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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14292840 No.14292840 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, manager in California
>very successful restaurant
>40 people are laid off/fired the day of the shelter in place
>bust my ass with 2 cooks and our most senior server running the place for takeout
>sanitary as fuck: the systems are tight and everyone is dedicated
>outdoor garden seating opens Friday
>the owner, I shit you not, screams at me for "wasting time" by sanitizing tables and chairs between customers
>doesn't want to follow protocol
>hires back staff, but doesn't want them to sanitize properly
>on top of busting my ass for 3 months, now working 10 hours 6 days a week
>guess what, no other admin staff is left
>want to quit, but I have a family
Honestly I hope we spread covid and get shut down.
If I catch it, at least I can get 2 weeks off.

>> No.14292845


>> No.14292846

Imagine living in the US 'slave or die' of A

>> No.14292852

i think people just have to start quitting. a lot of people are in a similar situation. The hardest working tend to keep their jobs more often and they are being pushed to the brink. Everyone is afraid to quit. we will see what happens

>> No.14292855

Should have learned a skill instead of flipping burgers like a retard puppet of rich people who are fucking us over

>> No.14292860

The fucked up thing is: I could have just stopped that first day & collected unemployment all this time.
But I've been there for 20 years, and I give a shit. Gave a shit.
We just barely kept that place going, but we did it.

>> No.14292865

I would never do such a thing, but I fantasized last night about burning the place down.

>> No.14292871

Let's see you budget for a small business and run inventory and ordering and payroll and daily accounting and invoicing and manage 40 people.

>> No.14292886

Dude you shouldn't make threats like that jesus the FBI monitors you far right wing extremists and now you are done for because they will burn it down to set you up

>> No.14292896

I'm not political, and hey guess what MAYBE THEN I COULD GET SOME FUCKING TIME OFF

>> No.14292910

The owner sounds pretty based. Fuck the scamdemic.

>> No.14292918

The owner is a full on asshole who comes in for 2 hours to "run things"* and take all the credit.
*running things is using the tiny office for personal business and having lunch with friends

>> No.14292920

>>the owner, I shit you not, screams at me for "wasting time" by sanitizing tables and chairs between customers
He's actually correct. COVID can't survive on surfaces, it's a droplet transmission. If you're not breathing in infected droplets in the air then you're not catching it; a dry surface cannot be a vector of transmission. In addition, anti-bacterial sanitizer solutions do not kill viruses in the first place so it's doubly a waste of time.

>> No.14292924

he's a smart rich asshole while you are the poor fool being used

>> No.14292925

>>outdoor garden seating opens Friday
This isn't because it is safe to do so. It's just an arbitrarily timed rollout plan on a schedule. The bottom line is that immune compromised and at risk people should stay home and isolate completely from their families and their jobs, for like another year (or more), until there is a vaccine that works. It's not possible. They're not saying boo about the reality is that only the rich will be able to fully isolate and back out of the economy completely like that.

>>the owner, I shit you not, screams at me for "wasting time" by sanitizing tables and chairs between customers
>>doesn't want to follow protocol
That sucks, really. Is there not a busser on the tables who can prevent cross contamination between customers and also stay completely away from food prep and food delivery? Cleaning tables right now is almost like cleaning a bathroom. Think about it. And, your bathroom should be cleaned between people too. Someone should be wiping that doorknob to the restaurant each and every time it's used, as well.

A couple issues, you're running on limited profit right now, and it might even not be feasible to have the proper amount of staff and not change prices to cover the bottom line and/or go out of business (which may be sooner than you know). Owner may know how much longer they can. He also knows if one of you catches it, that contact tracers will smear him in the news when the customers caught it from you, so they want you to stay away from "cleaning" that can make you sick.
Your picture, ugh, guy isn't wearing gloves.

If you really have a conscience, you can call the state health department, whoever is running your little covid website, the county restaurant inspectors, either one, to come watch the production and catch you red-handed. Just one anonymous call and tip. In the meantime, if you're the manager, wtf stand your ground and say you have a conscience, and make sure you clean quickly.

>> No.14292931

Cool, except the state and county guidelines tell us to sanitize surfaces.
I would use a bleach solution, but the owner wants us to use an alcohol solution.

>> No.14292935

Covid absolutely can survive on surfaces for 3-5 days and sanitizer can kill it as long as it has a high alcohol content. Where are you getting your info? /x/?

>> No.14292936

The state and county are retarded and not keeping up with the science.

>> No.14292943

I was hired to work at one right before this happened and I feel like they won’t bother hiring me back when they reopen. Seems like most restaurants are trying to use the bare minimum amount of employees

>> No.14292944

Hahahahaha hahahahaha haha Haha wahahahah

>> No.14292950

We can't afford the busser.
Our restaurant is so small that I know all the finacials, and we got a PPP loan, but it's going fast.
Pic is just grabbed online.
The owner barely lets staff wear gloves outdoors, so I know it's not protective. He just buys the idea that it doesn't live on surfaces.

>> No.14292954

Ok, cool, I'll just listen to a dude on 4chan.

>> No.14292956

I shouldn't laugh I got forced out of my 20 year career as a cpa because 2+2 wasn't 4 anymore. Lost my house, career, wife and kids purpose in life. Been a NEET for 10 years now so that's your future

>> No.14292961

He's not rich and he can't figure out why. (because he spends more than we make)
His wife left him and his kids hate him, so he is miserable.
Meanwhile I have a happy and solid family and am saving bit by bit.
... you were saying?

>> No.14292963
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>the owner, I shit you not, screams at me for "wasting time" by sanitizing tables and chairs between customers
Don't you think Reddit is a better place for your these gay posts?
He didn't "yell" at you either.

>> No.14292965

2+2 is still 4 in this restaurant, thank god

>> No.14292974

top kek

>> No.14292975

This person is missing critical thinking skills to understand actual medical information. Discard this advice fully intended to be persuasive as proof to not use sanitizers nor clean surfaces. It isn't logical because the examples are all false.

>COVID can't survive on surfaces
It is easily known to last 3 days, and was found 3 weeks later on surfaces of a cruise ship, and even on non ideal surfaces like cardboard, still going strong.
>it's a droplet transmission. If you're not breathing in infected droplets in the air then you're not catching it;
Uhh, not exactly right. It is known to have a highly infectious droplet transmission, and aerosolized doesn't drop to the floor immediately, but rather lingers for a long time, even hours. And, it transmits far, at least 6 feet in the air, and likely as much as 15 feet. This is why goodbye movie theatres/stadiums and anything that isn't outside to allow that kind of distance, and increase cross-ventilation. It's also why people should have sick rooms they don't enter at home, but deliver cleaning solutions to the patient to do it themselves.
But, you can get infected from surfaces, same as any virus, and surely immediately after another person just touched there and then you ate with your hands after touching it.
And, a ton of cases where they can't account for the community spread that is undocumented and unknown as how they caught it.

>a dry surface cannot be a vector of transmission.
>In addition, anti-bacterial sanitizer solutions do not kill viruses in the first place so it's doubly a waste of time.
You clean well, like with surfactants and elbow grease, to prevent surfaces from being a better vector to hide and harbor bacteria and viruses, first of all. Then, you sanitize to kill what remains. Many ways to kill coronaviruses.
Depends on the specific virus cells. Does it permeate the cell walls or not. You clean for what you're trying to kill and follow instructions in that protocol.

>> No.14292980

>I would use a bleach solution, but the owner wants us to use an alcohol solution.
They both work as long as they are at the strength needed (not diluted too far), provided it is left to air dry long enough to actually kill. Bleach irritates lungs slightly more than alcohol.

>> No.14293012

What dilution do you reccomend?

>> No.14293026

Lmao shut up fag

>> No.14293037

covid isn't fucking real dumbass
stop wasting time

>> No.14293038
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>> No.14293045


>> No.14293133

>What dilution do you reccomend?
There are guidelines for concentration, application method and contact time for each and every disinfectant. Just check CDC guidelines. You will have to read labels to see what you're starting with, in order to know how to dilute it, and how long it needs to kill and do it's thing. It's very important to note that sanitizing is done after cleaning a nonporous surface. Dirty, aka oily, sticky, gummy, dirty surfaces not only can harbor bad germs and help them colonize and stay put, but they prevent penetration of the sanitizing products. You clean away germs and then just finish off what might remain with the sanitizing step.
Find your product here by copying off the label:

Further reading here for making your own and how to use it (and why):

>> No.14293150

Which restaurant OP? I want to visit

>> No.14293243


You sound like you're 28.

Look, you should give a shit about -your- job. If you bother to do something, do it well or not at all. That is not the same as giving a shit about the business. It's not -your- business, but it is -your- job. If that makes sense.

Also, and I hate to say this, you sound like too nice of a guy. I'm sure you're a bitchy little asshole and like to complain to people. That doesn't change the fact that inside, you're too nice. Tell them you're taking a vacation for the next month since they're fully staffed again. Do not -ask- them, -tell- them.

If they have a problem with it, ask them if they have someone already hired who will be ready to replace you in a month. Then take your vacation.

>> No.14293443

I'm 42 and I've been here 20 years.
Does that answer all of your points?

>> No.14293459

Just do your work and plan for a new job. In restaurant business it's a Russian roulette though unless you know the place very well and know people...

>> No.14293475

>2+2 wasn't 4 anymore
what does this mean anon?

>> No.14293556

Report back when you catch it.

>> No.14293593

Exactly why I'm here.
The devil you know...>>14293475

>> No.14293609


>> No.14293614

Your fault for going into the restaurant industry you dumb shit.

>> No.14293741

All that shit is basically automated you just plug numbers into a computer program.

>> No.14293771

Retarded millenial spotted
One reason I'm glad for this pandemic is we got rid of all you lazy clueless entitled fucks.
Just X & Z left at this restaurant, thank GOD!!!

>> No.14293800

OP you sound like an annoying faggot who wants to impose his will and is pissy no one cares. Guess what fuckass? If I saw you spraying down the tables with bleach I’m not fucking eating there you MRSA creating fucking







You and any person participating in this or intentionally trying to make it worse because of politics in either direction are unironically scum.

>> No.14293804

Based schizo

>> No.14293816

I bet the owner is one of those "pull urself by ur bootstraps hurr" boomers

>> No.14293817

Accountants are expected to cook the books and overlook fraud to keep their job, like this guy is expected to risk people's health to keep his job. Everything is corrupt as the decent people are forced out and the creeps who go along to get along are promoted

>> No.14293820

>remains sheltered in his mother's basement eating tendies

>> No.14293826

I knew a very successful chef, he was in multiple magazines for just how good he was as a head chef

then he opened his own place and drove it into the ground fast. he couldn't handle actually running the place, he's miserable and looks dead inside, actually making less than when he was a line cook

>> No.14293851

kek, I'm in the auto repair industry and my family owns multiple repair shops and auto related shit. You don't even know how fucked up it is.

>> No.14293856

>sprays Sysco trash with bleach

>> No.14293875

>I have a family
this is where you fucked up anon

>> No.14293885

How much do auto repair shops fuck people over generally? I always wondered, and I’m not good with car mechanical knowledge so I’ve definitely been fucked over before.

>> No.14293898

The cdc

>> No.14294044

>using ">" instead of "*" for actions

>> No.14294654
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Sure does. Here's pic related, I would suggest you read it.

>> No.14294668
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oh no no no no no no no

>> No.14294676

rat them out

>> No.14294681

Kill your family and yourself, there I fixed your problem
Bonus points if you kill your jewish boss

>> No.14294684

I told my boss I'd only come back if he paid me under the table so that I could stay on unemployment until this whole thing blows over. The cases are definitely going up where I am, but not quite to the point of having to shut down again.

>> No.14294733

quit my job 3 months ago. now i have a position warehouse position lined up. 10 hour days at 11EUR/hr. it's not much but it will pay the bills. just gotta make it until uni starts in november

>> No.14294735

>>the owner, I shit you not, screams at me for "wasting time" by sanitizing tables and chairs between customers
>>doesn't want to follow protocol
>>hires back staff, but doesn't want them to sanitize properly
he just wants to feel 'in charge'. maybe he was threatened by your leadership skills during shelter-in-place?

>> No.14294791

bro why its a restaurant, couldnt u be a manager anywhere else with 20 years of experience?

>> No.14294830

Most likely

>> No.14296207

>get laid off for a few months, get unemployment
>get paid more than i was making doing prep
>goign back to work feels bad man

>> No.14296220

>Please, exploit my labor value for far more than it's worth!
>I'm you little piggy master, oink oink

I hope you die behind the wheel, your anemic ribs crushed under an airbag. It would be better than your pathetic life of subservience.

>> No.14296245

yeah i need to find another job

>> No.14296256
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open the fucking restaurants this disease is a joke
op you are a huge pussy and i will fight you irl

>> No.14296280

I hope as many restaurants near you stay closed as possible just because you're an entitled little shitbaby and it's fun to see you cry. Also please stick a fork in an electrical socket and do both of your parents a favor.

>> No.14296287

i work in nyc eat my grundle

>> No.14296293

Collecting unemployment takes away from social security checks in the future. It's not advisable.

>> No.14296311

You realize millennials are coming up on 40 now right? Who are you even getting mad about at this point?

>> No.14296316

Bit by bit sounds like a cop out. Having 10k in the bank isn't something to be proud of at your age especially considering it's probably less than that.

>> No.14296326

Imagine giving a shit about your boss's business lmao. Do you let him fuck your wife too?

>> No.14296340

whatever you do, youre a straight fucking glorious mensch

>> No.14296347

>Collecting unemployment takes away from social security checks in the future. It's not advisable.
No it does not.
Unemployment is a STATE fund, a type of insurance fund, you pay into with each paycheck deduction. Your employer pays half of it, so they never really want you to file for it, and might fight the whole fired/let go kind of reason, if possible.

Social security is based on your bottom dollar earnings each year and what you pay into it, basically. While you collect unemployment it's that you aren't working, possibly what is confusing you. It's mostly based upon what you earned just before you started to collect social security (retirement, disability), like your last few quarters (8?). To keep your social security higher for when you collect from it later? Make a lot of money in your last earning periods, work year round.

>> No.14296359

this thing is trash.
there's a thousand ways to sleep in and a thousand ways to work your ass off and none of it matters.

you have capital or access to capital.
that is the only fucking that that matters.

>> No.14296367

bite a third rail then you dumb fuck


>> No.14296368

>No it does not.

Yes it does. Not officially but when people talk about social security running out before you get old it's because it pulls from unemployment funds. Learn the world instead of believing everything the government tells you.

>> No.14296374
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>everything opens up prematurely
>nobody follows containment guidelines
>cases per day are reaching all time high again
>397 million people still left to infect
>mfw when normalfaggots will have to go into actual heavy lockdown for a year because they whined too much about a half-assed two months

>> No.14296628

holy shit kill him at the first chance

>> No.14296660
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>be me
>work with 2 other cook, 6 days a week in a thai restaurant
>now have to wear a mask during heatwave working at a 3 wok station
I fkin hate this rona bs

>> No.14296673

>>the owner, I shit you not, screams at me for "wasting time" by sanitizing tables and chairs between customers

>But I've been there for 20 years, and I give a shit. Gave a shit.

has the manager been screaming and yelling at you for 20 years? take the hobopill. can i have some free food?

>> No.14296686

then social security has already run out if it pulls from unemployment

>> No.14296703


Don't be a fucking tool for someone else, nobody to blame BUT YOURSEEEEEEEEELFFFFF!!!!!!!!

>> No.14296716

>i could've been chilling at home with my wife in children enjoying 1600$ every two weeks for doing nothing
lmfao you are one dumb and cucked cunt

>> No.14296740

you act like we will ever get social security in out lifetimes

>> No.14296851

You go and accuse people of being naive with posting that BS? The ironing...

>> No.14297338
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There are too many third world double digit IQ "workers" to replace them. We're all disposable now.

>> No.14297884

>been there 20 years
Come on dawg.

>> No.14297973

If that's the only argument you have left you clearly don't understand what you're talking about. You shouldn't dispute something if you don't know about it, you can just not reply if you're unsure. You look ridiculous.

>> No.14297993

take your meds

>> No.14297997

It's silly to assume you will get nothing you just won't get as much as the boomers because you don't contribute as much plus federal taxes are the lowest they have ever been