sober and see if you feel the same way.

>> No.14367738

you all have terrible taste, typical westerners

>> No.14367824
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I see you are a man of culture. I'm somewhat cultured myself.

>> No.14368036

No one asked you Turk