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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14297017 No.14297017 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think about this man?

>> No.14297034

Complete sociopathic faglord

>> No.14297038

comes off as a narcissistic whiny jew

>> No.14297146


I agree with both of these. I still watch him on occasion though.

>> No.14297162

He loves anal

>> No.14297257

I think I'm sick and tired of all the e-celeb shilling spam and can't wait for this endless summer to be over.

>> No.14297362

He makes nice stuff. Used to watch every video then heard him call his sons girlfriend bongslut and now I can't watch any of his stuff. Really cringe. The food looks good though and his setup is nice

>> No.14297420

a bit annoying, kid is a soyboy, but he makes nice food usually. def jelly of his setup.

>> No.14297428

everytime he makes anything between two buns he over fills it and it ends up being a mess, also Jewish

>> No.14297434

He seems like he's slightly retarded, but I can't really explain why

>> No.14297442

his backyard setup is, indeed, very nice

>> No.14297452

>then heard him call his sons girlfriend bongslut

>> No.14297463

seems like a pretty typical white guy of that age. everything came easy and now he fancies himself as some kind of genius. way too confident considering he doesn't seem to know much when it comes to technique, or at least doesn't display it. a lot of the recipes are over the top and borderline epic meal time/stoner food-ish.

with that being said I would eat it all. just dont find myself coming back to his vids.

>> No.14297470

He used to be some kind of TV chef which is how he made his money. Now he does Youtube, some TV stuff, and owns a restaurant.

>> No.14297478

dont remember asking about his background, but thanks I guess?

>> No.14297484

he just opened a new restaurant right before the pandemic KEK

>> No.14297490


oops wrong reply meant to click this one >>14297470

>> No.14297499

Do people actually believe this kind of reasoning IRL or is it all just ironic racebait

>> No.14297507

you're on 4chan. a site that shares its residents with /x/ and /pol/.

>> No.14297523

Jew but mostly ourjew, I have watched him very closely but he has never really strayed from being about cooking. I cannot recall when politics has ever come up, and “make america cook again” is actually redpilled in itself. All that being said, I do not trust him.

>> No.14297629

Trust him? To what, cook good food?

>> No.14297631

It was slutbong, and he only called her that BC he was reading comments online and someone called her that and he stuck with it. They're all stoners.

>> No.14297632

cringy jew

>> No.14297756

not baiting. segregation was still around when Sam was born. women mainly played a domestic role in society. education, housing, and general cost of living were cheap compared to today. it's no surprise a lot of guys like him did well for themselves.

my father is the same way and I don't hate him or anything. but it's funny to see him and his friends talk and a Christmas party or whatever. these types of guys really believe they are cream of the crop, hard workers, high intelligence, etc. In reality they are pretty average in all those areas but had a lot of opportunity and not many barriers.

>> No.14297779

is your father white?

>> No.14297824

yes as i pretty much said, but I guess not explicitly

>> No.14297826

he is based and redpilled

>> No.14297830

>he is based and redpilled
oh really? because I think he is cringe.

>> No.14297846

He's pretty cringe but his videos are fine as background noise. Like others have said though he seems really narcissistic and seems to be a bit of a cunt. He thinks he's hot shit because he is a minor local celebrity in San Diego. Jelly of his garden set up though.

>> No.14297852

I think he is one of the few "meme cooks" that is pretty good. his pickled onions recipe turned out well.

>> No.14297855

tru he is constantly mentioning his emmy wins

>> No.14297895
File: 41 KB, 540x720, 1538380698752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat is flavor guys, use fat!!!
>guy is skinny and his son is like a twig
how do they do it?

>> No.14297896

Jewish trickery

>> No.14297899

jewish metabolism

>> No.14297901

nigga puts mayo on everything

>> No.14297904

Or perhaps they really were pretty capable regardless of labor pool restrictions? Unless of course you're implicitly asserting that women and black people are innately more capable

>> No.14297909

>Unless of course you're implicitly asserting that women and black people are innately more capable
huh? just the opposite. I'm saying everyone is equally capable, but societal norms and restrictions held back certain types of people, while others had no barriers. it's fine if you disagree though.

>> No.14297927

I'm saying I don't see how it necessarily follows that the exclusion of women and black people from the labor pool implies that the white men who weren't excluded couldn't also be high quality workers

>> No.14297929

Unlike you the guy actually went to school, worked hard, got a good job and gave it all up to pursue his love for food. He took a huge risk and made it by starting out small and growing his cooking show because people enjoyed it.

Fuck off with your racebaiting sexist shit.

>> No.14297942

>I have no counter so I'll just reply with some cynical shitposting

>> No.14297952

of course it doesn't mean that all of the white men were low quality workers, but if you exclude others, obviously some lower quality folks are going to rise higher than they would if more competition existed.

>> No.14297956

a counter to what exactly? his biography? jesus lol. I don't even know why he responded to me.

>> No.14297967

Jewish asshole

>> No.14297990

>He used to be some kind of TV chef which is how he made his money
he made his money as a biotech/pharma exec. I doubt you make much being a local tv chef. probably makes more wwith youtube now than ever before though.

>> No.14298015

He won 15 emmys while a tv chef so idk man.

>> No.14298020

how the fuck do you win 15 emmys without a national show?

>> No.14298026

It turned into a national show anon.

>> No.14298061

what show? on what channel? i used to watch food network, cooking channel, and PBS cooking shows regularly until the last few years. never heard of the guy until I saw him on yotube.

>> No.14298075

Unironically the 2nd best cooking jewtuber

1. Weissmann (even with his cringe, the presentation of the food is unmatched)
2. Cooking jew
3. Smokin grillin wit ab
4. Babish

>> No.14298082

Neurotic, narcissistic soikike. Typical tribesman.

>> No.14298098
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lmao he won some regional "emmy" awards.

>> No.14298104

Discovery Health KEK

>> No.14298108

>But then, it grew to a regular half hour show. We won 15 Emmys and it became a national series on Discovery’s Health channel, at this time I also brought out my 3rd cook book.

>> No.14298112

>“…comments from a handful of industry ‘experts’, like “you don’t have a @#$%+ chance”, “you don’t know what you’re doing” and “get a better kitchen” – just pissed me off. ”

>> No.14298127

I see, so he had a show on Discovery Health. still, his Emmy awards do seem to be a regional thing >>14298098

its not like he was called up on the same stage where Bryan Cranston won best actor for Breaking Bad or whatever.

>> No.14298142

what exactly does a tv chef show even win an emmy for?

>> No.14298163

hes a jew acting like a human being, and someone with no culinary background acting like he knows how to cook. quite the double whammy, I think he deserves every award for his performances.

>> No.14298166

probably cooking

>> No.14298175

stop promoting this jewtube shit you sperm burping faggot

>> No.14298185

I think he's asking because the Emmy Awards we see on TV doesn't recognize cooking shows. it's all about actors, writing, directors, not any specific kind of show.

however there are the 'Daytime Emmys' which give out awards to cooking shows and other kinda shows. then even below that there's the fake ass emmys that Sam won.

>> No.14298304

why dont you call out all the antisemitic comments?

>> No.14298836

Go back to /pol/

>> No.14298857

White... lol I>

>> No.14298909

im confused. I thought /pol/ was antisemitic? has it done a 180?

>> No.14298981

I remember seeing him around a lot more when he still had shows on TV. He'd crop up all the time in local San Diego stuff, on morning news shows and the like. Good to hear he's still around.

>> No.14298990

Kinda can't stand him, but his Beef Stroganoff was one of the best things I've ever made.

>> No.14298997

>I cannot recall when politics has ever come up,
He's #Legalize, but so long as he can get his weed I don't think he gives a shit about politics.

>> No.14298998

He's ok. At least he's not a raging queer like Babish.

>> No.14299042

His videos are about 30% too long. He keeps talking about bullshit I think because he is under the impression that his personality is more interesting than it actually is

>> No.14299208

Makes beaners seethe with his superior carne asada recipe

>> No.14299223

It pisses me off how simple his recipes are, theyre like a hodgepodge of ingredients sometimes. Nothing he does tells me "wow, this guy can cook better than me".

>> No.14299229

They only eat good fat like Avocado,Cheese, Olive oil etc.

>> No.14299240

cooking is supposed to be simple retard. Kitchen sink recipes are usually expensive, salty and not worth the calories.

>> No.14299934

my dad talked to him in line at a kebab shop

>> No.14299944

half his videos are meme-tier food.
other half is super simple easy good eats.

enjoyable either way.

>> No.14300103
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Go home Max.

Your mom is a MILF btw.

>> No.14300281

does max hate his dad?

>> No.14300341

his body looks disgusting. fat head/face and skinny arms with a beer gut. You can also tell he's got a shitty narcissist's temper.

>> No.14300375

well hes 60 so I don't think he looks bad at all compared to most American 60 year olds. but yeah he def has a temper lol

>> No.14300382

He's ok, I liked his breakfast hash. First thing I made when I restored some old cast iron pans.

>> No.14300396

He looks like my dad but a bit older its weird. His videos are decent but he is way too long winded about inane shit

>> No.14301188

I don't like him much because he doesn't have a niche or any sort of pattern/theme to what he makes. He started off with sort of a "Easy food for stoners to make" and then got fancier over time.

>> No.14301246

but whats the point of watching a 10+ minute recipe if its really simple? when you could just read a recipe in literally <1 min. at that point it's really all about personality, and I don't think this guy is super appealing in that dept.

>> No.14301280
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and then he posted, "go to bed, Sam"

>> No.14301324

Insanely jealous of his backyard set-up, his videos are ok, at least his recipes seem palatable and practical compared to the other shit out there.

>> No.14301608

the estrogen is just bleeding off this post

>> No.14301718

Retards just call you /pol/ without even knowing which side of the argument you're even on. Don't think too hard about it.

>> No.14301866

This website is definitely overrepresented by semites

>> No.14302821

Good fats nerd.

>> No.14302834
File: 719 KB, 1140x700, tubefilter_sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is 60 years old and looks like he's in his 40s, just what.....how.....?

>> No.14302858

And you know this how? By your magical thoughts? Where you know every poster even though you have no way of knowing because we all are anonymous here.
Fucking schizo.

>> No.14302867

Dedicated fully equipped outside kitchen.

Already better than 99.9% of the population.

>> No.14302966

In that particular pic it's due to makeup and lighting but yeah he still manages to look alright for someone his age.

>> No.14304430

Obv dyes his hair tho

>> No.14304448

That's to be expected from someone like him but ehh I don't hate the guy, he's just a bit theatrical but that's his schtick.

>> No.14304684

well you don't need to be a cunt about it, he just gave you a bit more insight. You could've just disregarded his post but no, you had to react in a passive aggressive way.

And before you say it, no, i don't care that much, i just wanted to point that out so you don't embarass yourself IRL by doing the same thing

>> No.14305560

dyes his hair. cant imagine doing that as a man.

>> No.14305567

imagine calling someone out for "cynical shitposting" on 4chan

>> No.14305582

He suffers from using the same ingredients every video. Its always bacon, mayo, protein, avacado, etc. Luckily he has a somewhat nice personality so he gets by with basic stoner food recipes.

>> No.14305594

he's OK. I feel he alittle confused about what kind of show he wants to run. He is capable of making great food and showcases some interesting techniques sometimes. His personality switches from clever quipping new york jew chef to sophisticated redneck. He cooks really nice things next to cooking prison food. It's weird.

>> No.14306077

Fucking this. I watch people cook on youtube to better understand how to make stuff. Even fucking Babish and Josh Weissman have instructions you can somewhat follow and generally stick to the point. This dumbass will go off on a 15min tangent and wont explain shit.

>> No.14306388

>"The Best __________"
Honestly, I watch from time to time, but I hate when people do this. Best they've ever had, but "The Best" is such a subjective term when it comes to food.

>> No.14306523

I also don't know if it's BC of the pandemic, but I feel like his last....15 videos or so he's just kinda dialing it in. He's made sheet pan pizza twice in the last few months, same with breakfast burrito. I think it came to a front when he made a goddamn egregious Caesar. I guess it's too be expected when you're pumping out three vids a week which to be fair, is a lot more than the other content devs and he's consistently done so.

>> No.14306650

Videos take way too long and he doesn't bother to go into details. It's like watching an annoying neighbour cook and you're just sticking around for the end product.

>> No.14306779

Yeah he always says recipes are on his website. Spoiler alert: they're not

>> No.14308020

Portion control you dumb fatty

>> No.14308024

I saw a video where he made lemonade and it was just absurd, he had a young gay man filming him and making comments about the lemons (at one point the gay youngster referred to one lemon as "a loser") and the whole thing was just kinda blown out of proportion. It felt a bit like being a kid and being around a weird friend of your aunt that you don't really feel secure around.

>> No.14308030

Good food but he’s an annoying numale faggot. I can’t watch his videos for more than 30seconds. Backyard kitchen is unbelievably based

>> No.14308972

isnt he kinda the opposite of a numale?

>> No.14309007

To be fair they have to play the youtube game

>> No.14309704
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such an epic kitchen

>> No.14309786

Fast times at ridgemont high must have been produced by jews
we're supposed to believe this 15 year old piece of ass fucks damone and a 30 year old stereo salesman, but then she comes to her sense and realizes she should be with mark ratner, a meek jew with no confidence whatsoever

>> No.14309803

the blood of white babies

>> No.14309839

Met this crazy dude at Miami Foot Night in 2014 at the Mandarin, shared some witty banter as we noshed on some primo spring breaker tootsies

>> No.14309845

He was alright 18 months ago before he blew up