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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14297744 No.14297744 [Reply] [Original]

Who makes the best butter, and why is it kerrygold?

>> No.14297751

all butter taste the same

>> No.14297755

It doesn't, but I'm fucking sick of these Kerrygold shills. It's really not that special.

>> No.14297757

I'm sorry but I can't agree with that, if you take Walmart store brand great value butter, let it soften and put it on a cracker next to a cracker with kerrygold butter on it, I will be able to tell the difference every time.

>> No.14297784

Butter is just milk fat, bro.

There is literally no difference and I would challenge you to a blind taste test to prove my point if I could.

>> No.14297791



>> No.14297799

I understand that it's the best thing you've ever had, but you're lack of experience doesn't make Kerrygold the best thing ever.

>> No.14297804

It is in America. Yanks use chemical flavoured butter product. This is the best thing available there.

>> No.14297809

This guy is 100% correct. Unless you are friends with Amish or Mennonite people who make fresh butter and sell it kerrygold is the best you can buy at the store.

>> No.14297811

Stop conflating "America" with the people who only shop at Walmart.

>> No.14297813


whats better thats also easily available

>> No.14297816

I am the OP, and I honestly try not to shop at Walmart if I can possibly avoid it. I mostly shop at Costco or Aldi. sometimes I drive over to the next town because they have a food Lion and I really like that store.

>> No.14297876

>Kerrygold is just midmarket butter in the UK
>Americans rave over it

>> No.14297879

If you know of a better brand that I could look for I would appreciate knowing the name of it.

>> No.14297881
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>this thread every week

>> No.14297882

also there is an Amish market that I know of that sells homemade cheeses and butter but it's a seven-hour drive. We also have the pottery down in Williamsburg Virginia but that's a four hour drive.

>> No.14297886

I didn't know that I just started posting in this forum recently. I used to stick to the more edgelord areas of 4chan. But I've gotten older and I just don't feel like arguing.

>> No.14297891
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pic related best butter.
Real grass fed pasture raised a2-a2 dairy from a carefully selected heritage cow. Not only is it grass fed on pasture, but the pasture is high quality too.

>> No.14297894
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Norman butter and Breton butter are my go to.

Haven’t tried enough butters

>> No.14297919
File: 82 KB, 598x562, grass fed vs 'grass fed'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the butter i posted earlier next to kerrygold.

>> No.14297920

Is there a brand name or is it just something that's handmade at a local farm or market?.

>> No.14297922

Man that looks really good!!!

>> No.14297930
File: 41 KB, 293x244, butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a butter that is produced locally to me
idk if u will be able to get it in america

>> No.14297931

Seriously I'm OP. the butter on the left looks more like cheddar cheese than butter to me I've never seen anything that dark. I would love to try some

>> No.14297935


You're a legitimate retard if you actually believe this.

>> No.14297939
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I've never seen that Brian but I'm sure it's fantastic. I'm stuck in the central east coast of America in the state of Virginia and my options are kind of limited when it comes to Quality locally-produced things. we do have this hot sauce that replace makes near me and they have a website you can order from and try if you want. Picture related just look for the Apple house in Linden Virginia online.

>> No.14297944

Now let's be fair he is somewhat right I'm sure he's talking about margarine. Have you ever had ketchup that was made in Australia? I got to try some once and you can actually taste the tomato in it it's nothing like Heinz.

>> No.14297948


>> No.14297949

That's not kerrygold, that green packaging looks like the Aldi knock-off.

>> No.14297953

>I'm stuck in the central east coast of America in the state of Virginia and my options are kind of limited when it comes to Quality locally-produced things
Bullshit, I live in northern virginia and there is an abundance of local farm butters available if I want to pay for it.

Hell it's even cheaper than kerrygold. Kerrgold is ~$8.50-9/lbs near me, I can get farm butter for ~$6-8/lbs

>> No.14297957
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You can't get this at a supermarket. This is a butter that can only come from taking good care of livestock and use that livestock to take good care of the land. It's butter like this which is why I fled the city and took up homesteading. No dairy animals yet, as I have just started (got ducks though), but I am getting in contact with more and more local farmers and I have gotten the best eggs I have ever eaten!
This is also from raw cream. I have made butter from raw cream before but it wasn't summer milk so it wasn't this dark. It was darker and more flavorful than supermarket butter though.

Cant wait to get some cows though!

>> No.14297959

kerrygold is fine but it's not worth the price of import because you can get much better quality local butter for less

>> No.14297961


>> No.14297966

I'm close to Winchester and we don't like your uppity DC attitude over there.

>> No.14297972

That looks really good my grandfather had a hobby farm and we raised Rhode island red chickens mostly on table scraps but some feed corn and of course oyster shell calcium. There's a couple people around here that sell eggs for $2 a dozen and that's where I go I'd never buy eggs from the grocery store.

>> No.14297985
File: 288 KB, 1252x561, 2020-06-24 11_27_43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're a fucking moron, south mountain creamery is ~40 miles from you just west of Fredrick MD.
Though because of coronavirus they're much more limited stock the last 3 months.

>> No.14298062
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The eggs I get are from a mix of birds. I saw easter eggers, Rhode islands, longhorns, buff orpingtons, plymouth rock, australorps, and many others. They had gorgeous shiny feathers and hung out with stunning roosters, going wherever they pleased. The eggs were of many sizes, implying that some of these eggs come from a variety of ages. Which I think is great, the eggs from older birds are much bigger.

I paid 2.50 a dozen but frequently will get a couple dozen for free since I buy in bulk (usually buying her entire stock), have familial connections, and always return the cartons.

>> No.14298064
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leghorn, not longhorn, whoops!

>> No.14298093

I make my own

>> No.14298106
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It doesn't get much more edgelord than /ck/ faggot

>> No.14298139

Only americans would think kerrygold butter is high-tier.
its fucking bottom of the barrel, barely acceptable to eat.

>> No.14298150

>its fucking bottom of the barrel, barely acceptable to eat.
even in europe, it's better than most grocery store butter. Though it's not like in the US, where it'll be the best butter available for a lot of americans.

>> No.14298196

sounds like you love the taste of sperm OP

>> No.14298233

here in europe even basic supermarket butter is superior to kerrygold.
Might as well eat margarine.

>> No.14298240

>soybean oil
>high fructose cornsyrup

>> No.14298249

Pure fantasy.

I know you have a hate boner for kerrygold because it gets shilled here. But come on, you're an ACTUAL retard if you think the store brand butter for €1.80 is better than kerrygold.

Yes, there IS much better butter available more easily in europe compared to the US, that doesn't make Kerrygold shit tier and you look like an idiot what you say that because anyone who has lived in europe for even a short period of time knows you're full of shit.

>> No.14298253

>it doesn't contain either of those ingredients
Both EU and US are pretty strict on listing ingredients, unless you think Kerrygold is paying off both US and EU authorities to look the other way.

>> No.14298272

I tried to stay the hell out of Maryland because those people can't even figure out how to drive. Asian women are literally better drivers than Maryland people.

>> No.14298273

They deliver and also offer local farm meats, cheeses, vegetables and fruit, etc.

They have good ice cream too.

>> No.14298274

That's good of you man we always give the cartons back too.

>> No.14298284

That's interesting to know as long as I don't actually have to physically go to Maryland that's cool. The only place I really like to go to in Maryland honestly is the paw paw tunnel

>> No.14298287

kek, you must live in poland or some other 3rd world shithole where kerrygold is a luxury item.

>> No.14298297

You think there are investigators infiltrating their factory looking for ingredients, thats bizarre.

>> No.14298328

"Is Kerrygold butter made with milk from grass-fed cows? A new lawsuit filed in California claims the beloved Irish butter brand is misleading consumers into thinking their cows are fed an exclusive grass diet when they also eat grains and soy."

And its over.

>> No.14298337

Im not arguing what the cows eat, i'm saying they're not adding soy and HFCS into the butter during processing.

>> No.14298342

Even in the UK and France, Kerrygold is above average, better than the store brand.

I also love that you're likely the same cuck from the previous butter thread that refused to give the name of a single brand of butter that you considered to be better than kerrygold.

>> No.14298370

"In July of 2018, a class action lawsuit was filed against Kerrygold for label fraud because their cows are fed soy, corn and genetically modified grains instead of grass."

What do you think happens when theres soy and GMO corn in the raw material used to make the butter?
Heres a hint, it goes in the fucking butter.

>> No.14298373

How much does Kerrygold pay their online shillers?

>> No.14298375

Lmao, cream from cows that ate grain and soy is NOT the same as soybean oil and HFCS being in the butter.

Are you an ACTUAL retard?

>> No.14298383

Test samples showed soy and corn IN THE BUTTER

>> No.14298385

How come you still can't name a single brand of butter that YOU personally consider better than kerrygold?

>> No.14298387

I told you last time, Real european butter®

>> No.14298389

Yes, i'm not arguing with you on that.

I agree, what a cow eats will be represented in the cream/milk.

That doesn't mean they use soybean oil and HFCS.

>> No.14298477

I didn't mean to start a war here. kerrygold is just honestly the best butter I've ever had and I was wondering if there were other options that were even better. I have since received that information so I don't understand why you guys are going to sit here and argue about semantics

>> No.14298482


European here, Kerrygold is honestly pretty good. I don't know if it's the same quality in America but if it is then it's absolutely fine butter. Of course you can get better, and much better, but you can certainly get much worse.

>> No.14298488

Even in the US, you can get better. It's just readily available at most stores and is a step above the store-brand and similar shit butters.

Amish butter, local farm butter, some imported french butters, etc will be better.

And yes, kerrygold is identical in the US and Europe, at least the US and the UK, i haven't been to the rest of europe.

>> No.14298495

Not true. My grocery store sells several local cultured butters and one brand from Vermont. And that's in addition to the Amish roll butter and imported european stuff.

>> No.14298497

I've never been to Europe, poorfag it's all I can do to afford good butter

>> No.14298541
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Oh, in that case don't worry anon

>> No.14298646

I try not to, there's no sense giving myself a heart attack about words on the internet. I'd rather have a heart attack from eating too much good butter.

>> No.14298703

It's just the easiest "real" butter you can find in the US. You can get European "style" butter, but it's from American cows and probably not as good.

Only yuppity places are going to have expensive $6 a stick grass fed butter.

>> No.14298888

I've been to whole foods and even their best butter is kerrygold.

>> No.14298894

Holy Hitler quads Batman. OP here. I mean seriously I'm starting to think I should just get some unpasteurized buttermilk and a baby food jar and make my own as I need it

>> No.14298902

or maybe I could put it in a gallon paint bucket and take it to Lowe's and just make the people in the paint department shake It For me in their paint shaker...

>> No.14298907

Paint Shaker go brrrrrrr

>> No.14298983

You can get Amish butter in my area, but the only other good butters are organics. It's very difficult to get good real butter in the US, pretty much only in expensive places, or very dairy focused places like Vermont or Wisconsin.

>> No.14299003

That's what I was trying to say. Luckily for me another anonymous person told me about that place up in Maryland that delivers and I'm seriously going to place an order with those people and see if it's better. I will post results

>> No.14299813

hitler was one of the coolest whites because he directly led to the extermination of 80 million of them

>> No.14300022
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>I'm sure he's talking about margarine

That's a completely different fucking product though. One that is exclusively consumed by boomers who never got the memo that animal fats are actually the healthy ones and your physician thirty years ago was a retard.

I'm just really starting to get annoyed with all of these seriously obsessed euros. Their little brother complex is fucking insane.

>> No.14300462

Right its better

>> No.14300663

>imported vs not-imported

>> No.14300667

What makes it special? I'm a Land o Lakes lad.

>> No.14300888
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I got this at Costco a couple months ago. It's pretty good.

>> No.14300992

Higher butterfat content, creamier and better taste on the end.

>> No.14301002

what a fucking pleb

>> No.14301060

How many DMVfags are on this board?

>> No.14301076

Because it’s fucking gold, duh.

>> No.14301123

Eyy that looks really good.

>> No.14301130

If you're talking about DC metro Virginia apparently a lot. I'm OP