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14308540 No.14308540 [Reply] [Original]

I though working for a major food publication would at least pay well...

What are some foods you like to cook in a kitchen?

>> No.14308547

My rental apartment has a bigger kitchen

>> No.14308549

he owns his house and has to live within commuting distance of Manhattan, that's about as good as it gets

>> No.14308564

for me, it's fermentation

>> No.14308570


>> No.14308618

>I though working for a major food publication would at least pay well...
Well, you never know. That's half of the kitchen likely, because there is no visible sink. It looks old, and probably an addition on some historically old property, so some stupid shit like not enough cabinets put in by previous poor/lazy owners.

There's a big disparity between people who buy newer homes built to modern specifications or are immediately able to renovate them to their modern specifications, and then those people who barely get into their first house by the numbers of first bank loan or whatever, and so if it had other charm like a lot of land or good location, the reno has to wait.

You'll see some of the people who (were) filming aren't in their own properties, but at a neighbors, their parents, some rental beach property and so forth. It takes two executive salaries or family help for a good home in the new york situation.

>> No.14308624

You gotta remember that Brad was basically a glorified dishwasher until 2 years ago

>> No.14308632

1. kys
2. He may live in Manhattan where a tiny apartment is $5,000/month
3. kys

>> No.14308637

he lives in new jersey retard

>> No.14308657

I'm asking, not calling him a loser. Good grief. I know living in NY is expensive. Wash your vagina, there's some sand in her.

but did he study culinary arts?

>> No.14308667

>but did he study culinary arts?
No dumb fuck he was a dishwasher

>> No.14308670

With his parents no doubt

>> No.14308674

I literally started watching BA videos yesterday. Only Brad's

>> No.14308743

damn bitch, you live like this?

>> No.14308800

before he renegotiated his contract he was payed in peanuts while he worked manager and did his show. BA are cheapskates.

>> No.14309206

can't believe they did hunzi dirty like that

>> No.14309227

wat did they do to hunzi? I thought he went above and beyond in his virtue signalling. you're telling me that was not enough?

>> No.14309231

I mean its well laid out... What was funny to me was sohla(the one whos whining about being a victim, not making enough money, etc...) has a $2000 breville hotplate in her kitchen. Like WTF...

>> No.14309246


If you watch his videos he mentions that he went to culinary school - I believe he went to the Institute of Culinary Education in NY

>> No.14310441

One of the things you discover when you grow up is that famous=/=rich. And Brad is only famous in certain circles.

>> No.14310823

he lives in new jersey

>> No.14310929

Dude had a blue collar upbringing, and before he got lucky with It's Alive in late 2016, was just the Test Kitchen Manager at BA. Basically the head janitor/logistics guy, not exactly making bank when Conde Nast seems to be pretty jewish with money. He had to wait until his show took off to get leverage for a better contract.

AFAIK he lives in Jersey City (so does Gaby) with his spouse and their two young boys. Brad seems frugal by nature. Probably explains why he's trying to keep his head down during all this shit.

>> No.14310948

>but did he study culinary arts?
Brad went to the Institute of Culinary Education in 2011 at age 26. Before that, he worked "as a caterer, a delicatessen worker, a kitchen chef for multiple restaurants, a glazier, and a carpenter." No previous college education. Upon graduating, he joined BA as an intern who washed dishes, and worked his way up to Test Kitchen Manager. Vinny then went to bat for him and got It's Alive aired after a long while. He became popular and restructured his contract like Claire did, and got Gaby his old job as TKM.

>> No.14310954

He did, and then Conde Nast suspended him for being too vocal.

Which isn't surprising in the business world, but is not palatable or a good look in the current social world.

Threatening to destroy BA's Youtube channel was probably a bad move on his part. But hey, at least he has people sucking him off on Twitter/Insta, unless the other white males of BA who are getting mauled on the socials.

>> No.14311024

brad and gaby are the best ones they got. both worked their way up and dont act like entitled pricks.

>> No.14311152

>tfw you look at brads instagram, which he just tries to be himself on and isn't super active in terms of posting, and it's just countless ghouls harassing him for not responding to BA drama quickly enough

I just feel bad for the guy

>> No.14311235

probably something from her previous restaurant.

>> No.14311256

I can't stand how everyone talks to Gaby like she's a special ed student.

>> No.14311310

That goblin is lucky she's allowed to roam the human world to begin with.

>> No.14311395

BA ranking list:

1. Vinny
2. Brad
3. Chris
4. Claire
5. That milf woman
6. dunno all the rest are ethnics and literally whos
99 billion: that fucking faggot mexican who paints his fingernails
googolplex. the kike owner who was rude to brad

>> No.14311399

They all make like $45k or less in NYC. The entire BA test kitchen are poorfags.

>> No.14311414

>I though working for a major food publication would at least pay well...

BA specifically hadn't been paying their employees or if they were it was peanuts.
There's a whole drama about it atm in the off chance you live under a rock.

Also Brad lives in...New Jersey? I think? >>14310823 ? And like every other part of high-population density part of America: is a mismanaged piece of shit where money is basically worthless and you have to pay up the ass and all the way through the mouth for an apartment that's about as large as a bedroom in most other states/provinces.

>> No.14312289

>99 billion: that fucking faggot mexican who paints his fingernails
the worst

>> No.14312521
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

presented without comment.

>> No.14312919

Or her rich corporate chef husband

>> No.14312924

The chad trad child haver vs the hecking virgin furbaby parent

>> No.14312943

.... I dont care about the rest.
last. sohla

>> No.14313321

lmao so Bon Appetit is dead, right?

>> No.14313334

Sohla still gets first place, fartknocker.

The videos are. The magazine might limp along for a while.

>> No.14313414

>I love this thing. I hope everyone loves it as much as me!
>Oh noes, 1 specific person has just caused the complete destruction of what i love
>but she's a QT3.14 to my fucked up eyes, so shes still the best XD

Hiring her was the biggest mistake BA ever did.

>> No.14313452

>Hiring her was the biggest mistake BA ever did.

>> No.14313465

You understand nothing at all. Hopefully you're barely 20 and are simply inexperienced with life.

>> No.14313493

Still watching Brad's videos, and Sohla always comes off as a total cunt in all of them.

>> No.14313512

She was also the most talented chef in the kitchen

>> No.14313529

>Hiring her was the biggest mistake BA ever did.

Should have renegotiated every other person's contract the moment this happened, and stated it was for increased viewership/hazard pay during a time of home production and crisis/something gift like as thanks for carrying on in extreme circumstances, and called each of them into the city for an appointment, and in the midst of that conversation fired her for breaking their terms of employment and social media and her toxic no respect issues. She should have emailed a superior to say "hey, how about more money?" and not called the end of their business.

People are promoted and compensated for various reasons, but it's never for calling your entire publication, valued coworkers racist. She's just crazy. Yes, crazy. And when she is replaced, they can go through their applications and find 30,000 applicants willing to work for a starter salary for the launching pad that is the position of this caliber until they prove themselves irreplaceable.

>> No.14313532

She can’t even use a toilet, how is this poo-jina anything but a diversity hire?

>> No.14313555

to start, shes the only one who can temper chocolate

>> No.14313566

>she can heat chocolate to 45C
>yaassssss slay kweeen slaaay

>> No.14313572

>to start, shes the only one who can temper chocolate


I am at awe.

>> No.14313580

u mad

>> No.14313584

It was hilarious when she taught Claire and afterwards Claire muttered "x years here and nobody ever showed me that." It had really never occurred to Claire that she should teach herself in her own time.

>> No.14313585


>> No.14313597

So what's the deal with this indian chick, is she the reason their site is covered in #BLM and "breathing exercises to control strong emotions" crap?

>> No.14313602

google it nerd

>> No.14313609

is /pol/ just being hypersensitive again?

>> No.14313615

Nope. Some nobody ex-employee is. Sohla just gave it a little oxygen.

>> No.14313803

Living in NJ is expensive.

>> No.14313990

Nah, Bon Appetit and Condé Nast in general actually is a bit of a socially charged dumpster fire right now. Huge shit flinging, blame game mess with lots of attempts to get people canceled going on.
The person on Twitter started it all by leaking the photo of Rapoport, that alone would have been nothing. Sohla used it as an opportunity to go nuclear and then others started piling on and the white staff was pretty much bullied into falling in line.

Based on Hunzi getting suspended and CN hiring a union busting law firm, looks like the execs are gonna dig their heels in.

>> No.14314031

gaby worked her way up? what exactly does she do?

>> No.14314063

>Hiring her was the biggest mistake BA ever did.
BA should have seen the red flags a mile away.
>her mediocre, overpriced diner in NYC fails “because of racism”
>her career at Serious Eats fails “because of racism”
>BA didn't even think about the possibility that something might go wrong with hiring an experienced and talented chef for a shit pay entry level position, who has a history of getting on a soapbox and screaming about racism
The fucked up part is that Sohla wasn’t even at BA for a year, and she already had her own show in the works and would have been able to renegotiate her contract like her higher paid coworkers did. She didn’t want to put in the time and effort others did and just screamed racism instead.

>> No.14314092

>Brad is Test Kitchen Manager
>Brad hires Gaby as an assistant because he likes her positive personality and they’re clearly friends
>She gets a number of plugs in It’s Alive and becomes a popular side character
>It’s Alive becomes big enough that Brad renegotiates his pay and gets promoted
>Brad gets Gaby his old job as Test Kitchen Manager
>She starts showing up in more videos (especially once Covid hit) and has her own decent following

Gaby started off mopping up the others shit, and seems to have a genuine friendship with Brad. Based on her current behavior (such as liking Brad’s posts and staying relatively silent) it seems like she just wants to keep her head down and protect her job. Unlike others like Sohla, Molly, etc... she presumably doesn’t have a wealthy spouse/family as a safety net.

>> No.14314103

expand on that point please.. Cause id really like you know why you think thats wrong. Hiring SJW's who weaponize their race is the real take away from this shit... Places that dont hire many BIPOC are look a HELL of a lot better than places that did, and have to contend with all these accusations. And for those who dont know, the accusations sohla levied against BA is the same shit all the other editors had to deal with. "Unpaid" appearances in videos(Shes pulling a salary. Expecting bonuses for being available while filming is entitled af, unless its been negotiated. Shes the newest salaried worker there, so no, she shouldnt be getting extra pay for it)

>> No.14314106

Brad is racist af fuck

>> No.14314124

Go away, Tammie

>> No.14314142

I appreciate that but I'm still not watching millennial retards gossip

>> No.14314154

This is what makes me laugh at the whole situation. They’re salaried employees. Part of their job is being on videos, especially now that they’re working at home. The employees that pull more views/have been there from years obviously have better contracts and make more.

The longer you work at BA, and the more popular you are, the more you make. People like Rick, Priya, Hawa, etc... simply don’t pull as many views. So they get paid less and have shittier contracts. It seems pretty simple to me.

Sohla was the first BIPOC employee to take off in terms of popularity. She signed a shitty contract for a low level job. I’m sure her plan was to rise through the ranks. In less than a year she got a $10k raise (and was offered an additional $20k when this all blew up, but she refused it) and had her own show in the works. She very obviously would have been able to get a better contract given a little bit of time. Instead, this whole meltdown happened.

It just seems insulting to the members that have put in years and worked to build their careers/popularity there.

>> No.14314191

People keep making this point like it’s at all relevant. Guess what retard, they’re not actually selling food. BA sells entertainment. The food is just what the entertainment is centered around. If Solah brought in tons of views she’d probably get paid really well. But she doesn’t. She’s just a good cook, which by itself does not mean shit in the entertainment industry.

There are plenty of great singers, some amateurs are better than giant celeb but they don’t get paid the same. That’s because one draws a huge audience and makes tons of money for their label, the other doesn’t.

If Solah was good at being a content producer there is nothing stopping her From leaving BA and having her own channel on YT.

>> No.14314211

>BA sells entertainment.
That's exactly what people don't understand about BATK. It's like a kitchen soap opera that people watch for entertainment, and Sohla is not entertaining.

>> No.14314217

Sohla was making $50k when she started. Got $10k promotion after 8 months in the job. Recently got a new contract right after complaining of being underpaid.

$50k for a 9-5 job, where no special skills or degree is required...

>> No.14314226

what the fuck do you mean
that's comfy as fuck

>> No.14314227

To be fair that’s 50k in New York which is not the same as 50k elsewhere. But it’s not like she can’t leave if she feels like she has better options.

>> No.14314234

People miss this point a lot. The Test Kitchen has a lot of people with a culinary school degrees, sure. It does not have many experienced high-level professional chefs. Sohla was probably the best. But that’s utterly irrelevant.
Priya isn’t even really a cook. She’s a journalist they trot out to make her parents recipes.
Bon Appetit, at least the YouTube Channel, is entertainment first and foremost. Your pay in the Test Kitchen is based on your character and how many views you pull. Brad and Claire are popular, so they make a lot of money. They both had to renegotiate their contracts because they presumably were also making shit money at one point. Others make less. Brad’s entire career was honestly an extremely lucky break.
Sohla actually is pretty popular. She was probably on track to become one of BA’s better paid food editors, at a much faster rate than others. She publicly stated she was disgruntled that people she saw as less experienced than herself (that were white) made more than her, and saw that the social climate was in a good state for her to get on a soapbox and cry racism.

>> No.14314240

Her Husband, Ham, is a (presumably well paid) chef for a corporate fancy restaurant group. So it’s not like they’re struggling for cash.

>> No.14314241

>Sohla was the first BIPOC employee to take off in terms of popularity. She signed a shitty contract for a low level job. I’m sure her plan was to rise through the ranks. In less than a year she got a $10k raise (and was offered an additional $20k when this all blew up, but she refused it) and had her own show in the works. She very obviously would have been able to get a better contract given a little bit of time. Instead, this whole meltdown happened.

She started with a $50k contract + benefits. $50k for a 95 job that requires no special skill or degree... 99% of Manhattan will kill for that job.

>> No.14314266

It doesn't matter where you are. Your pay if based on what you provide (skills, talent, etc.). Location based pay is only relevant when you are trying to woo someone.

Are you going to demand a $100k starting contract for a blue collar job just because you live in NYC? LI, SI, Bronx, and Yonkers have very affordable housing and the job commute is just going to be 1-1.5hr at most (which pretty much every NYC resident does). Want to live in 10mins away from Freedom Tower, FIDI? Expect to shell out at lewast $5k for the convenience.

>> No.14314267

just want more brad kino

>> No.14314281

The fact Brad is getting harassed and eaten alive on social media is just depressing. People are genuinely mad that he “isn’t doing enough,” and there are insane people on Twitter trying to find dirt on him (and thankfully failing).

He’s never been political on his Instagram. He just posts pictures of wholesome things. He got bullied into making a few statements, and it’s just never enough.

God forbid a man with two young kids is trying to avoid completely destroying his career.

>> No.14314293

I liked her until she start crying racism. If it was valid I’d still be on her side but her complaints were ridiculous. Obviously incapable of taking responsibility for her self and thus a garbage human. I’d rather support someone who just does good work.

>> No.14314329

1. Chris
9999. everyone except Chris

>> No.14314331

I understand she can choose where she works if she wanted to work in the mid west she’d be living in a very comfortable life on 50k. But to say location doesn’t matter is wrong. Cost of living makes a difference and you get paid differently based on how expensive the area is to live in. That’s a fact and you can’t really argue with it. For proof please see and 1990’s African charity commercial where, “for a dollar a day...” you can buy lots of shit.

So you’re correct in the sense that she’s getting paid what she’s worth, but 50k simply doesn’t go as far in New York as it does elsewhere.

>> No.14314386

>But to say location doesn’t matter is wrong

Location doesn't matter to the employer (unless they are head hunting). It matters to the potential employee obviously because they want to make as much as they can. But this is irrelevant. Unless you bring a unique talent, skill, or even a fanbase (in entertainment industry), the employer dictates the salary. Period. Her job is basically a couple of steps above a job at a dinner.

My point is that it is ludicrous for her to be claiming she is underpaid while making $50k plus benefit as a salaried employee. She brings no unique skill whatsoever to be demanding anything above $60k. Even nurses and residents do not make $60k (or barely do in the case of some residents) while working 10-16 hours per day, even in NYC.

I'll agree that she should have been paid for the extra/cameos she made in some of the videos though.

>> No.14314469

For the record, I agree with most of your points. That said, Sohla’s situation is just... odd. And largely just stupid.

As a chef, Sohla definitely has a better resume than most in the Test Kitchen, including previous work at a Michelin Star place and operating her own (failed) restaurant. Her culinary skills are notably better than many at BA.

But her job at BA is not being a chef at a fine dining establishment. It’s being a food editor and an entertainer. She’s meant to write recipes, and make appearances in the Test Kitchen. That’s her salaried work.

Additionally, she knowingly signed up for what is essentially an entry level position. An “overqualified” individual doesn’t get to do that and then cry foul because there are obviously others making more than her.

And the saddest aspect is that she was almost certainly on the road to making more in the future. She was popular and was going to get her own show. She could have then used that to negotiate for a better contract. She was probably going to do what took Andy three years to do in one.

Honestly even the issue of BIPOC individuals not making as much in appearances just doesn’t seem to make sense. Contracts at BA seem to be based on popularity and seniority. Someone like Hawa, who’s in been in all of like two videos that never got traction, has no right to demand the same pay as someone like Chris, who has more pull, more years working there, a higher positioned role, etc... Brad and Claire weren’t making great money before thy put in the time and effort to become the faces of the channel.

Sohla’s pride was hurt and she was impatient, and it was all her own fault. She was opportunistic about weaponizing the online mob against a racist boogeyman in BA. Others who were mad they weren’t popular simply piled on. That Tammie person on Twitter’s entire crusade is because she’s mad she doesn’t have Delany’s job.

>> No.14314474

The kitchen of a glorified dishwasher

>> No.14314811


>> No.14315717

To add on to this, for all the expertise Sohla brings to the table, it's honestly wasted at a place like BA, which brands itself primarily towards a very functional, basic-bitch type of home cook consumer base and the vast majority of their video content reflects as much. Gourmet Makes being a notable exception, but even then the whole premise speaks to the low-brow nature of the fans who prop that kind of stuff up.
On the other hand it's not hard to figure out Sohla's tastes are more goofy and lolsorandom, with borderline autistic foodie experiments; shit that wouldn't be out of place at a upscale eatery ran by some dipshit in a beanie, but would seem to clash ideologically as part of an entity that just recently balked at the idea of making cranberry sauce with sumac in it. it COULD work with a charismatic enough person at the helm but I'm not convinced yet I even want to watch this chick more than she's been utilized so far, let alone for 20+ minutes at a time as the main personality on camera

>> No.14315901

Pretty much, yeah. Bon Appetit, and Conde Nast in general, is geared towards middle class upwards white people interested in home-cooking. Wholesome Brad content aside, that is. An experienced chef not prepared to play the popularity long-game is out of place there. Especially when they're a try hard who decides they're better than their co-workers.

Sumacgate is real.

At the same time, that article recently published by BA that basically said cooking outside your culture = cultural appropriation upsets me. They scream that if you aren't xyz race, you need to at least give a nod towards the traditional method of the dish and should still be ashamed anyways.

But then they ignore Sohla turning Carbonara into a mutant dessert.

>> No.14315936

It pays to be brown desu.

>> No.14315950

He's always been a Vinny impersonator fop. Good riddance.

>> No.14315966

I jerk on to race-baiting goblinoids. My opinion is as valid as yours and I disagree.

>> No.14315973

>watching a grown ass gay/straight man eat food like a toddler
>can't into cheese
you do you

>> No.14316010

That was the point of that episode. Her job was to get experimental. Her mistakes have been away from the camera, not behind a range.

>> No.14316025

Just because you have an MBA and you take up a job as a waiter, doesn't mean you get to be paid like the manager. Sohla took an entry level job that was beneath her and got an entry level pay. She got a $10k raise after being there less than a year. After her screeching, she was offered another $20k and refused it for being insulting.

>> No.14316037

It's called leverage. Welcome to 2020. Enjoy your few extra bucks an hour because you negotiate an interview well. Sohla will be taking notes from 6 figures.

>> No.14316044

oh man even her dog looks like her

>> No.14316048
File: 619 KB, 600x900, chocolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She deserves 1 million dollars a year for tempering chocolate.

>> No.14316056

Imagine getting fucked by Brad on that counter

>> No.14316059

Imagine making sourdough afterwards.

>> No.14316063

imagine picking one of his beard hairs out of it

>> No.14316064

Seriously, if she was so overqualified why wasn't she running her own establishme- oh wait!

>> No.14316069

Who the fuck cares she was a stupid ugly personality black hole where the only thing that matters is how likable you are

She's a retarded nigger and I'm glad she's never getting another job.

>> No.14316071

Her current salary: $0.00l

>> No.14316090

Conde nast is going to bend the knee because it's great pr. They'll probably make money by giving her a huge raise.

>> No.14316100

I wonder how long they have to keep her on payroll until she gets let go. Or maybe she'll just scream racism again and ragequit like she did with SE. Man, Kenji must be so thankful that she left.

>> No.14316115

Yeah trying to survive as a small business is a world apart from being a global media conglomerate. Anytime you can avoid mistakes or legal battles is a bonus.

>> No.14316128

>article recently published by BA that basically said cooking outside your culture = cultural appropriation
>a professional food and cooking-based publication literally trying to discourage its viewership from cooking
you've got to be shitting me
Cause god forbid the average american might try to learn a new weeknight noodle dish after a long day's work without the prerequisite grorious nippon heritage guiding their hands
Like what exactly are they even proposing, hiring a new food editor for each country/region?
btw, assuming the podcast hasn't been proper scrubbed off the face of the earth by now, the episode which addressed this is a real trip. They're talking as if it was really going to save Brad from a serious reprimand. But I guess as a business they're just that dedicated to not challenge the middle-aged housewives out there, not even with an ingredient that's probably carried at most walmarts

>> No.14316139

Can you find that podcast and load it to drive or link it? I'd like to hear where this rabbit hole leads.

>> No.14316143

that's kind of the rub though isn't it. call it "experimental" when it's white people food but "appropriation" when it's anything else

>> No.14316155

I'd give a more exact timestamp but you can find it somewhere in that first segment

>> No.14316245

Listening now. I wrote all that off as Andy being a queen from the video.

All BA shows could use a lot more objectivity. They should be testing recipes on unsuspecting people and let the results speak for themselves.

>> No.14316280

I'm confused.
>Carla and Molly dump MSG all over their gravy
red carpets
>Sumac to zest the cran sauce
shut it down, fire brad

>> No.14316420

See I would agree if the boss himself wasn't there to take his side. KISS seems to be the general rule in the test kitchen which is reasonable coming from a mass market publication but in this case comes off like an overreaction
Don't forget the special hybrid squash when a plain butternut would surely have done the job just fine...yeah they can be weirdly inconsistent like that

>> No.14316734
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this whole cultural moment scares me bros
i'm far from a /pol/ user, but the social media furor around all of this is something ele
it seems like these people are legitimately trying to destroy anyone that isn't 100% espousing their beliefs like a script or that they have any kind of personal grievances, amplifying their own petty grievances through a twitter mob that will jump on any bandwagon to appear "on the right side of history"
at this point, being white is practically some Original Sin-type shit, every white person is to blame and needs to be torn down and replaced by some BIPOCXYZLMAO
i mean, underpaying your staff is indefensibly shitty, but losing your job over twitter jokes from the better part of a decade ago, or critical comments about POC individuals (as in, criticism of the people who happen to be non-white, not anything at all to do with their race) in an interview is fucked
is this going to be the new normal? i only hope peoples attention wanes but this is seriously fucking up lives

>> No.14316784

That Tammie person seems intent on digging up dirt on all the BA staff - is this how she thinks she'll get their jobs?

>> No.14317326

But Brad's show is pretty left field in of itself. How many average people are fermenting their own food? I didn't realize BA was "dumb it down for whitey,"

>> No.14317764

in NYC though. that's like less than minimum wage compared to the standard of living. you can literally be waiting tables for less hours and be raking in more.

>> No.14317792

flip the two around desu

>> No.14317816

People who are bullying him are based

>> No.14318409

Brad is pretty based. Lives in the world of liberals and sjws yet is always called upon for tips on building/construction. Knows how to fish, hunt, shoot, and is into home canning and farming.

>> No.14318548

I see what you're getting at but honestly I'd wager there's more than you might think, especially with shows like this and that pro home cooks faggot demystifying the process. Sure, nobody but enthusiasts would want to try something like a homebrew since the equipment and sanitation demands but with something like a sourdough or a jar of pickles the key thing is just letting them sit out for a few days. That's significantly less of a commitment in terms of time, space and effort compared to say tending a garden
also, anecdotally ever since the "secret" got out that you can use kombucha to make your own scoby it's become almost impossible to find just a plain bottle of the stuff. in that sense, it comes off like the industry itself is adjusting to a growing number of home fermenters

>> No.14318912

Plain or not, just look for a bottle that's been in the store too long and is developing the scoby sediment. 2 cycles of tea later you're in business.

There are several shows really blowing the lid off of cooking. The knowledge base is there for the watching. To turn the corner and become a pro would just take a die hard clean workflow and some marketing savvy.

BA isn't good enough that they should be providing common core cooking. Even screw their faux community. Staff can dislike each other as long as they manage to functionally coexist.

>> No.14319006

>Every single person at BA votes for Brad as the best person to get stranded on an island with because of his variety of skills as a renaissance man
>Brad picks Andy because he's short and Brad would get tired of bending down to pick things up

>> No.14319262

one of the bbqpocx complaints was that the word from management was simple accessible videos for clicks because the video head got bonuses for view quotas, hence all the pasta recipes
it's alive was a prototype and its own thing sold on personality/novelty, any of the actual recipes were intended to be accessible

>> No.14319320

His videos got me interested in sauerkraut, kvass and pickled onions, but I couldn't use them for actual information because of the style, so I had to watch other videos with a more straight-forward approach, so what you said made perfect sense for me.